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Issue 6, number 33, Date: Friday 23rd July, School Website:


CLASS 3B SALAD SALE: Year 3 planted lots of herbs, lettuce and carrots on International Day. The children watered
and cared for the plants in the greenhouse. They then transferred the plants to the garden where they grew very well.
The children then sold the lettuce and they are sending the money to Peru with Mrs Ranjan for people in need. I
thoroughly enjoyed my rocket salad, particularly as I knew how it had been grown.

KS2 SPORTS DAY At times during Friday morning the clouds looked ominous, but luckily we were able to enjoy our
Junior Sports’ Day in fine, if rather windy conditions. The children competed enthusiastically, taking part and earning
points for their house; not one child gave up! Congratulations to St Peter’s, the winning house, well done to all the
children and many thanks to the staff who helped to organise the event.

GOVERNING BODY: We officially say goodbye today to Mr Steve Rubery who was a school governor for twelve years.
During this time Mr Rubery has seen many changes and he was instrumental in steering the school throughout this time
as well as having several important roles within the Governing Body. We presented Mr Rubery with a card and gift from
the school community as a small token of our appreciation.

MUSIC FEES: Music fees for 2010/2011 must be paid in the first week when returning to school 6th September. We still
have places for children in the Juniors for Woodwind (flute, clarinet). If interested please contact Mrs Rowley and she will
arrange an audition with the music teacher for all other instruments; you can send in a request to go on the waiting lists.

REDBRIDGE SUMMER READING CHALLENGE: This week, Michael Fountain, from Gants Hill Library spoke to the
children about the 12th Annual Summer Reading Challenge. Children all over the UK will be invited to embark on an
exciting reading adventure with a cosmic travel theme. The Challenge inspires children to read in the long summer break
and research has shown that this improves their reading range, confidence and enjoyment. Please encourage your
children to take part. Mr Fountain contacted me following the visit to say that it has been a pleasure to have our children
visit the Library this year; they are well behaved as well as enthusiastic – a credit to the school.

100% ATTENDANCE: Congratulations to the following children who have not missed a day of school since September
2009. This is quite an achievement considering the number of viruses and the volcanic ash problems which have
affected many of us. The children received certificates and badges during assembly. James Smart, Shevonne Da Silva,
Madusan Dunkstan, Darryl Happi, Aaron Herbert, Jenin Marianayagam, Margaret Wanyana, Wictor Wesolowska, Ewa
Adeyemo, Corey English, Courtney Frederich, Joanna Oke, Joshua Powell, Renee-Louise Christian McCarthy, Kelechi
Okonkwo, Chukwuemeka Okonkwo, Chichi Onyiuke, Mirella Porro, Victoria Smart, Ezekeri Ssewanyana, Tiara English,
Kai Rawlins, May Sodimu, Julia Wesolowska, Yasoob Yousaf, Gariq Alexander, Christopher Bryan, Chesney English,
Charlotte O’Hara, Alice Morey, Ada Oniyuke, Sophie Priddle, Jovan Rodgers.

DINNER MONEY: To date, we have not received any notification of an increase in the cost of school meals in
September. The cost per week will remain at £9.65. Please forward dinner money every Monday morning in the
envelopes provided. Cheques should be made payable to: London Borough of Redbridge. If you wish to pay for the first
half term, please forward £67.55. The cost for the whole autumn term will be £135.10.

MIDDAY ASSISTANT: Thank you to all the applicants who have applied for the post of Midday Assistant. The short
listing for this post will not take place until the first week of September. We will contact all applicants on our return from
the summer holiday.

LIBRARY: Thank you to Mrs Harris, who has managed a team of teachers and voluntary helpers to set up our new
school library. Thank you, also, to all those who supported us with donations. We would still welcome any further
donations throughout the year.

RECEPTION PARENTS: Please note that when starting in Year 1, children enter their new class through the outside
classroom door for the first 3 weeks of term. After this, children will enter in the mornings through the main school door
along with Year 2 pupils.

TESCO AND SAINSBURYS’ VOUCHERS: Many thanks for forwarding your vouchers to help us to purchase IT and
sports equipment for the school. A special thank you to Mrs Connelly, Mrs Barclay, Mrs Donovan and all the other
helpers who counted and boxed up all the thousands of tokens we received.

LONDON ZOO Last Friday both Reception classes visited London Zoo. They had a wonderful time looking at all the
different animals, including giraffes, camels, gorillas, zebras, tigers, hippopotamuses and penguins. Some of the children
even managed to see the penguins being fed. Tia Foley Daniel said, ”We had lots of fun at the zoo”.

MOONWALK: Many thanks to everybody who supported the staff on their recent sponsored walk. £1,563 has been
raised to date in aid of breast cancer charities.
CLOTHES’ COLLECTION PROMOTING EDUCATION IN AFRICA: Do you have any items of unwanted clothing or toys
that you or your family will never use again? If so, please put these items into plastic bags and contact Mrs Mbanu, one
of our parents, on 07950 548 099. The money raised from these items will promote education in Africa. Also needed are
sheets, shoes, handbags and curtains.

GEORGE DAVIS LODGE RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME: I have been made aware, once again, that parents are parking
in the neighbouring care home’s car park. Last week a lady in a wheelchair spoke to a mother with two children about
parking and she was met with a totally inappropriate and offensive response. What message does this give to our
neighbours and our children? The home is now considering erecting rails to stop people parking up on the kerb and
preventing wheelchair access as well as clamping, a measure I fully endorse.

ST GEORGE’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL: St. George’s Catholic Primary School, Shoeburyness will be
celebrating their 40th Anniversary on Wednesday 8th September. They would like to invite all ex-teachers, Head Teachers
and governors to join them for Mass at 1.30pm on the day. Please contact the school on 01702 293522 if you are able to

SCOOBY DOOS: While preparing for our class assembly about Neighbours, the children in Class 4b decided that they
would like to hold an event to raise money for CAFOD. The children made many ‘Scooby Doos’ which the children sold
during break time on Wednesday. They have raised approximately £45 to send to CAFOD.

Neida Miseviciute, Lesley Aggrey, Harry Laxton, Samanta Starzynska, Thomas Foley, Pia Thayanathan, Praveen Joseph,
Sade Bamboye, Jermel Dupigny-Williams, Samiya Saleem-Howison, Tobias Haddow, Margaret Wanyana

Another academic year draws to a close and once again I wonder as to where the year has gone. The end of the
summer term is always one of mixed emotions; sadness as we say goodbye to many children, families and staff, and
happiness as we look forward, in anticipation, to the summer days ahead.

We bid farewell to: Mrs Mary Cantwell, who has worked in St Augustine’s for 16 years, firstly as
a Midday Assistant and more recently as a Learning Support Assistant, Mrs Emma Cooper who
has been a Nursery Nurse in both Nursery and Reception classes for 8 years, Mrs Regina O’Neil
who has worked as a Learning Support Assistant for two years, to Mrs Long, who for the past
term, has been teaching three days a week in Nursery, and to Mrs Anthonypillai who has been a
Midday Assistant in the Infants. Many children have benefited from their care, support and
dedication through the years and we thank them for this and wish them all the best for the future

Our Year 6 children also leave St Augustine’s today. For many of them this has been their school for eight years. When I
joined the school in 2004, they were starting in Year one and now, in the blink of an eye, they are moving on to their
secondary schools. We are proud of all their achievements and know that they are prepared and ready for the challenges
and wonderful opportunities that lie ahead. We also have to say goodbye to so many families who have been connected
with the school for many years; today marks the end of an era. Thank you for your support and the contribution so many
of you have made to our school: on trips, voluntary help, PTA etc and good luck to all of you for the future.

It is a privilege to work in St Augustine’s school. Our staff team, whatever their role, works tirelessly for the good of the
children; they really care about our school and are committed to our Catholic ethos. I thank them for all that they do and
hope that each and every member or staff enjoys a well deserved break. We are also fortunate that we have so many
voluntary helpers who work with the children during the year, we appreciate all the time that the give to us. Many of our
children, benefit from the support and expertise of outreach teachers, music teachers, sports instructors and booster
tutors. We thank all of them for everything they do for the school also. Grateful thanks also to our wonderful PTA for, not
only raising money which helps us pay for new equipment, theatre groups and other resources, but also because of all
the social events which they organise for the school community.

We are lucky to have good relationships with our four Parishes and their Priests; their support, in particular of Fr Paul,
who helps us in so many ways, is very much valued.

So, as the year draws to an end may I take this opportunity to thank all of you, once again, for your support of your
wonderful children and our school. Together we can, and do, make a difference. I hope that during the summer you are
able to enjoy quality time together as a family, and that God keeps us safe wrapped in his love.

REMINDER: School closes today at 3.20pm and we reopen on Monday 6th September.

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