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Armando Martin Del Campo 1

Genre Analysis Draft

Armando Martin Del Campo

Genre Analysis Draft
University of Texas at El Paso
Belekeh Chowaing Chagra
Population crisis in El Paso


This genre is used mostly for news organizations or biographies for one reason,

facts. This genre helps the community to learn and better understand what is going

around in their surroundings. Fact is a piece of information used as evidence or as part

of a report or news article. Non-fiction is a prose writing that is based on facts, real

events, and real people, such as biography or history. Non-fiction can be used for

communities to recruit new members or spread awareness of their cause or goal.

Usually communities grow with information based on the community, this information

will mostly be non-fiction. This genre gets to the point, is widely used in your daily life.

Now non-fiction is a big genre, it contains many smaller categories like literary non

fiction or historical non-fiction. This genre helps set facts to my subject of population

growth in El Paso. Non-fiction helps me provide information to the public about the

immense population growth in this city. In the last seven years, the city of El Paso has

grown by 22,ooo people. This includes near counties like Socorro and Vinton. Then

there is narrative; this element is used for the author to explain a situation that is going

on in the paper or article. This method helps me the writer to explain the situation that

El Paso is undergoing. A non-fiction story follows a arrangement of events in the same

way a fictional story might, creating a narrative through which the story is expressed.

Events like the violence in Juarez, which was responsible for thousands of people

migrating to the United States. Narratives in non-fiction may be linear or nonlinear,

based on record or some other organizing feature. Then dramatization is the last

element in a non-fiction piece. Non-fiction stories can midpoint on conflicts and

Armando Martin Del Campo 3
Genre Analysis Draft

dramatic flashes to create literary works with the same emotional beats of fiction. Even

journalistic non-fiction focused solely on journalism works most effectively with a

conflict or dramatic center established in the articles lead paragraphs.


Now this genre is very different from non-fiction, they are known to be opposites.

Fiction is defined as literature in the form of prose, especially short stories and novels

that describes imaginary events and people, or invention or fabrication as opposed to

fact. So in fiction writings, the main story will NOT be a fact or an actual event that

occurred. This genre can help the reader understand why people are migrating to El

Paso by creating a fiction story inspired by actual events. Fiction is the classification for

any story created by the imagination, rather than based strictly on history or fact. The

characters can be made up or actual historic (or living) characters. This genre helps set a

different point of view to help people better comprehend the situation in the city. This

can include stories about Fiction is also a genre that is used in a daily basis, and is also

an issue the United States has stated. Fictions provides stories and tales, many local

authors have created stories about certain local situations. For example, there is a short

story that follows the life of a soldier who was stationed in Germany, later in the story he

was moved to Ft. Bliss. Within the story, the author explains how the city of Ft. Bliss has

grown 30% in the last 10 years. This explains the sudden growth of families moving to

the city of El Paso. Fiction comes 6 elements, some similar to non-fiction. Plot, Setting,

Character, Conflict, Symbol, and Point of View are the main elements, which fiction
writers use to develop a story and its Theme. Plot is the main events of a play, novel,

movie, or similar work, devised and presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence.

Setting is the place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an

event takes place. Character in this sense is a person in a novel, play, or movie. Conflict

is a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one. Symbol is a mark or

character used as a conventional representation of an object, function, or process, the

letter or letters standing for a chemical element or a character in musical notation. Point

of view is the narrator's position in relation to the story being told. With all these

elements, the author can create a theme. A theme is the subject of a talk, a piece of

writing, a person's thoughts, or an exhibition. Themes can be separated into two

categories: a work's thematic idea is what readers think the work is about and its

thematic statement being what the work says about the subject. Fiction can help set the

theme for the situation. It helps inform readers and local peers to see whats going

around their city. Fiction can be made up stories based on actual events that are

occurring. Fiction can help the reader get a better explanation by making the reading


Fiction vs. Non-fiction

Numerous non-fiction works, while fixed basically in truth, do have a bias that

means the reader or viewer should not income the story at face value. Biographies,

autobiographies and are a few examples of non-fiction that often have a plan that causes

the creator to bend the truth to fit his vision. There is also historical fiction that

emphases on actual events, but dramatizes certain aspects of the story. However, many
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things, such as internal thoughts, external dialogue and exact events, are impossible to

know; these details are often fashioned by the author. These indistinct lines between

fiction and non-fiction are easy to oversee, but typically non-fiction cites sources and

does not include scenes created distinctly from the sources and known fact. Unless a

source obviously statuses that it is based on actual facts, the content should be

considered fictional. Fiction is the term for works of imagination and invention.

Nonfiction describes any work in any media that is not fictional, that is, purports to

describe real events, ideas, or people. Non- fiction helps the author establish credibility

by purely stating facts and being able to write a good article or novel.


Top menu FAQ Membershipts etc. (2017). Retrieved February 9, 2017,


Retrieved February 9, 2017, from


The elements of fiction. Retrieved February 9, 2017, from http://cstl-

Retrieved February 9, 2017, from

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