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The Little Naughty Elephant

Very good morning honourable judges, teachers..and friends.

My name __________________from SK Timbua and I would like to
share with you a story entitled The naughty little elephant

Dear friends....

Once upon a time, there was a little naughty elephant in the

jungle name Kelabu.Kelabu loved to disturb others animals.

Kelabus parents advised him not to be naughty . But Kelabu

was stubborn. He felt that he was the strongest in the world.
Kelabu kicked and juggled the tortoise like a ball.

Oh !! my god!!Please dont do this said the tortoise..

Kelabu twisted the rabbits long ears. The rabbit was in great

Ouch!!Ouch!!! Screamed the rabbit.

Kelabu pulled the monkeys tail and carried it upside down.

Nyet!Nyet!Nyet! said the monkey and ran away.

I am big..I am strong..I am big..I am strong..Kelabu sang

Friends...Do you know what happened..after that??

All other animals in the jungle were angry with Kelabus


Kelabus father advised him again and again but Kelabu was
still adamant.
One day Kelabu got very angry with other animals that
complained to his father. He chased all the animals in the

Run!Run!..Kelabu is going to kill us!! shouted the rabbit to

the other animals.

Unfortunately , Kelabus leg got stuck in the hunters trap.

Help!Help!me Kelabu screamed.


Stop! I think we should help Kelabu. He is trapped said the


We should not help the naughty elephantreplied the rabbit.

Anddd!!!! Finally the three animals decided to help Kelabu.

They rushed to Kelabu.

The rabbit bit the rope attached to the trap ..finally Kelabu was

Hurray!!! They ere very happy.

We want K ..K

We want E..E.

We want. L.. L

We want A..A

We want B..B

We want U..U

Long live KELABU...

They cheered happily..

The moment was really touched..Kelabu..cried..

Thank you so much . I ve learnt my lesson. I promised to be
good after this....All of you are great friends said Kelabu

Alright , we accept your apology said the monkey.

From today onwards, we are friends said the rabbit. friends..

Kelabu and the three animals became good friends. They

laughed and promised to help each other.

There are a few lesson..that we can learn from the story..

We must be good to matter we are different

races,different sizes or different religion. It is good to live in
peace and harmony.

Thats all for today.With a big smile I thank you.

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