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1- The environment can be defined as :

a- Everything around us including us

b- The surronding external conditions affecting the living objects
c- Everything that affect the living beingorganism during its life time .
it includes all the physical chemical and biological surronding and their
d- All of them

2- In comparison between living & non living.. the living is distinctive by :

a- Highly complex organization
b- Growth and development
c- Interactions
d- adaption
e- homeostasis trying to keep the optimum state
f- sensation and response
g- all of the above
3- The molecule of life is ( DNA )
4- The DNA is responsible for :
a- Protein synthesis b-reproduction
b- Inheritance d- growth F- All of these
5- Metabolism is :
a- Gatabolism + anabolism b- anabolism only

c-Catabolism only d- catabolism & anabolism

6-what do the following equations express :

1- ATP >>>> ADP + P + Energy ( Energy release )

2- ADP + P + Energy>>>>ATP (Energy storing )

Creative SCientiStS team

7-Ecology " "

The study of the interactions among the environmental components


8-The basic concepts for Ecology is/are :

a- Abiotic factor

b- biotic factor

c-Both of them

d- none of them

9- Abiotic factors can be :

a- Climate
b- Minerals
c- rainfall
d- all are right

10- Biotic Factors Can Be :

a- organisms
b- Organisms production
c- organisms effects

d- all of them

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1- describes:

a- how human affects on environment

b- how human gets benefit from environment
c- Both are right
d- Both are wrong

12- (2) describes:

a- How human benefit the environment

b- How environment affects on human

c- How human gets benefit from the environment

d- No answer is correct

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13- The correct order is :

a- Organ system organ tissue multicelled organism

b- Tissue- multicelled organism- organ organ system
c- Tissue- organ- organ system multicelled organism
d- All are wrong

14- the correct order is :

a- Population- biosphere- ecosystem- community

b- Community population biosphere ecosystem
c- Population community- biosphere ecosystem
d- Population community ecosystem biosphere

15- order the following :

Atom organ system biosphere organ tissue cell multicelled organism

Molecule subatomic ecosystem population- community

Answer : subatomic-atom-molecule-cell-tissue-organ-organ system-

multicelled organism population- community- ecosystem- biosphere

16- when population is a group of individuals of the same kind thats same
species ..

community can be defined as a groupS of individuals of different kinds in the

same area

a- True
b- False

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17- which of the following IS not about human population :

-age structure - body structure -population size

-Population activity -population density -demographics

-population stability - distribution patterns -distribution partners

18- the most common pattern for human is :

a- Random b-regular
b- Aggregated = d- clumped

19- our distribution while setting in the exam is :

a- Random b-aggregated

c-regulated = d- uniform

20- according to Age Structure ..

a- Pre-reproductive ranges from 0 to 14

b- Reproductive ranges from 15 to 45
c- Post-reproductive ranges from 45 to +85

21- on saying exponential function J Shaped you should recognize that .

Answer : the growth started simply then became so fast

22- under it ; the population can show maximum growth rate ( biotic potential )

23- its the maximum number of individuals in population that a environment can
sustain indefinitely ( carrying capacity )

24- Any essential factor or resource that limits population growth ( limiting factor )

25- results from the limiting Factors ( Environmental Resistance )

26- which stage is dominating in each of the following

- Rapid Growth : Pre-Reproductive

- Slow Growth : Pre-Reproductive
- Zero Growth : there is no difference
- Negative Growth : Post--Reproductive

27- . And .. increase the population size ; while. And. Decrease it?

Answer : Birth- Immigration - Death Emigration

28- accroding to the following drawing ..

If H is the human.. The circle will be.? The environment

According to the following Plan :

a- green plant is described as .. &.

( autotroph1st trophic level

level & producer )

the bird is described as .. & &...

( heterotroph3rd trophic level & 2nd consumer & carnivore 1)

c- bacteria and fungi are described as :

( heterotrophy last trophic level & decomposers detritivores

detritivores )

d- The human is described as : omnivore !

( omnivore means herbivore as insect & carnivore as the hawk )

Note : consumer 1 = 2nd trophic consumer (n) = trophic (n+1)

30- hierarchy of feeding relationships in which energy is transferred when one

organism eats another ( Trophic levels )

31- a straight line sequence of who eats whom in successi

ve higher trophic levels
many levels ( Food Chain )

32- A network of interlinked food chain including all trophic levels in an ecosystem

Food web )

33- The 2 principles that control the ecosystem are.&

( One way Energy flow & nutrient chemical cycling )

34- The Earths Life-support Components are ... &.&..&.

( atmosphereair & Hydrospherewater & lithospherecrust of top earth

non-living & biospherethe total parts where organisms can live )

35- Atmosphere is pure dry air at ground level that has following , expressed in
percentage 3 parts

1-major ( nitrogen-oxygen )

2-minor (water vap-argon-carbon dioxide)

3-trace (neon, helium,methane,etc )

36- The Hydrosphere is : 71% of the Earths surface it includes freshwater and
marine ecosystems

97% of the water is oceans. The remaining 3% are 2.3% locked in the polar ice
while the other 0.7% is available for human usage as 0.66% ground water and
0.03% fresh water in rivers lakes and streams

-37 The lithosphere is made of the mantle of rocks that includes the soil
which is formed by the continuous weathering forces rain-wind-
chemical and biological and it covers the rocks
38- The Soil (Loose) : suitable for growth of plants and after death,
animals and plants decay " "so they return to the soil recycling
39- The inorganic part comes from . While the organic part comes
Answer : The Weathering proc processes plants,animals, bacteria, fungi
decay processes and remains
40- The soil which is suitable for agriculture consists of . & so it
produces food for man and animals
( 5% organic matters & 95% inorganic matters )

41- The circulation pathways of elements or nutrients through biotic &

Abiotic ( Biogeochemical cycles )
42- Biotic (living beings) can be &&.
Producers & consumers & decomposers

43- from this drawing we can know that water goes up by .. &.
While it goes down by or.. by the rainfall.

Creative Scientists Team

Transpiration &Evaporation - condensation or precipitation
44- From these drawings.. we can understand that decreases the carbon while
.&&.. increase it

Answer : photosynthesis - respiration , combustion, Forest Firing

45-The result of photosynthesis which is one of the major properties of any

ecosystem ( Primary Productivity )

46- The secondary productivity is the same as the primary but result from
heterotrophs instead of autotrophs

47-biological material produced by producers autotrophs or green plants in an

area in a given time expressed by these g or kg/m 2/year kcal/m2/year

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Be Creative !
47- an outcome that improves a persons quality and quantity of life


48-compare between environmental benefit & environmental cost

Environmental Benefit Environmental Cost

Is the one where Is the one where
environment benefits environment harms
human human

49-Environmental Contributions may be :

-traditional or modern way of life -religion

-use of resources -wealth

-rural or urban life ""

- economy -culture -All Are Right

50-the geopolitical influences in the deserts occurs due to

Answer: natural resources like mineral and oil comes from the desert

*geopolitical influences

51-The desert animals and plants are so important because ..

They represent a vast major - great branch of research and economic usages like
in medicines , trade , ecotourism

52- Deserts can be a source of energy by solar and wind energy

Creative Scientists Team

53-The Desert ecotourism is supported by.. The diversity
-variationof scenes

54- Any material that required or used to maintain human life & essential
for the functioning of organisms populations and ecosystem (Resources)

55-Something that disrupts the balance among the natural resources like
oil ,soil ,water, coat ,forests ,crops, wildlife ( Man Activity )

56- compare between the renewable & non renewable resources:

renewable non renewable
The resources that can be reformed The Resources that their usage rate
through rapid natural cycles with is faster than reforming rate & they
rate higher than usage rate cant be reformed again after being
by life cycles or recycling used recyclable & non recyclable

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57- biggest reason of the current increase in extinctions of species &
habitat loss ( Habitat Destruction ) ...

58- Reduction of habitat into smaller and scattered patches

& dividing populations into isolated groups (Fragmentation)

59- Unauthorized commercial products and trade of live specimens

60-predator and pest control
( )
61- one of the greatest threats to native biodiversity (Exotic organism)
( )
62- Distribution of diseases agents ( ! )

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63- Harmful effects of substances or behavior on the ecosystems
( Pollution )

64- substances or behavior that accumulate to concentrations that have

adverse or harmful effect on the health and function of the ecosystem
( Pollutants )

65- pollution may have many names or forms as for &

(Site & cause )

66-overenrichment of freshwater ecosystems with nutrients like

phosphorus that may lead to fish killing (Eutrophication)
67- Using natural resources wisely and not contributing to pollution of
the biosphere .so human activities can preserve resources (Conservation)

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68- The phrase Reduce-Reuse-Recycle is known for ( 3R)

N0T Just A Name !

69-The Ecological Footprint can be calculated on ..oror. scale
Answer : Personal - Local - Global

70-The Ecological Footprint:

a-measures the effect of a person,city or country on the 3 scales
b- A measure of direct&indirect consumption of resources and
production of wastes
c- The total amounst of land required for food,housing,transport,
consumer,goods,and all other services and activities
d- All Are Right
71-The area of land ( in hectares ha ) that support each persons
lifestyle in a country (The Shortest Term )

72- The national governments are using the footprint to be able to :

a-assess the value of their country ecological concerns "-"
b-monitor and manage their concerns and priorities
c-Identify the risks associated with ecological problems
d-set policy to make safeguarding resources at top priority
e-measure progress toward their national goals
F- All The Above

73-Egypt Footprint in 2003 was .. but now its .. (1.4 2.0)

74- The Average biocapacity per person in 2003 is about .. (1.8)


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