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Crockett HS/ Austin ISD

Lesson 8 of 9

UTL 640 UTeacher: Cecilia Sanchez

Subject / Level: Spanish II
Submitted Date / Time: 04/19/17 before 10:00 a.m. Teach Date / Time:
04/21/17 11:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
Lesson Plan Title: Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera
Enduring Understanding/s
1. The visual arts enrich our society and culture.
2. Art creates meaning and and purpose.
3. Art communicates powerful ideas and fosters an understanding of history, culture and
each other.
Essential Questions
1. How does art impact the way we see our world?
2. How do artists express themselves through their art?
3. How does an artists physical and social environment affect what they create?
Materials (include links to online materials)
1. PPT presentation for engagement activity.
2. Diego Rivera video
3. Frida Kahlo video
4. Paintings that will be hung up on the wall.
5. Cornell notes handout.
6. Cellphones/laptops for Kahoot game.
7. Self-portrait activity.
8. Sticky notes for exit ticket activity.
Three Part Lesson objective(s):
Action: Students will familiarize themselves with the lives and artwork of Frida Kahlo
and Diego Rivera.
Condition: By completing a video notes handout, participating in a gallery walk, and
creating a self-portrait of themselves, students will gain knowledge of artwork from two
of the most important Latin American artists from the 20th century.
Specific, measurable criteria: A video handout, participation in a gallery walk, and
the creation of a self-portrait.
Stated Objective: Today we are going to examine several works of art created by
Mexican artists: Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo. We are going to work on several activities,
including a gallery walk and creating a self-portrait at the end of the day.
Differentiation Strategies:
Engagement activity with photo will support visual learners.
Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo videos will support visual learners.
Gallery will be used to support kinesthetic learners.
The Student Can Statements Include as many of the 5Cs below as possible.
1. Students can copy some familiar words, characters, or phrases.
2. Students can recognize a few memorized words and phrases when they
hear them spoken.
3. Students can recognize a few letters or characters and can identify a few
memorized words and phrases when they read.
Crockett HS/ Austin ISD
Lesson 8 of 9
Interpretive: Students will interpret several art pieces painted by
Rivera and Kahlo.
Interpersonal: Students will share their perspective and
collaborate with their partners in the gallery walk.
Presentational: In groups of 3-4, students will share their
interpretations of the paintings.

Culture: Learners will examine several works of art from two prominent Mexican artists of the 20th century.
Connections: n/a
Comparisons: n/a
Communities: Learners use the language both within and beyond the classroom to interact and collaborate in their community and the
globalized world.

The 5Es Plus 1 Lesson Sequence

ENGAGEMENT: These activities mentally engage students with an event or
question. Engagement activities capture students' interest and help them to make
connections with what they know and can do. Here students encounter the material,
define their questions, lay the groundwork for their tasks, make connections from new
to known, and identify relevance.

As they walk into the classroom, students will see a painting by Frida Kahlo
titled Frida y Diego Rivera 1931. I will ask the class to talk amongst themselves
for two minutes to the following questions:
Quienes son estas personas?
Quin pint este cuadro?
Que saben de ella/l?

Estimated time: 5-7 minutes

114.41. Levels I-II Novice Proficiency
(c) Knowledge and Skills.
(1) Communication. The student communicates in a language other than
English using the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The
student is expected to:
(A) engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to
socialize and to provide and obtain information;
(B) demonstrate understanding of simple, clearly spoken, and
written language such as simple stories, high-frequency
commands, and brief instructions when dealing with familiar
topics; and
(C) present information using familiar words, phrases, and
sentences to listeners and readers.

What are you, the teacher, doing? What are your students doing?
Speaking in LOTE. Talking amongst
Encouraging class discussion. themselves.
Engaging in class
Crockett HS/ Austin ISD
Lesson 8 of 9
EXPLORATION: Next, students encounter hands-on experiences in which they
explore the concept further. They receive little explanation and few terms at this point,
because they are to define the problem or phenomenon in their own words. The purpose
at this stage of the model is for students to acquire a common set of experiences from
which they can help one another make sense of the concept/new learning. Students
must spend significant time during this stage of the model directly involved with
material. Inquiry drives the process, teamwork is used to share and build knowledge

I will play two (2) videos one about the life of Diego Rivera and one about
Frida Kahlo. As we watch the videos, I will hand out handout who will have a T-
chart on it. Students will be instructed to take notes, compare the artists, or
anything they find interesting about each video.

Estimated time: ~15 minutes

114.41. Levels I-II Novice Proficiency
(c) Knowledge and Skills.
(1) Communication. The student communicates in a language other than
English using the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The
student is expected to:
(A) engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to
socialize and to provide and obtain information;
(B) demonstrate understanding of simple, clearly spoken, and
written language such as simple stories, high-frequency
commands, and brief instructions when dealing with familiar
topics; and
(C) present information using familiar words, phrases, and
sentences to listeners and readers.

What are you, the teacher, doing? What are your students doing?
Introducing the lesson. Listening and following
Speaking in LOTE. directions.
Watching videos.
Taking notes.
EXPLANATION: Student explanations should precede introduction of terms or
explanations by the teacher. The learner explains the discoveries, processes, and
concepts that have been learned through explanation. The teacher supplies resources,
feedback, vocabulary, and clarifies misconceptions. List higher order thinking questions
that teachers will use to solicit student explanations and help them to justify their

Next, I will present a short PPT about Frida Kahlo and Diego Riveras lives:
their relationship, their artwork and their legacy towards Latin American culture.
Students will continue to take notes.
In order to include a tech activity in the lesson, we will play a Kahoot game
at the end of the lesson.
Crockett HS/ Austin ISD
Lesson 8 of 9
Estimated time: ~15 minutes

114.41. Levels I-II Novice Proficiency
(c) Knowledge and Skills.
(1) Communication. The student communicates in a language other than
English using the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The
student is expected to:
(A) engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to
socialize and to provide and obtain information;
(B) demonstrate understanding of simple, clearly spoken, and
written language such as simple stories, high-frequency
commands, and brief instructions when dealing with familiar
topics; and
(C) present information using familiar words, phrases, and
sentences to listeners and readers.

What are you, the teacher doing? What are your students doing?
Presenting PPT. Listening in LOTE.
Speaking in LOTE. Taking notes.
Playing Kahoot game.
ELABORATION: The next stage of the model serves to help students elaborate
on their understanding. They are given opportunities to apply the concept in unique
situations, or they are given related ideas to explore and explain using the information
and experiences they have accumulated so far. Interaction between the students is
essential during the elaboration stage. In collaboration with others, students can
construct a deeper understanding of the concepts. Elaboration can lead to new inquiry.

The following activity will include a gallery walk. I will hang up paintings
of both Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera on the wall. Students will be instructed to
walk around the classroom to observe the paintings and record their impressions
on a handout. The gallery walk should last around 10 minutes. An additional 5
minutes will be given to complete the handout.

Estimated time: 10- 15 minutes

114.41. Levels I-II Novice Proficiency
(c) Knowledge and Skills.
(1) Communication. The student communicates in a language other
than English using the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. The student is expected to:
Crockett HS/ Austin ISD
Lesson 8 of 9
(A) engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to
socialize and to provide and obtain information;
(B) demonstrate understanding of simple, clearly spoken, and
written language such as simple stories, high-frequency
commands, and brief instructions when dealing with familiar
topics; and
(C) present information using familiar words, phrases, and
sentences to listeners and readers.

What are you, the teacher doing? What are your students doing?
Explaining activity. Participating in gallery
Speaking in LOTE. walk activity.
Writing down
interpretations of paintings.
EVALUATION: The penultimate stage is an on-going process by both
instructor and learner to check for understanding. Rubrics, checklists, teacher
interviews, portfolios, problem-based learning outputs, and embedded assessments.
Results are used to evaluate and modify further instructional needs. Evaluation should
be embedded throughout the lesson as well as at the end of the lesson in a variety of
ways. Ask, how will students demonstrate that they have achieved the lesson

Based on what we learned about Frida Kahlo and her paintings, the class
will be instructed to create a self-portrait. Along with providing an image of
themselves, students will be expected to surround their self-portrait with
images/symbols that reflect their current state of being or their perspective on
an issue of importance to them. A model and guidelines will be presented in the

Estimated time: ~20 minutes

114.41. Levels I-II Novice Proficiency
(c) Knowledge and Skills.
(1) Communication. The student communicates in a language other
than English using the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. The student is expected to:
(A) engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to
socialize and to provide and obtain information;
(B) demonstrate understanding of simple, clearly spoken, and
written language such as simple stories, high-frequency
commands, and brief instructions when dealing with familiar
topics; and
(C) present information using familiar words, phrases, and
sentences to listeners and readers.

What are you, the teacher doing? What are your students doing?
Explaining activity. Speaking and listening in
Speaking in LOTE. LOTE.
Creating self-portrait.
Crockett HS/ Austin ISD
Lesson 8 of 9
EXIT STRATEGY: The final stage is lesson closure, an important cognitive
process that each student must go through to wrap up learning. Closure activities,
some of which are short - less than a minute - and some a little longer, provide the
learner with an opportunity to recap the new or reviewed knowledge that he or she has
acquired, thus meeting the lesson objective. Ask students to summarize, review a
partner, create an image, or circle back to the opening to effectively solidify their

During the last minutes of the class, I will hand the students sticky notes
and ask them to answer the following tasks as an exit ticket:
Cul fue tu pintura favorita?
Explica algo que aprendiste de Kahlo y Rivera.

Estimated time: 3-5 minutes

114.41. Levels I-II Novice Proficiency
(c) Knowledge and Skills.
(1) Communication. The student communicates in a language other
than English using the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. The student is expected to:
(A) engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to
socialize and to provide and obtain information;
(B) demonstrate understanding of simple, clearly spoken, and
written language such as simple stories, high-frequency
commands, and brief instructions when dealing with familiar
topics; and
(C) present information using familiar words, phrases, and
sentences to listeners and readers.

What are you, the teacher doing? What are your students doing?
Handing out sticky notes. Listening to instructions.
Explaining task. Completing exit ticket.

My grade: Review the Rubric

Justify/Explain your grade. Be specific. In addition to fulfilling
the assignment, I included a variety of activities that are student-

95% centered. Ive also created a gallery walk and a self-portrait activity.
In terms of content, this will be a cultural lesson, something I feel
very passionate about. I am excited to see the students reaction.

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