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Paladins: Champions of the Realm

by: Xsizter

Chapter 1: Creation of All

Before all, there were the two twin creator gods Bal and Tao who
shaped the world which would be later called Crosswind. The twin
brothers constructed the first being from light into being, this was a
woman to protect the depths of the Abyss, this woman was called
Seris. The first humans of Crosswind were created and placed into the
harsh enviroments of Arcta, letting them survive and evolve into
making humanity a fierce and well trained in survival kind. Bal and Tao
see everything is good and so ends the birth of All.

Chapter 2: From the Abyss

Seris, now guardian and protector of the Abyss, watches over the
endless void comes across a human being who accidentally enter the
realm of the Abyss, this man was called Wekono, a self proclaimed
demi-god who arrived after creating a portal by accident when testing
spells. Seris welcomed the man but they soon got into a conflict, this
event would be known as the Pre-Shatter War. Seris decides to deceive
the man who calls himself Wekono by sending herself and him to the
moon where Seris would have the upper hand in beating him.

Chapter 3: The Moon Shatters

Years Seris and Wekono fought in process the ground beneath their
feet started to shatter from the conflict they faced. The moon began to
shatter... Seris knowing of what will happen if the moon tears itself
appart, sent Wekono flying into the wastness of space, using the last
breath he had, this was the death of a man who would become a myth,
but a shard of him landed in a spawn on crosswind where the shard
fell, it was later found by a tribal witch doctor called Mal'Damba after
he was banished by his people for doing ungodly things. Mal'Damba
now with the power of Wekono, prepares for his master's return. But
the shards of the moon turned into crystals falling all over the lands of
Crosswind, being found by the most unlikely of people.

Chapter 4: Council of the Summer Court

Summer Court of the Wilds was created to worship the creator gods by
a tree spirit called Grover and his fairy companion Willo. The two would
be later known as the founders of the Council of the Summer Court.
But after seeing the moon shattered, they decided to call the other
ancients to discuss what it means. An ancient stone warden of the
stone giants Inara felt a disturbance on a part of the moon before it's
shatter, she suggested it was some kind of unknown beings fighting.
Grover seeing the shattering of the moon as a potential threat he
found some the crystals and hid them at secrets locations over the
land of Crosswind with the help of Willo and the other fairies who
assisted them. Inara wanting to know more went to the Caves of
Ancients where she would discover an interesting secret tale of

Chapter 5: Legend of Stone Keep

Arcturos, known across the land as the greatest hunter in the history
went to Stone Keep seeking guidance from a nearby orc shaman who
the humans called Grohk, he is also known as the Master of Lightning
and even Oracle of Seris. He asked him for his destiny, Grohk knowing
Arcturos wasn't ready, called the help of the god Bal to construct a
magical bow which would pierce Arcturos' way to his destiny. During
this time he was married to the woman Mateena, who gave birth to his
daughter Cassie. A few years passed after Arcturos and Grohk's
meeting and Cassie snook away with her childhood friend Ziggs, taking
her father's magical bow and going on her own adventures.

Chapter 6: The First War

Afer a decade of peace a war among the human, elf, dwarf and orc
factions came after the Dark Lord of Pitfall caused the land of
Crosswind to burn and collapse because the shattering of the moon
gave him the power he needed to rise back to unlimited power. After
the first half of the war the factions were divided into 10 armies, the
humans of (Varan, Bealdock and Zylbran), the elves of (Ikhra and
Stoneclaw), the dwarves of (Iron Forge and Raiders) and the orcs into
(Shamans of Grohk, Deathbanner Clan and The Scourge). The elves
wanting to get information from one of the enemy factions sent out a
secret agent called Skye to infiltrate the Elder Library in Arid, but there
she was stopped by a young archer by the name of Sha Lin with the
aid of his friend Androxus. Not long after the three fought, one of the
Dark Lord's greatest minions, the Infernals were dispatched at chosen
locations, one of them was the Elder Library. Since Sha Lin and
Androxus saw they had no choice but to work together with the elven
agent, they escaped the ancient library from collapsing and went their
seperate ways with Skye getting the info she needed.

Chapter 7: Finding Peace in Unity

It was 1 year and 3 months before the end of the First War, when the
Elves of Ihkra and Stoneclaw decided to work together with the help of
the Runic Sage Torvald to create a better future for their kind, but
Torvald needed a source of power to finish his Runic Gauntlet and to
finish the plan they constructed, so he sent out one of his finest
students Kalthor and Aayla to collect some power gems from the Ice
Mines in the north. As Kalthor was returning from his journey he came
across an elven Illusion sorceress named Ying who called herself The
Blossom of Illusions. Kalthor and Aayla not knowing what to do, asked
the sorcress what she wanted from them. Ying told them that she knew
of what they were going for and that it is not all and that there is a final
piece of the gem that will power their master's gauntlet. The two
students followed Ying to a cave where they meet a meditating monk
named Buck, guardian the crystal they needed, Buck smurking told
them that they can have it, but only if he can tag along and help them
with the war against the negative energy the other factions brought
with their war. The students told them that he can and with Ying and
Buck by their side they want back to Ihkcla where the two students
gave to Torvald what they gathered, Torvald intrigued to know who the
others two are, listened to Ying and Buck's stories.

Chapter 8: End of Night

While Sha Lin and Androxus were helping an old man trapped in an
abandoned mine, Androxus saw a dark figure and went towards it, this
being would later reveal herself to be the Goddess of Night, Nyx.
Androxus not knowing what to do, faced her head on with her Revolver,
but it was not enough since Nyx was way to powerful for him, before
the final blow was struck, Sha Lin came to Androxus' rescue and as Nyx
was about to finish them, Androxus shot a bullet through Nyx's core,
cursing him for the end of time and changing him to another being,
Sha Lin horrified of what he is becoming, went to a tribal shaman
Mal'Damba, who was known for reviving and healing cursed souls, but
this curse was beyond of what he could fix. Mal'Damba said to
Androxus that he will need to stay as this thing. Androxus enraged
nether stepped away never to see Sha Lin again. He found a nearby
criminal town ran by the greatest of gangs, one of the thieves he met
there was Maeve, with the incredible ability to Double Jump and
Control Darkness. Androxus intrigued asked Maeve if she could help
him fit in with the rest of the crowd. Maeve seeing as this would be a
great time for having a person she can call friend, agreed and made
Androxus fit in with the rest of scum and villany.

Chapter 9: End of the War

It was 4 months before the end of the war, the human king of Varan,
Leorus with the Alliance of Ihka and the United Iron Legion forged a
plan to fight on the lands of Molthar and end the reign of the Dark Lord
and his Skeleton army for good. A group of champions were dispatched
to infiltrate the Dark Lord's Necronomus Fortress, the group consisted
of Theonen (Leorus' heir to the throne), Skye (The Elven Agent), Barik
(The Ruins Raider), Buck (The Monk), Fernando (A Self Appointed
Knight and friend of Theonen), Kalthor and Aayla (The Runic
Apprentices) with Torvald, Ying and Leorus communicating with them.
As the group entered the first chamber they were met with a horrific
beast of skulls to face, they took care of it but with Aayla really injured.
Buck told Kalthor and Skye to take care of her and that him, Theonen
and Barik would go head to head with the Dark Lord. As the united
human, elf and dwarf armies were fighting on Molthar, the Fel Master
showed up but was easily taken care off by General Reyn and
Commander Londunn. Theonen, Barik and Buck finally came face to
face with the Dark Lord and were able to defeat him with the magic of
Torvald's power gem he constructed with the remains of the crystals
for the Gauntlet. The Dark Lord was defeated and the lands of
Crosswind were at peace once more...

Chapter 10: Viktor's Flashback

Viktor, the last survivor of the Lone Wolf Front during the First War,
looked over some of his old pictures of him and his war buddies, before
they died in a tavern in the town of Market. Viktor gets approached by
an unknown person with the bow, it would be later revealed to be Sha
Lin. Sha Lin interested with Viktor's problem, asked him if he needed
someone to talk to. Viktor kindly asked the archer how many more
people will die, for evil to end. Sha Lin not knowing what to say and
confused, asked him what he ment. Viktor then told the story of him
and the Lone Wolf Front during the First War fighting on the shores of
Nylbrad. The Dark Lord's infernal legion tore the human army appart,
he was lucky to survive, but he lost one of his best friends in this
disaster. Sha Lin tells Viktor, that there is always a new friend he can
have to not be lonely, Viktor tells him that he has no one anymore. Sha
Lin then tells Viktor to follow him to New Arid where he would find his
old mentor Kai Jin who would give Viktor directions to face his destiny
once and for all, a land in Crosswind called Hold. Viktor not wanting to
waste time, told Sha Lin if he would want to tag along and he happily
agreed, making their haste to Crosswind Hold.

Chapter 11: Brightmarsh and The Great Falls

The race of Ipilians was an isolated, well cultured and intellectual kind
living in the mushroom swamp of Brightmarsh. One of the Ipilians, was
an orphan named Pip who was taken into custody by the Ipilian Queen
of Brightmarsh and her husband an Ipilian Doctor. Few years later, Pip
would escape his home with his new found skill of high jumping. As he
walks the lands of Crosswind he came across the Iron Forge, ran by an
war dwarven veteran, named Barik. Pip quickly made friends with him,
but betrayed him and left with the Alchemist inventions. As he was
chased by the Iron Forge, he came across an old jungle temple called
The Great Falls of the Serpent, Frog and Jaguar gods. Pip fascinated by
everything explored a bit until he came across a huntress by the name
of Cassie who helped eachother escape from The Great Falls. Now
companions, they came across an ancient stone which tells of the
great kingdom of Crosswind Hold. Pip and Cassie know that their
destinies lie there and waste no time to get there.

Chapter 12: The Second War

The Second War would be known as The Great Battle of Fire and Ice
when the Second Great Cold came, freezing the lands of Crosswind and
releasing an ancient army of Ice Demons. Leorus now old and sick
because of the recent event, asks Theonen to carry on his legacy and
fight whatever comes through his lands and their ally's lands. Theonen
preparing for The Great Battle of Fire and Ice, calls upon his old allies to
help him face the so called Ice Demons. As Theonen's company of
(him, Buck, Kalthor and Fernando) were about to reach the gates of an
ancient frozen citadel, they meet the cause of this event, Evie an Ice
Witch. Theonen ordering the witch to tell them what she has done to
the lands of Crosswind, she says she only wants to see the world go in
a fuzz and laugh at it. Barik insulting the witch and telling her that this
is madness, Evie escapes not to be seen till the end of the war, when
she is forced by Theonen's sword to restore the land to normal.

Chapter 13: Short Story of The Greedy

2 years after the second war, a company of five dwarven raiders,

commanded by Buck find an old dragon cave, inhabited by a lizard who
is guardiang gold. Barik insulting and making fun of the lizard, calling
himself Drogoz, a dragon, enrages Drogoz and takes out his rocket
jetpack and rocket cannon, attacks the dwarven company, making two
dwarves die and the other 2 and Barik escaping just with their lives.
This is a story Barik usually tells everyone he meets when they are
bored or have nothing to do in the meantime.

Chapter 14: Long Arm of the Law

It is a cold evening in the criminal town of Gethanburg, where a deputy

and local lawman, Lex is trying to catch a band of thieves ran by the
Most Wanted in the realm, Maeve and Androxus. Lex knowing he can't
do it alone, calls his fellow lawmen Ray and Wil to set up a trap for the
gang, but as all of their plans go, it fails and Lex has no chance but to
face Maeve and Androxus and bring down the Law on them. Lex
knowing where Maeve and Androxus would be next, travells to Fish
Market, as Lex got Androxus and Maeve trapped he takes out his
magnums and right about before he could bring the law on them, he is
stopped by one of their gang's thieves and smacked in the head by a
frying pan. Lex unconsious, wakes up 8 hours later, not knowing what
happened and going on with his quest to stop Maeve and Androxus.

Chapter 15: The Ancient

The conflict of the Second War, caused the awakening of an ancient

guardian called Makoa, the local bounty hunter duo of Tyra and Kinessa
decide to take the bounty set up by their town mayor to capture and
take it to him dead or alive the ancient turtle beast. Tyra and Kinessa
travel to The Great Falls where they come face to face with Makoa,
underestimate his power and they both get defeated by the skilled
turtle master. Tyra and Kinessa still recovering from their first
encounter, try to take Makoa another time, failing bad in the process.
As they say third times the charm they tried one more time to capture
the ancient turtle, almost succeded but then Makoa escaped and
taunted them that he will beat them anywhere at anytime and even in
Crosswind Hold. Tyra and Kinessa intrigued travel to the place Makoa
said they will fight him one more time and prepare for their greatest
fight yet, since it is a conflict of champion.

Chapter 16: Epilogue of Crosswind Hold

The greatest champions of the realm travel to Crosswind Hold, they

said, but what they all don't know, it is a fight to the death and only
one will take the greatest prize of all, the gems of power of Bal and
Tao. Will you take the challenge and take it to the battleground? Battle,
Die, Repeat for decades.

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