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Pipe Leakage Measurement

The words "leak" and "leakage" appear in the field of vessels' hermetical closing and do not
confront only with vacuum technologists but also engineers working with high pressures. A
leak means an unintended crack, hole or porosity in an enveloping wall or joint which must
contain or exclude different fluids and gases allowing the escape of closed medium. The basic
functions of leak detection are the localization and size measurement of leaks in sealed
products and systems For majority of examples, a leak test procedure is a quality control step
to assure a device integrity, and is one-time nondestructive test.Pipeline leak detection is used
to determine if and in some cases where a leak has occurred in systems which contain liquids
and gases. Methods of detection include hydrostatic testing, infrared, and laser technology
after pipeline erection and leak detection during service. Pipeline networks are the most
economic and safest mode of transportation for oil, gases and other fluid products. As a
means of long-distance transport, pipelines have to fulfill high demands of safety, reliability
and efficiency. If properly maintained, pipelines can last indefinitely without leaks. Most
significant leaks that do occur are caused by damage from nearby excavation equipment,
therefore it is critical to call authorities prior to excavation to assure that there are no buried
pipelines in the vicinity. If a pipeline is not properly maintained, it can begin to corrode
slowly, particularly at construction joints, low points where moisture collects, or locations
with imperfections in the pipe. However, these defects can be identified by inspection tools
and corrected before they progress to a leak. Other reasons for leaks include accidents, earth
movement, or sabotage. The primary purpose of leak detection systems (LDS) is to assist
pipeline controllers in detecting and localizing leaks. LDS provide an alarm and display other
related data to the pipeline controllers in order to aid in decision-making. Pipeline leak
detection systems are also beneficial because they can enhance productivity and system
reliability thanks to reduced downtime and reduced inspection time. LDS are therefore an
important aspect of pipeline technology. According to the API document RP 1130, LDS are
divided into internally based LDS and externally based LDS. Internally based systems utilize
field instrumentation (for example flow, pressure or fluid temperature sensors) to monitor
internal pipeline parameters. Externally based systems also utilize field instrumentation (for

example infrared radiometers or thermal cameras, vapor sensors, acoustic microphones or
fiber-optic cables) to monitor external pipeline parameters.

Sludge Treatment

In todays era, a strategic approach towards global impact on the environment must be
developed and if this aspect is elapsed, a change of environmental loads or their effect will be
caused and no reduction will be attained. For instance, a wastewater treatment plant (WWIP),
which is a main concern for ecological treatment system, gives rise to an environmental
impact due to its energy consumption, use of chemical compounds, emissions to the
atmosphere and sludge production.

Sludge is the largest by-product from waste water treatment plants and its disposal is one of
the most challenging environmental problems in waste water treating processes. Sludge is a
by-product of water and wastewater treatment operations. Sludge from biological treatment
operations is sometimes referred to as wastewater biosolids. Before sludge can be disposed, it
needs to be treated to a certain degree. The type of treatment needed depends on the disposal
method proposed. There are principally three final disposal strategies for wastewater sludge
and sludge components even though there are many grey zones between these are clear-cut
alternatives. Sludge and sludge components may be deposited on land (in landfills or special
sludge deposits), in the sea (ocean disposal) or to a certain extent in the air (mainly as a
consequence of incineration). The solids in the sludge contain nutrients of value to plants, as
well as humuslike material which improves the capacity of poor soils to hold water and air.
Unfortunately, industrial sources, including household wastes and urban runoff, introduce
quantities of toxic materials into municipal sludge. Human waste also contains harmful
organisms.disease-causing bacteria, viruses and parasites. Sewage sludge consists of the
organic and inorganic solids that were present in the raw waste and were removed in the
primary clarifier, in addition to organic solids generated in the secondary/biological treatment
and removed in the secondary clarifier or in a separate thickening process. The generated
sludge usually is in the form of liquid or semisolid, containing 0.25 to 12 percent solids by
weight, depending upon the treatment operations and processes used. The problems of
dealing with sludge are complex because:-

1. It is composed largely of the substances responsible for the offensive character of
untreated waste water.
2. The portion of sludge produced from biological treatment requiring disposal is
composed of the organic matter contained in the waste water but in another form, and
it too, will decompose and become offensive.
3. Only a small part of the sludge is solid matter.

However, treated stabilised sludge is inert, stable and safe to use. It can be utilised to
condition soil or as landfill. Malaysia produces 3.2 million cubic metres of domestic
sludge yearly. However, facilities to treat and dispose of this sludge are limited. Currently,
sewage treatment plants with excess capacity are being used to treat septic tank sludge.
By the year 2005, Malaysia will be producing 4.3 million cubic metres of domestic sludge
annually. As a result, many new sludge treatment and disposal facilities will be needed to
manage the large volume. One viable solution is to construct sludge lagoons that will
serve as sludge holding and treatment facilities. These are ideal for short-term use in
urban areas as well as long-term use in semi-rural areas. However, for long-term use in
urban areas, sludge settling tanks and digestors are required, such as at the Pantai Sewage
Treatment Plant in Kuala Lumpur. As an immediate solution, Indah Water is proposing to
use existing sewage treatment plants with excess capacity. For a short-term strategy of
between two to five years, Indah Water proposes the construction of sludge lagoons,
while the long-term strategy would be to construct sludge digestion and mechanical
dewatering facilities.In view of this, land is urgently required for the housing of sludge
holding and treatment facilities, so that the desludging of septic tanks and sewage
treatment plants may begin on a large scale. Environmentally-sound sludge management
is the cornerstone of Malaysia's new approach to sewerage services. Effective and
efficient sludge management will significantly contribute to providing a cleaner and safer
Malaysia for future generations.



Introduction 1-3

Content 4

Objective 5

a) Describe the characteristics 6-7
of procedure/techniques
b) Distinguish the advantages
and disadvantages for every
c) Procedure/techniques widely
practiced in Malaysia

Conclusion 10

Appendix 11

References 12

The objectives of this case study is:

a) To determine the characteristics or techniques pipe leakage

measurements and sludge treatment.
b) To determine the goodness and disadvantages of each techniques
c) To state whether each of this pipe leakage measurements and
sludge treatment techniques can be used in Malaysia.

Describe The Characteristic Of Procedure/Techniques.

Pipe Leakage Measurements

The factors that can lead to water leakage are pH of water and
temperature of water. In copper pipe systems, when the pH is more
than 8, a copper oxide film usually forms on the pipe walls. This film acts
as a barrier that slows the effects of corrosion. However, when the pH in
the water supply is lower than 8 the copper oxide film (barrier) is
dissolved, which leaves no protective barrier and subjecting the pipe to
the corrosive action of the water. The ultimate result? Pinhole leaks that
can damage walls, flooring and structural components. Meanwhile, as for
water temperature, the higher the water temperature, the faster the rate
at which this oxidation occurs. While oxygen content decreases under
higher water temperature pressure, these higher temperatures and
pressure conditions can actually accelerate the oxidation process.
Experience shows that corrosion is more pronounced in hot water lines
than in cold water lines.

When water leaked, the responsible persons like civil engineer must find
out the leakage using manual or automatic detector. For the manual
method, the engineer must find out by himself on that site treatment.
With this method, the leakage of pipe can be detected and repairing can
be solved as soon as possible. Besides that for the automatic method, the
operator must maintain the volume of water intake and treated water is
same. If the volume of water intake and water treated is different then, it
means that got a leakage of pipe. So the engineer must find the ways to
repair that pipe.

Sludge Treatment Techniques

For the sludge treatment, there are few ways to manage the sludge. First
Lagoon Dredging is by far the most common form of lagoon sludge
removal. There are a few different methods of lagoon dredging, all of
which involve mechanically removing sludge from the lagoon. Once the
sludge is removed, it is dried and is transported to either a landfill or a
land application facility.

Next, Proper Aeration and Mixing. For most lagoon operators, the best step
towards wastewater lagoon sludge treatment is ensuring that your aeration system is fully
functional. First, you should assure that your system provides ample oxygen to as much of
the lagoon as possible. Second, you should implement a system that creates a thorough,
turbulent mixing of the water column. These two factors will ensure that sludge wont
continue to accumulate, and will also help treat the sludge that may have already built up in
the lagoon. Without mixing and aerating the entire water column, sludge will accumulate on
the bottom of the wastewater lagoon and break down anaerobically. This is a very slow
process that will only lead to more sludge build up over the long term. If you can provide the
sludge with oxygen, natural bacteria will break it down aerobically, which is faster and occurs
without odorous by products.

Distinguish The Advantages And Disadvantages For Every

Pipe Leakage Measurement

The advantages of manual system are the leakage of pipe that has been
found out can be immediately repaired. Besides that, the engineer can
detects any other problems on water treatment plant.

The disadvantages of manual system are the engineer is expose to high

risks from wild animals like snake, centipede and scorpion. It is also affect

Sludge Treatment Techniques

The advantages of dredging lagoon are they use less energy than most
wastewater treatment methods and they are simple to operate and
maintain and generally require only part-time staff. So the cost can be
reduced and can be operated systematically. Thus, it can reduces the time
of sludge treatment. Besides that, they are very effective at removing
disease-causing organisms (pathogens) from wastewater wherein the
sludge form by treatment plant which can bring disease. Next, the
advantages of proper aeration and mixing are require less land than
facultative lagoons. Require much less land than facultative ponds,
depending on the design conditions. An aerated lagoon can usually
discharge throughout the winter while discharge may be prohibited from

an ice-covered facultative lagoon in the same climate. Sludge disposal
may be necessary but the quantity will be relatively small compared to
other secondary.

The disadvantages of dredging lagoon are they are not very effective at
removing heavy metals from wastewater. It is because of the treatment is
only for removing microorganisms like pathogens. Then, the other
disadvantages are unless they are property maintained, lagoons can
provide a breeding area for mosquitoes and other insects. This can affects
the human health such as dengue. For proper aeration mixing, it reduced
rates of biological activity occur during cold weather. It is because when
cold weather, the biological activities will stun due to change of weather. It
is also require energy input because it need a lot of energy to run this
aeration mixing process.

Which procedures/techniques, do you believe widely practiced in

the Malaysia? Explain your answer and justify your opinion.

The procedures or techniques that we believe widely practiced in the

Malaysia is pipe leakage measurement because, there are a number of
techniques to detect where leakage is taking place in the network,
including sub-division of DMAs into smaller areas by temporarily closing
valves or by installing meters. Variations of the traditional step test. The
use of leak localizers and sounding surveys. After that, the leak detection
and location. Leak detection is narrowing down of a leak to a section of
the pipe network and may be carried out routinely. Next, leak location is
identification of the position of a leak prior to excavation cannot be
guaranteed. Location surveys may be carried out with or without prior
detection activity. Finally is main steps in leak detection and control is
refer to the network evaluation, physical leak detection, planning and

implementation of repair program and network maintenance and
rehabilitation program. All the method is suitable to use in Malaysia.

A new method outlines a comprehensive approach to integrated selection and implementation
of pipeline leak-detection systems, yielding both lower costs and greater efficiency over the
life-cycle of the system. Hazardous material pipeline system owners and operators live in an
environment where leak detection is not only a hallmark of prudent operations but often
legally mandated. Regulatory entities strive to protect human health and safety as well as the
environment by requiring specific operating features and functionality. While trying to ensure
regulatory compliance and acting as prudent operators, decision makers face a set of difficult
tasks including: Clearly identifying leak-detection system, regulatory requirements, defining
system requirements, selecting an appropriate system, Initial testing and validation of system
performance, recurring testing and validation of the installed system. Examined the
development of leak detection system specifications for a given pipeline, using two Alaskan

crude line as examples. The conclusion, presented here, focuses on selection and
implementation of the system itself. The method presented has assisted in selection of new
and replacement pipeline leak detection systems. It has also provided documentation
acceptable to regulators as evidence the selected, installed, and validated systems meet their

Regardless of which method of sludge treatment is used, the end product still must be
disposed of on land or water. Reclamation, of course, can reduce the amount of end products.
Greater emphasis should be placed on minimizing the amount of sludge production and
maximizing the solids content. The effect of various types of waste disposal on the
environment should also be evaluated. The disposal problem regarding wastes from water
treatment plants is not new. Each plant has a unique situation. In designing a water treatment
plant, it is not adequate to consider only the optimization of various treatment unit operations
and processes without giving due consideration to waste disposal. Plans for the handling and
disposal of wastes should be included in the total design for a water treatment plant. This may
be an important limiting or controlling factor.




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