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Run 1: Open Tank Run 2:Close Tank Set 1 Set 2 Set 1 Set 2 Averag Averag
e e
A Temperature Temperature (TG), 32 32 32 32 32 32
(TG), C C
B Actual density Actual density 993 993 995 995 993 995
3 3
(DI), kg/ m (DI), kg/ m
C Density from Density from table, 995.02 995.02 995.02 995.02 995.02 995.02
table, kg/ 3 6 6 6 6 6 6
kg/ m
D Deviation B Deviation B from 2.026 2.026 0.026 0.026 2.026 0.026
from C, kg/ 3
C, kg/ m
E Calculated Calculated 0.993 0.993 0.995 0.995 0.993 0.995
Specific Specific Gravity
F Deviation E Deviation E with 0.023 0.023 0.025 0.025 0.023 0.025
with hydrometer
TABLE 1: Density Measurement (Water, Heater OFF)

Run 1: Open Tank Run 2:Close Tank Set 1 Set 2 Set 1 Set 2 Averag Averag
e e
A Temperature Temperature (TG), 48 48 48 48 48 48
(TG), C C
B Actual density Actual density 980 980 974 974 980 974
3 3
(DI), kg/ m (DI), kg/ m
C Density from Density from table, 988.92 988.92 988.92 988.92 988.92 988.92
table, kg/ 3 8 8 8 8 8 8
kg/ m
D Deviation B Deviation B from 8.928 8.928 14.928 14.928 7.928 14.928
from C, kg/ 3
C, kg/ m
E Calculated Calculated 0.980 0.980 0.974 0.974 0.980 0.974
Specific Specific Gravity
F Deviation E Deviation E with 0.010 0.010 0.004 0.004 0.010 0.004
with hydrometer

Density is a measure of the compactness of matter within a substance and is defined

by the unit m3 /kg. Density can be measured directly by using hydrometer. The objective

of this experiment were to evaluate and study the measurement of density using the
differential pressure or level transmitter and to check the calibration using a hand pump, DP
calibrator, pressure module, multimeter and hand held terminal.

The experiment consist of two parts that were the first part was for heater off and for
the second part was for heater on. Each part consist of open tank and closed tank. The
experiment used water as the sample. The experiment was done by fill in water into the tank.
Then, make sure all the valve were fully closed. Next, the pump and stirrer was started by
turning the knob clockwise. Then, the globe valve at tank T1 was closed and stop the pump.
Next, for run 1 let the water in tank T2 to stabilize for a while. Then, the specific gravity of
water in tank T2 was read by used the hydrometer. From the density indicator (DI) and actual
temperature from temperature gauge (TG), take three set of readings at tank T1. For run 2
that was for closed tank, tank 1 was set to closed tank by pressurized the tank 1. The overflow
valve, vent, bottom gate and globe valve were fully shut. Then, take the reading from the
density indicator (DI) and actual temperature from temperature gauge (TG). For, heater on or
part two, repeat the step as part one but on the heater.

For the result from the experiment, the specific gravity read from hydrometer for both
part of the experiment were 0.97. For the first part at the open tank, the temperature of the
water was 30C and the actual density (DI) was recorded that was 993 kg/m3 while the
density for the water from the table 2-28, Perry VII was 995.026 kg/m3. For the second run at
the first part (close tank), the tank was pressurized by set the tank T1 to closed tank and the
actual density (DI) was recorded that was 995 kg/m3 which the value was slightly different
from open tank. For calculated specific gravity, at the open tank, the value was 0.993 and for
the closed tank was 0.995. From the value of calculated specific gravity of water, the different
of density when use the hydrometer that were 0.970, the value was still in range of the theory
that the specific gravity of water was 1.0.

For table 2 that was the second part of the experiment, the specific gravity of the
water was measured by using hydrometer that was 0.970 which the value was same with the
first part when water does not supplied with heat. At open tank, the temperature of the water
was recorded that was 48C and the actual density (DI) was 980 kg/m3. The density of the
water from the table 2-28, Perry VII that was recorded was 988.927 kg/m3. For the close
tank, the tank was pressurized by set the tank T1 to closed tank. The actual density (DI)
recorded was 974 kg/m3 which the value was different from the open tank. For calculated
specific gravity the value at the open tank was 0.980 and for the close tank the value
was 0.974. The value of calculated specific gravity of water for both tank were different
with the value from the hydrometer that was 0.970, but the value was still in range of the
theory that was 1.0. From the both table, the value for actual density and calculated specific
gravity of water when heat was supplied was less compared to when no heat was supplied.

There were some errors that might occur in experiment. Firstly, the errors that might
occurs was parallax errors. Then, the water that used was contaminated. Lastly, the reading
for the experiment was not stable.

As the conclusion, the result that have obtained from the experiment which were for close
and open tank for off heater and on heater it can be shown that the specific gravity of the
water by using hydrometer was 0.970. For open tank, the temperature of the water is 30C
and the actual density (DI) recorded is 988 kg/m3 while the density for the water (based on
table) is 995.647 kg/m3. For the second run (close tank), the tank was pressurized but the
temperature of the water is still 30C (which is same with open tank) and the actual density
(DI) recorded is 987 kg/m3 which the value is slightly different from open tank. For
calculated specific gravity (both tank) have the same value with the difference of 0.001
kg/m3. Although the value of calculated specific gravity of water (for both tank) is different
when using with hydrometer (0.970), the value is still in range of the theory that the specific
gravity of water is 1.0. For the heater on experiment it can show that the density for the water
(based on table) is 988.927 kg/m3. For the second run (close tank) was 971 kg/m3 which the
value is slightly different from open tank. For calculated specific gravity (both tank) have the
same value with the difference of 0.010 kg/m3. Although the value of calculated specific
gravity of water (for both tank) is different when using with hydrometer (0.970), the value is
still in range of the theory. From the result it ca be conclude that the objective and theoretical
of the experiment have been achieve.


As a recommendation for this experiment which is can be refer by the other student to
overcome the error had been determined. Firstly, used ladder when read the reading at
hydrometer. Thus the parallax can be overcome. Next, the machine and device must always
be maintenance at least one time per month to avoid any damage that can be occur in the
machine. Besides that, the experimenter should wait the reading stable before take or record
the data. Lastly, while running this experiment the experimenter should read the laboratory
manual before conduct this experiment.


1. Define Density. What are its S.I. Units?

- Density can be define as substance is its mass per unit volume. SI unit Kg/m3

2. Name other units for Density.

- Pound/ liter

3. Define Specific Gravity of liquid.

-Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference
substance; equivalently, it is the ratio of the mass of a substance to the mass of a reference
substance for the same given volume

4. Is density of liquid is constant?

- Density is NOT constant, but for liquids and solids it doesn't change very much with
temperature or pressure. Liquids and solids expand only slightly with increasing temperature,
and they compress only slightly with increasing pressure, so their densities are approximately
constant under most ordinary conditions

5. How does a hydrometer measure density?

- A hydrometer or areometer is an instrument that measures the specific gravity (relative

density) of liquids the ratio of the density of the liquid to the density of water. A hydrometer
is usually made of glass, and consists of a cylindrical stem and a bulb weighted with mercury
or lead shot to make it float upright.
6. How does hydrostatic pressure relate to density?

- The pressure due to a fluid at a given depth is P= density. Gravitational force. High. A
greater density will have the same affect. More density means more mass per unit volume.
Meaning there is more weight of fluid on top of the point you measuring pressure. More
weight means more force per unit area as pressure

7. What are the densities measuring instruments used in this plant?

- Density meter

8. Name some other density measurement method, besides the differential pressure method

- Differential pressure level measurement technique makes use of a differential pressure

detector which is installed at the bottom of the tank whose level is to be detected. The liquid
inside the tank creates pressure which is comparatively higher than the reference atmospheric
pressure. This pressure comparison is performed via the Differential pressure detector. A
standard differential pressure transmitter connected to an open tank is shown in the figure

9. The site calibration is carried out in this experiment. Is the calibration of pressure
transmitter necessary?

- yes, because is an essential function within most industries where measurement

instrumentation is used to monitor process performance and safety.

10. Discuss briefly the possible errors affecting the accuracy in pressure/density measurement
as observed in the experiment.

- Possible error that can affecting the accuracy in pressure/density measurement are went the
fluid that need to be measure are contaminate with other material or other chemical. besides
that, wrong choosing the hydrometer for specific fluid.

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