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1. Phenomenology is a way of seeing, of grasping the world from mans

live experience and as a method makes such use of epoche, and the
phenomenological transcendental reductions to describe mans

2. Using secondary reflection on my live experience, I discover the

inescapable fact of my existence: I exist as a being in the world with
others, and this is because of the datum called my body which
encroaches both upon being and having.

3. As an embodied spirit, man is facticity-transcendence, historicity and

homo faber. Work is a way of man to express and liberate himself and
to humanize the world.

4. Consciousness is intentional. Human knowing is a dialectic unity of

mans openness to reality and the self-giveness of reality in an endless
series of profiles. As such, truth is historical and transhistorical.

5. Dialogue is not identical with love but is required in love. The obstacles
to dialogue are seeming, speechifying, and imposition.

6. Love is an activity of giving, the disinterested giving of self to the

other whereby I enhance the others unique value and in so doing
enrich my own. Thus love of the other as other does not run counter
to self love but presupposes it.

7. At first glance, freedom and responsibility mean the capacity to

choose, to act on my own, to be the source of my concrete actions and
to be accountable for them. But man as he gradually unfolds in the
world, is not only free, he becomes free and response-able. Freedom
then develops into self-possession within an objectively directed
project of life.

8. Justice is the minimum demand of love rooted in the inviolability of the

human person.

9. Man is a being-towards-death, and in death man comes to grip with

his wholeness and brings to completion the commitment of his whole
self to the whole of reality.

10. Human love in itself, which is the crowning point of all of mans
activity, does not guarantee mans total fulfillment as person but falls
short of his search for authenticity. Thus, reflecting his historicity, and
facing the inescapable fact of dearth, he longs for the absolute Thou
who is the Horizon and /ground of his earthly existence.

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