Ec413: Growth and Technology

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Ec413: Growth and Technology

Danny Quah
E onomi s Department LSE
Fall 2009

Growth and Te hnology E 413: Ma roe onomi s for MS Fall 2009

Neoclassical growth

1. Growth through fa tor a umulation and te hni al progress

(a) Only te hnology in the long run
(b) Convergen e to long-run steady state growth path
( ) Key determinants
2. Key puzzles and problems
(a) Determinants of riti al determinants
(b) Convergen e doesn't mean at hing up
( ) Convergen e is too slow (and steady states don't align)

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Growth and Te hnology E 413: Ma roe onomi s for MS Fall 2009

log y(t)

log y1 (t0 ) t + 0

log y2 (t0 )

t0 t

Figure 1: Convergent time path: Convergen e from initial level to

steady-state path t + 0 .

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Growth and Te hnology E 413: Ma roe onomi s for MS Fall 2009

Throw-away (and slightly misleading) overview

Assume losed e onomy.

y = f (k)
= (1 s)y
k_ = y k =) k_ = sf (k) k

What's wrong with this pi ture?

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s f (k)


Figure 2: Neo lassi al growth and onvergen e?

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Constant Returns To Scale (CRTS) Production Function

Y = F (K; N; A) (CRTS in (K; N ))

= F (K; N  A) (labor-augmenting)
=) =F ; 1 or y = Af (k=A)

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CRTS Production Function Two implications

1. Euler's Theorem

F =K +N

2. Cobb Douglas

F (K; NA) = K (NA)1 =) f (k=A) = (k=A)

and (1 ) fa tor shares

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Neoclassical (Solow-Swan) growth

Assume losed e onomy.

y def
= Y=N k def
= K=N
y = Af (k=A); f 0 > 0; f 00 < 0; klim
f (k)k 1
_ =   0; xed A(0) > 0 =) A(t) = A(0)et
_ =   0; xed N (0) > 0 =) N (t) = N (0)et
K_ = Y K;  in (0; 1) and > 0
=) k=k
_ _ =  f (k=A)
A=A ( +  +  )

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f (k=A)[k=A 1

( +  + ) 1

0 [k=A k=A

Figure 3: k=A dynami s: Convergen e to steady state [k=A o urs

for all initial values [k=A

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Implications and issues

1. In steady state, k and y grow at same rate as A

2. Growth in k and y , in steady state, don't vary with savings
rate  , although the value of steady state [k=A does: The
higher is  , the higher is [k=A .
3. Stability of fa tor in ome shares? (Cobb Douglas; ompetitive
4. Driving fa tor A: Should it be ommon a ross e onomies?
More useful endogenous determination?

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Steady state

log y (t) = log f ([k=A ) + log A(t)

= log f ([k=A ) + log A(0) +   t
= 0+t
0 = log f ([k=A) + log A(0)

= g [ +  +  1  + log A(0); with g 0 > 0:
If f (k=A) = (k=A) with 2 (0; 1), then
g [ +  +  1  = 1 log [ +  +  1  :

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From Figure 3, outside of steady state:

log y (t) = 0 +   t + [log y (0) 0 et ;
with  = (f; ( +  +  );  ) < 0
=) log y (t) = [  0 +  log y (0)
dt t=0

If f (k=A) = (k=A) as before, then

= (1 )( +  +  ) < 0:

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log y(t)

log y1 (t0 ) t + 0

log y2 (t0 )

t0 t

Figure 4: Convergent time path: Convergen e from initial level to

steady-state path t + 0 .

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log y(t)

log y1 (t0 ) t + 0;a

log y3 (t0 )
log y2 (t0 ) t + 0;b

log y4 (t0 )
t0 t

Figure 5: Time paths a ross ountries: A ross se tion of

e onomies, having di erent possible steady-state paths varying
with 0 , shows a range of possible behaviors.

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In omes
Ri h remaining ri h

S. Korea

Poor remaining poor
t t+s Time

Figure 6: Emerging twin peaks in the ross- ountry in ome

distribution: Post-1960 experien es proje ted over 40 years for
named ountries are drawn to s ale, relative to histori al
ross- ountry distributions.

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Convergence, steady state predictions inaccurate

(Will need broader notion of apital)

1 MRW: Steady state

log y (t) = 0 +t
0 = log f ([k=A) + log A(0):
When f (k=A) = (k=A) with 2 (0; 1), then

log f ([k=A) = log [ +  +  1  :

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=) log y (t) = log  log( +  +  ) +   t
1 1
= 1:42 log  1:92 log( +  +  ) + : : :

But =(1 ) is in reasing in so if we take the smaller estimate:

= 1:42 =) = = 0:59
1 2:42
is a lower bound.

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2 MRW: Convergence

log y (t) = 0 +   t + [log y (0) 0 et ;

with  = (f; ( +  +  );  ) < 0

If f (k=A) = (k=A) then

 = (1 )( +  +  ):
= 1+ =1
+ + ++
If = 0:03,  = 0:02, and  = 0:05, then
=1 = 0:8

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Growth and Te hnology E 413: Ma roe onomi s for MS Fall 2009

Neoclassical growth

1. Growth through fa tor a umulation and te hni al progress

(a) Only te hnology in the long run
(b) Convergen e to long-run steady state growth path
( ) Key determinants
2. Key puzzles and problems
(a) Determinants of riti al determinants
(b) Convergen e doesn't mean at hing up
( ) Convergen e is too slow (and steady states don't align)
3. Looking deeper: Why do onsumers save? What drives
te hnology?

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Growth and Te hnology E 413: Ma roe onomi s for MS Fall 2009

Optimal growth

1. Preserve the stru ture as mu h as possible

2. Ask why do onsumers save?
3. Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model
(a) In nitely-lived representative onsumer optimizing
onsumption traje tory dynami ally
(b) Produ tion stru ture, te hnology traje tory, and initial
onditions taken as given
( ) Output path and savings endogenized

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Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans growth

Closed e onomy
Per apital output or in ome y = Y=N
Te hnology-adjusted version y~ = y=A
Similarly, k; k~; : : :
Timepaths: ~ = f ~(t) : t 2 [0; 1g
n o
k~ = k~(t) : t 2 [0; 1
y~ = fy~(t) : t 2 [0; 1g
to be determined by model.

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People identi al and in nitely-lived. Population N (t) at time t:

N (t) = N (0)e t () N=N
_ = :

Preferen es
U ( (t)) = U (~ (t)A(t)); U 0 > 0; U 00 < 0:

Re all oe ient of relative risk aversion:

U 00 ( )
R( ) def
= >0
U 0 ( )
(even if deterministi model).

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Forward-looking representative onsumer

Z 1 Z 1
e  t U ( (t)) dt = e  t U (~ (t)A(t)) dt:
0 0

Adding a ross so iety,

Z 1
e  t U (~ (t)A(t))  N (t) dt
Z 1
= N (0)  e (  ) t U (~ (t)A(t)) dt:

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Te hnology

Y = F (K; NA) =) y~ = F (k~; 1) def

= f (k~):
f (k~) f (k~)
lim ~ = +1 and lim ~ = 0:
k~!0 k k~!1 k

A(t) = A(0)e t () A=A

_ = :
K_ = Y C K =) k~_ = f (k~) ~  k~; where  = +  +  .
Assume K (0) > 0 given by history, and  > 0.

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Social planning problem

Z 1
max e (  )t U (~ (t)A(t)) dt
f ~; k~g 0
s.t. k~_ (t) = f (k~(t)) ~(t)  k~(t) (1)
given k~(0) > 0
lim k~(t) = 0 (2)
k~(t)  0 8t  0: (3)
1. ~; k~ are timepaths, not just values at a point in time.
2. Initial ondition, transversality ondition.
3. Di erentiability (not just ontinuity) in k~.

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Let  = f (t) : t 2 [0; 1 g and de ne

H(~ ; k~; ; t) def

= U (~ (t)A(t)) e (  ) t
h i
+ f (k~(t)) ~(t)  k~(t) (t) e (  ) t : (4)
1. The Hamiltonian is not a Lagrangean (but it is derived from
2. The Hamiltonian ontains not the obje tive fun tion but just
the time t omponent of it.
3. Inessential but onvenient: the multiplier (t) has a
non-negative exponential multiplying it.

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 H= ~(t) = 0 (5)

dh i
 H= k~(t) = (t)e (  ) t (6)
1. Consumption ~(t) an vary however turns out to be best at
ea h instant; it might even jump dis ontinuously.
2. Capital k~(t) must vary smoothly, given its history
f k~(s) : s 2 [0; t) g.

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In this model the FOCs turn out to be

A U 0 (~ A) =  (7)
f 0 (k~)  = (  ) =_ (8)
and k~_ = f (k~) ~  k~ (9)
1. Equations (7){(9) three dynami equations for timepaths in
(~ ; k~; ) simultaneously.
2. Equation (9) is just a repeat.

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Balanced growth steady state

Guess steady state

y~_ = ~_ = k~_ = 0:
But then
_ = = _ =  = A=A;
_ = k=k _
repli ating the predi tions of the earlier growth model.

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But still too complicated

But even in su h a steady state,  behavior will be quite

ompli ated. Log-di erentiate with respe t to time both sides of
equation (7):
~_= ~ +  =  =
_ R(~ A) 1
U 00 ( )
where R( ) = > 0:
U 0 ( )
1. If U = log then R( ) = 1, giving ~_= ~ = =
_ .
_ onstant in steady state.
2. If R( ) = R onstant, then =

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Assume R( ) = R > 0 onstant; an study either (; k~) or (~ ; k~).

k~_ = f (k~) ~  k~
h i
~_= ~ = f 0 (k~) ( +  + R ) R 1

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RCK saddlepath convergence

_ =0
or ~ = f (k~) ~

~_ = 0
or k~ 3 f 0 (k~ ) = +  + R > 0

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Growth and Te hnology E 413: Ma roe onomi s for MS Fall 2009

Growth and productivity

1. Growth a ounting
(a) Cobb Douglas
(b) Dire t al ulation
2. Some results
3. Duality

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Growth accounting: Y = F (K; N A)

Cobb Douglas example

Y = F (K; NA) = K (NA)1
=) log Y = log K + (1 ) log N + (1 ) log A
=) Y_ =Y = K=K
_ + (1 )N=N_ + (1 )A=A_
TFP ontribution = Y_ =Y _
K=K _
(1 )N=N:
In steady state (if the model is orre t) then
TFP ontribution = y=y
_ _ = (1 ):

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Direct calculation

If only onstant returns to s ale (using gx def

= x=x
_ ):
log Y = log F (K; N; A)
1 F _ 1 F _ 1 F _
=) gY = K+ N+ A
=) TFP ontribution = gY K =Y gK N =Y gN :
Under onstant returns to s ale then TFP ontribution is:
gY 1 N =Y gK N =Y gN :

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Some results

Annual growth
TFP/Output Y K N Labor share TFP
HK 32% 0.073 0.080 0.032 0.628 0.023
Sg 2% 0.087 0.115 0.057 0.509 0.002
SKorea 17% 0.103 0.137 0.064 0.703 0.017
Tw 28% 0.094 0.123 0.049 0.743 0.026
Cn % 0.014

Table 1: TFP in East Asia. Sour e: Young (1995, 2003).

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Duality (1)

Y = rK + wN
 Constant returns to s ale and ompetitive fa tor markets, with
Euler's Theorem?
 Or, more simply, just national in ome a ounts?

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Duality (2)

Time-di erentiate and divide by Y :

Y_ K r _ N w _
= r_ + K + w_ + N
! !
rK r_ K_ wN w_ N_
 r+K + Y  w+N

rK wN rK wN
=) gY g gN = gr + g
Y K Y Y Y w

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Difference in results

Annual growth rates

Alternative interest rates Primal TFP Dual TFP
Equity returns 1971{1990 -0.69 1.52
Average lending rate 1968{1990 -0.22 2.16
E-P ratio 1973{1990 -0.66 1.61

Table 2: TFP in Singapore. Sour e: Hsieh 2002, also using Young


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Growth and Te hnology E 413: Ma roe onomi s for MS Fall 2009

Growth and productivity

1. Growth a ounting
(a) Cobb Douglas
(b) Dire t al ulation
2. Results
3. Duality

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Growth and Te hnology E 413: Ma roe onomi s for MS Fall 2009

Growth and endogenous technology

1. Endogenous te hnology
(a) A umulation of knowledge
(b) What is spe ial about knowledge?
2. Consisten y with neo lassi al model but endogenised growth
3. Poli y impli ations:
(a) Imperfe t ompetition to support pri e on ideas
(b) R+D: so ial e ien y
( ) IPRs: ex ante versus ex post in entives

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Rivalry and Excludability

Shopping mall Cookies
parking spa es

Ex ludability

Standard publi Commer ial

goods (sunsets) software

Figure 7: Rivalry and ex ludability are entirely di erent

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Model structure

Skilled Workfor e

Knowledge Patents Manufa turing

Growth Consumers

Figure 8: Models of te hnology and growth: Patents and ma hinery

intermediate between knowledge produ tion and onsumers

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Endogenous technical change

_ = HA ;  > 0
(Frontier of ideas) A=A
K_ = Y C

 units of K and 1 idea !

! 1 unit durable intermediate input X (!)
Z 1 Z A
K = X (! ) d! =   X (! ) d!
0 0
(as X (! ) = 0 for ! > A)

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The profile of ideas

A(t) !

Figure 9: S ale in using available ross se tion of ideas

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r > 0 onstant interest rate

H_ = N_ = 0 (two kinds of labor)
Z 1
Y = g (HY ; N )  X (! ) d!

2 (0; 1) and g homogenous degree 1

H = HA + HY
(allo ation a ross resear h and manufa turing)

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Human apital ompares

w = g1  X (! ) d!

in manufa turing against

ApA (from A_ = HA A)
in resear h.

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Ownership and use of ideas

with pA patent pri e on idea, i.e., (with monopoly power):

pA (! ) = e rt sup [g  Xt (! ) rXt (! ) dt
t0 Xt (!)
so that
2 gXt (! ) 1
r = 0 (FOC)
pX = gXt (! ) 1 = r  1 > r (Markup)
sup [g  Xt (! ) rXt (! ) = (1 )pX Xt (! ) > 0
Xt (!)
(Monopoly pro t)

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Equilibrium: Symmetric and time-invariant

Xt (! ) = Xt (! ) = X0 (! 0 ) = X0 (0) = X

=) pA (! ) onstant in ! and t
w = g1 AX = pA A
(equating wages of the skilled in manufa turing and in resear h)
and X = K=A gives
Y = g (HY ; N )AX = g (HY ; N )A1 K 
= g (HY A; NA)K  = F (K; NA; HY A)

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1. Y rts in (K; N; HY ); A labor-augmenting; diminishing returns

in K
2. Te hni al hange endogenous: Nonrival, partially ex ludable
3. Monopolies: Imperfe t ompetition to support positive pA
4. Enough resear h undertaken? Monopolies. Ex ante in entives
versus ex post so ial e ien y

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Growth and Te hnology E 413: Ma roe onomi s for MS Fall 2009

Growth and endogenous technology

1. Endogenous te hnology
(a) A umulation of knowledge
(b) What is spe ial about knowledge?
2. Consisten y with neo lassi al model but endogenised growth
3. Poli y impli ations:
(a) Imperfe t ompetition to support pri e on ideas
(b) R+D: so ial e ien y
( ) IPRs: ex ante versus ex post in entives

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