New Sky Activity 2

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‘1 Complete the family member names. 1 sister 6 m___-r 2c--s 7 3ar 8 4 wf 9 5 hos-an 10 f_t_ Complete the sentences. 1 Your father's mother is your grandmother. Your mother's son is your Your father's sister is your .. Your uncle's son is your Your mother’s father is your .... 2 3 4 5 6 Your aunt's husband is your ‘2a Rearrange the words to make sentences. 1 doesn’t’ She my school. go to She, doesn't. 90. t0.tny. schoel, 2 You live Do Richmond? ‘in 3 G0 They ‘school: to my 4 does he Where live? 5 Garth go Upton Road School. to doesn’ Complete the text. Write the words in brackets in the Present simple. Josh 1 fives (live) in Manchester, He ? nnn: (go) to school from nine o'clock to half past three. After school he 2 (do) judo. He 4 (practise) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. At the weekend his parents 5 (take) him to judo competitions. He € wu. (be) very good and he usually (win). ‘12... . (want) to be a judo champion one day,’ he ° (say). His parents ©... .. (think) it's a good idea. Josh "., .. (work) hard at school and he 2 (love) his sport, too. We B .. (understand) his ambition.’ Complete the sentences. Use the negative form of the verbs in the box. ee (. drive live -play- speak walk watch } My brother 2esn'? play football. 1 2. Mr Parker a Ferrari, Bl 4 We television in the mornings. 5 Kate. here. 6 You... to school: Look at the text from Exercise 2b again. Write questions and answers about Josh. 1 Where/Josh/live? Where. does Josh live?. 2 Which sport/he/do? 3. When/he/practise? 4 Where/his parents/take him/at weekends? 5 What/he/want to be? 6 What/his parents/think? 3 ton Listen and complete the conversation with question forms. Adam: Hey! Watch out! Alice: Sorry! Adam: That's all right. Ben: + Alice? Alice: Yes, |'m fine. That's my brother, Ben. Adam: Adam. so Alice: No, | don't. | live in Wembley. Adam: Cool! We live in Wembley too! Alice: + potntetetenee Adam: Me and my sister, Tessa. She isn’t here. She goes to a dance class on Saturday morning, Alice: 5... Adam: Yes, she does. Alice: © Adam: Alice: horton Street. Ben! Come here! This is Adam. He lives in our street! ng ions 4) Read the information about Georgia. Complete the conversation with question forms. a _———— First name: = Georgia Lane ame: ‘nares 16 Haven Road, Ledminster % 3 Phot number: 01729 834116 | School Ledminster High Schoo! | Leaminster High 8 eee Receptionist: Georgia: It's Georgia. Receptionist: . Georgia: Lane. Receptionist: >. Georgia: I'm thirteen, Receptionist: Which school do you go to? Georgia: Receptionist: And 5....... telat Georgia: It’s 16 Haven Road, Ledminster, Receptionist: And & ie Georgia: 01729 83416. Receptionist: That's all. Thank you. Match verbs from A to words from B. ® i[F 1 have a) to music 2 2 cook b) a bike 7 3 listen ©) dinner q 4 do d) computer games “1 5 play e) your homework 5 6 ride ) a picnic é Look at the pictures and complete the crossword. Find the secret phrase. asfa[zl lle en) 2® Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb be. 1 My brother /sn't doing his homework ~ he's listening to music. 2 They aren't in the garden. .. .. they walking the dag? 31 ... wearing my favourite jeans. 4 We... 5. 6 David is meeting his friends in town. He .. .. watching a DVD ~ we're playing computer games. Carol driving her new car? cooking dinner. 1 Georgia/tie down a ing down, 2 Harvey and Katy/play tennis 3. Tom/read a magazine 4 Georgia/drink water 5 Harvey and Katy/play football 6 Tom/listen to his MP3 player 7 Georgia and Tom/eat ice creams Complete the paragraph. Use the Present simple or the Present continuous. It's half past seven on Wednesday evening and Jenny + /8.talking (talk) to Steven on the telephone. She always 2 (talk) to Steven in the evening, They are friends but they > .. (not go) to the same school. Jenny, Emma and Garth + (watch) a video, Emma usually © (do) her homework in the evening but she (have not got) any homework tonight. Steven's sister 7 listen) to music. She always listen) to Justin Timberlake. Put these adverbs of frequency into the correct order. usually sometimes often always: never 1 always nw nN 5 4" Complete the sentences. 1 Jenny # (read) New Girl on Wednesday. (always) 2 Steven . (be) late for school. (sometimes) 3 Garth ... (play) basketball on Monday evening. (usually) 4 EMMA wee .. (be) bored at school. (never) 5 Steven .. (cook) dinner for his brother and sister. (often) 6 Jenny ... (meet) friends in town on Saturday. (usually) OYOURWN = 3 and Ort anurnweno ® nastics ming ball nis by blading ling boarding Fe 2 Write sentences and questions with prefer. 1 | prefer swimming to volleyball (swimming ¥ volleyball x) Do they Ne. (rugby/football) We (basketball “ Do you motor racing X) (rollerblading/football) Does she (gymnastics/cycling) 6 They... (skateboarding 7 rugby X) 7 He.. (tennis / swimming x) love/ hate/ like 1 2 Choose the correct words. | play football every day. \fove/hate it. She hates play/playing volleyball. My dad never watches motor racing on TV. He likes/ doesn't like it. 4 Do you like swim/swimming? Cool! We've got rugby practice today. | love/don't like rugby. My brother, Harvey, doesn't like playing/play tennis but | love it. Sib Look at the chart. Complete the sentences. (play basketball) but he ... (swim) and she .. . (play volleyball) and she .. (play tennis) but she ... (skateboard) but she (play football) and he .. (cycle) and he .. 2 Georgia She 3 Katy... She ... 4 Harvey He. . (rollerblade). . (watch motor racing). .. (watch motor racing). (do gymnastics). . (play basketball). .. (Skateboard). DiS 4 Look at Exercise 3b again. Write questions and answers. ... (you/love/skateboarding?) (Georgia/like/play/volleyball?) .. (Katy/love/gymnastics?) (you/like/cycling?) (you/like/rollerblading?) Georgia: 6 You: .. (Georgia and Katy/like/motor racing?) .. (you/like/skateboarding?) (Tom and Harvey/like/play/basketball?) i. Read the text and answer the questions. 1 Which sport does Declan play? 2 Which sport does his brother play? .. Hil I'm Declan and I'm from Treland, These are two traditional sports from my country. si GAELIC FOOTBALL Gaelic football is a mixture of football, volleyball and rugby! There are 15 players in a team. They can run with the ball, then they kick it into the goal, or hit it with thelr hands. My brother plays in our town’s team. It's a fast and dangerous game, and the players don’t wear any helmets! Hove watching it! Gaelic football is also popular in Australia and the USA, and in other places where there are a lot of Irish people. i HURLING [ : I play in an under-14s hurling team. Hurling is similar to hockey and baseball. We use sticks called hurleys to hit a small ball, but we can hit it high in the air. We like playing energetic games in Ireland! There are 15 people in a hurling team, and the goals are similar to rugby goals. Hurling is an ancient game, It's 2000 years old! There is also a women’s version of the game called camogie. 2 Complete the chart. Tick (7) the correct column. Gaelic football _| Hurling Both sports The players use sticks. i ¢ There are 15 players in a team. You can kick the ball. It's a dangerous game. The players wear helmets. Camogie is a version of this game. The ball isn't large. @ | Jolalsye y= It's similar to rugby. If you don’t know how to spell a word, check it in a dictionary. Check the spelling of these words. Correct the mistakes. 1 baseball 4 baskitball 7 criket 2 volliball 5. skiing 8 tenis 3 cycling 6 ice skating Write about your favourite sport in your notebook. ‘yo}| Listen to the song. Put the verses in order. A Father: Where is Tom? Mother: He's still in bed! Father: Come on, Tom, get up, sleepy-head! Yom: — What's the rush? | hate getting up, | love sleeping, | just want to stay in bed! B Wake up, Tom ~ get up and get dressed, I's half past ten and you're still in bed. Come on, Tom ~ get up and get dressed, Don't stay in bed, sleepy-head, Sleepy-head, yeah, yeah, yeah. c I've got a friend called Tom McKay. We don't call him Tom, we call him ‘Sleepy-head’ He doesn't walk the dog, He doesn't ride his bike, he just stays in bed, D No skateboarding, no motor racing, No football, no cycling, no rollerblading. He gets up late, he has lunch at three, He doesn't meet his friends, he doesn’t even talk to me. Verse 1 Verse 2 Verse 3________ Verse 4 Go to page 94 to see the completed song. i Complete the conversation with the words in the box. out rush -Here- comes Sorry hurry hate doing ) Running Deer: [| Jane: watchs... APE YOU 2 ne stop. I'm ina¢ i, Jane. 3 .. » Running Deer? t can't RD: Tes | RD: Sorry, Tex. That's all right. What's the € my little Here she 7 You know 1& running! 1 Complete each sentence with the correct form of a verb from the box. pei (meet do -get_go_wear play watch have 1 On Saturday Sarah 2 She toast for breakfast. 3. Sarah and her mother sometimes ... before lunch. 4 She doesn't... 5 She always ... 6 She often .. 7 Sarah and her friends sometimes .. the evening. up at nine o'clock. .. tennis her homework. jeans. her friends in town for lunch. a DVD in 8 Sarah doesn't ...... . to bed early. Score___/7 * Complete the sentences and questions. Ar i 2 (Garth/live/in Bristol?) G B: 2 No, he doesn't. (x) He lives in Richmond. *- As? 7 (Where/he/go/to school?) \ B: He goes to Green Park School. 0 A: 4 . (Jenny/go/to Upton Road School?) wn (XY AL (Where/she/live?) ol B: She lives in Richmond. (Where/Steven and Emma/live?) Bs... (They/live/in Richmond) AY a (they/go/to Upton Road School?) B: © W) ® Write the Present simple or Present continuous of each verb. At the moment it’s half past ten on Sunday morning. My sister! walk) the dog. She 2 (walk) the dog every Sunday morning. My mum 3.. “ (read) a book in the garden. She always 4 sit) in the garden when the sun is shining. My dad * 7 a . (not sit) in the garden at the moment. He © (drive) to the sports centre. He often , (play) rugby with his friends on Sunday. And me? Is, (read) a magazine. | love doing nothing on Sunday. score /7 See a 4 Write the sports. © Choose the correct words to complete the interview. Interviewer: Sharon Shears, welcome to Young World. So, Sharon, ' are you / have a sister? 1 basketball... Sharon: Yes, | do. Her name's Jamie-Ann. Interviewer: 7 /s she / Does she a singer, too? Sharon: —_Yes, she is. She loves 3 sing / singing. Interviewer: + Do you / Does you like singing with her? Sharon: No, | § don't / doesn’t. Interviewer: © Do she / Does she have a boyfriend? Sharon: No, she doesn't. | hate ? talk / talking about my sister. Ask me a different question! Score__/6 © Choose the correct words. 1 A: Come on, | want to see the football match. B: You're mad to /{about}/ at football! 2 A: Does Sam like tennis? B: No, she doesn't. In / On / At fact she hates it. 3. AtHi,|'m Bev. B: Cool / Nice / Right to meet you, Bev. 4 AzHi, Paul. B: Hi, Pam. Sorry, | can’t rush / stop / hurry. 5 A: Where's Tom? B: Here he does / goes / comes. 6 Hi, George. How are you being / doing / going? | EE) ED FB Es BS ot | Score /5 f | n ToTAL_/40 : Brilliant! (30-40) | check your score tela lsc Score__/7 OK (10-19) 7 Look at the books and name the school subjects. 40% of 111 25% of 20 sca. people Piva atin, i : a Unit 15 BS vmmnrmnens —-“Bonjourt See yore revolut 1 | 6 a In 1851, the king of What's in his pocket/her backpack? Write the things. In his pocket 1 awallet. In her backpack 5. gozaoe m Complete the conversation with the words in the box. His yours Theirs Mise Hers ) What's your present? + Mine. is a diary. What's ? Mine is a scarf, What's Carla’s present? a . is a hairbrush, What about Henry's? 4 a calculator. What's Kenny and Karen's present? © sannmmenn 1S a backpack. There's one more present. Whose is that? That's for you and me. It’s © Choose the odd one out. Say whether it is fruit, meat, dairy food, a vegetable or a sweet thing. 1a) jam b) sugar ° @) biscuits 2 a} jam b) tomatoes c) beans d) potatoes 3 a) carrots b) milk c) potatoes d) tomatoes 4 a) cheese b) butter ©) cream —d) strawberries 5 a) sausages _b) steak ©) honey —d) ham 6 a) cream b) chicken c) yoghurt ~—d) cheese “> what's in the sandwiches? Write the words. Sandwich 2 Sandwich 3 a) .. a) .. by b) .. c) ©). dd)... d). ®) .. €) .. a/an and some i Write a, an or some in front of these foods. coffee 4. . bananas [y Complete the recipe with some, aoran. Chicken ice cream You need 2 s0mne, chicken, ? sausage, 3, egg, é tomatoes, § enna Salt, 6 honey, ? carrot and®. cream. Put everything in the blender and whizz for 9 0. minute ut it in the fridge for». day then give it to your dog. Don’? ear IT! It’s DISGUSTING! | Look at the pictures and write sentences. 1 Weve (welV) some cheese, 2 He (they/?) th (she/x) WA) (you/?) (they/x) (he/v) Listening ry 4 40s Listen and complete the conversation with food words. Tessa: Hi Alice. What are you doing? Alice: Hi, I'm making a' 1 sauce for the barbecue. Would you like a taste? Tessa: Yes, please! ... Yum! Adam: What have we got for the barbecue? some and Oh no! We Alice: We've got some 2. 3... “some 4 some 5 haven't got any Dad: Don't panic! We've got some Tae ae 5 Look at the picture. Complete the conversation. Katy: What have we got for our picnic this afternoon? 1 got.any chicken? Tom: And we > Katy: Great! « sausages? TOM? 5 vernon Katy: What about fruit? Tom: We and Katy: My favourite! | love them with ice cream. Tom: Well, we ® cream, but we Complete the crossword. i' Read the clues. Write = the places. rok pp..® sfria|r|rlo[n 1 watch a film BEE -CHIEEE Be ginema 2 buy ado © y a dog fw LL 3. buy food fe il iL ® : ey ee 7 4 buy a hamburger me) is i6 | a (Bus Tha 4 LI] ime tH TT | i 7 buy bread P | & send a postcard 5 Answer true (T) or false (F). 1 There aren't many cafés, & 2 There isn't much open space. 3 There are a lot of record shops. 4 There are a lot of fast-food places. 5 There aren't many bus stops. 6 There isn’t much litter. gna apart i 7 There are a lot of hotels. 2b Complete the sentences about Metropolis. Use the verb to be and a lot of or many. 1 There are @.let. of cafés. 2 There nnn record shops. 3 There. litter, 4 There. computer shops. 5 There... traffic. 6 There. book shops. T TROP cennen bus stops, 2€ Choose the correct words. 1 Isthere.. itter in your town? b) many 2 Ive got i homework tonight. a) much b) a lot of 3 There aren't .. shops round here. b) much a) many 4 Have you got friends in Richmond? a) much b) many 5 Is there .. » open space in the UK? a) much b) many 6 There are ... restaurants on the high street. a) alot of b) much ‘2c Complete the conversation with much, many or a lot of. Jenny: Emma: Jenny's dad: Emma: Steven: Jenny: Steven: Emma: Steven: Jenny: Steven: Emma: Steven: Jenny: There's? Yes, there's a football match in town. Everyone wants to park in town but there aren't. . car parks. Look, Here comes Steven. Hi, Steven! Hi, Jenny. Hi, Emma. Hi, Mr Parker. Sorry, I can't stop, I'm in a rush Where are you going? What's the rush? To the football match. There isn't Ba time. Where's Garth? He's at home. He's got « .. homework. Have you got » No, I haven't. Do you want to meet at the café after the match? Which café? There are © .. town, Café Kick. We can watch the football on TV. You're mad about football! homework? cafés in Reading "Y Match the holidays to the people. Al B Hello. I'm Carlos from Portugal. I like quiet, relaxing places with warm weather, good beaches and interesting food. Hollictay A: TRESCO Hello. I'm Vibeke from Denmark. I like quiet, beautiful places and T love walking. Holidiag B: DARTMOOR {Fresco is an stand 28 mils fom Cornwall spar ofa group of | islands called The Selly ls. tsa very small sland and there arent any cas People walk everywhere Thee aealot of beautiful white beaches, gardens a shop and two totels. But there aren many laces to stay onthe land. It. good ida to book your holiday in Tesco two yeas before you go there! | The food is very god, to. stor eat a lat of seafood, such as rab ad lobster. Ao of peopel Tesco becauseithasa sunny topical imate and beautiful flowers, but other people donk it because ts so quit | | [ Daroorsa atonal prkin evn. Ra very igh place, and | is verybeautifu ‘There ae prehistoric ruins on Dartmoor, butts very quiet and there arent many villages. There are some pubs and cafés, and you can abays find the famous Devon ‘rear tea People eat this inthe aftemoon A ceam tea is usually one or two scones (atype of ake) with jar and thick ceam anda cup of tea, Alot of people come ta Dartmoor because t's perfect if you ke walking and cimbing, but some people dot ie it because iis remote and wild. Also, it’s often wet and windy and there's alot ‘of snow inthe winter 2 Complete the chart for Tresco and Dartmoor. [Tesco "28 miles from Cornwall Darti 1 Location 2 There is/are 3. There isn't/aren't 4 Popular food 5 Good points 6 Bad points ‘moor Devon STUDY TIP! ‘A dictionary will tell you if a noun is countable or uncountable. '3 Use your dictionary. Are these words countable (C) or uncountable (U)? Cartoon Time: Wild West ¥ Complete the conversation with the words in the box. { panic Rave disgusting matter like doing recipe 1 shop 1€J 4 people 2 holiday 5 snow L 3 seafood |_] 6 scone |] oN 4 408 Listen to Emma and Garth and answer the questions. 1 Where is Garth's favourite holiday place? 2 Are there any beaches? 3 Are there any mountains? 4 Are there any lakes? 5 What is a popular food there? Writing © Complete the chart for your favourite | There isn't/ A popular food i A lot of people “love it because Some people don’t \ like it because ® Write in your notebook about your favourite holiday place. Running Deer: Hey, let's ' have a look | inside. Tex: Hello. Come in. Would you 2, a ‘Tex special milkshake’? L| Jane: Er, OK. Tex: Here's a good? ‘Eight-legs milkshake’ Jane: Hey, what are you with those insects? Tex: Don'ts What's the 7 Does it need more insects? ‘i Answer the questions. What's in the purse? keys and ~----~ What's in the backpack? nN ae anda What's in the lunch box? w anda Answer the questions. Ally: Whose folder is that? Brad: It's theirs Brad: Whose scarf is that? Ally: It’s . se Brad: Whose socks are these? Ally: They're .. Ally: Whose pens are they? nN wo x Cara and Dan: They're Cara: Whose sweets are they? Brad: They're Dan: Whose backpack is that? Ally: It's .. “ wa a 3 Complete the grid and find the secret food. ® ® ‘[eyeyele ps] e] oA ) 2 3 4 & 6 7 @ ® ox 8 4 8S The secret food is .. pS 4 Complete the conversation with some or any. ‘A: What do you want to eat tonight? B: How about strawberry and banana ice cream? : OK. Have we got ' S2% bananas? : Yes, we've got 2 . bananas. : And have we got 3 : No, we haven't, but we've got 4 milk. : What about sugar? Have we got 5 sugar? cream? Brae 2 B: Yes, we have. But we haven't got ca eggs. | A: That's OK ~ we don't need eggs. | think we've got everything. B: Oh no! We haven't Got ? «sss strawberries. Score__ /6 5 Put these places into the correct category. afé book shop -dnema fast-food place sports centre theatre swimming pool library eat 1 café watch/see read play sport Score__/6 & Complete the text with a fot of, \ much or many. ~ ¥ Garth: I'm from Los Angeles but | live in Richmond now. They are very different places. There is' 9. ‘open space In Richmond but there isn’t @.. open space in Los Angeles. in Los Angeles there is traffic but in Richmond there aren't 4 sa cars. In Los Angeles there are 5 fast food places. In Richmond there aren't © . fast-food places and there isn't *.. litter. But Los Angeles is great because it’s got a beach and Richmond has only got a river. | miss Los Angeles! Score___/6 Match words from A to B. @ ® 1 Ughl It’s a) for the sweets. 2 Lhope es disgusting! 3. Thanks ©) the matter? 4 Have ) panic. 5 Don't e) you're well. 6 What's f) a look. if] 2) BL) 4L 0 fel Score___/5. ToTAL__/40 Brilliantt (30-40) Good! (20-29) 0K (10-19) check your score Go to page 82 to see Puzzle Story 1. ce axe Professions ‘1a Find ten professions in the word snake. er~oauw ‘TD Look at the pictures. Write the professions. a avs € * ‘ Po i i, @ Hie \ \ a) pt A Dates merican? 2 Write the dates. 1844 gighteen forty-four, 1870 . 1900 1956 . 1988 . 2000. 2004..... Past simple: be 38 Write sentences with the Past simple of be. 1 Billie Holiday/singerfin the 1940s and 1950s./She/not British./She/American. Billie Holiak the 1940s, Grace Kelly/film star./She/born/1929, n Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers/ dancers./They/American. Michelangelo/artist./He/born/1475. 4s w Laurel and Hardy/not composers./They/ comedians and film stars. 31 Write questions and answers. + (Maria Callas/italian?) (x ~ Greek) pz Was Maria Callas Italian? 2. (Mozart/a composer?) (7) A B: z 3 (Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay/ scientists?) (x ~ explorers) A Ustening oN 4 ios} Listen and complete the conversation with the phrases in the box. Look! That's about the pop group, Abba. \ Know-all! | No, they weren't. They were a pop group | from Sweden. They're Dad's favourite group! [_ Yes, they were a famous group in the 1970s. Ben: W/he,was Marilyn Monroe? Was she a Alice: No, she wasn't. She was a famous film star! She was only thirty-six when she died. Ben: Alice: Don't be silly! It says her in 1926 and died in 1962." Ben: 3 "She was born Ber a Tessa: Were they a rock group? Ben: 5 How do you know so much about Abba? Ben: * Tessa: Alice: How sad is that! 4 (The Beatles/a pop group?) (7) 5 (Dickens/an inventor?) (x ~ writer) A: 6 (Columbus/italian?) (7) At Pe 5 Rearrange the sentences to make a conversation. 1 Oooo Katy: Katy: Katy: Katy: Tom: Tom: Tom: Tom: sonal information And who were they? A writer! Was he famous? Was he your grandfather, Tom? What was his name? Henry Dean. He was a writer. Yes, he was. They were his parents, George and Mary, They were born in 1900! No, he wasn’t. But his books were very good. 'f What is in each picture? Use the words in the box. experiment Sun planet moon -astrenaet space craft space module rock star Earth Months and dates 22 Complete this rhyme about months. re nice, like you. . are sunny and warm, is hot, there's sometimes a storm! and 90, . grey clouds come again, and ®D. . there's a lot of cold rain. Complete this chart. _1.0ctober 2000 Past 3a Complete the true stories with the verbs. stay complete travel land return In June 1963 a woman travelled into space for the first time in history. She was a Russian woman, Valentina Tereshkova. She 2 some experiments and she in space for three days. Her in Kazakhstan. She . to space. space craft 4 never 5... walk be stay complete plant In 1994 a woman walked to the South Pole for the first time. She 6 #98. Liv Arneson from the walk in 65 for eight hours every in her tent every Norway, She 7 days, She ® day and she ®... night. She ® South Pole. 3b Write questions for these answers. ” Space? he stayed in space for three days. he’ completed some experiments. B: It landed in Kazakhstan. B: She planted a flag at the South Pole. 3 Make sentences from the chart. lo 13. didn’t land on the moon, (and) 3. The astronauts in Apollo 12 .. (collect) 4 The astronauts in Apolfo 13 .. (collect) 5 The astronauts in Apollo 72 .. (walk) 6 The astronauts in Apotio 13 .. (walk) 7 Apollo t2 .. (return) 8 Apolio 13 .. (return) your purse ... Past simple: ivvequilar verbs 41a Write the past tense of these verbs #1 Find the past tense of these verbs in in the puzzle. What is the secret word? _the grid. v ~ 1 do tata take be (x2) | 2 go 7 [find have 3 buy T | see drop | 4 put 2 F | come get | | 5 steal 3 i 6 sit 4, i 5 | é ) r The secret word is 22 Look at the pictures. Write the sentences. 2X: (put/calculator in his lunch box) (not take/his keys with him) (steal/Steven's backpack) (not buy/any food) because he (not have/any money) (find/his backpack on the street) Steven .f He didn't take his keys with him 2 3 Someone 4 Steven (be/empty) (go/to bed very early) 20 Write questions and short answers. 1 Steven/put his calculator in his lunch box? 2 2. Steven/take his keys with him? 3 What/someone/steal/from Steven? 4 Why/Steven not buy/any sandwiches? 5 Where/Steven/find/his backpack? 6 When/Steven/go to bed? 2S in the past 3 Today is Tuesday 20% January. Write when Garth did these things. Use the time phrases in the box. ° a) ‘ind five more incorrect words and correct them. five on a planet very far away, I came to Earth last Thursday. My spaceship landed on a big tall tree, Everyone looked at me. | walked to the park and planted a flag, collected rocks in my space bag. Then a girl said ‘Hello’ to me, 56789 0H isd is 617 16 B= |19@9y 26 27 28 29 30 31 the day before yesterday last Saturday Her name was Janet and she was pretty! at the weekend ast month (Chorus) I really like your little planet (last week -yesterday- ———_{$=——=—=na)030$44<— And | like my new friend, Janet. J only came here on Thursday 1 (stay at home/Monday 19! January) | But now I want to stay. | We had a look at my pictures of space, We went to a fast food place, + We had burger, chips and chocolate 3 (find a mobile phone/Saturday 17 January) milkshake, 2 (have a pizza/Sunday 18!" January) It was really great. 4 (see two films/17!—18th January) We went to a beach ~ there weren't any cars, And we watched the moon and the stars. She said: ‘You're an alien but I like you.’ \ said: ‘I like you too." (chorus) 5 (buy some shoes/12t"18th January) 6 (go to the USA/December) Go to page 94 to see the completed song. e Reading ‘Ta Read the text and choose the correct word. 1 The first astronauts were men /animals. 2. Laika/Belka died in space. 3. Strelka was famous because she was calm /survived space travel. 4 In 1961 Kennedy / Khrushchev received a puppy as a present. In the 1960s American and Russian astronauts started to travel into space, but many animals visited space before this. Monkeys, dogs, mice _ and other small animals travelled in space crafts during the 1950s and helped scientists to understand how bodies reacted to space travel. Tt was difficult for animals to adapt to the conditions in space and unfortunately, like ~ Laika, the first dog in space, they didn’t survive. Scientists usually preferred female dogs for space travel because they were calm and easy to train. One famous astronaut dog was Strelka. She and Belka, another dog, were the first living animals to return to Earth alive after travelling into space. The Russians launched the dogs in the satellite Sputnik 5 with forty mice and two rats on August 19% 1960. They orbited the Earth eighteen times then landed safely in a capsule after one day in space. Later, six healthy puppies were born to Strelka, and the Russian Premier, Nikita Khrushchev, presented one of the puppies to President J.F. Kennedy’s daughter in 1961. When the puppy, Pushinka, arrived in the USA, the Americans insisted that she passed a security inspection. ‘They wanted to be sure that she wasn’t a spy dog! ‘1D Answer the questions. 1 What did scientists want to discover when 5_ How many times did Sputnik 5 travel they sent animals into space? around the Earth? 2 Why did the first animals die in space? 6 How long did Strelka and Belka stay in 3. What kind of dogs did scientists usually space? use? 7 Who was the new owner of one of Strelka's 4 Did Strelka and Belka travel into space puppies? alone? 8 Was Pushinka a Russian spy? WRITING TIP! We can use the linkers and or but to connect two in the box. parts of a sentence. | : Complete the conversation with the words Kew bet Brilliant much on silly ace ) Write sentences. Use and or but. 1. My sister loves rap music. | hate it. My sister loves rap music but I hate it ae 2. She's got blue eyes. She’s got fair hair. 3 We cycled to the park. We played football 4 Tea is a popular drink in England. | prefer coffee. Tex: There are over 100 kinds of |__S fish in this river. Oy Wall! aan 5 | invited Mark to a party. He didn’t want to come. Running Deer: You can look after the boat. 6 Dad cooked dinner. We all enjoyed it. Tex: Thank you very 2 suse! Running Deer! 7 "ve got a dog. | walk him every evening. 8 I tried to do the homework. It was too difficult. Read about Apollo 13. Write a paragraph 1g and or but. Jane: We've got lots of fish! ' Tex: 3 RD: Yes, it was 4 Jane: Hang © .. APOLLO 13 * blasted off: Kennedy Space Center! April 1970thres astronauts « planned to land on the moon + explosion in the space craft on third day passed around the moor/did't land © travelled back to Earth inthe craft's space module * not much water, food or oxygon/ astronauts stayed alive #1995; film about the voyago/Tom Hanks starred Little Star stole our boat. . She's only eight! Tex: Don't be? .. ‘I Add letters to complete the jobs. 1 dancer 2 rtast 3 ~xpl-rer 4 m-s—c.—n 5 c_mid__n 6 sc__nt_st Score___ /5. 2 One word is missing. Rewrite the date. 1 13/02/2001 the thirteenth February, two thousand and one ane 2 02/1960 the second of nineteen sixty 3 25/06/1999 twenty-fifth of June, nineteen ninety-nine 4 12/10/2005 the twelfth of October, two thousand five 5 31/05/1903 the thirty-first of May, nineteen three Score /4 2 Complete the conversation with was, wasn’t, were or weren't. Heather: Grandad, ' Were you a musician when you were young? Grandad: Yes, |. pop group. Heather: Cooll ¢.. Grandad: No, |»... Heather: 13 ina .. you the singer? .. Bill was the singer, you famous? Grandad: No, we 7... .. but we & good. Do you want to hear our record? Heather: Er, no thanks, Grandad. | prefer Busted. Score /7 4 Complete the crossword. Down 1 2 fol | | o!3 4 t n Bs 5 Across Score__/4 5 Make sentences and questions in the past from the prompts. (he/sing/in a pop group?) 2 (Armstrong and Aldrin/walk/ on the moon) (you/stay/in a nice hotel?) (not walk/to school) 7 (when/she/return/from New York?) 6 (we/plant/a tree in the garden) | Score__/S & Today Is Tuesday | 15% November, 2008. Write the words for these times/dates. 1 12 and 13th November last. weekend... | 2 14th November 3 7t-13th November 4 11.30 p.m., 14t" November 5 October 2008 6 2007 Score__/5 7 Complete the sentences. Use the phrases in the box and put the verbs into the Past simple. find a wallet have a pizza sit on an ice cream drop a bag bay anieccream 2 Helen .. 3 Ruth 4 Ben.. 5 ANN 8 Complete the conversation with words from the box. silly bet -aee Brilliant Hang Excuse me dropped A: Did you like the concert? B: Yes, | did. It was Ae B: Is it in your bag? A: No. 13 B: Don't be « on! Where's my wallet? someone stole it, cs + Is this your waflet? You 6 A: Oh yes. 7... a check your score Score /4 Score /6 ToTaL __/40 Brilliant! (30-40) Good! (20-29) OK (10-19) | ‘T@ Match the numbers to the words. 1 205 a) three million 2 847 b) twenty thousand five hundred 3 3,054 c) eight hundred and forty-seven 4 30,054 d) three hundred and five 5 20,500 e) two hundred and five 6 435,045 f) thirty thousand and fifty-four 7 3,000,000 g) three thousand and fifty-four. 8 305 h) four hundred and thirty-five thousand and forty-five ™ 20 60 2 6 eo eo ‘Ib write the numbers, 1 530 five hundred and thirty n 965 3 1,060 4 10,10 5 59,332 6 854,300. 7 2,000,000 .. 2 Write an adjective from the box under each picture. far long wide heavy high deep tal 2 Match the adjectives to their opposites in the box. 319 Complete the conversation with the words in the box. narrow quiet short small slow short low shallow -neae ign | 1 far 6 high 2 long 7 deep 3 wide 8 tall 4 fast 9 loud 5 heavy 10 big tions with How + adjective ‘3a Look at the pictures in Exercise 2a. Write questions for the answers. B: One metre sixty-eight centimetres. 2a B: Twenty metres. 3A Twenty-five centimetres. 4k B: Three thousand metres. B: Two metres. B: Five hundred miles. TA B: Thirty kilograms. (ec Emma: Where ' #2. your grandparents live, Garth? Garth: In San Francisco in California. Steven:How 2. .. is that from London? Jenny: It's about 5,000 miles. Garth: This is a photo of the swimming pool in my grandparents’ house. Emma: Cool! How long 3 onsen it? Garth: It's 10 metres long. Steven: And 4 Garth: © Jenny: Wow! It's really big. How &.. it? Ten metres? wide is it? about 3 metres wide. Garth: Don't be silly. It's 2 metres deep. Steven: 17 .. you can swim very well! | ee Animals ‘ll Match the animal names in the box to the pictures. — giraffe | kangaroo tion whale { crocodile fox hippopotamus | panda snail tiger Ese eee © ONO rc} st legs ‘TD Look at the pictures. Write the animal parts. Comparatives 2a Write sentences. 1 (a Ferrari/fast/a Fiat) A Ferrari is faster than a.Fiat, 2 (London/large/Rome) 3 (the café/noisy/the library) 4 (Gemma/oid/her sister) 5 (the book shop/smail/the supermarket) 6 (our school/big/your school) 2b Write about the animals. Use Superlatives comparatives and the adjectives in brackets. 5 Write sentences. 1. whale/big animal/in the world The whale is the biggest animal in the 2 Tokyo/large city/in Japan can run at SOKM/ tail = tmiond gy 3 giraffe/tall animal/in the world 4 cheetah/fast animal/in the world 5 the supermarket/busy shop/in our town Compa 4. Complete the conversation. Use comparatives and superlatives. Sie = ean run at 50k tall = 60em 10kg Georgia: Harvey, come and stand here. «Are you taller (you/tall) than me? Harvey: Yes, | am. But Tom 2. He's 1.60 m, Georgia: He 2... 4 sean .. (not/old)! Harvey: Katy. She’s only twelve. i (light) (tall) in our group. .. (tall), but he a tong Harvey: | know! You ©... (old) than © eo” all of us! Georgia: Who & .. (young) in the group? It’s more exciting ... Adjectives (2) Hobbies ‘] Match the words in the box to 2 Match the words in the box to the nictures, the pictures. model plane snowboarding \D Kg 3 important easy unusual -colfecting-coins train set ‘Q @ skydiving collecting stamps @ 3 collecting model cars boring dangerous expensive collecting coins | 3.9 Comparative and superlative of adjectives 3 Write the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives. 1 popular > Mere,pepuler the most pepular 2 dangerous >. 3 good > 4exciting 5 unusual —> 6 difficult = 7 bad > 8 interesting 36 & Look at the friends’ lists of favourite hobbies and sports. Write their sentences. | Harvey 1 Snowboarding - but expensive! 2n! Playing computer games ~ cool fi and quite exciting! 3 Collecting coins = | like money! it's great fun Katy 4 Playing cards - everyone plays cards! 208 Collecting coins — | love them é too but they're expensive! f 3 Collecting stamps - | love them!/ L J went to the zoo = Georgia 1 Skydiving = i's coo but dangerous! 2m Collecting stamps - they're beautifull 7 3” Playing computer games - they're #1! fun! Tom 4 Model cars - exciting but expensivel 24 Train sets ~ really good! 3:3 Model planes ~ cool but a bit IF difficult! .». (computer games/good/coins) .. (playing cards/popular/hobby) (skydiving/exciting/sport) - (mode! cars/interesting/model planes) .+ (nowboarding/expensive/collecting coins) - (skydiving/dangerous/collecting stamps) (snowboarding/expensive/hobby) » (model planes/difficult/model cars) 5 (os5 Listen to the song. Find four more extra words. went to the zoo, And | saw a-green crocodile. He looked into my eves, But that croc didn't smile. He said: ‘How are you, Lucy? Can | have your new shoes, please? Give them to me now, Lucy, Because you steal things from me. Yes, you steal things from me.’ A: | went to the zoo. B: What did you see and what did you do? A: I saw a crocodile He stole my shoes and he didn’t smile. B: But why did he do that? A: Because we're stealing his habitat. ‘Yes, we're stealing his habitat. We're stealing his habitat. See ert [returned the next day, And | saw a big brown bear. He took a big pair of scissors, And he cut off some of my hair. He said: 'How are you today, Lucy? Can | cut your hair off, please? {want to do this, Lucy, Because you cut down all our trees, Yes, you cut down all our trees!" A: | went to the zoo. B: What did you see and what did you do? A: | saw the big brown bear. He cut off some of my hair. B: Why did he-do that? A: Because we're cutting down his habitat A+B: Yes, we're cutting down his habitat. We're cutting down his habitat. Go to page 94 to see the completed song. ‘I Read the texts, \- & Im? (one m3 (one square metre) cubic metre) Everest in Nepal. It is about 9 kilometres high ~ 230 metres higher than the second-highest ==sseeQ mountain. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay esse = were the first people to climb it on May 29, 1953. The temperature at the top is about -36°C. a — in winter and the winds are very strong. : : bees ‘The largest volcano in the world is the Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii. Mauna Loa means ‘long mountain’ in Hawaiian. It is a very active volcano. ‘The last time it erupted was on March 25!, 1984. From the bottom to the top the volcano is about 19 kilometres high but only about 4 kilometres age of this is above the sea. E CRUTA a Te ee a @ The largest ocean in the world is the Pacific Ocean. “Taee=! it covers more than one-third of the globe — that's = over 166 million square kilometres. On March 30, B=} 2001, a man called Jim Shekdar became the first — person to row across the Pacific alone. He finished his journey after 274 days! The deepest part of the Pacific [= Ocean is the Marianas Trench. It's 12,000 metres deep. — 2 Complete the chart. "the highest mountain the largest volcano _ the largest ocean Mount Everest how high/large ‘an important date (STUDY TIP! ) cartoon Time: Wild West ‘A dictionary will tell you if a word is a noun, a verb or an adjective. Complete the conversation with the words in the box. 3 Use a dictionary to check if these words Se are nouns, verbs or adjectives in texts B and C. C It push famous who - or ) 1 active (text B) fective 2. erupt (text B) 3 cover (text C) 4 third (text C) 5 globe (text C) Listening Tex: Come on. Hurry | 4 Running Deer: OK, OK. Don't # Now walk to the door. oN 4 (ot) Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. 1 What is the longest river in the world? nN Where is it? How long is it? = . What is the second-longest river in the world? o B What happened on January 17th, 20047 a Wow! Guess °.. Writing 5 Look at the chart. Write about the coldest place in the world in your notebook. uy Jane: Anybody * .... RD: 5........... depends. Do you know Little Bill? : 1 artflio| The coldest place in the world ce | Antarctica how big 8 million miles: | | (winter), 4 million miles f | carmen _how cold an | December 14th, 1911: Roal f important | Amundsen became the first | date | person to walk to the | Tex: Little Bill? Wow! Yeah. Cool | | 8 cannes WhAL? | South Pole RD: Well, it's not him. It's his cousin, Tex: That's not very exciting. Y Write the answer In numbers, a) two thousand x ten = 29.900, b) one hundred ~ one = c) one thousand + one hundred = ) eight thousand x ten = e) a million + @ thousand = #) ten thousand and fifty — five thousand = Score /5 2% Find seven adjectives. RK LAW QOUlET EE PF T BLHAA AS TRL SMALL, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Score /6 ® Look at the picture. Write the questions. Two metres. 2m diving board am Eight metres. 4 Write the animals. 1 a cheetah 4an. 9 an. Score /4 ®@ RY ® M 5 Look at the pictures in Exercise 4 again. Make sentences with the words in brackets. 1 The cheetah is faster than the tiger. (Pictures 1 and 2 ~ fast) The whale is the biggest of all (Picture 3 ~ big) (Pictures 5 and 6 ~ small) (Picture 8 - tall) (Pictures 4 and 6 ~ heavy) (Picture 7 - slow) (Pictures 4 and 8 ~ short) Score /5 5 Look at Garth's lists and make sentences from the prompts. 920d books eteiting sports V The Lovd oF this Rings? | 1 sronboarding * erey Potter ad the | 2 sydvirg hosters Stone 3 vollevblading © Bock of Model Planes? aif hy ae etpansive clothes pect 4 ene 1 way black. trousers 2 Sponisl 2 my blue T-shirt 3 Ensjish 3 wry baseball cap 1 French is I subject for me. 2 I think skydiving is rollerblading. 3. The Lord of the Rings is .. the world. than . book in 4 My blue Tshirt was . than my baseball cap. 5 Spanish is .... than English for me. 6 Snowboarding is sport, | T Harry Potter is . The Book of | Model Planes. My black trousers are .. .. clothes in my wardrobe. Score__/7 eee eee eee eee eee Check your score Complete the conversations. with the words in the box. (mean Nothing depends (_what Hurry Anybody 1 A: There's the train station. x, up, we're late. 2 A:Do you like your brother? Sometimes | do ‘and sometimes | don’t. 3 A: What are you doing? . really, Just watching TV. 4 A:Who is that? famous? B: Yes, he's an actor. 5 A: Did you win the football match? B: Yes, 7-0. Cool or 6 A:Mum, what's that? Bz it's a magazine. A:No, Mum. I... on your hair. | think it’s an insect, .. that, Score__/5 TOTAL__ /40 Brilliant! (30-40) Good! (20-29) OK (10-19) Go to page 84 to see Puzzle Story 2 and to page 90 for the play. Activity werbs (1) a ‘I Match the verbs to the phrases. 1 empty— a) the radio 2 lay FE b) the table 3 do —c) the bins 4 watch d)a DVD 5 listen to e) the car 6 wash ) my homework ife] [2] |B 4] {5 6 2. Write the phrases from Exercise 1 under the pictures. » fun. } fo future: positive and ive 3a Steve's new friend, Pam, is going to have dinner at Adam's house this evening. Write Adam’s intentions. I'm going to buy new socks, (buy/new socks) I'm not going to play loud music, n (not play/loud music) (wear/my new T-shirt) (havea shower) (not phone/my friends) (tidy/my room) (not wear/my old jeans) (cook/dinner) 31 Look at the pictures and write sentences with going to. | Harvey's parents G 4 Complete the questions. 1 A: The car's very dirty, Ave.xou.going to ing to future: questions it? B: Yes, | am. 2 ina’s very tired. . to bed? . dinner? 4 Azit's 1la.m. and Anna is in bed. ae .. before lunch? 5 Az I'm going to buy some new trainers, them today? 6 A:Pete and Jane aren't going to the club this evening. B: TV at home? 7 A: We're going to go to the park this afternoon. B: football? ve got Tom's phone number. him? Listening ~f 5 fito) Listen to the conversation. Write the missing verbs. Evie: How are we going to raise money? Alice: Tessa and | have got a good idea. We're going to | 42 jobs for people. Evie: What sort of jobs? Alice: Oh, .. rubbish bins, like that. Evie: That's a bit boring! Alice: No, it isn't. We're going to >. funny things! front gardens, > . cars. Things What are you going to wear? I'm net going to & you. It's a secret. Let’s go swimming. Activities Make suggestions ‘la Use these words to complete the phrases. 2@ Match the conversations to the go gotoa gotothe havea eS Nig gs —nrleone ar eRe fe 2O GD ED ELIE 1 A: Let's go swimming. B: No, that’s boring. 2. A: Why don't we go bowling? B: Good idea. 3 A: What about going to the cinema? B: No, that's boring. et’s go bowling. ... shopping .. ice skating barbecue bowling karting cinema disco Jo, that's boring. hy don't we go to the cinema? ‘1b Match a phrase from Exercise 1a B 2 Yes, all right. to each picture. : What about going swimming? 2b Rearrange the words to make suggestions. 1 (BOWIAG?| about |What) going What about going bowling? 2 [We Why [dise62 don't |a) go |fo) 3 (BKAtIAGY Let's (G6) ice 4 (G6) shopping. (Bets) Ask for and make suggestions 3a Complete the conversations. 1 A: What shall we 92.? B: Why don't we 5 |GGn't| swimming? |we Why ff 6 (Raving) a (What) barbecue? about 7 (G6) Why (karting? we don't 8 [thé] to (6) Let's (Beach! 3D Circle the correct missing words. A: Yes, all right. 2 At What shall _ B: Let's A: No, that’s boring. 3 A: What shall B: What .. A: Good idea. 4 A: What .. B: Why .. A: Yes, all right. 5 A: What .. B: Let's ...... A: Good idea. 6 A: What . B: What .. A: No, that's boring. Hi, Jenny Te shall we do on Saturday? | want a new backpack for school. ? about going to | town? And for lunch, whys" we go to the new café? It's £3 for a hamburger and a cola. Garth cs 7 a... ! - don’t we go to ‘ bags’? They've got nice bac Peurebetier ickpacks. | don’ hamburgers - what about $< ¢ al oats on West Street? it’s mineral water, only £3 for a'salad and a ~ 0) How 2 a) Let's b) Why c) What 3 a) do b) aren't c) don't 4 a) fun b) idea c) right 5 a) Why b) How c) What 6 a) go b) togo ©) going Present continuous for future arrangements: positive and negative ‘la Write answers. 1 A: What are you doing tomorrow? 1d, (visit/my aunt and uncle) (go bowling) (have/a pizza at a restaurant) (have/a party) (go/to the swimming pool) (stay/at home) 7 hat are you doing on Wednesday? (sing/in a concert) (meet/friends in town) _ 8 A: What are your parents doing tomorrow? ee 1b Look at Tom's diary. Complete the sentences. 1 Tom isnt, f° 3 barbecue on Monday afternoon. He 5going to a disco, 2 Tom ‘0 the cinema with Harvey | on Tuesday. | Tuespay 3 He football on Wednesday. | : He his homework. | RET 4 He and his mum .. .. shopping on ESDAY \ Thursday. aaa 5 On Friday morning he .. = TW: | THURSDAY | 3: ni He vnnnnismaninnne the dentist. | i = | 6 He and Georgia .tennison | FRIDAY el | Saturday. | at home on | tothe beach. | SUE swan 225) t Sp tte 7 The friends Sunday. They 46 Present continuous for future arrangements: questions 2 Complete the conversation. Kate: ! Are (you/play) football tomorrow? Leo: No, I'm not. I'm going to Simona’s house. Kate: 2 (Simona/have) a barbecue? Leo: Yes, she is. She's cooking hamburgers for Harry and me. Kate:> ? (Harry's brothers/go) to the barbecue? Leo: Yes, they are. ¢.. (you/go) to the barbecue, too? Kate: No, I'm not. I'm watching a DVD at Matt's house. Leo: 5.. sister/watch) a DVD with you? Kate: Yes, she is. (Matt's Leo: Can | come to Matt's house with you? Kate: Can | come to Simona’s barbecue with you? Music 3 Complete the words. Find the secret word, ee = Fle|mlz|>lolo a > Peo[t The secret word is Listening oY 4 «0 Listen and complete the conversation. Alice: Ben, can you do me a ' favour? Ben: It depends. I'm in the middle of a 2 What is it? Alice: Well, you know it’s my turn to do the vacuuming tomorrow > .. - Can you do it? I can't! Alice: Go on! You aren't 5 . on Saturday! Ben: Yes, | am. I'm playing 6... Alice: Don't be so mean, Ben. 17 favours for you! Ben: Oh, all right! Alice: Thanks! You're a ® Ben: anything Song What shall we do? c\ 5 0 Listen to the song. Put the lines in order in verses 1 and 2. 1 A: Let's go to the park. 2 B: The park is boring. 3 A: Let’s go to the beach, 4 B: OK, good idea. 5 A: Let’s listen to music, Some R&B music, 6 B: | don't like the beach. (chorus) A and B: From Monday to Friday, We work hard and do our homework, But at the weekend we can have fun, So what shall we do? 1 A: Let's go to the disco, The Pop World Disco. 2 B: | don't like sweets. 3 A: Let's watch TV. 4 A: Let's eat some sweets, 5 B: Yes, that’s a good idea. 6 B: There's nothing good on. (chorus) Verse 13, _____ Verse 2 Go to page 95 to see the completed song. 5 Write the correct form of the Present 7 Match the sentences to the pictures. continuous. Benita: Hey, Carlos, it's Benita. What vare you 409 (you/do) on Friday night? Carlos: 2 i (i/sing) in Paris in the afternoon but 3 a we (I/not/do) anything in the evening. Benita: « (I/play) tennis in Paris on Friday. What about having dinner with me in the evening? Carlos: Oh no! | forgot, 5 .. (my mum/come) to Paris and ‘ (we/have) dinner. How about Saturday? Benita: No, ” .. Paris on Saturday. ® . (My mum and I/go) to Rome. (/not/stay) in 1 Boy: Here’s my notice. 2. Boy: I'm hopeless at cooking. Carlos: I'm in Rome on Saturday. Where ° 3 Girl Hi, Billy I's me, Sarah, (you/stay)? Boy: Hi, Sarah. Penita: At the Palm Hotel. 4 Boy: There's nothing good on. Carlos: What about a coffee there in the BeBe vawiet are voulwritings afternoon? * (leave) Girl: It’s a secret, at five but | can meet you at three. 6 Boy: Go on! Benita: Fine. Ciao! GEI2D BOO Ee Score /5 Score /9 6 Find the two types of music in each circle. TOTAL__ /40 Brilliant: (30-40) Good! (20-29) 0K (10-19) Check your score Score /6 | oS | Revision ‘1 Complete 1 3 Rearrange the letters to make the crossword. [5 | activities. Then add go or go to the. I a a 1 ratngki = 92.karting, 2 mneaic = Ju y| a 3 Iwgniob a | 4 hceab = 5 mwmgiisn 4 | Score /4 | Down .mybed 1 PMY... loud music 4 Circle the correct words. the rabbit 2 . the dishwasher ..myroom 4 . the table oF he car Score /6 2 Make sentences using the pictures and the words. Emma: Hi, Jenny. How are you? le ra 2 : 1 they Cee Jenny: Fine, thanks ceive Ki -F . we do Garth: What 2 ice skating? . going They aren’t going to Jay the table. Jenny: No, that's boring. Let's 3 .. to the cinema. Emma: But there’s nothing good on. Why « we go bowling? 'm hopeless at bowling. 5 go shopping. Jenny: Yes, all ¢ ... a) Let's b) Shall _—_c) What a) idea b) right —¢) OK 1 a) do b) are (shall) 2 a) about b) to ©) are 3 a) going b) go c) to go 4 a) are b) shall c) don't a 6 Score /5 | WRITING TIP | Always check your punctuation. \ Z 3 Rewrite the sentences with the correct capital letters, commas and full stops. 1 I had an argument with my friend she doesn't want to talk to me E ith my friend. She doesn’t want to talk to me. 2 my dad doesn’t know about the party he thinks |am going to stay at my friend's house 3. my sister always washes the car cleans the rabbit hutch and tidies her room 4 we are going to go shopping go to the cinema and go ice skating 4 You get this email from your friend in the UK. Write a reply in your notebook and suggest a plan. Cartoon Time: Wild West 5 Complete the conversation with the words in the box. Tell secret believe Come not | hopeless pain matter Tex: It'sa! Janez? . on! 3 I'm making a hat for Running Deer. It's her birthday today. Jane: | don't 4 L| Tex: What's the > . te your town next month! | crt ews! Fm coming to You town nO TES aye, | shall we do? Brillant! You're coming to my town. Jane:I'm > What a’... ae going to tell you. Tex: at making hats. 49 Reading ‘1 Look at the places in Sydney. Match the pictures to the descriptions. Sydney is the biggest and most beautiful city in lia. There are a lot of exciting places and jes for you and your family! 1 [8] Listen to opera and classical music in the Sydney Opera House. It’s the most famous place in Sydney! 2 [_] Go shopping in the Queen Victoria Building. It’s ‘the most beautiful shopping centre in the world’. It’s got lots of clothes shops, record shops, book shops and cafés. 3 Go to Bondi Beach. Go swimming and have a barbecue on the beach. Cool or what! New words iis oie shopping centre ee museum yx: 3) skills practice 2 Answer the questions. 1 When is Tony arriving in Sydney? Thursday 13% February 2 How long is Tony staying in Australia? 3 What's the most famous place in Sydney? 4 Where does Katie suggest going in the afternoon? 5 What are Tony and Katie going to see at the Powerhouse Museum? 6 Where are they going to have a barbecue? Londons very cld at he moment uty news: im coming to Synay nant nent "ext mont gong on holy win my parent to Ataf te vo ie thing on Trade 19 brary ar we ay ney fo five day then woe going to Garena bry meet on Saturday 15% Febru; acre ret on Stuy 1 Fea. Whatcha way vege sone | Brian! ¥ # Youre coming to Sydney! mv " ‘warm and sunny af the moment Mesa exe "es in Sydney. Let's ‘Opera Nar | Hi, Katie ‘Sycney Opera House: good idea. want to se But | Minit cate non. ity dont we gos ae Srmsuse Msc an have inh St rat | silctrsct te mina one eet Iw osags | ei tenia aeons tc rayne having a barbecue there? a y4-¥] You must hold my hand. Activity verbs (2) 1 Match the verbs in the box to the pictures. (climb feed get down hold show switch off switch on touch must/mustn’t 28 Write sentences. 2b Complete the rules for riding a bike. 1 listen to the teacher (/) t be careful. talk on your mobile phone. n talk in lessons (x) stop at the red lights. use your phone in a cinema (x) switch your lights on at wo night. w ride in the middle of the road. carry another person on x say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ (7) wear a helmet (/) Yomi w a be late for school (x) 52 3 Tell Hopeless Harry what to do. Use You must or You mustn't and the phrases below. play the painting touch \ your drink on the television tidy | your bed make | your bedroom feed ‘loud music put the tiger Permission 4 Write questions with Can we ...?/ Can | ...? and write the answers. 1 Freddy: the café? (we/have lunch in the café) Mum: rc) 2 Teddy: chocolate cake? (i/nave ice cream and chocolate cake) Mum: I'm sorry, you can’ 3 Freddy: . (we/sit by the window) Mum: 4 Teddy: (we/go bowling after lunch) Mum: w 5 Lisa: Mr Finch, . (we/go home early) 6 Polly: — Mr Finch,.... (i/switch on my mobile phone) Teacher cco w” 7 Lisa: — Mr Finch, (\/use a calculator) Teacher: 8 Polly: Mr Finch, (iAsit next to Lisa) Teacher: . W) 53 Would you like chips? Food (2) ‘la Write the words in the correct place in the menu. chips cola Four Seasons lasagne Margherita spaghetti bolognese tomato salad) \__ spaghetti bologt fom [ applejuice fruit salad cheesecake | ‘1b Match words from A to B. Then match them to the pictures. ® orange potato green bread baked burger garlic ice cream vegetarian juice vanilla tart mineral salad apple water Rwn 54 DESSERTS sue ORDERS tening PA 2 0 Listen and complete the conversation. Waiter: Are you ready to order? Tessa: Yes, | think so. Waiter: What would you like? Tessa: I'd like a Mega Vegetarian ieurgery please. Waiter: Would you like 2 me one With it? Tessa: No, thanks. >. are bad for you. Can | have a baked \ é please? Waiter: That's an MVB with a baked | 5 Evie: And I'd like a Four Seasons © eceeeeeeen with at please. Waiter: Green or 8. .. salad? | Evie: Tomato, please. Waiter: Anything to drink? Evie: Yes, please. ° ... for me! Tessa: Me too, please. It's lucky Mum's paying for this! Ordering food 3a Write questions. f Waiter: Would you like garlic bread? Customer: Yes, please. 2 Waiter: like? Customer: I'd like a lasagne, please. 3 Waiter: oonnnnensee aN OFaNge juice? Customer: No, thanks. 4 Waiter: Oe 2 Customer: Can’! have a green salad, please? 3b Write sentences with I'd like a/an ... and Can | have a/an.... (have) 5 Waiter: ... a pizza? Customer: Yes, please. 6 Waiter: a cola? Customer: No, thanks. rr Customer: I'd like a cheesecake, please. 8 Wai Customer: Can | have chips, please? 3€ Complete the conversation. Use the phrases in the box. Can Ihave Would you likea I'd like a lg Do you want Can! Would you all / What would you like? lasagne and a mineral water, please. Steven:> . a baked potato with an orange juice, please? Garth: I'd like a spaghetti bolognese, a pizza, a tomato salad and a cola, please. Waiter: « Garth: Yes, garlic bread, please. Emma, Jenny, Steven: Garth! Emma: a side order? Margherita pizza, please? Waiter: 6 Emma: No, thanks. Waiter: Garth: Yes, please. Emma, Jenny, Steven: GARTH! ww like desserts? Listening Dy ‘1 G4) Listen to the conversation. Put the lines in order. 1 ‘Adam: Hi. It's me, Adam. What are you doing this evening? Adam: And after that, there's The X Factor. Adam: Cool. See you later! Adam: Would you like to sleep over? ile) Adam: There's a sports programme. Well, it's a documentary. Adam: No, it isn’t. It's all about the World Cup. Adam: Would you like to come over and watch Tv? It sounds a bit boring. Ben: Nothing much. Ben: Yes, but it’s on quite late. Ben: OK Ben: Yes, please. I'll ask Mum. Ben: What's on? Ben: ea) Invitations 2a Rearrange the words to make invitations. 1 new you like my to DVD? Would watch 2 us? bowling with Would to you go like 3 you like to my Would use phone? 4 come to like skating? Would you ice 56 2b Make invitations. Use verbs from the box. Va eT (see go play fave use ) ea pizza? ..- my new computer? tennis tomorrow? ... Shrek il? ‘0 the cinema? 2€ Look at the pictures. Write invitations and replies. 1 A: Would you like t0.90. i ng B: No, thanks. (x/thanks) (/please) (//would) TV programmes 3b Match the TV programmes to the words in the bo: ——— quiz show pep-ster-eentest chat show the news pop music show sports programme 1 Presenter: This is Christina Smith and she's from London. Christina, what are you going to sing? 3a Circle the correct TV programmes. 1a) cartoon b) sitcom Christina: I'm going to sing Toxic by 2 a) quiz show Britney Spears. b) sitcom Presenter: Ladies and gentlemen, Christina c) sports Smith! programme pop star contest 2 Presenter: Question number two is: what is the name of the small robot in 2 3 a) chat show ste WAI piidocimentary Man: Oh, | know this one. It’s R202. ©) cartoon Presenter: Correct! Question number three: who is ... 3 Presenter: Ladies and gentlemen, Brad Pitt! So Brad, how are you? 4 a) soap opera Brad: I'm fine thanks, Michael. b) pop star cnntest Presenter: Why are you in London at the ©) the news moment Brad: Well, my new film is opening tomorrow night and ... Eye) sports 4 Commentator: ... and Ronaldo passes the preoramme ball to Radl, Raul to Totti, Totti byApePMnUSIG takes the ball into the box and show SCORES! GOAL! ©) reality TV show 5 Presenter: Number three in the charts is Busted with Hello, Baby. Number two is Christina Aguilera with Beautiful. And at number one in the charts this week, it's DJ Sanchez and Time to Go. 6 a) documentary b) cartoon ©) sitcom 6 Presenter: The time is six o'clock. The top stories today: the space module Sailor lands on Mars. Scientists in Brazil find a new kind of fish in the sea. And Igor Voronin, the famous composer, 57 ‘1 Read the experiment and look at the pictures. Complete the texts with the words in the box. dark light position separates | Switch mirror } \_ EE acetal ace, EChr Newtan’s theories ii his fun ‘You need: a large jar full of water, @ smell mirror, a torch. REMEMBER: you must with ix ‘your parents if you 1 can use all the things ind do the experiment! on the torch || 4 A rainbow appears ‘and point it at the |] on the wall! If the experiment doesn't work, you must change the of the mirror or the torch. poorer on ORE eis a THE SCIENCE! 1 You must do this 2 Put the | experiment in a Tne eran: You I 1 LE ee a room with must tilt the mirror. It Beales eae Ena Fa caine ie into the colours of the rainbow. = a aa) 2 Answer true (T) or false (F). 1 This experiment explains gravity. F] 4 You must put the mirror on the wall. 2 You must do it in a sunny room. LJ 5 Ifthe experiment doesn’t work, 3 The rainbow appears when you veulmusi change themirror. QO switch the torch on. LJ 6 when light bends, the rainbow appears. L] 58 STUDY TI | A dictionary will tell you the irregular forms of averb. 3 Look up these verbs in a dictionary and write the continuous form and the past tense form. ut Ea 1 put meet make eat leave Oe aS Listening aD 4 (ns) Listen to the teacher. Complete the sentences. | SCIENCE LAB RULES {1 students ! ihite coat. \2 For some experiments, students glasses. |3 Students . the | electricity or the gas. |4 Students . anything out of the .... : Students ... the end of the lesson. ww at the 5 Writing 5 Write the rules for the school gym. Use the words in the box. { wear trainers ¥ bring food or drink X wear tracksuit 7 remove dangerous objects X use equipment without the instructor's permission X ool G' Sel % Portfolio! ym Rules a or Cartoon Time: Wild West 6 Complete the conversation with the aise horrible careful ) words in the box. —— bossy for sorry Stop Jane: | want to see the oldest cactus in the world! it is. Be 2 | Tex: It's dry. Let's give it some water. Running Deer: * it, Tex! Water is bad 5 | Tex: Don't be so* with my lovely cactus? Tex: Er, 7... - s 30 ‘1 Match the verbs to the pictures. Ewin) on =e 5 Revision switch off feed chew shout Score /5 3 Complete the conversation with the words in the box. like we please can't Can certainly Wewe- 3) Dad: Josh, Polly, it's hot and sunny today. ' Would. you like to go to the beach? Josh and Polly: Yes, 2 Polly: Can 3. - have a picnic? Dad: Yes, OK. What would you 2 Polly: we have cheesecake and cola? Dad: No, I'm sorry, you®. Josh: Can we haye salad and orange juice? Dad: Yes, 7 .. OK, let's go. Polly: Hang on, Dad. Can | go to the toilet? Dad: Yes, go on. Hurry up! - Score /6 2 Look at the signs. Make rules with must or mustn’t and a verb in the box. have do swim -play getup go make 1 You loud music. 2 YOU vressrenn tO bed 5 You .. in the sea. your homework. 60 before nine o'clock. 3 You your bed. a barbecue on the beach. at seven o'clock. Score /6 4 Circle the correct words. Waiter: Can | help you? What ' do /(would you like to eat? Tammy: 2 Can | / I'd have a lasagne and green salad, please? 3 Do / Would you want garlic bread? Tammy: ¢ Yes / No, please. 5 Can|/ I'd like a baked potato with cheese. © Do / Would you like a salad? 7 Yes / No, thanks. Anything to drink? An orange juice, please. Waiter: James: Waiter: James: Waiter: James: Tammy: And a mineral water, please. Score __/6 5 Look at the pictures and write Adam's invitations. Use the verbs in the box. ome listen go go watch - (|) | ( (ae m ae oO Pe —— ee = No, thanks. | don't like loud music. 2. No, thanks. | don't like football. Sorry, | can’t. | haven't got any money. No, thanks. | don't like Justin Timberlake. Yes, | would. When? This weekend? : Sorry, | can't. I'm going on holiday. Score /4 6 Match the baked — tart words to make tomato salad food. Put the spaghetti Seasons: food in the mineral _ bolognese correct groups. eur — potato apple water 1 Pizza: F¢ 2 Pasta: 3 Salad: 4 Side order: 5 Desserts: 6 Drinks: Score__/5 7 Circle the correct words. quiz /(pop)/ chat star contest soap / news / sports opera reality TV contest / show / film the / a / an news oRwn quiz opera / contest / show Score /4 8 Make sentences from the words in A and B. ® 1 There a) horrible! 2 Be b) for the plant. = 3 How ©) be so bossy! zo 4 It's bad d) careful 5 Don't e) itis. 2 Score /4 TOTAL___/40 Brilliant! (30-40) Good! (20-29) 0K (10-19) Check your score Go to page 86 to see Puzzle Story 3. Travel 1 Complete the names of the forms of transport. How do you get to ...? 2b write sentences. It takes 1 Icycle/school - 10 minutes Lcycle to school, It takes me ten 2a Write questions and answers. ae a 1 (you/school?) 2 My mum/go/the office/car — 35 minutes 2 (you and your friends/ the shopping centre?) , A: Dave/go/the beach/bus ~ 40 minutes 3 (Mrs Baker/work?) cs 4 My brother and I/walk/the library ~ 15 minutes 5 Jackie and Lynn/go/the swimming pool/ foot - 10 minutes 6 I/go/my friend's house/underground ~ 15 minutes 62 2c Solve the puzzles and complete the questions and answers. a0 miles an hour) 1 You: How do yougetto 2 You: school? Fiona: You: Listening ta 3 te) Listen and complete the conversation. Adam: Excuse me. Can we ' 4 questions about 2 .. Man: Yes, all right. Adam: Thanks. How do you usually 3 ? Man: | go by train from this station. .. the train journey take? Man: > .. about twenty minutes. Then | go by underground to Westminster and | walk to my office. It's not far ©. : Jason: OK. Thank you. Man: Anyway, how do you boys’ sssueee? When 18. I cycled to school. ‘Adam: Yes, | cycle but Jason goes by car. His dad : - Jason: Yes. But today Mum drove me because Dad's not very well. ‘Adam: You're lucky! Aren't you always late because your dad ©. to find the car keys? Jason: Hmm! (20 miles an hour) (CAmmiles an hour) 3 You: Simona: You: Simona: Song She's late for her exam ies 4 7) Listen to the song. Put the verses in order. A Her bus comes, It goes slow, The traffic is bad and the bus can't go. She's late for her exam. B She wakes up, She is late, She must be in school at half past eight. She's late for her exam. ic She arrives At her school, Her teacher is angry ~ that's not cool! She's late for her exam. D She says hi To her mum, She runs fast for her bus but it doesn't come. She's late for her exam. (chorus) iri: I'm very sorry that I'm late But my bus was slow. Teacher: You're always late for my class, Do the exam tomorrow. Verse 2 Verse 4 Verse 1 8 Verse 3 Go to page 95 to see the completed song. 63 cya Can you tell me the way? Places in town ‘1a Match the places in the box to the pictures. | antarium gym _ hairdresser's railway station square town-hall ‘1b Where do you go to do these things? 1 buy a tree for your garden? 2 talk toa police officer? 3. buy some aspirin? 4 travel underground? 5 look at things from the past? 6 get some American dollars? 64 Listening ox 2 (rs) Listen and complete the conversation. Boy: Alice: Ben: Boy: Ben: Boy: Ben: Alice: Boy: Excuse me. Can you tell me the ' ¥9¥ to the London Aquarium? That's funny! We went there this 2 It's quite near here. You go past that clock, Big Ben, in >. of us. Past the big clock. OK. And then turn right at the Can you show me on this Certainly. Look. We're here in Parliament 6, in front of Big Ben. Isee. You go up Bridge Street past the underground as Then cross thes, and it's on your left. You can’t miss it. It isn't > It only takes about ten 0 ‘ Great. Thank you. Have a nice day! Directions 3a Look at the pictures. Write the directions. { It’s on your right, Go straight ahead. Turn left. Furnright. Go past the museum. It's on your left. 3D Look at the map. Complete the directions. Anns) 1 Carl: Can you tell me the way to the railway station, please? Mill Street, P25t the police station and it’s on the Jeft, 2 Vik: Can you tell me the way to the hairdresser’s, please? You: Go. . this road and turn Portland Street. It's on the left. 3 Bill: Can you tell me the way to the bank, please? You: Go . this road and right into Richmond Road. It's on the left, the town hall, You: into 4 Lena:Can you tell me the way to the computer shop? You: Go up this road, the hairdresser's, . Fight into Richmond Road. It’s . the right. 3€ Look at the map in Exercise 3b again. Give directions to these people. 1 Dan: Can you tell me the way to the police station, please? You: $2.4p/down this road, 2 Sol: Can you tell me the way to the chemist's, please? You: 3 Ann: Can you tell me the way to the garden centre, please? You: 4 Mo: Can you tell me the way to the town hall, please? You: 65 EER) Listen carefully! Adjectives (3) 14 Write the opposites. Which is the extra adjective? (a >) | polite careful fast happy loud angry | quiet rude slow The extra adjective is ... ‘1b Match the adjectives in Exercise ta to the pictures. Adverbs 2a Write the adverbs of the adjectives in the box in the correct place in the chart. irregular add -ly y changes toi before -ly ad fast quick polite careful easy tate slow good loud early rude happy 66 2b Use the prompts to write the correct sentence under each picture. + She/ski/good + She/ski/bad- + He/speak/quiet + He/drive/fast + He/drive/slow + He/speak/loud + He/get up/late + She/get up/early ® ® ( Sgr She skis badly. Adjective or adverb? 3a Circle the correct words. 1 I can play the piano very good /welh, 2 My teacher is very polite / politely. 3 He always sings /oud / loudly in the bath. 4 The students in this class learn quick / quickly. wo Cara has got a new bike. She's very happy / happily. 6 | swim bad / badly but | can run good / well. 7 Your stereo is very /oud / loudly. 3b Complete the sentences. Use an adjective or an adverb. 1 (James/play/happy) appily on his computer every evening. (l/always speak/polite) N to my teacher. (Rollerblading/be/easy) we to learn. (be/she/careful) x in the sea? w (My sister/not get up/early) on Saturday. 6 (Sandra/be always/late) for school. (you/swim/fast?) . - When | was your ¢... took me about ten minutes to get there L] RD: Oh, good. Have a5 vars GAY. RD: That's © .. see the orange tree. Old Sam: When | was your age, | had a horse! It's 40 minutes on EL Revision 1 Complete the sentences and questions. 1 He goes to work .by.bus . 5 Can she 2 She goes to school 6 We go to France to sen0o? Bey T Dad goes to work 4 They go to the city centre E 5 Se 8 Do you go to school 2 Put the sentences in the correct order to make a conversation. 3 Does he .. Yes, it only takes me 20 minutes. How do you usually get there? Hi, Ross. I'm going to the swimming pool. That's quick! -Hi-Rachel-Where-ere-yotr going? By car, It takes about five minutes. Do you usually walk there? ‘Score /5 3 Write the places. ha garden centre Score /7 70 4 Write the directions. 1 Ge.streight 6 Complete the conversation with words from the box. ahead. t (ahead) (down) (turn/into) (turn/at) = “———"__(turn/into) Score /5 5 write the correct form of the word (adjective or adverb) in each gap. Hi, Rob I'm in Ibiza at the moment, It's a beautiful island in Spain. I'm very ' NSPPY. (happy) because I'm on holiday and I'm sitting 2 mma (Quiet) by the swimming pool | We arrived 2 . nue (fate) last night. | ‘Aman called Juan drove us from the airport to our hotel, He's a friend of my dad's. He right That's Excuse have Great 4 Here It's Richard: Where are we, Gemma? Gemma: | think we're on Victoria Street. Richard: So where is the museum? Gemma: ' Zt isn’t far. Richard: 2 odd. 3 comes the number 73 bus ~ but the number 73 doesn't come down Victoria Street. Gemma: Let's ask this woman. 4 me, is this Victoria Street? We want to go to the museum. Woman: This is George Street, not Victoria Street. Go down this street, go past the bank and turn 5 - That's Victoria Street. The museum's on your left. 6 quite near. was a 4... . (bad) driver because “I ; he didn't drive very . (careful). Gemma: mas ang aihank. My mum was © ..... (angry) - she one cs usually drives very 7 .. (slow). | We got up & .... . (early) this morning and had breakfast. | ate very Score /7 Dae sess (Quick) because: | wanted ae swim in the pool. This afternoon we're going to the beach and I'm going to swim in the sea. | love swimming. | can swim 1 100 metres ® .. - (easy). i Torat___ /40 See you in two weeks! 1 Brilliant! (30-40) | Check your score ian “ae OK (10-19) ice score /9 He doesn’t have to ... Clothes Have to ‘1a Match the clothes names in the box to 2a Tom is in Class 8A and Georgia is in the pictures. Class 8B at Ledminster High School. Read —— $$. the note. Complete the sentences with the belt dress earring make-up correct form of have to. (ting shoe sunglasses May 14% + To: all students in Year g 3 There aren't any lessons on tH because ever ray 24 Tyone in Year 8 is going on a ae 8a 18 going to Leeds Castle and Class B is going to the Railway Museum, Please j bring your notebook ands pon gan iese ¢ Wear jeans and a T-shirt. ; = 3 Meet your tea 5 Ree ichers outside the school at + Cost: Leeds Castle: £22 The Railway Museum: £17 Please pay me before: May 215 2 Mr Jackson ‘1b Complete the crossword and find the secret word. 1 Tom /as.t2 go to Leeds Castle on May 24th, ® = 2 Georgia. go to the Railway cr) @ Museum. i : % 3 Tom and Georgia bring a > ee YG notebook and a pen. c S 4 Tom and Georgia .. meet their ® Bes teachers outside the school at 8.30. Ff yell | lsle ie 5 Georgia .. pay £17. ® F E| 6 Tom.. pay £22. B® © 7 they . pay before May 210, 8 They . give the money to The secret word is ea Mr Jackson. 72 2b Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. | 2C Ask Jenny about her school. Write her answers. 1. Takashi wear just socks (no shoes) in his house. 1 You: (you/start school at 2 Manuel and Maria nine o'clock) drive on the right. Jenny: 2 You: (you/wear school 3 Lemar .. 4 uniform) buy his textbooks. (your mum/look at your homework) Jenny: ”) 4 You: 5 Elodie .. English at school. (you/do homework every evening) Jenny: w 5 You: 6 Kylie and Jason .. wear school uniform. (your parents/meet/ your teachers every year) w% 6 You: (you/take any exams this year) Jenny: w 73 Is he good fun? Personality adjectives — 1b Circle the correct words to match the pictures. 1a Find nine adjectives. a) lazy a) kind b) generous b) funny ©) good fun b) nice-looking ©) polite a) pretty a) loyal a) funny b) good fun b) bad-tempered b) friendly ) shy ©) generous ©) helpful ‘IC Look at the picture. Write the adjectives. What ... like? 2 Complete the conversations. 1 a; What's your bro} 2 A: What's Emma like? 3. A: What are Mr and Mrs Jones like? 4 . Andy 5 the children... Describing people 3a Complete the conversation with the phrases in the box. There are three extra phrases. Does he like her? | Has he got a girlfriend? I'm pretty and friendly, too! Is he nice-looking? What does he look like? What is his girlfriend like? | Whats hetike? | Which does he like? Georgia: My cousin Simon's coming to stay for the weekend. 1 What's he like? Katy: Georgia: He's OK. He's good fun, but he's a bit mean. Katy: 2 Georgia: He's tall and he’s got short black hair. Katy: Georgia: Yes, he is. But he's got a girlfriend! Katy: Georgia: She's very pretty and friendly. Katy: Georgia: Yes, you are. But you aren't twenty- two! 2 B: He's lazy and rude! B: He's nice-looking but he's bad-tempered. B: They are kind but they're very shy. 3b Complete the conversation using the prompts. Harvey: Tom: Harvey: Tom: Harvey: Tom: Harvey: Tom: Harvey: Tom: Who is this email from? It's from my friends in Italy. hs 2 (What/their names?) Lo (They/called/Mauro and Antonella.) as (What/they/like?) 4 eee (Antonella/clever/and she/very pretty.) 5 (What/she/look like?) 6 (slim, long dark hair.) 7 (What/Mauro/like?) ° (good fun.) 75 Geographical words 1 Look at the pictures and complete the words. ive of purpose with to 2a Match the questions and answers, 1 Why are you going to the sports centre? — a) To tell her that I'm going to be late. 2 Why did you go to London? ek b) To listen to the match. 3 Why are you phoning your mum? ~c) To play basketball. 4 Why did you buy all those strawberries? d) To do some homework. 5 Why did you bring your laptop? €) To make a dessert. 6 Why are you turning on the radio? f) To see Big Ben. Te] ZT) BL] BO 2b Complete the sentences using to and the phrases in the box. : Se = see the new Cameron Diaz film get some cheese -have-a-itkshake- | catch a bus visit her grandmother buy some disks 1 Tom is going to the café fe.h 2 Katy is going to the computer shop 3 Georgia is going to the hospital 4 Harvey is going to the cinema 5 Tom is opening the fridge... 6 Georgia is running down the road 76 2¢ Complete the conversation using to and the verbs in the box. { buy change learn make send tell | Mum: Have you got the shopping list, Katy? Mum:He wants a French book and a CD. Katy: Yes, Mum. Here it is. Why do we need all Katy: Why does he want that? these things? Mum: some French before our holiday. Mum: [9.make a special dinner for Dad's After that | have to go to the post office birthday. And after the supermarket | 4 a parcel, and then we need to must go to the book shop. go to the library 5 ... . OUF BOOKS. Katy: Why? Katy: I'm going to phone Harvey. Mum:? ... Dad's present. Mum: Why? Katy: What are you going to buy? Katy:° him that I'm going to be Song Why was I so silly? a 3 fob Listen to the song. Put the lines in order in verses 1 and 2. ‘A We travelled round the world in our aeroplane. B | spent all my money, | was self-centred. We were famous, people loved us, D | was in a pop band called Fame Game, E | was mean and bad-tempered, F But now | have to travel everywhere by bus. (chorus) 1 was a pop star, everybody loved me, But | wasn’t kind and | wasn't friendly. Now I'm not famous and I'm not happy. Why was | so silly? ‘A There were two of us, me and Suzy-Lee, B | was in a pop band called Fame Game, But then she went solo and everyone forgot me. D But now I need a job and nobody likes me. E | spoke rudely, | was lazy, F But now my life is not the same. (chorus) Verse 110i Verse’: ait tt #| |e Go to page 95 to see the completed song. 77 (ELJ) Skills practice Answer the questions. Which person is staying in Britain: a) to earn money? Josh ) for family reasons? ©) for a holiday? d) to study English? Mathilde is from Dijon, in France. She's on holiday in Scotland with her parents and her two sisters. They're touring around the country for two weeks. They have to go home at the end of July. At the moment they'e in Edinburgh, but tomorrow they're traveling to Stirling to see the castle. Mathilde is 14, Shes clever, and she likes visiting historical places. taking a break from university He wants to travel around Massimo is staying in the UK for Europe, so he's working in the UK for three months to earn some money. Josh works ina pub in London. He has to work until midnight for six days each week. He's earning a lot of money, because he never goes out. And his friends say that he's 2 Complete the table. Hilda is 16. She's from Oporto, in Portugal. She's staying in the UK for two years because her dad has to work in Bristol. She moved here in summer with her mum and dad. She's usually good fun, but at the moment she's feeling shy because she has to start at a new school in| Septembe a month to improve his English. He's 15 and he’s from Italy. He's studying at the Central English School in Cambridge, He's very friendly and funny, and he's gota lot of new friends at the school, At the end of this week, Massimo has to take a test at school to see ithe is ready to take the PET exam. Name Mathilde [Josh Massimo 1 Age 2 Nationality 3 Length of stay in the UK 4 Where in the UK? 5 Personality 78 (STUDY TIP: A dictionary will show you how to use a word in a | phrase or sentence. 3 Use a dictionary to find the meaning of these words from Exercise 1 and write example sentences. 1 tour (Mathilde) 2 break (Josh) 3 earn (Josh) 4 improve (Massimo) Listening eS 4 Wo) Listen to the conversation. Is it about Mathilde, Josh, Hilda or Massimo? 5 Listen again and complete the sentences. 1 The family are going to Lenden on Saturday to 2 On Saturday night they're .. 3 On Sunday they're going to ... caeantO ns 4 She's staying with them for .. Writing 6 Read the information about Theo. In your notebook, write a paragraph about him. Use the texts in Exercise 1 for help. Theo 20 Name Nati Nigerian neesoal Wey stay in the UK study meciene vant he Manchester Where in the UK? Manis clever, good fun ime: Wild West 7 Complete the conversation with the words in the box. (late amazing ExceHent so yet forget Cartoon Tex: Are you coming to California, too?) Running Deer: Sure. We're coming next week. Tex: | Excellent! pon't 2 you have to buy a ticket. Don't leave it too? Jane: What are you going to do in California? Tex: I'm not sure 4 : Tex: Wow! California is $ .. RD: Don't be ® lazy. Personality mal) | Revision ‘1 Match words from A and B. 4 Lucy bought some oranges and bananas yesterday because she .. ® © (draw) fruit in Art today. river ide . 5 The school trip is next week. We river market ie (pay)itoday. high ped 6 My hair’s very long. I. visitors! gate (go) to the hairdresser's soon, steel bank Score /5 craft centre Score /5. 4 Complete the crossword. Find the secret adjective. 2 Choose the correct words. e 1 The UK's worst barrier, was in 1953. 1feleolela fluln 2 Every day, the sea has two high rivers/ 2 tides. 3 = 3 There is a barrier/tide across the River 4 Thames to protect London from floods. 5 4 An ocean/A river is bigger than a sea. 6 5 The London Eye is London's most popular 7 Gre yeeediective flood barrier/tourist attraction. 3 6 Which river/sea is the longest? The Nile or the Amazon? Score /5 2 3 Complete the sentences with the correct > form of have to or don’t have to and the verb 4 in brackets. 1 | have.te. the TV now. I've got a lot of homework. (turn off) 2 It's Saturday today and he early. (get up) 3 They can’t wear jeans to school because they (wear) school uniform. ot 6 7 8 80 This person likes playing games and having a good time. This person is not generous. This person looks good. This person can speak English, German and Italian. This person is not polite. This person is always your friend. This person tells lots of good jokes. This person doesn't like meeting new people. Score /7 5 Write the questions. Use the words in brackets. Jenny: We've got a new student in our class. Steven: ? (he/called?) Jenny: He's called Fabrizio. He's from Italy. He's in Garth's class. Steven: Hey, Garth. 2. (Fabrizio/like?) The new student? He's very friendly. He's got a sister in Year 5. Garth: Steven: 3. (she/called?) Garth: Claudia. Jenny: (she/like?) Garth: She's very nice, too. She's quite shy but she's very clever. Steven: It's five o'clock. | have to go. My cousin is coming for dinner. Jenny: > (your cousin/like?) Steven: She's very pretty ~ she’s got dark hair and dark eyes. 6 ... (she/called?) i: Isabella. She's very kind and helpful. Can | come to dinner with you and Isabella? Steven: Isabella is 23 years old, Garth. She's ten years older than you! ‘Score /5” 6 Find four more words. B 1 y F w ic ° E Score /4_ 7 Make sentences in the past tense. 1 (she/go to the palace/see the queen) 2 (W/get up early/walk the dog) 3 (Dad/turn on the TV/watch the news) 4 (your aunt/phone/wish you a happy birthday) 5 (Steve/go home early/do his homework) 6 (Melanie/buy flowers/put in her bedroom) Score /5 8 Complete the conversations using words from the box. sure so place forget no 1 A: See you tomorrow. B: Don't f2"9¢f to bring your textbook! 2 A: When do | have to decide? B: There's. 3 A: Do you like the palace? B: Yes. This 4 A: | don't want to do my homework. B: Don't be .. lazy. 5 A: Are you coming to Paris? B: I'm not . yet. hurry. is amazing. — 4 TorAL__/40 Brilliant! (30-40) Good! (20-29) 0K (10-19) Check your score Go to page 88 to see Puzzle Story 4 and to page 92 for the play. 81 Puzzle Story 1. tessons 1-10 21) James Blonde in... mF Miss Money-Honey: Oh, no! Where is ‘Where is Dr Morgan?’ Dr Morgan? James: | don't know. Come on. Have you got your backpack? Miss Money-Honey: Yes, | have. Why? Where are we going? James: To Northport. In the afternoon James and Miss Money-Honey are in Alcachaz and they | are talking to Mrs McGovern. Everyone is looking for Dr Morgan but he isn’t in the prison and he isn’t on the island. This is James Blonde and this is Miss | Money-Honey. James is a famous | detective and Miss Money-Honey is his | friend. James is reading an email. | James: Oh, no! Miss Money-Honey: What's the matter, James? James: This is an email from my friend Mrs McGovern. She works in a prison in Northport and she's got a big problem. Miss Money-Honey: What's the problem? James: Have a look. = a Vi, dames ‘nope youre wal fm Ane SEEN, og || How are you doing? | Por aris beaut. There ae rele | rroring in Nor por er gs — YOU Ove He | mesons, cates and ede nr. | wok ne. Ws Friday | Mrs McGovern: This is Dr Morgan's room but delat wes he's not here. Can you help us, James? and there i 3 on an isiand it : a | aot aroor spo ts called Alcachaz Ws on James: Yes. Don't worry. This is a problem pio He's a famous ofiminal. for Blonde, James Blonde. the one isa prisoner in Alcachaz, NEN Cause Dr Morgan Dr Morgan i the prison ° yroblem in || There's a bi os? Mrs McGovern: Oh, thank you, James. help, Jat \ . 5 mr te isiand. Can yOu \ ] seers ome 0 NORTE aap patore beaks James: Where are the other prisoners? Mrs McGovern: They are in their rooms. They're reading or playing chess. James: Whose banana is this? Mrs McGovern: It's Dr Morgan's. He eats a lot of fruit every day. James: And whose wallet is this? Mrs McGovern: That's Dr Morgan's, too. All his money is in this wallet. James: Has Dr Morgan got any friends in this prison? Mrs McGovern: No, he hasn't. Everyone hates him here but he's got some friends in Northport. James: Have any of his friends in Northport got a boat? Mrs McGovern: Yes, they have. Tony Winter and Fiona Summer have got boats. James: Good. | think Dr Morgan is in a friend's house in Northport. Miss Money-Honey: Why, James? James: His wallet is here. He can’t travel far because he hasn't got any money. But which friend? Come on, I've got an idea. James, Miss Money-Honey and Mrs McGovern are in Northport. They are talking to Tony and Fiona. James: Good afternoon. My name's Blonde, James Blonde. Can | ask you some questions? Tony: OK. James: Before the questions, here's an apple for you, Mr Winter, and an orange for you, Miss Summer. Tony: No, thank you. | prefer sweet things. Fiona: No, thank you. | don't eat fruit. James: Are you Dr Morgan's friend, Mr Winter? Tony: Yes, | am, James: Are you his friend, Miss Summer? Fiona: Yes, | am. James: Where is Dr Morgan, Mr Winter? Tony: He's in Alcachaz. James: No, he isn't. He's not there. Whose boat is Big Dog? Fiona: It's my boat. James: And whose boat is Little Cat? Tony: It's my boat. James: Hmm, very interesting. oo New words } * problem = island + prisoner | + criminal 1 Read the information and answer the questions. 1 Who is Dr Morgan? 2 What does Dr Morgan eat every day? 3 Who are Tony Winter and Fiona Summer? 4 What doesn't Fiona eat? 5 Look at the picture on the left. What Fiona's boat? 2 Now solve the puzzle. Whose house is Dr Morgan in? a) Tony’s b) Fiona’s Puzzle Story 2 Lessons 11-20 zp James Blonde in . ‘Who stole Rachel Rogers’ coin collection?’ It’s Saturday, March 19%, and James Blonde and Miss Money-Honey are having breakfast. James is having fruit and yoghurt and Miss Money-Honey is having bread and honey. They are in Miss Money-Honey’s flat in London. James is reading a newspaper and Miss Money- Honey is listening to music. Miss Money-Honey: | bought a new CD yesterday. It's by a famous band from the 1980s. Guess who! James: The Pink Pandas? Miss Money-Honey: Yes. How did you know? James: The Pink Pandas is your favourite band from the 1980s. You've got a lot of their records but you haven't got all of them. The lead singer was Rachel Rogers. Miss Money-Honey: Know-all! James: Look! Here's a photo of Rachel Rogers in the newspaper. Miss Money-Honey: Why is she in the newspaper? James: Somebody stole her coin collection yesterday. Have a look. Miss Money-Honey: Oh, no! Can we help her, James? She's so cool! James: OK, Miss Money-Honey. There's a train to Richmond at half past ten. It's one o'clock and James and Miss Money-Honey are in Rachel Rogers’ house in Richmond. They are talking to Rachel Rogers. Miss Money-Honey: | love your music, Mrs Rogers. I've got a lot of your records. Rachel: Thank you, Miss Money-Honey. In the 1980s | loved music and | loved being famous. But now | love collecting coins. | had the biggest coin collection in the UK but yesterday someone stole it. Miss Money-Honey: How terrible! Can you help, James? James: Don't worry, Miss Money-Honey. This is a problem for Blonde, James Blonde. Miss Money-Honey: Cool or what! James: Where were you on Thursday? Rachel: | was at my mother’s house. | came back at about seven o'clock in the evening and my coin collection wasn't here. This morning | got a letter from the thief. James: How heavy was your coin collection, Mrs Rogers? n Thursday March 178 someone stole Rachel Rogers’ coin collection ~ the most famous coin collection in the UK. Mrs Rogers lives in Richmond in London. She was a famous singer in the 1980s. Her band, The Pink Pandas, was very popular in the UK and the USA. She wrote all The Pink Pandas’ songs. She started collecting coins in the 1990s and she had about 55,000 coins. The thief stole the coins from Mrs Rogers’ house. The thief broke a window and climbed into the house. Mrs Rogers was not at home and nobody saw the thief. 84 Rachel: Very heavy. Over 100 kilograms. James: And have you got a dog, Mrs Rogers? Rachel: Yes, | have. He's called Buster. Here he is, James: Does Buster like strangers? Rachel: No, he doesn't. He barks at strangers. James: The thief isn’t in Switzerland. Miss Money-Honey: Why do you think that? James: The thief didn't send the letter because there isn't a stamp on it. He or she came to your house this morning. And the coin collection is very heavy. One person can't carry 100 kilograms to the airport. And Buster didn't stop the thief. Why not? Rachel: | don’t know. James: | think the thief lives in the house with you, Mrs Rogers. Buster knows the thief and he didn’t bark. Who lives in this house? Rachel: My son, Neil, and my daughter, Olivia, live here with me. James: Can | talk to them? Rachel: Yes. They're in the sitting room. James: Hello. My name's James Blonde. Can | ask you some questions? Neil: Yes, of course. James: Where were you on Thursday? Neil: | was on a skydiving holiday in Wales. Iwas there for a week and | came back this morning about nine o'clock. James: And where were you, Olivia? Olivia: | was on holiday, too. | was in France. | was there for a week and I came back last night at about ten o'clock. James: Do you like collecting coins, Olivia? Olivia: No, | don’t. Clothes are more interesting, I've got a lot of clothes. James: That's a nice jacket. Is it new? Olivia: Yes, it is. | bought it in Richmond on Thursday. James: And do you like collecting coins, Neil? Neil: No, | don't. Cars are more exciting. I've got three cars. James: When did you buy your last car? Neil: | didn’t buy it. My mum gave it to me. James: Hmm, very interesting. New words + newspaper + stranger * coin collection + bark + thief 1 Read the information and answer the questions. 1 Why is Rachel Rogers famous? 2 How many coins did she have? 3 Where was Neil last week? 4 Where was Olivia last week? 5 When and where did Olivia buy her jacket? 2 Now solve the puzzle. Who stole Rachel Rogers’ coin collection? a) Neil b) Olivia 85 Puzzle Story 3 Lessons 21-30 (jaa) James Blonde in ... ‘Where is the guitar thief?" it's two o'clock on Saturday afternoon and James Blonde and Miss Money- Honey are in a park in London. They are going to a pop concert in the park but Miss Money-Honey doesn’t know this. James bought a ticket for her because it is her birthday today. Miss Money-Honey: Where are we going? James: It’s a secret. I'm not going to tell you. Don't open your eyes. Miss Money-Honey: Don't be so bossy! Come on! Tell me, please. James: OK. Open your eyes now. Miss Money-Honey: Wow! We're in Green Hill Park. James: It's a concert. Happy birthday! Miss Money-Honey: Oh, James! It’s great! Thank you. Who's playing? James: There are three bands. The last band is your favourite pop band. It’s F Club Five. They're playing at eight o'clock this evening Miss Money-Honey: Brilliant. | love F Club Five! Look, there’s the lead singer Adam Apple. He sings and plays the guitar. Let's go and talk to him. James: OK. Miss Money-Honey: Hi, Adam. My name's Miss Money-Honey and this is my friend James Blonde. We're going to watch your band this evening ‘Adam: I'm not playing this evening. James: Why not? ‘Adam: Because someone stole my guitar this morning. Miss Money-Honey: | don't believe it! Who stole it? ‘Adam: | don’t know but the thief left a letter for me. Here's the letter. Dear Adam ‘Thank you very much for your guitar. | stole it from your car today. | steal guitars from all my favourite singers and you are one of my favourite singers. | love your music. I'm going to steal another guitar today from my favourite country-and-western singer. Hes playing in a big concert for 10,000 people in a football stadium this evening. His concert is at seven ‘clock. I'm going to go to that town now. !m going to take the train. Then I'm going to have lunch on the beach. I'm going to go swimming in the sea after lunch and then I'm going to go ice skating and bowling. Then I'm going to go to the concert and steal his guitar. | must stop now. My train is at half past eleven. Madame X Trayford ‘Trayford isa beautiful seaside town in the south of England. It’s about an hour from London by train. There are a lot of shops, theatres and cinemas in ‘Trayford and there’s a football stadium. ‘There are concerts in the stadium in spring and summer. There isn'ta cinema or a karting track in Trayford but there's an ice-skating rink and a bowling alley near the station. The best hotel is the Blue Beach Hotel next to the football stadium. Crawton Crawton is about an hour from London by train. It’s not a very beautiful town ~ there are a lot of tall buildings and supermarkets — but the beach is very nice and there is a great sports centre next to the football stadium. There's a swimming pool and an ice- skating rink close to the sports centre but there isn’t a bowling alley or a cinema in Crawton. ‘There is a nice restaurant called Antonio's on the beach. It's got great pizza and pasta. Monborne Monborne is a famous town in the south of England. It’s very beautiful and the beach is great. Ithas a famous football team, Monborne United. Ten thousand people watch them in Monborne's football stadium every week. ‘There isn’t a sports centre in Monborne and there isn’t an ice- skating rink but there’s a great bowling alley and a new karting track. There are a lot of shops and restaurants in Monborne, too. Miss Money-Honey: How horrible! James, can you help? Can you find Madame X? James: Don't worry, Miss Money-Honey. This is a problem for Blonde, James Blonde. Miss Money-Honey: Brilliant! James: She's in Trayford, Crawton or Monborne. Miss Money-Honey: How do you know? James: Because she got the 11.30 train and she had lunch in the town. Trayford, Crawton and Monborne are seaside towns and they are about one hour from London by train. Come on, let's go to the book shop. Miss Money-Honey: Why? James: | want a book about English seaside towns. ps It’s half past two and James and Miss Money-Honey are in a book shop. They are looking at a book about English seaside towns. Pa eM) Miss Money-Honey: Look, James. Here's some information about Trayford, Crawton and Monborne. Do you know where Madame X is? James: Don't worry, Miss Money-Honey. We're going to find her and Adam's guitar. Then we're going to come back to London and we're going to give the guitar to Adam. i Miss Money-Honey: Great! We're going to watch F Club Five this evening! James: Yes, we are. But where is Madame X? Let's look at the information. New words + football stadium + seaside town + karting track + ice-skating rink + bowling alley ‘1 Read the information and answer the questions. 1 Who stole Adam Apple's guitar? 2 What is the thief going to do before the concert this evening? 3 Is there a football stadium in Trayford, Crawton and Monborne? 4 Which towns have an ice-skating rink? 5 Which towns have a bowling alley? 2 Now solve the puzzle. Where is Madame X? a) In Trayford. c) In Monborne. b) In Crawton. 87 Puzzle Story 4 tessons 31-40 cs zap James Blonde in... Waiter: Yes? ‘Who vandalised the Miss Money-Honey: How do we get to the 7 bus stop for the number 54 bus? castle? Waiter: This hotel is on Sea Road. Go up Sea Road and turn left into South Road. The It’s eight o'clock in the morning and bus stop is opposite the police station. James Blonde and Miss Money-Honey Miss Money-Honey: Thank you. are on holiday. They are in a small town called Riddleton in the south-west of England. Riddleton is very pretty. It’s It's nine o'clock and James and Miss Money-Honey are at the castle. next to the sea and there's a famous castle near the town. James and Miss Money-Honey came here last night. They Miss Money-Honey: James, look! There's the are having breakfast in the hotel at the castle. moments James: That's odd. There's some writing on the castle. Let's have a look ... Excuse me. My name's James. Do you work here? Miss Money-Honey: Riddleton is very. beautiful. It's my favourite place in Mr Harris: Yes, | do. My name's Kevin Harris. England. James: What's the problem? James: Yes, it's very pretty. What shall we do Mr Harris: Someone vandalised the castle today? What about going to the castle? last night. They broke the window and Miss Money-Honey: What time does it open? wrote on the wall of the tower. James: I'm not sure. Here's a book about Miss Money-Honey: How horrible! Can you Riddleton and the castle. help, James? James: Don't worry. This is a problem for Blonde, James Blonde. Miss Money-Honey: Great! Riddleton Castle Riddleton Castle is one of the most famous castles in England. It's more than 800 years old and tourists come from all over the world to see it The castle has got four towers. One of the towers was a prison and some important people were prisoners here. There is a small museum inside the castle and a café for snacks and hot drinks. ‘The castle is open from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. every day. ‘You can get to the castle by bus or car. Bus number 54 goes to the castle from Riddleton town. It takes about ten minutes. The first bus to the castle is at 8:30 a.m. | and the last bus from the castle is at 7:00 p.m. eat se pW I eg IN Miss Money-Honey: We can get the bus at half past eight. James: Great! Let's go. Miss Money-Honey: Hang on! Excuse me. 88 James: Mr Harris, what time did you leave the castle last night? Mr Harris: | left at about seven o'clock. There wasn't anyone here. James: interesting. The vandal came by car and he or she isn't very clever. Miss Money-Honey: How do you know? James: Because the last bus is at seven o'clock and Mr Harris got the last bus. He didn’t see anyone here. And this person can't spell ‘boring’ or ‘greatest’. How many people in Riddleton are called Terry? Mr Harris: Five. James: And how many of them have got a car? Mr Harris: Just two. Terry Eagle and Terry Stone. James: What are they like? Mr Harris: Terry Eagle is very bad-tempered and lazy and Terry Stone is very rude and mean. They work in the garden centre. James: I've got an idea. Come on, Miss Money-Honey. Let's talk to them. It's ten o'clock and James and Miss Money-Honey are at the garden centre. They are talking to Terry Eagle and Terry Stone. James: Good morning. My name's James Blonde and this is Miss Money-Honey. Can we ask you some questions? Terry Stone: OK but be quick. | have to work. James: Someone vandalised the castle last night. They broke the window and wrote on the wall of the tower. Terry Stone: What did they write? James: It's not important. Did you vandalise the castle, Mr Stone? Terry Stone: No, of course not. James: Did you vandalise the castle, Mr Eagle? Terry Eagle: Don't be silly. | was at my friend's house. Terry Stone: And | was at the cinema. James: Do you like Riddleton, Mr Eagle? Terry Eagle: No, | don’t. James: And you, Mr Stone? Terry Stone: No, | don’t like Riddleton but | didn't write ‘Riddleton is boring’. I'm not a vandal. James: Hmm. interesting. New words + vandalise + broke + vandal + break ‘1 Read the information and answer the questions. 1 Why are James and Miss Money-Honey in Riddleton? 2 What did the vandal write on the castle wall? 3 How did the vandal get to the castle? 4 The vandal isn’t very clever. How do we know? 5 What is Terry Stone's question? 6 James asked: ‘Do you like Riddleton?’ What did Terry Eagle say and what did Terry Stone say? 2 Now solve the puzzle. Who vandalised the castle? a) Terry Stone b) Terry Eagle 89 That film star stole my backpack! od A play to act after Lesson 20 Ss helen cs) Tracy Carter 12 jury members| The audience in | the court Mrs Mary Riley Characters Policeman Mrs Big (a lawyer) Judge Fudge Dan West Mr Small (a lawyer) The scene is a courtroom. At one table is Mr Small and Tracy Carter. At the other table is Mrs Big. A policeman is talking to Mrs Big. Policeman: Who is in court today? Anybody famous? Mrs Big: Yes, it's Dan West! Cool or what? Policeman: Wow! And who is the judge today? Mrs Big: It's Fiona. Fiona Fudge. Here she comes. Policeman: Everybody stand up for Judge Fudge. Jury members laugh. Judge Fudge walks in and stares at them. They stop laughing. 90 a SSS | New words + courtroom + judge = jury | + defendant + lawyer + witness wid Judge: Ladies and gentlemen, the defendant today is a famous man. He's an actor and a film star. His name is ... Dan West? Mrs Big: Yes, here he is! Dan walks in. The jury get very excited. Judge: Mr West. You're late. Dan: What's the rush? Please, call me Dan How are you doing? Judge: Mr West, sit down, NOW! Thank you. Mr West, this is Mr Small. He's Miss Carter's lawyer. Dan: Hi, Mr Small. How are you doing? Mr Small: Fine thanks, Mr West. | think your films are great! Tracy: Hey, you're my lawyer. Judge: This is Miss Tracy Carter. Someone stole her backpack last weekend. Dan: It wasn’t me! Judge: Miss Carter, what was in the backpack? Tracy: My calculator and my notebook. hat was in your notebook? Tracy: My story. It was called The Pirates of the Mediterranean. | put the beginning of the story on the Internet. Mr West wrote an email to me. He wanted to buy the story but | didn’t want to sell it to him. Judge: Why not? Because he isn’t a good actor and he doesn't make good films. The jury and the audience are very surprised. Dan: I'ma great actor and | make great films! Judge: OK. Thank you, Mr West. Now, Mrs Big. Please begin Mrs Big: Thank you, Judge Fudge. Mr West, last weekend someone stole Tracy's backpack. Did you steal it, Mr West? Dan: Don't be silly. | didn’t steal her backpack. I'm famous. Mrs Big: We know, Dan. You're rich and famous and she’s just a schoolgirl. Tracy: Hey! That's not fair. Mrs Big: My first witness is ... Mrs Riley. A very old woman walks slowly up to the witness box. Mrs Big: What is your name, please? Mrs Riley: Mrs Mary Riley. Mrs Big: How old are you, Mrs Riley? Mrs Riley: Ninety-seven. Mrs Big: Do you tell lies, Mrs Riley? Mrs Riley: No, never. Mrs Big: Where were you last weekend, Mrs Riley? Mrs Riley: | was at home. Dan West was with me. Tracy: But he always goes to clubs at the weekend. Judge: Be quiet, please. Mr Small, have you got any questions? Mr Small: Thank you, Judge Fudge. Mrs Riley, do you sometimes tell lies? Mrs Riley: No, never. Mr Small: OK. Thank you. Tracy: Is that all? You're hopeless. Mrs Big: My second witness is ... Dan West. Dan walks to the witness stand. Mrs Big: Mr West, where were you last weekend? Dan: | was at Mrs Riley's house. Mrs Big: Did you steal Tracy Carter's backpack? Dan: No, | didn't. Judge: Mr Small, have you got any questions? Tracy: Hang on! My lawyer is hopeless. | can ask the questions. Mr West, did you read my story on the Internet? Dan: No, | didn’t. Tracy: Well, | have an email from you. Tracy holds up a piece of paper. The jury are very surprised again. Tracy: The email says ‘I want to buy your story for €500'. How much is that in pounds, Mr West? Dan: | don’t know. Hang on. He takes out a calculator and starts to work it out. Tracy: Mr West, whose calculator is that? Dan: It’s mine. Tracy: Whose name is on it? Dan: Tracy Car... Oh dear! Tracy: And Mrs Riley isn’t old, She's 27. She's really your girlfriend, the actress Susie Star. Mrs Riley jumps up but her wig falls off. She's really Susie Star. She runs out of the court. Everyone is talking. Judge: Quiet. Be quiet. QUIET! Mr West, are you telling lies? Dan: OK, OK. Mrs Riley is really Susie Star. Last weekend | went to Tracy's house and stole her backpack. | stole it because | wanted her story. Her story was ace. I'm sorry, Tracy. Jury member 1: We don't like you, Dan. Jury member 2: You're not cool. Judge: Quiet, please. OK, Mr West. You stole an idea from Miss Carter. Take him away! The policeman takes Dan away. The judge walks to Tracy. She shakes her hand. Judge: Well done, Tracy. But why didn’t you sell your story to Mr West? Tracy: Well, | wanted Johnny Depp . 91 Julie, Ben and Anne Boleyn ao play to act after Lesson 40 Characters Guide Dad. Julie Anne Boleyn, Queen of Ben England Mum Guards 1 and 2 Henry, King of England tourists Julie, Ben, Mum and Dad and a guide are in the Bloody Tower in the Tower of London. There are some other tourists in their group. Guide: ... The Tower of London is one of the most famous tourist attractions in England. This is the Bloody Tower. A lot of important people stayed here before they went to the execution block. Julie: How horrible! Ben: How boring! Mum: Ben! Ben: Sorry, Mum. Excuse me, can you take a photo of us? Tourist: Yes, of course. Guide: Anne Boleyn stayed in this room before she went to the execution block on May 19%, 1536. Dad: What was Anne Boleyn like? Guide: She was very pretty and clever. And she was very loyal to her husband but he executed her. Her ghost still lives in this tower. New words + execute + ghost Ben: Her ghost! That's silly. Julie: Hey, look. What's that? Ben: It's a small door. Julie: Let's open it. Ben: Don't be silly. Come on. Everyone is going. Julies I'm going to open it. Everyone leaves the stage apart from Julie and Ben. Julie opens the little door. Julie: Look. There’s another room in here. Come on. Ben: Don't be so bossy! Hey, wait for me. Ben and Julie go through the small door. They are in another room. There is a woman next to the window. Ben: Who's she? Julie: | don’t know. Ben: Excuse me. Who are you? Anne: [screams] Who are you? Are you ghosts? Please don't touch me. Julie: It's OK. Don't panic. My name's Julie and this is Ben. Anne: What are you wearing? Ben: This is my new top and these are my new trainers. Do you like them? Julie: Who are you? Anne: I'm the Queen of England. | became queen three years ago but now my husband doesn’t want me. I'm going to the execution block tomorrow. Ben: Who's your husband? Anne: Henry, of course. The King of England. Julie: Hang on. What's the date? Anne: It's May 18°. Ben: Yes, and there's football on television tonight. Julie: What year is it, Your Majesty? Anne: It's 1536, of course. Are you going to help me? Julie: It's amazing. She's Anne Boleyn. Do you remember the guide? He talked about Anne Boleyn. She died on May 19%, 1536. That's tomorrow. We must help her. Ben: Don't be silly. She's not Anne Boleyn and we're not going to help her. They hear the sound of people outside the room and keys in the door. Julie: Quick, let’s go. Come on, Anne. Guard 1: Stop! Who are you? Guards, stop them. They run but the guards catch them. Guard 2: Who are you? Ben: My name's Ben and this is my sister Julie. Can we go now? Guard 1: Silence! Ben: Brilliant. Now we're in prison. Have you got any more good ideas? Julie: Be quiet, Ben. I'm thinking. Ben: | just wanted to watch the football but now | have to wait 500 years for the match! Henry Vill walks in. The guards stand to attention. Henry: Who are they? Guard 1: We don't know, Your Majesty. Henry: | don't like your clothes or your hair. Ben: Hey, don't be so rude. Guard 2: You mustn't say that to the king. Henry: Execute them. Tomorrow. At eight o'clock in the morning. Guard 1: Yes, Your Majesty. Julie: Wait. Ben, have you got the camera? Ben: Yes. It’s in my pocket. Julie: Your Majesty, | want to show you something! Henry: What is it? Ben: Here's the camera. Julie: OK, everybody. Look. Henry and the guards look at the camera. Julie takes their picture and the flash goes off. Henry and the guards are very surprised and they can’t see. They put their hands over their eyes. Julie: Quick ~ let's go. Julie and Ben go through the little door. Their mother comes into the room. Mum: There you are, Come on. We're waiting for you. Ben: But Mum, we were in the past. We saw Anne Boleyn. Julie: We've got a photo. Look! Mum: Don't be silly. Come on, we're late. Ben: But Mum, you must look. Mum: COME ON! ‘Mum leaves the stage. Julie: It's amazing. We saw Anne Boleyn. Ben: Yes, | know. Cool or what! And don't forget ... Julie: What? Ben: | don't have to wait 500 years for the football! Ben and Julie leave the stage. 93 Songs Sleepy-head A (Lessons 1-5) I've got a friend called Tom McKay. We don't call him Tom, we call him ‘Sleepy-head’. He doesn’t walk the dog, He doesn't ride his bike, he just stays in bed. No skateboarding, no motor racing, No football, no cycling, no rollerblading. He gets up late, he has lunch at three, He doesn't meet his friends, he doesn’t even talk to me. Wake up, Tom ~ get up and get dressed, It's half past ten and you're still in bed. Come on, Tom ~ get up and get dressed, Don't stay in bed, sleepy-head Sleepy-head, yeah, yeah, yeah. Father: Where is Tom? Mother: He's still in bed! Father: Come on, Tom, get up, sleepy-head! Tom: — What's the rush? Vhate getting up, I love sleeping, I just want to stay in bed! | really like your little planet * (Lessons 11-15) | live on a planet very far away, I came to Earth last Saturday. My spaceship landed on a big old tree, Everyone looked at me. | walked to the park and planted a flag, \ collected rocks in my space bag. Then a girl said ‘Hi’ to me, Her name was Janet and she was met (chorus) I really like your little planet And | like my new friend Janet. J only came here on Saturday But now | want to stay. We had a look at my photos of space, We went to a fast-food place, We had burger, chips and chocolate milkshake, It was really great. We went to a park — there weren't any cars, ‘And we watched the moon and the stars. She said: ‘You're an alien but | like you.’ I said: ‘I like you too. (chorus) 94 I went to the zoo a (Lessons 16-20) I went to the zoo, And | saw a crocodile. He looked into my eyes, But that croc didn’t smile. He said: ‘How are you, Lucy? Can | have your new shoes, please? Give them to me, Lucy, Because you steal things from me. Yes, you steal things from me.’ A: | went to the zoo. B: What did you see and what did you do? A: | saw a crocodile. He stole my shoes and he didn’t smile. B: Why did he do that? ‘A: Because we're stealing his habitat. Yes, we're stealing his habitat. We're stealing his habitat. | returned the next day, ‘And | saw a big brown bear. He took a pair of scissors, And he cut off some of my hair. He said: ‘How are you, Lucy? Can | cut your hair off, please? I want to do this, Lucy, Because you cut down all our trees, Yes, you cut down all our trees!" | went to the zoo. What did you see and what did you do? s I saw the big brown bear. He cut off some of my hair. Why did he do that? Because we're cutting down his habitat Aand B: Yes, we're cutting down his habitat. We're cutting down his habitat What shall we do? (Lessons 21-25) Let's go to the beach. I don't like the beach. Let's go to the park. The park is boring. Let's listen to music, Some R&B music. B: OK, good idea. (chorus) A and B: From Monday to Friday, We work hard and do our homework, But at the weekend we can have fun, So what shall we do? eee pay Cae: Let’s eat some sweets. | don't like sweets. Let’s watch TV. There's nothing good on. Let's go to the disco, The Pop World Disco. B: Yes, that's a good idea. (chorus) Why was I so silly? B (Lessons 36-40) | was in a pop band called Fame Game, We travelled round the world in our aeroplane. We were famous, people loved us, But now | have to travel everywhere by bus. | was mean and bad-tempered, | spent all my money, | was self-centred. Pere ae (chorus) | was a pop star, everybody loved me, But | wasn’t kind and | wasn't friendly. Now I'm not famous and I'm not happy. Why was | so silly? 1 was in a pop band called Fame Game, But now my life is not the same. There were two of us, me and Suzy-Lee, But then she went solo and everyone forgot me. I spoke rudely, | was lazy, But now | need a job and nobody likes me. (chorus) She's late for her exam & (Lessons 31-35) She wakes up, She is late, She must be in school at half past eight. She's late for her exam She says hi To her mum, She runs fast for her bus but it doesn’t com She's late for her exam. Her bus comes, It goes slow, The traffic is bad and the bus can't go. She's late for her exam. She arrives ‘At her school, Her teacher is angry ~ that's not cool! She's late for her exam (chorus) Girl: I'm very sorry that I'm late But my bus was slow. Teacher: You're always late for my class, Do the exam tomorrow. Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world. © Pearson Education Limited 2009 The right of Jonathan Bygrave to be identified as author of this Work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers First published 2009 Second impression 2011 Set in 11.5pt Interstate Light Printed in Malaysia, KHL CTP ISBN 978+1-4058-7464-9 (Activity Book) 978-1-4058-7474-8 (Multi-Rom) 978-1-4082-0629-4 (Activity Book with Multi-Rom) Acknowledgements Illustrators: Illustrated by: Federica Salfo, Gianfranco Spione, Katherine Baker (Sylvie Poggio), Adrian Barclay (Beehive Illustration), Kathy Baxendale, Humberto Blanco (Sylvie Poggio), Neil Chapman (Beehive Illustration), Kate Charlesworth (Pennant Illustration), Peter Dennis (Linda Rogers Associates), Phil Garner (Beehive Illustration), Janos Jantner (Beehive Illustration), Andy Keylock (Beehive Illustration), Joanna Kerr, Andy Robb (Beehive Illustration), Martin Sanders (Beehive Illustration), Mel Sharp (Sylvie Poggio), Theresa Tibbetts (Beehive Illustration), Lorenzo Sabbatini We are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce photographs: iStockphoto: 8 (t); icponline: 8 (b), 9 (all); © Jane Norton, 18 (tr); Novosti/Science Photo Library: 25 (I); “” (r) Vincesilao, Marina Viscardi, Antonella Vittonati Getty Images: 28 (all), 29; NHPA/John Shaw 35 (tn); AIPix 35 (tl), (mr), (br); ImageState/Alamy 35 (bl); Kennan Ward/Corbis 35 (ml); A1Pix 3 (bt) photo resource Hawaii/Alamy 35(c); Galen Rowell/ Corbis 35 (t); icponline: 48 (B), © Sandra O'Claire, (tl) © Leslie Banks, (br) © Peter Adams, (bl) © Stephen Rees, 48 (A) © Jeremy Edwards, (C); icponline: 78 (t and be), 79; iStockphoto: © Elena Elisseeva, 78 (bl) © Kevin Russ and (br) Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders and we apologise in advance for any unintentional omissions. 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