Instructionalproject5 Lessonplan

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Instructional Project 5- Lesson Planning

Date/Teacher Name: 4/17/2017 Selman Onel

Lesson Plan Type: Daily lesson plan
Grade Level and Subject/Topic: 7th-Grade- LOTE Turkish/ illnesses.
TimeLine: Two 45 minutes lesson or one 90 minutes lesson. Additional time needed if role
play takes more time.
TEKS objectives:
a. Present information using familiar words, phrases, and sentences to listeners and
b. Demonstrate an understanding of the practices (what people do) and how they are
related to the perspectives (how people perceive things) of the cultures studied[2A]
Lesson objectives: The students will learn the key vocabulary in this unit and will be able to
make dialogs or write 10 sentences by using the words properly.
Materials: Textbook, student workbook, flashcards, projector, computer, whiteboards,
screen, colored markers.
Introduction (Set Induction/Anticipatory Set + Specific Content to be taught): Greeting,
asking todays date, and asking have they ever gone to the doctors office.
Instructional Activities and Procedures: Writing the keywords on the board, and role play
as writing each word. Different color marker can be used accordingly. Pronunciation practice
repeating the words and acting out the meaning. Then, the students complete matching
activity in the workbook. When they finish, reading the sample dialog in doctors office.
Watching film and discuss the film. Students have to keep notes as they are watching. They
will only listen to the conversation in the film without seeing the movie and write key
vocabulary in the movie. Small group review the words with flashcards and each student will
write one sentences. Then, share the groups best sentence with class. Each group will write
a dialog and share with classmates for closure activity. The best and meaningful dialog will
be awarded by teacher. The exit ticket powerpoint will be used for ending lesson.
Modifications/Differentiated Instruction: Colored markers will be used and teacher will use
bigger font. Headphones will be available if any student needs to listen to the film more than
2 times. The flashcards and extra pictures will be used to clarify meaning of the words.
Evaluation (Formative and/or Summative Assessment): The formative assessment will be
used in this lesson by asking students writing a sentences and a dialog. Students also will
have exit ticket activity as a formative assessment.
Closure: The owner group of best dialog will roleplay their conversation. And they will read
the example sentences. Teacher may need to use the flashcards to wrap up.

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