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World Applied Sciences Journal 27 (12): 1531-1535, 2013

ISSN 1818-4952
IDOSI Publications, 2013
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.27.12.870

Common Fixed Point of Fuzzy Mappings on Closed Balls

1 2
Muhammad Akram and Safeer Hussain Khan
Department of Mathematics, GC University, Lahore, Pakistan
Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics, Qatar University, Doha 2713, Qatar

Submitted: Oct 16, 2013; Accepted: Nov 24, 2013; Published: Dec 22, 2013
Abstract: In this paper, we establish some common fixed point theorems for fuzzy mappings satisfying
fuzzy contractive conditions which are general than Chatterjee type and Kannan type fuzzy contractive
conditions on closed balls in a complete metric space. Our results generalize the corresponding results in
the current literature.

AMS (2000) subject classification: 45S40 47H10 54H25

Key words: Common fixed point closed ball comp lete metric space fuzzy mappings


The notion of fixed point for fuzzy mappings was d(x,A)= inf d(x,y) d(A,B)= inf d(x,y)
introduced by Weiss [1] and Butnariu [2]. Heilpern [3] yA x A,yB

introduced the concept of fuzzy contraction mappings

and studied fixed point theorems for fuzzy set-valued The Hausdorff metric is defined as
mappings. He established Banach contraction principal
for fuzzy mappings in complete metric linear spaces. d H (A,B)=max{supd(a,B), supd(A,b)}
aA b B
This constitutes a fuzzy extension of Banach fixed point
theorem and Nadlers theorem [4] for multi-valued
mappings. Further, many other authors like [5-13] have A fuzzy set in X is a function with domain S and
studied the existence of fixed points and common fixed range [0,1]. We denote by IX the collection of all fuzzy
points of fuzzy mappings satisfying certain contractive sets in X. If A is a fuzzy set and xX, then the value
type conditions. Frigon and ORegan [14] proved some A(x) is called the grade of membership of x in A. The
fuzzy fixed point theorems on closed balls. In this -level set of a fuzzy set A is denoted by [A] and is
paper, we establish some fixed point theorems for a pair defined by
of fuzzy mappings satisfying contractive conditions
more general than Chatterjee type [15] and Kannan type [A] ={x:A(x) if (0,1]}
fuzzy mappings [16]. and
[A]0 = { x : A ( x ) > 0 }
For xX, we denote the fuzzy set (x) by {x},
Let us gather some preliminaries. Let X be a
where (A) is the characteristic function of the
non-empty set. Then
crisp set A.
We now define a subcollection F(x) of IX by
2 = { A : A X}

F(x)={A I X :[A]1 isnon emptyandclosed}

CL(2X ) = { A 2 X :Ais non emptyandclosed}

For A,BIX, AB means A(x)B(x) for each xX

C(2 X ) = { A 2 X :Aisnon emptyandcompact} and for A,BF(X), we define

CB(2X ) = { A 2 X :Aisnon empty,closedandbounded} D1 (A,B)=d H ( [ A1] , [ B1] )

Corresponding Author: Muhammad Akram, Department of Mathematics GC University, Lahore, Pakistan
World Appl. Sci. J., 27 (12): 1531-1535, 2013

As in [16], a point x* X is called a fixed point of for all x,y Br ( x0 ) and

fuzzy mapping T:XIX if {x* }Tx* .
d(x 0 ,[Fx0] 1) < (1 )r
Lemma 2.1: [4] Let A and B be non-empty closed and
holds with
bounded subsets of a metric space (X,d). If aA, then k
=max(2k, )
1 k
d(a,B) dH (A,B)

Then F and T has a common fuzzy fixed

Lemma 2.2: [4] Let A and B be non-empty closed and
bounded subsets of a metric space (X,d) and 0<<R. point in Br( x 0) . That is, there exists x B r ( x0 ) with
Then for aA there exists bB such that {x } Fx Tx .

d(a,b) d H (A,B) +
Proof: Choose x1 X such that { x1} Fx0 . This gives
Remark 2.3: The completeness of (X,d) implies that d(x 0 , x1) < ( 1 )r because [Fx 0 ]1 and
(CB(2X),d H ) is complete see [17]. d(x 0,[Fx0] 1) < ( 1 )r. This implies that x1 Br( x 0) .
Now choose >0 such that
Theorem 2.4: [16] Let (X,d) be a complete metric
space and T a self map on X. Suppose that there exists a
constant a(0,1/2] such that d(x 0, x1 ) + < (1 )r (2)
1 k

d(Tx,Ty) a(d(x,Tx) + d(y,Ty)

Then choose x2 X such that {x 2 } Tx1 . By
holds. Then T has a unique fixed point in X. Lamma 2.2,
The mappings satisfying contractive condition
given in the above theorem are called Kannan d(x1, x2 ) D1( F x 0,Tx1 ) +
mappings. This condition is different from Banach kmax (d(x 0 ,[Fx0 ]1 ) + d(x1 ,[Tx1]1)
contractive condition d(Tx,Ty)ad(x,y). Note that the d(x 0 ,[Fx0]1 ) + d(x 0 ,x1 ),d(x1 , [ T x1 ]1 ) + d(x0 ,x1 ) ) +
contractive condition in Theorem 2.4 does not make T
continuous whereas Banach contractive condition does. kmax (d(x 0 ,x1 ) + d(x1 ,x 2 )
d(x 0 ,x1 ) + d(x 0 , x1) , d ( x1 , x 2 ) + d(x0 ,x1 ) ) +
Case I:
Let x0 X and 0<rR. A ball of radius r with center
at x0 is defined as
d(x1,x 2 ) k ( d(x 0 , x1 ) + d(x1 ,x 2 )) +
Br( x0) = { x X:d(x,x0) < r} k
d(x 0 ,x1 ) + d(x 0 ,x1) +
1k 1 k 1k
The closure of Br(x0 ) be denoted by Br( x 0) .
Now we are all set to prove our main theorem as Using (2), we get
follows. This establishes the existence of common fixed
point for fuzzy mappings satisfying the contractive d(x1, x2 ) (1 )r
conditions more general then Chatterjea type [15] and Case II: When
Kannan type [16] contractive condition on closed balls.
d(x1, x2 ) 2kd(x 0 , x1 ) + d(x 0 , x1 ) +
Theorem 3.1: Let (X,d) be a complete metric space

and x0 X. Take two mappings F , T : Br( x 0 ) F(X). d(x 0 ,x1) + (1 )r
Suppose that there exists a constant k(0,1/2) with by (2).
Thus in any case
1 + d(y,[Ty]),1

D1(Fx,Ty) kmax d(x,[Fx])
1 + d(x,y), (1) d(x1, x2 ) (1 )r
d(y,[Ty]) + d(x,y) )
1 Since
World Appl. Sci. J., 27 (12): 1531-1535, 2013

d(x 0, x2) d(x 0 , x1) + d(x1 , x2 ) (1 )r + (1 )r =( 1 )(1 + )r (1 )(1 + + 2 + ...)r = r

therefore x 2 Br (x 0 ) .
Continuing this process and having chosen xn in X such that

{x 2n +1} Fx 2n {x 2n +2} Tx 2n +1
d(x 2n +1 , x 2n+ 2 ) < 2n +1 (1 )r,n=0,1,2,...

It is not difficult to see that {xn } is a Cauchy sequence in Br( x 0) . As Br ( x0 ) is complete, there exist

x B r ( x0 ) such that lim nx n = x . We are only left with {x } Tx and {x } Fx to prove. Now by Lemma
2.1, we get

d(x ,[Tx ]1 ) d(x ,x 2n +1) + d(x 2n+1,[Tx]1 ) d(x , x2n +1) + D1( F x 2n ,Tx )

Using (1), we get

d(x ,[Tx]1 ) d(x , x2n +1) + kmax d(x 2n ,[Fx 2 n]1 ) + d(x ,[Tx]1),d( x 2n ,[Fx 2 n]1) + d(x 2n , x ) , d ( x ,[Tx]1) + d(x 2n ,x ) )
d(x , x2n +1) + kmax d(x 2n ,x 2n +1) + d(x, [ T x ] 1) , d(x 2n , x2n +1) + d(x 2n ,x ) , d (x, [T x ]1 ) + d(x 2n ,x ) )
Taking limit as n, we have

( )
d(x ,[Tx]1 ) d(x ,x ) + kmax d(x ,x ) + d(x ,[Tx]1) d(x ,x ) + d(x, x ),d(x ,[Tx ]1 ) + d(x ,x ) kd(x, [ T x]1)

This gives k
holds with = . Then F and T has a common fuzzy

(1 k)d(x ,[Tx ]1 ) 0 1 k
fixed Point in Br ( x0 ) . That is there exists x B r ( x0 )

Tx .

so that d(x ,[Tx] 1) = 0 and hence {x } Tx . with {x} Fx

Similarly, by considering
Proof. As it is clear that
d(x ,[Fx ]1) d(x ,x 2n + 2 ) + d(x 2n + 2,[Fx ]1)
1 + d(y,[Ty]),

1 + d(y,[Ty])
1 max d(x,[Fx])
1 + d(x,y),
We can show that {x } Fx . Consequently, the
d(y,[Ty]) + d(x,y))
mappings F and T have a common fixed point x* in 1

Br( x 0) . That is, {x} Fx Tx .

Therefore, by Theorem 3.1, F and T has a common
fuzzy fixed point in Br ( x0 ) .
Corollary 3.2 Let (X,d) be a complete metric space
and x0 X. Take two mappings F , T : Br( x 0) F(X) . Theorem 3.3 Let (X,d) be a complete metric space and
x0 X. Take a mapping F : Br( x 0 ) F(X) . Suppose
Suppose there exists a constant k(0,1/2) with
there exists a constant k(0,1/2) with
D1 (Fx,Ty) k ( d(x,[Fx]) 1 ))
1 + d(y, [T y]
1 + d(y,[Fy]),1

D1 (Fx,Fy) kmax d(x,[Fx])
1 + d(x,y),
for all x,y Br ( x0 ) and d(y,[Fy]) + d(x,y)

d(x 0 ,[Fx0] 1) < (1 )r for all x,y Br ( x0 ) and

World Appl. Sci. J., 27 (12): 1531-1535, 2013

d(x 0 ,[Fx0] 1) < (1 )r Corollary 3.6 Let (X,d) be a complete metric space.
Take two mapping F,T: XF(X). Suppose there exists
k a constant k(0,1/2) with
holds with =max(2k, ) . Then F has a fuzzy fixed
1 k
Point in Br ( x0 ) . That is there exists x B r ( x0 ) with D1 (Fx,Ty) k ( d(x,[Fx])
1 + d (y, [Ty1]))

{x } Fx .
for all x,yX. Then F and T has a common fuzzy fixed
Proof: By taking T = F in Theorem 3.1, we get point in X. That is there exists x* X with
x B r ( x0 ) such that {x } Fx .
{x } Fx Tx .

Corollary 3.4 Let (X,d) be a complete metric space and Theorem 3.7 Let (X,d) be a complete metric space.
x0 X. Take a mapping F : Br( x 0 ) F(X) . Suppose Take a mapping F: XF(X). Suppose there exists a
there exists a constant k(0,1/2) with constant k(0,1/2) with

D1 (Fx,Fy) k (d(x,[Fx]) 1 )
1 + d(y, [Fy]) d(x,[Fx])
1 + d(y,[Fy]),1

D1 (Fx,Fy) kmax d(x,[Fx])
1 + d(x,y),
for all x,y Br ( x0 ) and d(y,[Fy]) + d(x,y) )

d(x 0 ,[Fx0] 1) < (1 )r

for all x,yX. Then F has a fuzzy fixed point in X. That

holds with =max(2k,

) . Then F has a fuzzy fixed
is there exists x* X with {x } Fx .
1 k
point in Br ( x0 ) . That is there exists x B r ( x0 ) with Proof: Take T = F in Theorem 3.5.

{x } Fx .
Corollary 3.8 Let (X,d) be a complete metric space.
Take a mapping F: XF(X). Suppose there exists a
Proof: Using similar argument as in Corollary 3.2 and
using Theorem 3.3, we get the required result. constant k(0,1/2) with

D1 (Fx,Fy) k (d(x,[Fx])
1 + d (y , [Fy1]))
Theorem 3.5: Let (X,d) be a complete metric space and
x0 X. Take two mappings F,T: XF(X). Suppose
there exists a constant k(0,1/2) with for all x,yX. Then F has a fuzzy fixed point in X. That
is there exists x* X with {x* }Fx* .
1 + d(y,[Ty]),1
D1(Fx,Ty) kmax d(x,[Fx])
1 + d(x,y),
d(y,[Ty]) + d(x,y) )
1 The existence of fixed point and common fixed
points for fuzzy mappings satisfying the contractive
for all x,yX. Then F and T has a common fuzzy fixed conditions more general then Chatterjea type and
point in X. That is there exists x* X with Kannan type contractive condition on closed balls is

{x } Fx Tx .
Proof: For x0 X. Choose r>0 so that
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