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Lesson Plan Template

Date: Wednesday February 28 Student: Safeyya

Time: 9:05-9:50 ( 45 mins ) School: Alqasimia (boys school)
MST: Ms. Maryam Class: Grade 5-3
Unit 8-lesson 5 Staying healthy-
Unit: No. Ss 26

Prior Knowledge (What knowledge are you building on?)

Parts of the body

Illnesses and symptoms

Lesson Objectives: These must be SMART objectives specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound
By the end of the lesson, students will be (better) able to:

Speaking: To talk about reasons for going to the doctor and some of the procedures.
Reading: To read the new vocabulary and the advice for health problems.
Writing: To write answers for the worksheet.
Listening: To listen to the advice for health problems.
Lesson Activities: (What will students do in the lesson?)
- The students will use TPS strategy to describe their personality by using adjective.
- The students will identify the new words a blood test, an eye test, a hearing test, vaccination, and
- Differentiation activities (Support). The students will solve leaner's book page 118 to evaluate their
work in pairs.
- The students will the students will Identify how to give advice for health problem
- The students will the students will act as a doctor and give advice
- The students will solve a worksheet that include three levels to evaluate their understanding
(Formative assessment).

Evaluation / Assessment: (How will you know your students have achieved the goal?)
(How will you evaluate the objectives that were identified? Have students practiced what you are asking
them to do for evaluation?)

I will ask the students inquiry-based questions to see if they get the concept to be able to
move to the next step and to identify who participate with me I will give each student a card
and if the students answer I will a put happy face on his card. In the end of the lesson I will
check who worked today with me and to what level each student worked.

Also from the observation the students will know if I can go to the next step or if re- teaching
the concept is required.

I will give them worksheet and check the students understanding by correcting their
worksheets. (formative assessment)

Personal focus (related to PDP): In this lesson I am working on my

The management strategy so I will use classroom rules, and reinforcement.

The students communication skills so I will use TPS strategy.
Attractive classroom display I will put their works on the display
(Identify INTER- (Activity and Language) (Activity and Language)
Review The teacher will ask the students question The students will apply TPS PowerPoint
the 2 - Why people go to the doctor? strategy to solve the
classroom mins questions.
rules The teacher will ask the students to apply the
Students To identify TPS strategy to answer her question. However Action of opening the mind
5 mins - why people before apply TPS the teacher will tell the with a "key".
centered go to the students to imagine that they have a key that
(Think- doctor. help to open their mind and let them think.
TPS pair- Think-pair-share:
strategy share) - First the students will think about the
answer by themselves.
- Second the students with their peer will
talk about the answer.
- The third thing the students will share
their answers.

Introduce 7 Teacher The teacher identify the new words for the The students will focus with PowerPoint
the new mins centered students by showing them pictures in the the teacher and try to
vocabulari The PowerPoint and give brief information about identify the words.
es teacher each word.
will For example the word (prescription): why
describe prescription important because it can protect
the To identify us from illness.
vocabula the
ries vocabularies The teacher will give the students chance to
(a blood test, identify by themselves why prescription is
an eye test, a important. This is because the teacher dont
hearing test, want from the students to depend on the
vaccination, teacher only. The teacher want from the
and students to think.
prescription )

student- The teacher will review the words (an eye test,
center a hearing test, vaccination, and prescription)
with pictures in the PowerPoint to be sure that
the students contextualized these words by
showing the pictures and they will tell the

Differenti Students The teacher will tell the students to open their The students will try to PowerPoint and leaners
ation 5-10 - To solve the learners book page 118 and solve the work with their pairs to book p.118
activities mins centered questions questions in pairs to help each other. The solve the questions.
(Support) about the teacher will solve one question as an example.
new words
Ask also to
learners evaluate The teacher will check the students answers
to work in their and correct for them to check if they identify
mixed understandin the vocabularies or not. However, if some
ability g about the students have difficulties the teacher will give
pairs so words. them a hand by explain for the in easier way.
can help
less able

Giving Teacher To identify for The teacher will identify for the students how The student will listen and PowerPoint, doctor
advice 7-10 center the students to tell advices about the health problems by focus with the teacher to equipment
mins how to give showing them words that help to make advice get the concept.
advice for such as try to and you should not, and stop. For
health example, I have got a sore throat, what should
problems I do? The students will imagine that they are
the doctors and they should give a helpful
The answer is You should not drink anything
that is very hot.

The teacher will give them other example: I

was eating burger, then I have got a
stomachache. What can I do?

The answer is stop eating unhealthy food

Try to eat healthy food

The teacher will explain for the students and

give them examples with pictures to help them
as a visual clues.

Doctor 5-7mins centered To evaluate The students will encourage
advice their with the teacher and they
activity understandin will try to solve the
g about The teacher will tell the students that they are questions.
advices for now a doctors and she will show the students
health health problem and they should give advice.
The teacher will provide for the students doctor
equipment to encourage the students
5- Student-
10mins centered
The students will solve the worksheet
Workshee To evaluate worksheets individually.
t their The teacher will a provide worksheet that
(Formativ understandin include 3 levels question for low students
e g about the about match the word with the picture.
assessme whole lesson Question for middle level students about
nt ) (vocabularies choose the correct word. Questions for high
and advice). students (challenge) about health problem and
the students should write advice.

The teacher will check the students' answers

and correct for the students. Also evaluating
and assessing their learning.

Plan B if Students To identify What will happen if we did not listen to the The students will think
there is a 5 mins - the important doctor advice? about answer by using TPS
time centered of doctor The teacher will ask the students to use TPS strategy.
advice. strategy.

Remember that your plan should be detailed enough so another teacher can deliver the lesson without contacting you. Please check the language before submitting.

Assessment: (Write brief notes on how Ss performed against each of/ the main learning objectives. Note how you acquired this information (monitoring or observations
(O), questions (Q) or tasks (T)).

I will ask the students questions to see if they get the concept to be able to move to the next step and to identify who participate with me I
will give each students card and if the students answer I will put happy face in his card. In the end of the lesson I will check who work today
with me and who didnt work.

Also from observation the students I will know if I can go to the next step or re teaching the concept.

I will give them worksheet and check the students understanding by correcting their worksheets.(formative assessment)

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