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Standard 1.a.

Language as a System
Artifact 2 Analysis

As evidenced by Artifact 2, I have learned that language acquisition must be scaffolded.

This is done through creating learning experiences that foster connections between students first

language and English. In doing so, learning becomes contextualized, and students identity and

culture are represented in the curriculum.

While the accompanying artifact focuses on the organic literacies that native English

speakers bring into the classroom, the same concept applies to ELLs. Students first language is

not only a form of communication, but also as a way of making meaning and solving problems in

the immediate surroundings.

Understanding that students enter my classroom with a number of linguistic meaning-

making and problem solving strategies has promoted a more student centered curriculum in my

classroom. I, now, build learning experiences that that allow students to explore new content by

using their organic, or native, literacies. This promotes learning by allowing students to develop

language skills by building up current language skills.

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