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Electronic government is a government program that develops of public service system

transform from manual government to digital government (e government ). transformation of e

government based on public service has been implemented in whole of Indonesia including
banyumas residence. Banyumas Regency has addressed the importance of the need for public
services based on e-Government through the Regulation No. 4 of 2012 Master Plan of Electronic
Government Development, as the legal basis for the implementation of e-Government
development in all areas of Banyumas Regency Government. Aims to provide an overview and
explain the process of development of e-Government services implemented by the Government
of Banyumas through the official website of Banyumas regency www.banyumaskab.go.id.
Banyumas residence has been responded the importance thing of public service using e
government and implementating it in various public service which is intended for community. e
government based on web is one of implementation from public service and administration that
intended for community. E government based on web service is implementation public service
for community that applied start from residence until village Implementation of e government
based on web in watuagung village is one of example from e government based on web in
village. . E government based on web in watuagung is application for access information about
watuagung and for helping administration public service.
In the development of web-based e government implementation in watuagung village is
expected to be utilized optimally. Thus, it can help the process of accessing information and
other public services becomes faster and easier than ever.
However, in its application the state of web-based e government in watuagung village still needs
optimization. This is because the village and community governments in watuagung village are
still many who are not familiar with IT technology. The results of interviews with the village
government watuagung indicate that the optimization of e-government application implemented
in the village watuagung watuagung in the form of socialization of e government and its
application using the web as a socialization tool aimed at the community.

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