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2005 - 2006 Greenfield English (International) Kindergarten and Nursery Tseung Kwan O
2006 - 2009 Saint Catherine's International Kindergarten
2009 - 2012 Alliance Primary School Kowloon Tong
2012 - 2013 Tenby International School Setia Eco Park Selangor
2013 - 2014 Alliance Primary School Kowloon Tong
2014 - Present Renaissance College Hong Kong

C R E A T I V I T Y || A C T I O N || S E R V I C E

FE Irony (2014-15 Academic Year)

Vocalist and Bassist of the band
Performed in Spring concert 2015, spring concert 2015, Lunch concert 2015 & end of year assembly 2015

Elite band (2014-15 Academic Year)

Played double bass in the band
Performed two songs in the Y11 graduation.

RCHK choir
Sung as a soprano
Performed in the spring concert

Jazz Band (2015-16 Academic Year)

Played electric bass in the band.
Performed in the Spring concert 2016.

Concert band (2015-16 Academic Year)

Played electric bass in the band
Performed at the College fair
Participated in the annual band fair which took place in CDNIS

International schools choral music society (27th January, 2015 - 1st February, 2015)
Played double bass in the orchestra
Worked with different students, teachers and conductors across different cities
Performed at the Zhuhai International Convention & Exhibition Centre for the end of festival showcase

Elite Band (January 2016 - June 2016)

Played double bass in the band.
Performed at Year 11 and Year 13 graduation.

String Ensemble (August 2015 - March 2016)

Played double bass.
Performed at the Christmas assembly 2015 and spring concert 2016

Harmonize (October 2015 - Early September 2016)

Student lead pop band
Institution: Self formed
Role: Vocalist & Bassist
Organised logistics concerning rehearsals and performance.
Performed at College Fair 2015, Christmas assembly 2015, Spring Concert 2016, End of Year assembly

Blue Moon (Mid September 2016 - Present)

Development of Harmonize
Student led band with a more diverse set of instruments (classical + modern instruments)
Institution: Self formed
Leader of the band
Harmonised with the other vocalist

Organised logistics concerning arrangements, rehearsals and performance.

Arranged songs for 4+ instruments regarding every performance
Performed at Christmas Assembly 2016, Walk for Change Assembly 2017

ESF orchestra (November 2016 - February 2017)

Institution: ESF
Played double bass in the Orchestra
Performed at the 50th Anniversary ESF music concert

RCHK choir (September 2016 - December 2016)

Institution: RCHK Music Department
Sung as a soprano along with a group of other students (both sopranos and altos)
Performed at College Fair 2016, Winter Concert 2016

RCHK Elite band (Early February 2017 - Present)

Institution: RCHK Music Department
Played electric bass in the band
Performed in 10 year anniversary concert


Prose reading (November 2013)

Institution: Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association
3rd place in prose reading competition

Cantonese + English debate (2013 August - 2014 March)

Institution: HK Association of Debaters
Student and participant in summer competitions
Achieved Best English debater in TALENT CUP English Debate

English Debate (August 2014 - February 2015)

Student of the junior debate class
Trained by the senior debaters

Prose reading (November 2015)

Institution: Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association
1st place in prose reading competition

Voice Up 4.0
Duration: Late October 2016 - Late February 2017
Institution: Voice Up Leadership Committee (Originally founded by alumni Phipson Lee four years ago)
Gave a speech as one of the main speakers at the RCHK TED talk style event: Voice Up - Amplified

Chinese + Bilingual Debate (August 2014 - Present)

Institution: RCHK Chinese Department
Debated as the concluding speaker
Competed in the ESF Bilingual Festival 2017
Awarded Best English Debater in the ESF Bilingual Festival 2017

Chinese Battle of the books (Early October 2016 - Late March 2017)
Institution: Nord Angelica International School Chinese Department
Competed in the 5th Chinese Battle of the books competition


International Independent Schools Public Speaking League (17th October, 2014 - 19th October, 2014)
Accompanied and guided 200+ student and teachers from their hotel to school
Sat through multiple debates and public speaking competitions as the chairperson and timer.

ESF Chinese debating competition (February 2016 - May 2016)


Chairperson of the competition

Timer for the competitions


Tournament of Minds: (March 2017 - Early May 2017)

Institution: Tournament of Minds Incorporation Hong Kong
Competed in the Tournament of Minds

(Classical) Ballet (2007 - 2010)
Institution: Karen Leung Dance Academy

Jazz (2014 - 2015 Academic Year)

Institution: Lisa B Academy of Jazz
Performed at the 2014 dance show

(Classical) Ballet (2016-Present)

Institution: Shelly Lo Jazz Ballet School
Studying Grade 6 Classical Ballet RAD syllabus


Cheerleading (Early January 2017 - Late March 2017)

Institution: RCHK PE department
Participated in the annual inter-house cheerleading competition


RCHK orchestra (September 2016 - December 2016)

Institution: RCHK Music Department
Played double bass
Leader of one of the sectionals
Performed at College Fair 2016, Winter Concert 2016
Running sectional practises, making sure everyone knows how to play the pieces

Year 1 express fest (20th, 21st September, 2016)

Institution: RCHK Primary School
Design a 40 minutes course for the primary kids.
Conducted the same course for 3 times
Acted as a student teacher

Year 3 & 4 express fest (15th, 16th, February, 2017)

Institution: RCHK Primary School
Design a 80 minutes course for the primary kids
Conducted the same course for 2 times
Acted as a student teacher

ESF Primary Orchestra Jam (4th November, 2016)

Institution: ESF Music Division
Student helper for the viola & cello sectional
Set up/tidy up rooms and venue before and after the event


Renaissance College Scholarship Students Society Executive Committee (November 2016 - Present)
Institution: RCHK scholarship students society
Writer 3 articles for the newsletter (one is published, others are being edited)
Role: Writer, Human Resources Secretary

Renaissance College Scholarship Award Ceremony MC (Early January - Present)

Institution: RCHK scholarship students society
Wrote a MC script for the entire ceremony


Refugee School (Malaysia) Easter Workshop (April 2013)

Assisted main teachers in the room
Sung songs and played games with the kids

Visiting elderlies (May 2014)

Visited five elderlies with an adult accompanying

Tibetan Trip (April 2015)

Taught two lessons of simple english at a tutorial centre
Applied skills of being a bilingual speaker

Baking (August 2015)

Institution: RCHK Jie Jie Day committee
Baked banana bread, carrot cakes for the annual Jie Jie Day

College fair raffle tickets (October 2015)

Sold raffle tickets to parents and students
Organised and dealt with money

GuangZhou Charity Trip (December 2015)

Distributed donations to two poor schools
Taught the primary kids some simple English

Flag selling (10th September, 2016)

Institution: Emmanuel Community Library Centre, Shatin
Sold flags in the Heng Hua Chuen & Chai Wan MTR station
Collected flag selling permission passes from both stations

Here2serve (Early October 2016 - Present)

Institution: RCHK alumni
Student organiser for 2016 College Fair booth
Student teacher for Y2 Studio Time

Educate2enlighten (2015 May - Present)

Institution: Self formed
Leader and founder of service project
Hosted a booth in the Service Fair 2016
Went to GuangZhou to
Plan a 60 minutes crafty to teach kindergarten children at Principle Chan Free Tutorial World

Booktober (Early September - Late October)

Institution: RCHK LIRC
Decorated the library
Advertised the week by doing a few assembly announcements

Lisa B Dance Show (December 11th, 2016)

Institution: Lisa B Academy of Jazz
Set up the dressing room
Put posters of the show around the school
Applied simple stage makeup on some performers
Stayed backstage during the show to organise logistics

Primary school CNY game stalls (24th January, 2017)

Institution: RCHK Primary Chinese Department

Hosted a game booth

Year 9 IDO Week Leadership Team (Late February 2017 - Late April 2017)
Institution: RCHK Secondary School
Student leader
Worked in a group to lead certain events during Y9 IDO Week
Created and gave a 8 minute presentation for 7 times
Lead research session with a group of 17 students

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