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Standard 1.

b Language Acquisition and Development

Artifact 1 Analysis

By making input in students second language (L2) more comprehensible, students can

more easily make meaning of written text in their L2. The use of visuals to assist students in

comprehending texts in English that they would not otherwise be able to.

The attached artifact demonstrates my ability to provide students with tools necessary to

understand linguistic concepts they can cognitively process, but may not have the knowledge to

express. For this assignment, the reading was within my students Lexile level, but had some low-

frequency words that may have inhibited their ability to comprehend this text. By providing them

with a visual glossary, I supported students L2 literacy by providing them with challenging


Understanding that students may struggle with low frequency words, has helped me

understanding that errors in comprehension and language expression are signs of language

learning. Therefore, I provide students with texts and learning activities that are challenging,

while simultaneously supporting their comprehension of those texts.

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