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RETIREMENT PAY and tillage of soil, production, cultivation,

growing and harvesting of any
a. ELIGIBILITY agricultural or horticultural commodities,
dairying, raising of livestock or poultry,
Who are covered under the culture of fish and other aquatic
the retirement pay products in farms or ponds, and any
law? activities performed by a farmer or on a
The following employees are eligible to farm as an incident to, or in conjunction
avail of retirement benefits under Article with, such farming operations, but does
287 of the Labor Code: not include the manufacture and/or
processing of sugar, coconut, abaca,
1. All employees in the private sector, tobacco, pineapple, aquatic or other
regardless of their position, designation farm products.
or status and irrespective of the method
by which their wages are paid; What is the optional
2. Part-time employees; and compulsory
3. Employees of service and other job retirement age?
4. Domestic helpers or persons in a. Under Article 287.
the personal service of another; This article provides for two (2) types of
5. Underground mine workers; retirement:
6. Employees of government-owned (1) Optional retirement upon reaching
and/or controlled corporations organized the age of sixty (60) years.
under the Corporation Code (without (2) Compulsory retirement upon
original charters). reaching the age of sixty-five (65)
years. It is the employee who exercises
Who are excluded? the option under No. 1 above.
Article 287, as amended, does not apply
to the following employees: b. Under retirement plan.
The optional and compulsory retirement
1. Employees of the national government schemes provided under Article 287
and its political subdivisions, including come into play only in the absence of a
government-owned and/or controlled retirement plan or agreement setting
corporations, if they are covered by the forth other forms of optional or
Civil Service Law and its regulations. compulsory retirement schemes. Thus, if
2. Employees of retail, service and there is a retirement plan or agreement
agricultural establishments or in an establishment providing for an
operations regularly employing not more earlier or older age of retirement (but
than ten not beyond 65 which has
(10) employees. These terms are defined been declared the compulsory
as follows: retirement age), the same shall be
a. Retail establishment is one
principally engaged in the sale of goods c. Retirement at an earlier age or
to end-users for personal or after rendering certain period of
household use. It shall lose its retail service.
character qualified for exemption if it is Based on Article 287 the employers and
engaged in both retail and wholesale of employees are free to agree and
goods. stipulate on the retirement age, either in
b. Service establishment is one a CBA or employment contract. It is only
principally engaged in the sale of service in the absence of such agreement that
to individuals for their own or household the retirement age shall be fixed by law,
use and is generally recognized as such. that is, in accordance with the optional
c. Agricultural and compulsory retirement age
establishment/operation refers to an prescribed under Article 287.
employer which is engaged in
agriculture. This term refers to all d. By mutual agreement, employers
farming activities in all branches and may be granted the sole and
includes, among others, the cultivation exclusive prerogative to retire


employees at an earlier age or after of age; while the compulsory

rendering a certain period of retirement age is 60 years old.
service. Cainta Catholic School v.
Cainta Catholic School Employees What is the minimum
Union [CCSEU], where the Supreme number of years of
Court upheld the exercise by the school service required of
of its option to retire employees underground mine
pursuant to the existing CBA where it is workers?
provided that the school has the Minimum years of service is also 5 years.
option to retire an employee upon
reaching the age limit of sixty (60) Are the retirement
or after having rendered at least benefits of
twenty (20) years of service to the underground mine
school, the last three (3) years of workers similar to
which must be continuous. Hence, ordinary retirees?
the termination of employment of the
employees, arising as it did from an Yes. In fact, other than the retirement
exercise of a management prerogative age, all other requirements as well as
granted by the mutually-negotiated CBA benefits provided in the law are
between the school and the union is applicable to underground mine workers.
e. To be valid, retirement at an
earlier age must be voluntarily What is retirement pay
consented to by the employee. under the law?
In Jaculbe v. Silliman University, the a. One-half () month salary.
Supreme Court ruled that in order for In the absence of a retirement plan or
retirement at an earlier age to be valid, agreement providing for retirement
it must be shown that the employees benefits of employees in the
participation in the plan is voluntary. An establishment, an employee, upon
employer is free to impose a retirement reaching the optional or compulsory
age of less than 65 for as long as it has retirement age specified in Article 287,
the employees consent. Stated shall be entitled to retirement pay
conversely, employees are free to accept equivalent to at least one-half () month
the employers offer to lower the salary for every year of service, a
retirement age if they feel they can get a fraction of at least six (6) months being
better deal with the retirement plan considered as one (1) whole year.
presented by the employer.
b. Components of one-half ()
What is the minimum month salary.
years of service For purposes of determining the
required for minimum retirement pay due an
entitlement under the employee under Article 287, the term
law? one-half month salary shall include
all of the following:
Five (5) years is the minimum years of
service that must be rendered by the (1) Fifteen (15) days salary of the
employee before he can avail of the employee based on his latest salary
retirement benefits upon reaching rate.
optional or compulsory retirement age (2) The cash equivalent of five (5)
under Article 287. days of service incentive leave;
(3) One-twelfth (1/12) of the 13th month
What is the retirement pay due the employee; and
age of underground (4) All other benefits that the
mine workers? employer and employee may agree upon
that should be included in the
The optional retirement age of computation of the employees
underground mine workers is 50 years retirement pay.


c. One-half () month salary retirement pay should include the cash

means 22.5 days. One-half [] equivalent of the 5-day SIL and 1/12 of
month salary is equivalent to 22.5 the 13th
days arrived at after adding 15 days month pay for a total of 22.5 days. The
plus 2.5 days representing one-twelfth affirmance by the Court of Appeals of the
[1/12] of the 13th month pay plus 5 days reliance by the NLRC on R & E Transport
of service incentive leave. case was held erroneous. For purposes of
applying the law on SIL as well as on
What are some retirement, there is a difference between
principles on drivers paid under the boundary
retirement benefits? system and conductors paid on
commission basis. This is so because in
1/12 of 13th month pay and 5 days of practice, taxi drivers do not receive fixed
service incentive leave (SIL) should not wages. They retain only those sums in
be included if the employee was not excess of the boundary or fee they pay
entitled to 13th month pay and SIL to the owners or operators of the
during his employment. vehicles. Conductors, on the other hand,
are paid a certain percentage of the bus
Example: R & E Transport, Inc. v. earnings for the day. It bears emphasis
Latag,1 where it was held that that
employees who are not entitled to 13th under P.D. No. 851 and the SIL Law, the
month pay and SIL pay while still exclusion from its coverage of workers
working should not be paid the entire who are paid on a purely commission
22.5 days but only the fifteen (15) basis is only with respect to field
days salary. In other words, the personnel.
additional 2.5 days representing one-
twelfth [1/12] of the 13th month pay and RETIREMENT BENEFITS OF
the five (5) days of SIL should not be WORKERS PAID BY RESULTS
included as part of the retirement
benefits. The employee in this case was What are the retirement benefits
a taxi driver who was being paid on the of workers paid by results?
boundary system basis. It was For covered workers who are paid by
undisputed that he was entitled to results and do not have a fixed monthly
retirement benefits after working for rate, the basis for the determination of
fourteen (14) years with R & E Transport, the salary for fifteen (15) days shall be
Inc. However, he was not entitled to the their average daily salary (ADS). The
13th month pay since Section 3 of the ADS is the average salary for the last
Rules and Regulations Implementing P.D. twelve (12) months reckoned from the
No. 851 exempts from its coverage date of their retirement, divided by the
employers of those who are paid on number of actual working days in that
purely boundary basis. He was also not particular period.
entitled to the 5-day service incentive
leave pay pursuant to the Rules to RETIREMENT BENEFITS OF PART-
Implement the Labor Code which TIME WORKERS
expressly excepts field personnel and How should the retirement
other employees whose performance is benefits of part-time workers be
unsupervised by the employer. computed?
Applying the principles under Article 287,
But in the 2010 case of Serrano v. as amended, the components of
Severino Santos Transit,2 which retirement benefits of part-time workers
involves a bus conductor (petitioner) may also be computed at least in
who worked for 14 years for respondent proportion to the salary and related
bus company which did not adopt any benefits due them.
retirement scheme. It was held herein
that even if petitioner as bus conductor
was paid on commission basis, he falls
within the coverage of R.A. 7641 CERTIFICATION ELECTION
(Retirement Pay Law, now Article 287 of
Labor Code). This means that his


What is certification Under this rule, a petition for certification

election? election may not be filed within one (1)
Certification election refers to the 1. from the date the fact of voluntary
process of determining through secret recognition has been entered; or
ballot the sole and exclusive 2. from the date a valid certification,
bargaining agent of the employees consent, run-off or re-run election has
in an appropriate bargaining unit for been conducted within the bargaining
purposes of collective bargaining or unit.

Who may file a petition 2. NEGOTIATIONS BAR RULE.

for certification Under this rule, no petition for
election? certification election should be
entertained while the sole and exclusive
The petition may be filed by: bargaining agent and the employer have
1. A legitimate labor commenced and sustained negotiations
organization which may in good faith within the period of one (1)
be: year from the date of a valid
certification, consent, run-off or re-run
(a) an independent union; or election or from the date of voluntary
(b) a national union or federation recognition. Once the CBA negotiations
which has already issued a charter have commenced and while the parties
certificate to its local chapter are in the process of negotiating the
participating terms and conditions of the CBA, no
in the certification election; or challenging union is allowed to file a
(c) a local chapter which has been petition for certification election that
issued a charter certificate by the would disturb the process and unduly
national union or federation. forestall the early conclusion of the
2. An employer, when
requested by a labor
organization to bargain
Under this rule, a petition for certification
collectively and its
election may not be entertained when a
majority status is in doubt.
bargaining deadlock to which an
incumbent or certified bargaining agent
What are the rules
is a party has been submitted to
prohibiting the filing of
conciliation or arbitration or has become
petition for
the subject of a valid notice of strike or
certification election
(bar rules)?
Kaisahan ng Manggagawang Pilipino
a. General rule.
[KAMPIL-KATIPUNAN] v. Trajano. -
The general rule is that in the absence of
The bargaining deadlock-bar rule was
a CBA duly registered in accordance with
not applied here because for more than
Article 231 of the Labor Code, a petition
four (4) years after it was certified as the
for certification election may be filed at
exclusive bargaining agent of all the
any time.
rank-and-file employees, it did not take
any action to legally compel the
b. Bar rules.
employer to comply with its duty to
No certification election may be held
bargain collectively, hence, no CBA was
under the following rules:
executed. Neither did it file any unfair
1. Certification year bar rule;
labor practice suit against the employer
2. Negotiations bar rule;
nor did it initiate a strike against the
3. Bargaining deadlock bar rule; or
latter. Under the circumstances, a
4. Contract bar rule.
certification election may be validly
ordered and held.


4. CONTRACT BAR RULE. extension or renewal of the CBA for

Under this rule, a petition for certification purposes of certification election.
election may not be filed when a CBA
between the employer and a duly What are the requisites
recognized or certified bargaining agent for the validity of the
has been registered with the Bureau of petition for
Labor Relations (BLR) in accordance with certification election?
the Labor Code. Where the CBA is duly The following requisites should concur:
registered, a petition for certification 1. The union should be legitimate which
election may be filed only within the 60- means that it is duly registered and
day freedom period prior to its expiry. listed in the registry of legitimate labor
The purpose of this rule is to ensure unions of the BLR or that its legal
stability in the relationship of the personality has not been revoked or
workers and the employer by preventing cancelled with finality.
frequent modifications of any CBA earlier 2. In case of organized establishments,
entered into by them in good faith and the petition for certification election is
for the stipulated original period. filed during (and not before or after)
the 60-day freedom period of a duly
When contract bar rule does not registered CBA.
apply. 3. In case of organized establishments,
The contract-bar rule does not apply in the petition complied with the 25%
the following cases: written support of the members of the
1. Where there is an automatic renewal bargaining unit.
provision in the CBA but prior to the date 4. The petition is filed not in violation of
when such automatic renewal became any of the four (4) bar rules [See above
effective, the employer seasonably filed discussion thereof].
a manifestation with the Bureau of Labor
Relations of its intention to terminate the What are the two (2)
said agreement if and when it is kinds of majorities?
established that the bargaining agent The process of certification election
does not represent anymore the majority requires two (2) kinds of majority votes,
of the workers in the bargaining unit. viz.:
2. Where the CBA, despite its due 1. Number of votes required for the
registration, is found in appropriate validity of the process of
proceedings that: (a) it contains certification election itself. In order
provisions lower than the standards fixed to have a valid certification election, at
by law; or (b) the documents supporting least a majority of all eligible voters
its registration are falsified, fraudulent or in the appropriate bargaining unit
tainted with misrepresentation. must have cast
3. Where the CBA does not foster their votes.
industrial stability, such as contracts 2. Number of votes required to be
where the identity of the representative certified as the collective bargaining
is in doubt since the employer extended agent. To be certified as the sole and
direct recognition to the union and exclusive bargaining agent, the union
concluded a CBA therewith less than one should obtain a majority of the valid
(1) year from the time a certification votes cast.
election was conducted where the no
union vote won. This situation obtains in What are some
a case where the company entered into pertinent principles on
a CBA with the union when its status as certification election?
exclusive bargaining agent of the
employees has not been established yet. The pendency of a petition
4. Where the CBA was registered before to cancel the certificate of
or during the last sixty (60) days of a registration of a union
subsisting agreement or during the participating in a
pendency of a representation case. It is certification election does
well-settled that the 60-day freedom not
period based on the original CBA should stay the conduct thereof.
not be affected by any amendment,


The pendency of an unfair there is a duly recognized or certified

labor practice case filed bargaining agent for rank-andfile
against a labor employees, for purposes of the petition
organization participating for certification election filed by
in the certification election supervisors. The reason is that the
does not stay the holding bargaining unit composed of supervisors
thereof. is separate and distinct from the
Direct certification as a unionized bargaining unit of rank-and-file
method of selecting the employees. Hence, being unorganized,
exclusive bargaining agent the 25% required minimum support of
of the employees is not employees within the bargaining unit of
allowed. This is because the supervisors need not be complied
the conduct of a with.
certification election is still
necessary in order to How should
arrive in a manner certification election be
definitive and certain conducted in an
concerning the choice of unorganized
the labor organization to establishment?
represent the workers in a In case of a petition filed by a legitimate
collective bargaining unit. organization involving an unorganized
The No Union vote is establishment, the Med-Arbiter is
always one of the choices required to immediately order the
in a certification election. conduct of a certification election upon
Where majority of the filing of a petition for certification
valid votes cast results in election by a legitimate labor
No Union obtaining the organization.
majority, the Med-Arbiter
shall declare such fact in CERTIFICATION
the order. ELECTION IN AN
Only persons who have ORGANIZED
direct employment ESTABLISHMENT
relationship with the
employer may vote in the What are the requisites
certification election, for the conduct of a
regardless of their period certification election in
of employment. an organized
UNORGANIZED ESTABLISHMENT The Med-Arbiter is required to
automatically order the conduct of a
What is meant by certification election by secret ballot in
unorganized an organized establishment as soon as
establishment? the following requisites are fully met:
As distinguished from organized 1. That a petition questioning the
establishment, an unorganized majority status of the incumbent
establishment is an employer entity bargaining agent is filed before the DOLE
where there is no recognized or certified within the 60-day freedom period;
collective bargaining union or agent. A 2.That such petition is verified; and
company or an employer-entity, 3. That the petition is supported by the
however, may still be considered an written consent of at least twenty-five
unorganized establishment even if there percent (25%) of all the employees in
are unions in existence therein for as the bargaining unit.
long as not one of them is duly certified
as the sole and exclusive bargaining RUN-OFF ELECTION
representative of the employees in the
particular bargaining unit it seeks to What is run-of
operate and represent. Further, a election?
company remains unorganized even if

A run-off election refers to an exercise is the same, i.e., to determine

election between the labor unions the sole and exclusive bargaining agent
receiving the two (2) highest number of of all the employees in an appropriate
votes in a certification election or bargaining unit for the purpose of
consent election with three (3) or more collective bargaining. From the very
choices, where such a certification nature of consent election, it is a
election or consent election results in separate and distinct process from
none of the three (3) or more choices certification election
receiving the majority of the valid votes and has nothing to do with the import
cast, provided that the total number of and effect of the latter.
votes for all contending unions is at least
fifty percent (50%) of the number of Can the parties agree
votes cast. to the conduct of
RE-RUN ELECTION consent election even
during the pendency of
When should a re-run certification election?
election be conducted? Yes. In fact, the Med-Arbiter is required
A re-run election may be justified if to determine if the contending labor
certain irregularities have been unions are willing to submit themselves
committed during the conduct of the to
certification election such as, inter alia,
disenfranchisement of the voters, 1. a consent election. And if
lack of secrecy in the voting, fraud they do, the Med-Arbiter
or bribery, in which case, the should conduct consent
certification election should be election instead of
invalidated. Such invalidation would certification election.
necessitate the conduct of a re-run
election among the contending unions to
determine the true will and desire of the PICKETING.
Picketing is the act of workers in
CONSENT ELECTION peacefully marching to and fro before an
establishment involved in a labor dispute
What is consent generally accompanied by the carrying
election? and display of signs, placards and
A consent election refers to the banners intended to inform the public
process of determining through secret about the dispute.
ballot the sole and exclusive
representative of the employees in an WHO MAY STAGE A PICKET?
appropriate bargaining unit for purposes Although not mentioned in the syllabus,
of collective bargaining and negotiation. it is important to discuss this point.
It is voluntarily agreed upon by the Distinctively, in case of picketing, the
parties, with or without the intervention absence of employment relationship
of the DOLE. between the employer and the
picketers or some of them does not
What is the distinction affect its
between consent validity. Picketing, if peacefully
election and carried out, cannot be prohibited
certification election? even in the absence of employer-
employee relationship. Example: A
A consent election is one mutually picket conducted by the employees with
agreed upon by the parties, with or the participation of militant groups like
without the intervention of the DOLE, its Bayan, Gabriela, etc. will not make the
purpose being merely to determine the picket illegal.
issue of majority representation of all the
workers in an appropriate collective REQUISITES FOR LAWFUL PICKETING
bargaining unit; while a certification
election is one which is ordered by the
DOLE. The purpose for both electoral

1. THE REQUISITES FOR A VALID (c) A picket simply means to march to

STRIKE ARE NOT APPLICABLE TO and fro in front of the employers
PICKETING. premises, usually accompanied by the
The seven (7) requisites for a valid strike display of placards and other signs
discussed above do not apply to making known the facts involved in a
picketing. labor dispute. It is but one strike activity
separate and different from the actual
2. REQUISITES FOR LAWFUL stoppage of work.
The most singular requirement to make Phimco Industries, Inc. v. Phimco
picketing valid and legal is that it should Industries Labor Association (PILA).
be peacefully conducted. Based on the - While the right of employees to
foregoing provision, the requisites may publicize their dispute falls within the
be summed up as follows: protection of freedom of expression and
1. The picket should be peacefully the right to peaceably assemble to air
carried out; grievances, these rights are by no means
2. There should be no act of violence, absolute. Protected picketing does
coercion or intimidation attendant not extend to blocking ingress to
thereto; and egress from the company
3. The ingress to (entrance) or egress premises. That the picket was
from (exit) the company premises should moving, was peaceful and was not
not be obstructed; and attended by actual violence may not
4. Public thoroughfares should not be free it from taints of illegality if the
impeded. picket effectively blocked entry to
and exit from the company
Unlike a strike which is guaranteed under STRIKE.
the Constitutional provision on the right In distinguishing between a picket and a
of workers to conduct peaceful strike, the totality of the circumstances
concerted activities under Section 3, obtaining in a case should be taken into
Article XIII thereof, the right to picket account.
is guaranteed under the freedom of
speech and of expression and to Santa Rosa Coca-Cola Plant
peaceably assemble to air Employees Union v. Coca-Cola
grievances under Section 4, Article III Bottlers Phils., Inc.2 - Petitioners
(Bill of Rights) thereof. contend that what they conducted was a
mere picketing and not a strike. In
4. EFFECT OF THE USE OF FOUL disagreeing to this contention, the High
LANGUAGE DURING THE CONDUCT Court emphasized that it is not an issue
OF THE PICKET. in this case that there was a labor
In the event the picketers employ dispute between the parties as
discourteous and impolite language in petitioners had notified the respondent
their picket, such may not result in, or of their intention to stage a strike, and
give rise to, libel or action for damages. not merely to picket. Petitioners
insistence to stage a strike is evident in
5. PICKETING VS. STRIKE. the fact that an amended notice of strike
(a) To strike is to withhold or to stop work was filed even as respondent moved to
by the concerted action of employees as dismiss the first notice. The basic
a result of an industrial or labor dispute. elements of a strike are present in this
The work stoppage may be accompanied case: 106 members of petitioner Union,
by picketing by the striking employees whose respective applications for leave
outside of the company compound. of absence on September 21, 1999 were
(b) While a strike focuses on stoppage of disapproved, opted not to report for work
work, picketing focuses on publicizing on said date, and gathered in front of the
the labor dispute and its incidents to company premises to hold a mass
inform the public of what is happening in protest action. Petitioners deliberately
the company being picketed. absented themselves and instead wore


red ribbons and carried placards with same day petitioner union filed the
slogans such as: notice of strike; (3) attempts by the
YES KAMI SA STRIKE, PROTESTA NCMB to forge a mutually acceptable
KAMI, SAHOD, KARAPATAN NG solution proved futile; (4) in the
MANGGAGAWA IPAGLABAN, CBA-WAG meantime, the strike continued with no
BABOYIN, STOP UNION BUSTING. settlement in sight placing in jeopardy
They marched to and fro in front of the the supply of much needed power supply
companys premises during working in the
hours. Thus, petitioners engaged in a Luzon and Visayas grids.
concerted activity which already affected (3) Petitioner union itself, in its
the companys operations. The mass pleadings, used the word strike.
concerted activity obviously constitutes (4) Petitioner unions asseverations are
a strike. Moreover, the bare fact that belied by the factual findings of the
petitioners were given a Mayors permit NLRC, as affirmed by the CA thus: The
is not conclusive evidence that their failure to comply with the mandatory
action/activity did not amount to a strike. requisites for the conduct of strike is
The Mayors description of what both admitted and clearly shown on
activities petitioners were allowed to record. Hence, it is undisputed that no
conduct is inconsequential. To repeat, strike vote was conducted; likewise, the
what is definitive of whether the action cooling-off period was not observed and
staged by petitioners is a strike and not that the 7-day strike ban after the
merely a picket is the totality of the submission of the strike vote was not
circumstances surrounding the situation. complied with since there was no strike
vote taken. In fine, petitioner unions
Petitioner union in the 2011 case of bare contention that it did not hold a
Leyte Geothermal Power strike cannot trump the factual findings
Progressive Employees Union-ALU- of the NLRC that petitioner union indeed
TUCP v. Philippine National Oil struck against respondent. In fact, and
Company Energy Development more importantly, petitioner union failed
Corporation,1 contends that there was to comply with the requirements set by
no stoppage of work; hence, they did not law prior to holding a strike.
strike. Euphemistically, petitioner union
avers that it only engaged in picketing, UNION SHOP AGREEMENT.
and maintains that without any work
stoppage, [its officers and members] There is union shop when all new
only engaged in xxx protest activity. regular employees are required to
The Supreme Court, however, ruled that join the union within a certain period
it was a as a condition for their continued
strike and not picketing or protest employment. Its role is to compel the
activity that petitioner union staged. It membership of those who are not yet
found the following circumstances in union members. Under this scheme, the
support of such finding: employer is given the freedom to hire
(1) Petitioner union filed a Notice of and employ any person who is not a
Strike on December 28, 1998 with the member of the bargaining agent. Once
DOLE grounded on respondents such person becomes an employee, he is
purported unfair labor practices, i.e., required to become a member of the
refusal to bargain collectively, union bargaining agent and to remain as such
busting and mass termination. On even member in good standing for the whole
date, petitioner Union declared and period of the effectivity of the CBA as a
staged a strike. condition for his continued employment.
(2) The DOLE Secretary intervened and
issued a Return-to-Work Order dated CLOSED-SHOP AGREEMENT.
January 4, 1999, certifying the labor A closed-shop may be defined as a
dispute to the NLRC for compulsory scheme in which, by agreement between
arbitration. The Order indicated the the employer and its employees through
following facts: (1) filing of the notice of their bargaining union/agent, no person
strike; (3) staging of the strike and may be employed unless he or she is,
taking control over respondents facilities becomes, and, for the duration of the
of its Leyte Geothermal Project on the agreement, remains a member in good


standing of the bargaining union.

Basically, this kind of agreement
stipulates the undertaking by the
employer not to hire or employ any
person who is not a member of the
bargaining union. Once employed, it is
required that the said person should
remain a member of the bargaining
union in good standing as a condition for
continued employment, at least during
the whole duration of the CBA.


Under this scheme, there is no
requirement for non-members of the
bargaining agent to become its
However, it is required that such non-
union members should pay to the
bargaining agent an agency fee as a
condition for their continued

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