Comfort Rwanda - Orphan Education Project

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Children… Helping…

Constance has just finished

A little can change a life. If you would
her schooling at the age of
23. Orphaned during the like more information or wish to give to any
genocide when she was 11 of the Orphan Education Project please
she has struggled through
visit our website or get in touch (see contact
the last twelve years trying
to bring up six other details below). There are so many small ways
children survivors younger to make a difference - all of them
than herself. Thanks to
sponsorship from Comfort
Rwanda she was able to buy
food, pay for schooling and Send a donation to fund a primary
resume her education. Her
ambition now is to go on to
school child for a year (£100) Education
Comfort Rwanda, together
be an electrical engineer.

Send £200 to fund a child for a year

with Solace ministries in at secondary school
Rwanda, reaches out to over
2000 young people like
Constance, through the
Child-Headed Households Set up a standing order of £8/month
project. or £16/month to provide continued
Through building homes,
support for an orphan’s education at
helping with education, primary or secondary school
healthcare & employment,
Comfort Rwanda gives
orphans and survivors the Gift-aid your giving to increase its
opportunity to face the future
and smile again.
value by 28%

Comfort Rwanda was established in Scotland in

82 Arden Grove, Kilsyth, G65 9NU, Scotland, UK
1999 to partner Solace, an indigenous Rwandan
tel: 01236 827251
charity bringing aid and reconciliation to widows and
orphans following the genocide of 1994. Together email:
we have seen hearts, homes & livelihoods restored.
Today they live with a hope and a future. Comfort Rwanda is a Scottish Charity SC 030369
Rwanda Poverty AIDS Hope…
Rwanda is ranked 158
th out of 175 in
Ind ex.
the United Nations Help through education
Human Developm ent
. The Rwandan government is
on less than 60p a day
60% of Rwandans live working hard to lower the cost of
h parents to
en have lost one or bot
Around 300,000 childr chi ldren as the education. But for a country with
ed almost as many
AIDS which has orphan an average monthly wage of £12
genocide. finding taxes to pay for schooling
ed of at
en under 14 are orphan
613,000 Rwandan childr Rw and a is dip ping is hard. Because of this the cost
ectancy in
least one parent. Life exp and is exp ected to for primary school for a year is around £100,
e of AID S
under 40 years becaus leave many
low-mid 30s. This will including books and uniform. For secondary school the
continue to fall to the ng age .
from a very you
more children parentless cost is higher - around £200. Because of this some
pupils finish school after primary and never progress to

• known as the heart

of Africa, Rwanda
… Still suffering attain qualifications. 33% of children do not enter
primary education 68% do not go on to secondary
In 1994 some school. A full education is a gateway to a better life, free
is tucked between
Uganda, Tanzania, 300,000 children from the cycle of poverty. Education equals opportunity
Congo and Burundi through better employment; the chance to break free
were orphaned.
from a life dependent on subsistence crops. Providing
They saw parents education not only helps the individual but it touches
• less than 1/3 the
size of Scotland, it is and relatives shot, the nation as well. Nations which cannot develop skilled
home to 8 million people macheted, burnt labour are unable to develop high value trade products.
alive, thrown in It is a vicious circle which can leave poor countries like
• Rwanda now has a democratic government Rwanda marginalised.
latrines, raped,
committed to healing and reconciliation.
castrated and
• coffee & tea plantations, bananas, cassava, tortured in front
sweet potatoes & beans cover “the land of of their eyes.
1000 hills”
They hid in
One of the prov
• on 5 April 1994 the nation was torn apart. bushes and erbs in the Bible
“The righteous m
an is concerned
In 90 days one million men, women & children among corpses, rights of the po for the
or, the wicked do
were massacred in inter-tribal ethnic cleansing betrayed by understand such
concern.” It also
es not
an excellent wife says that
friends and or woman is on
• 650,000 widows & orphans survived the “extends her ha e who
nd to the poor an
enemies alike. stretches out he d
genocide many with Aids/HIV from mass rape r hands to the ne
Where the poor edy”.
are denied educ
through poverty ation
• In 2004 the Gisozi memorial was opened in Many of those who survived suffered rape and mutilation righteous people
it is the privilege
Kigali for a further 260,000 bodies unearthed to stretch out th
and restore this eir hands
and were left totally destitute, vulnerable and alone, opportunity to th
since the genocide em.
believing suicide to be the only way out.

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