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Before you write your proposal, you must:

1. have formulated a research question;

2. had the question approved by your extended essay teacher;

3. completed several hours of reading on the subject.

Once these tasks are complete, you may begin the process of writing your Extended
Essay Proposal. On the next page is a template and the guideline.
Type working title here

Type subject area (e.g. Biology) here

Type your full name here

Purpose Statement:
a. Write a clear, focused and complete thesis statement or research
b. Give an indication of the scope of the research you will conduct. What
areas of the question will you investigate?
c. State the desired outcome of your research efforts.
2. Write a statement of your interest in and /or qualification to investigate you
proposed topic. Be as thorough as possible in stating your reasons for
undertaking research in this area.
3. Describe your proposed research methods, including the tentative design of
your study and an indication of the procedures you will follow
4. Provide a list of some of actual source materials you intend to use (formally, in
MLA format, if possible). This list should include both print and internet
sources, as well as names of any experts you intend to contact.
5. Write a 500-word five-paragraph essay about your proposed research topic.
Include a minimum of one direct quote and one paraphrase from your research

These suggestions are adapted from James D. Lester, Writing Research Papers: A Complete

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