Lesson Plan For Final Project Yaeeun Park

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Lesson Plan (Mac based)

Name of lesson: Build your own water bottle

Grade level appropriateness: 5th-6th grade

Technology content standard addressed: Language art

Objective: To think about short impact sentence that can describe


Materials needed to Facilitate the lesson: Water bottle,

Microsoft Word or Pages, picture of you or friends.

Suggested group size: Individual work


1. Choose what water bottle that you going to use and take off the
label and measure length and width.
2. Open the pages and select rectangle shape from the shapes tools
and make the rectangle shape that you measured from step 1.
3. Open the picture of yourself and select select tool and choose
Lasso selection.
4. Now this is the most carful part. You need to leave only the face
part. With that select tool you click the edge of the face and dont
take off your finger and continue to follow the face line. And you
need to think of that the part that you selected will be gone cause
you will click delete key in keyboard. So what that means you need
to draw it inside to out side. And dont forget to save.
5. Find your cartoon body. Save the picture
6. Back to pages drag your face and body picture. Arrange it and
think a perfect sentence that can describe you.
7. Go to google again, search your sentence word by word and find
a picture of that word.
8. Go back to pages can drag the words into pages and put it

Procedures: Most of grading part will be how good you describe

your self with one sentence. Next will be quality of face picture that
you crop.

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