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Plant Cell Rep (2005) 23:567572

DOI 10.1007/s00299-004-0869-9


V. M. Jimnez E. Guevara J. Herrera F. Bangerth

Evolution of endogenous hormone concentration

in embryogenic cultures of carrot during early expression
of somatic embryogenesis
Received: 20 April 2004 / Revised: 29 July 2004 / Accepted: 31 July 2004 / Published online: 16 September 2004
 Springer-Verlag 2004

Abstract Embryogenic callus and suspension cultures of Introduction

carrot (Daucus carota L., cv. Nantaise), growing on/in
medium including 1 mg/l 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid Development of somatic embryogenesis has been grossly
(2,4-D), were transferred to medium with or without this divided into two processes: induction and expression. In
plant growth regulator, to impair or induce, respectively, the former, differentiated somatic cells acquire embryo-
further development of somatic embryos. The endogenous genic competence and proliferate as embryogenic cells
hormone levels of the cultures were determined over 7 and cell aggregates (Komamine et al. 1992), i.e., cells
days by means of radio-immunoassay, to characterize their with dense cytoplasm that divide very rapidly (Kiyosue et
evolution in the initial stages of embryo development. In al. 1993; Nuti-Ronchi and Giorgetti 1995). During ex-
general, levels of indoleacetic acid (IAA) and abscisic acid pression of somatic embryogenesis, embryogenic cells
(ABA) showed only short-lived differences among treat- and aggregates continue their growth by passing through a
ments during this time in both types of tissue analyzed series of developmental stages, namely (in dicots) glob-
(i.e., a peak of IAA in callus cultures in the absence of 2,4- ular, oblong, heart-shaped and finally torpedo-shaped
D, 48 h after medium change, and higher ABA contents (Schiavone and Cooke 1985). Most biochemical and mo-
144 h after subculture of suspension cultures in the pres- lecular studies on development of somatic embryos have
ence of 2,4-D). Gibberellins (1, 3 and 20) were detected been conducted during the induction process (recently
only in suspension cultures devoid of 2,4-D, starting 24 h reviewed by Fehr et al. 2003) or during the more ad-
after subculture. Concerning the evaluated cytokinins vanced steps of embryo development, usually beginning
zeatin/zeatin riboside and N6(D2-isopentenyl) adenine/ at the late globular stage (Fujii 1997; Kitamiya et al.
N6(D2-isopentenyl) adenosinethe most remarkable ob- 2000; Stasolla et al. 2003), the initial steps of expression
servation is that high levels of the former generally coin- being the least investigated.
cided with low concentrations of the latter, indicating a Carrot embryogenic cultures have been used as a
shift from precursor to the active form, and vice versa. model system to study somatic embryogenesis in plants
(Komamine et al. 1992). Embryogenic callus and sus-
Keywords Callus cultures Daucus carota pension cultures in this species can be easily established
2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid Somatic embryos when explants (almost any part of the plant) are cultivated
Suspension cultures on medium containing 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid
(2,4-D). Expression of somatic embryogenesis, on the
contrary, is achieved in this system by transferring the
cultures to auxin-free medium (Fujimura and Komamine
Communicated by D. Dudits 1979).
V. M. Jimnez ()) E. Guevara J. Herrera Since plant hormones are highly related to explant
CIGRAS, differentiation in vitro (Grieb et al. 1997), their endoge-
Universidad de Costa Rica, nous levels have been employed to characterize several
2060 San Pedro, Costa Rica developmental processes such as somatic embryogenesis.
e-mail: vjimenez@cariari.ucr.ac.cr However, in most of the few studies conducted in carrot
Tel.: +506-2073502
Fax: +506-2074346 in which changes in hormone concentrations during pro-
gression of somatic (Kamada and Harada 1981; Noma et
F. Bangerth al. 1982; Kiyosue et al. 1992; Michalczuk et al. 1992a,b;
Institute for Special Crop Cultivation and Crop Physiology (370), Ribnicky et al. 1996) and zygotic (Ribnicky et al. 2002)
University of Hohenheim, embryogenesis have been evaluated, sampling was con-
70593 Stuttgart, Germany

ducted during or after the first morphological changes had Sampling, extraction, purification and quantification
occurred (usually after 7 days), when biochemical and of plant hormones
physiological determination of embryo development has Determination of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA),
already started (Dodeman and Ducreux 1996). gibberellins1+3+20 (GAs), zeatin/zeatin riboside (Z/ZR) and N6(D2-
Since, to the best of our knowledge, hormonal evolu- isopentenyl) adenine/N6(D2-isopentenyl) adenosine (iP/iPA), was
tion during the very early determination of somatic-em- performed as described elsewhere (Jimnez and Bangerth 2001;
Jimnez et al. 2001), with the sole exception that the extract was
bryogenesis expression in carrot has not been thoroughly dried under low pressure and dissolved in 12 ml 0.01 M ammonium
analyzed, the aim of this work was to quantify the en- acetate (pH 7.5), instead of 0.1 M ammonium acetate (pH 9.0).
dogenous concentrations of different hormones during the Hormones were quantified by radio-immunoassay with poly-
first days after expression of somatic embryogenesis in clonal antibodies. Cross-reactions of the GA3 antibody used were
carrot was triggered. Both callus and suspension cultures determined by Bertling and Bangerth (1995), to be about 90% with
GA1 and GA20. Therefore, the GAs determined by means of this
were examined because biochemical differences between antibody are expressed as GA3 equivalents and are referred to as
them in another model system have already been reported GAs in the following text.
(Vu et al. 1993; Jimnez et al. 2001). Overall recovery during the described purification procedures
was previously determined with radiolabelled internal standards,
and was found to be between 40% and 70% for IAA, 92% or higher
for ABA, higher than 89% for GAs and higher than 80% for both
Material and methods cytokinins. Therefore, the IAA concentration was the only one that
had to be adjusted with the corresponding recovery value for each
Callus cultures sample, due to the high variations found. The other hormones were
not corrected for losses.
Carrot (Daucus carota L., cv. Nantaise; SomElite, Mechelen,
Belgium) callus cultures were established from hypocotyl segments
as described by Jimnez and Bangerth (2001). They were subcul- Statistical analysis
tured every 45 weeks on Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium
supplemented with 3% sucrose and 1 mg l1 2,4-D, at a pH of 5.8 Endogenous hormonal levels were analyzed using at least three
and solidified with 0.8% agar (Kiyosue et al. 1992; Sasaki et al. biological replications and the STATISTICA for Windows (Stat-
1994). In every subculture, embryogenic callus segments were Soft, Tulsa, Okla.) Version 5.1 Studenten-Version; 97 Edition. The
separated from the non-embryogenic segments following the cri- Post hoc Tukeys Honest-Significant-Difference-Test (HSD) for
teria used by Jimnez and Bangerth (2001), and only embryogenic unequal N (Spjotvoll/Stoline) was used to determine significant
segments were further cultivated. The cultures were incubated at differences in hormone level means (P<0.05).
252C in the dark. When the embryogenic behavior was fixed in
the cultures (i.e., there was no further production of non-embryo-
genic cell aggregates), suspension cultures were started, and em-
bryogenic expression was induced. Results
Tissue culture
Suspension cultures

Suspension cultures were initiated according to Seitz et al. (1985).

Hypocotyl segments cultured for 7 days in the presence of
Briefly, 5 g [fresh weight (FW)] embryogenic callus were trans- 2,4-D showed initiation of callus proliferation at both cut
ferred into 100 ml of the medium described above, without addition ends, under a dissecting microscope. After 4 weeks of
of agar, in 250-ml Erlenmeyer flasks. The suspensions were kept at culture, hypocotyl segments formed mainly non-orga-
242C in the dark on an orbital shaker at 120 rpm. Every 2 weeks, nized callus, but the presence of some globular structures
each suspension culture was agitated and divided into two Erlen-
meyer flasks and the volume was adjusted to 100 ml with fresh was also detected. After an additional 4 weeks of culture,
culture medium. two different callus types were observed: a non-organized
type of callus, translucent, smooth and wet (called non-
embryogenic); and an opaque embryogenic callus, with a
Induction of embryogenic expression
highly nodular surface. Selection and subculture of only
To trigger embryo development (expression of somatic embryo- the embryogenic calli increased the amount of this callus-
genesis), callus cultures were transferred into 50 ml of the liquid type. After several months, no more non-embryogenic
medium described above, with or without 2,4-D, in 125-ml Er- calli developed from embryogenic callus. Transfer of
lenmeyer flasks. This procedure was conducted to allow the fresh cultures to medium devoid of 2,4-D did not induce any
medium to reach most of the cells at the same time, which does not
occur if solid medium is used. Cultures were kept under the con- noticeable difference in their external appearance in the
ditions described above for suspension cultures. To induce embryo short period evaluated before sampling and freezing were
development in suspension cultures, the old medium was carefully conducted.
decanted, trying to minimize the lose of cell aggregates, and re-
placed with fresh medium, with or without 2,4-D, up to the usual
volume. Sampling and freezing of tissue in liquid nitrogen for
hormone analysis was conducted at the timepoints described in Endogenous hormone analysis
Figs. 1, and 2.
A peak in the IAA concentration in the callus cultures,
observed 48 h after 2,4-D was eliminated from the me-
dium (Fig. 1), was the only significant difference found in
this hormone between cultures transferred to medium with

Fig. 1 Endogenous levels of a indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), b ab-

scisic acid (ABA), c zeatin/zeatin riboside (Z/ZR) and d N6(D2-
isopentenyl) adenine/adenosine (iP/iPA) in carrot callus cul-
tures after transfer to liquid medium with (+) and without ()
2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D). Significant differences
(P<0.05) are indicated with different letters

or without 2,4-D during the period evaluated. Levels of

ABA showed no obvious differences between treatments Fig. 2 Endogenous levels of a IAA, b ABA, c gibberellins (GAs),
or during the evaluation time; values were always close to d Z/ZR and e iP/iPA in carrot suspension cultures after transfer to
medium with (+) and without () 2,4-D. Significant differences
2327 ng/g dry weight (DW). GAs were undetectable in (P<0.05) are indicated with different letters
any of the callus culture treatments. Initial levels of Z/ZR
increased significantly after 48 h of culture, particularly in
the absence of 2,4-D, and to an intermediate level in its No significant differences were observed among treat-
presence. This behavior was maintained for the next 24 h, ments concerning iP/iPA during the first 48 h. Later,
before returning to the original levels during the later however, considerably higher concentrations were ob-
period of evaluation (Fig. 1). The initial content of iP/iPA served in the absence of 2,4-D (Fig. 2).
(34 ng/g DW) decreased 24 h after subculture to a very
low level (3.15 ng/g DW) in cultures lacking 2,4-D, while
in its presence the reduction was not so extreme (13.6 ng/g Discussion
DW). In the absence of 2,4-D, iP/iPA levels increased 24 h
later and then remained unchanged for another 24 h. In the Callus induction from hypocotyls cultivated on medium
presence of 2,4-D, iP/iPA reached a considerably higher containing 2,4-D in this experiment followed the same
peak 72 h after subculture. Both treatments showed a pattern described elsewhere for this species (Guzzo et al.
drastic reduction in iP/iPA content by the last evaluation 1995). Moreover, the morphological characteristics of
(Fig. 1). these embryogenic and non-embryogenic callus cultures
The IAA content of suspension cultures transferred to were similar to frequently described carrot embryogenic
medium devoid of 2,4-D remained constant during the and non-embryogenic callus cultures (Sasaki et al. 1994;
whole period evaluated. However, in the presence of 2,4- Jimnez and Bangerth 2001 and references therein).
D there was a considerable increase in the IAA concen- Transfer of the carrot cultures to medium devoid of 2,4-D
trations starting from 24 h after subculture until about did not result in any evident morphological change since,
24 h later (Fig. 2). ABA concentrations were almost on purpose, sampling was conducted before these changes
identical in both suspension cultures, except for the last are usually reported to occur (Komamine et al. 1992;
observation period, when an increase was observed in the Dodeman and Ducreux 1996).
presence of 2,4-D. When 2,4-D was present in the culture The peak in IAA concentration observed in callus
medium, GAs were not detected in suspension cultures cultures after 48 h in medium devoid of 2,4-D (Fig. 1),
over the entire evaluation time. However, in the absence indicates that the tissue increased and then arrested syn-
of 2,4-D, the level of GAs increased from non-detectable thesis of this hormone in its active form, viz. IAA. A
to 69 ng/g DW after 24 h, and were maintained at that similar increase in IAA concentration, but observed later
level during the rest of the evaluation period (Fig. 2). in the progress of carrot zygotic embryo development,
When cultured in the presence of 2,4-D, the Z/ZR con- was attributed by Ribnicky et al. (2002) to the biosyn-
centrations in the suspension cultures remained constant thesis of IAA via the tryptophan-dependent pathway.
during the entire period, while an initial reduction was These authors consider these high levels of IAA to be
observed in absence of 2,4-D. Later the Z/ZR levels in- required in ovules for cell proliferation in a differentiated
creased again to those found in cultures containing 2,4-D. manner and also to be responsible for the occurrence of

adventitious embryony, a phenomenon closely related to concentration in the absence of 2,4-D might be caused by
somatic embryogenesis. During somatic embryogenesis, the accumulation of GA20, the precursor of GA1, and not
high endogenous IAA levels have also been positively by the accumulation of GA1 itself, the active form that
correlated to a high embryogenic capacity (Sasaki et al. Noma et al. (1982) related to inhibition of embryo de-
1994; Jimnez and Bangerth 2001), but once embryo- velopment. This accumulation could be a consequence of
genic development is established and has progressed to an impairment in conversion of GA20 into GA1, which
some degree, levels of IAA decrease again (Michalczuk et might occur at low auxin levels, as observed by Ross
al. 1992a; Ribnicky et al. 2002). (1998) in pea tissues. Since the antibody used to detect
In contrast to what was observed in callus cultures, this GAs in our work cannot discriminate GA1 from GA20, it
IAA surge was not evident in suspension cultures (Fig. 2). is not possible to confirm this hypothesis and more re-
It seems possible that in suspension cultures consisting search has to be conducted in this direction.
mainly of individual cells and small cell clusters, the The cytokinin (Z/ZR and iP/iPA) contents analyzed
surge in IAA level is not induced as quickly as in the here exhibited reciprocal behavior, i.e., an increase in the
callus cultures. If that were the case, this peak, lasting concentration of one usually coincided with a reduction in
24 h at most, could possibly have remained unnoticed if it the other. Concomitantly, high levels of a particular cy-
occurred between the measurements conducted at 72 h tokinin in a specific treatment in callus cultures generally
and 144 h, when no evaluation was performed. Differ- coincided with low levels of that cytokinin in the corre-
ences in concentration and evolution of the endogenous sponding treatment in suspension cultures (Figs. 1, 2).
hormones among callus and suspension cultures of the There is support for the idea that higher cytokinin con-
same genotype have already been reported for Citrus centrations, in general, are essential during the initial cell
during initiation of somatic-embryo development (Jim- division phase of somatic embryogenesis, but not for later
nez et al. 2001). One factor that can explain such differ- stages of embryo development and maturation in carrot
ences is the higher osmotic potential of solid culture (Fujimura and Komamine 1980; Tokuji and Kuriyama
medium. It has recently been observed that augmented 2003). When analyzing the individual role of the iP-type
viscosity of the culture medium increased plantlet re- and Z-type cytokinins, Centeno et al. (1997) postulated
generation from carrot suspension cultures (Nagamori et that the task of the first group in the embryogenic re-
al. 2001), a phenomenon strongly regulated by hormones. sponse might be as biosynthetic precursors to supply the
ABA seems not to be directly involved in the very large amount of Z-type active cytokinins (Einset 1986;
initial stages of embryogenic development of the callus Chen 1997) required for the stimulation of cell division
tissues evaluated, since in our experiment endogenous prior to somatic embryogenesis. It has been previously
ABA levels did not change in response to the presence/ observed that incorporation of zeatin into the medium
absence of 2,4-D, and an increase was observed only after during days 3 and 4 of culture, promotes the formation of
144 h (6 days) of evaluation when 2,4-D was present in carrot embryos to a great extent, probably due to en-
the suspension cultures (Fig. 2). These results confirm hancement of the cell division that occurs during this
previous findings by Kamada and Harada (1981), who period in the cell clusters that is considered to be one of
observed that the amount of endogenous ABA in cell the most important events during the embryogenetic
clusters and embryos remained low during the first 7 days process (Fijumura and Komamine 1980).
of culture regardless of the presence or absence of 2,4-D Carrot embryogenic cultures are not composed of a
in the medium. Our results also coincide with observa- homogenous population of cells, but rather of several
tions made by Hatzopoulos et al. (1990), who postulated types of cells at different developmental stages and with
that the role of ABA in somatic embryogenesis is exerted different morphogenetic potential (Giuliano et al. 1983;
through regulation of certain genes (e.g., DC8) that are Nomura and Komamine 1985; Guzzo et al. 2002), which
thought to be involved in the desiccation and maturation could have influenced the endogenous hormone contents
phases of embryogenesis, which occur very late in em- measured, as possibly reflected in the relatively high
bryo development. standard deviation values reported in this work. Use of
The behavior of GAs is noteworthy, since this hor- synchronized and stage-sorted populations has permitted
mone was below the level of detection in all callus cul- a more accurate estimation of the hormone status at
tures analyzed, while in suspension cultures, it was evi- each phase of late-embryo development in other studies.
dent only in the absence of 2,4-D. Noma et al. (1982) However, this fractionation is usually conducted through
observed that high levels of a GA1-like substance and a a series of steps that include culture in medium devoid of
reduced ability to metabolise GA1 into GA8 and GA- 2,4-D, and also sieving and centrifugation to separate the
conjugates are correlated with the absence of embryo different morphological stages of embryo development
development, while the opposite allowed further devel- according to size (Osuga et al. 1999; Sharma 1999). In
opment of embryos. They postulated that the removal of practical terms, this is not feasible before morphological
2,4-D may allow a rapid metabolism of GA1, reducing it changes have occurred, as in the case of our study.
to a level permitting embryogenic development. One Moreover, in all other known works in which the very
hypothesis that might explain the high levels of GAs initial steps of embryo development were analyzed, non-
found in suspension cultures undergoing embryogenic synchronized cultures were employed (Schrader et al.
development (Fig. 2) is that the increase in the GAs 1997; Sato-Nara and Fukuda 2000).

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study in potential. Plant Cell Rep 21:214219. DOI 10.1007/s00299-
which endogenous contents of four hormone groups are 002-0519-z
Hatzopoulos P, Fong F, Sung ZR (1990) Abscisic acid regulation of
simultaneously measured during determination/beginning DC8, a carrot embryogenic gene. Plant Physiol 94:690695
of expression of somatic embryogenesis. All known pre- Jimnez VM, Bangerth F (2001) Endogenous hormone levels in
vious experiments (Kamada and Harada 1981; Noma et explants and in embryogenic and non-embryogenic cultures of
al. 1982; Kiyosue et al. 1992; Michalczuk et al. 1992a,b; carrot. Physiol Plant 111:389395. DOI 10.1034/j.1399-3054.
Ribnicky et al. 1996) dealt only with one or two hormone Jimnez VM, Guevara E, Herrera J, Bangerth F (2001) Endogenous
groups, and, with the exception of Kamada and Harada hormone levels in habituated nucellar Citrus callus during the
(1981), sampling was conducted after the first morpho- initial stages of regeneration. Plant Cell Rep 20:92100. DOI
logical signs of embryo development were evident (7 days 10.1007/s002990000280
post-induction at the earliest), when biochemical deter- Kamada H, Harada H (1981) Changes in the endogenous level and
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1996). Kitamiya E, Suzuki S, Sano T, Nagata T (2000) Isolation of two
genes that were induced upon the initiation of somatic em-
Acknowledgements The authors thank the German Academic bryogenesis on carrot hypocotyls by high concentrations of 2,4-
Exchange Service (DAAD) for financial support in the form D. Plant Cell Rep 19:551557. DOI 10.1007/s002990050772
of short-term scholarships. The skilled work of A. Azofeifa, E. Kiyosue T, Nakajima M, Yamaguchi I, Satoh S, Kamada H, Harada
Tavares and S. Mass, conducting part of the in vitro culture, is H (1992) Endogenous levels of abscisic acid in embryogenic
gratefully acknowledged. cells, non-embryogenic cells and somatic embryos of carrot
(Daucus carota L.). Biochem Physiol Pflanzen 188:343347
Kiyosue T, Satoh S, Kamada H, Harada H (1993) Somatic em-
bryogenesis in higher plants. J Plant Res 3(Special Issue):7582
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