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Sarah Masterson

Expository Writing
Ms. Johnson
May 5, 3017

The Great Gatsby Essay Self-Assessment

Literary Analysis Research Paper

1. Write a brief summary describing the main point of your essay.

The main point of my essay was that The Great Gatsby was written as a satire. F. Scott Fitzgerald
exaggerated the attitudes, behaviors, wealth, and the American Dream during the 1920s. Tom is racist and
both Tom and Daisy have an affair which comments on many americans attitudes and behaviors in the
1920s. The book mocks materialistic people through Gatsby because, although he has so many great
things, he doesnt seem to actually value any of it. F. Scott Fitzgerald shows the American Dream in his
book through both Gatsby and Myrtle. Gatsby worked until he got everything he wanted in life (he
accomplished the American Dream) but Myrtle married and lived in the valley of ashes which represents
the end of the dream.

2. Is your thesis strong? Why or why not?

I think that my thesis is strong because it covers all four of my main points. I also think that my thesis is
strong because it isnt hard to understand and even if you hadnt read the book I think you could
understand what would be in my essay.

3. What is the most well-developed part of your essay? Explain why its so fantastic.
I think that most well-developed part of my essay was my paragraph on wealth. I think it was so fantastic
because I think that I had a lot of good research and I think that how I worded this paragraph was better
than my other ones.

4. How do you transition and tie your ideas together?

Looking at it now, I could have tried a little harder to make my paragraphs flow together. I had good
concluding and topic sentences for each paragraph. I kind of tied them together by starting my paragraphs
with some form of The Great Gatsby was a satire for the 1920s.

5. Why should the reader believe what you have to say? What makes you reliable?
I think I am reliable because I think it's clear I have read the book because I was able to understand and
use parts from the book in my essay. I also think I am reliable because I used reliable websites as my
research on the 1920s.

6. How does your conclusion tie up your main ideas? How does it leave the reader thinking?
My conclusion ties up my main ideas by restating my thesis and then going into a little bit of detail from
the paragraphs. It leaves the reader thinking by talking about how F. Scott Fitzgerald used the book to
show people how they were acting. I also think that the reader would have formed his/her own opinion
about whether the book was a satire or a love story and once they read my essay they might change their

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