Mat Lesson 10

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Technology in PE

Content Area: Physical Education

Grade Level: 6th - 8th
Time Allotted: 50 minutes
Class Size: 40-50
Lesson # 10

Essential Question: How can technology influence physical activity? Why is heart rate
an important aspect of physical activity? What information can it provide?

Content Standard(s): 3.5 Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity a

minimum of four days each week.
1.3 Combine manipulative, locomotor, and nonlocomotor skills into movement patterns.
4.2 Identify physical activities that are effective in improving each of the health-related
physical fitness components.

Prerequisites: For this lesson students should have an in depth understanding of the
Sworkit application and how it is used. Students should also know the routines for how
to use the HR monitors. This includes check out, check in, and what each color displayed
on the wristband means. Students should also know how to self assess their performance
in a circuit and know the routines for participating in a circuit. Students should have an
understanding of SMART goals and have an individual SMART goal set.

Specific Learning Objectives: This lesson is a culmination of what students have

learned throughout the entirety of the unit. Students will learn how synthesize visual data
and apply it towards their SMART goals. Students will also learn how to self assess
performance and make appropriate changes to their SMART goals. Students should be
able to use the Sworkit application and understand how to create a circuit that meets the
components of fitness.

Equipment Required:
iPad x2
Projector x1
Survey x50
Pencils x50
Speaker x1 (optional)

Assessment(s): In this lesson students will be assessed through informal observation on

their effort during the circuit activity. This can be determined both by watching the
student and looking at the HR numbers. Students should also be assessed on their
progress towards their SMART goal. This can be done with verbal check-ins.

Academic Language Demands: Vocabulary: Heart rate, Sworkit, circuit, components of

fitness, SMART goal, heart rate zones, exercise related vocabulary, and beats per minute.
In this lesson students will need to listen receptively to verbal instruction as well as be
able to read written instruction. They will need to productively speak using the academic
language in the lesson.

Accommodations: This lesson will include a combination of visual and verbal

instruction to meet the learning needs of all students. Modeling by the teacher will be
used to address specific needs of EL students. Individual accommodations may be
needed such as allowing students to diagram rather than perform some aspects of the

Planned Lesson Instruction: (Note: the first 5 and last 5 minutes of class will be
designated to allow students to dress)

Introduction: (5 minutes)
Class will begin with a short 5 minute warm up.
This warm up should include:
-High knee run in place (15s)
-Butt kickers in place (15s)
-Side to side hops (15s)
-Front to back hops (15s)
-Right leg quad stretch: standing (15s)
-Left leg quad stretch: standing (15s)
-Standing hamstring stretch (30s)
-Two minute warm up run

Body of the lesson: (30 minutes)

After class warm ups have students sit in groups in a central location in the gym to begin
the check out procedure for the wristbands. Follow the same exact distribution routine as
in lesson #2. Please reference #2 for the detailed instructions of this process. Once all
students have received a HR band and properly secured the wristband have them power
on the device and then review the different HR zones based on the color displayed on the
band. See lesson #2 for color details. Power on your iPad and open up the application
for the wristbands. Next power on the transmitter and you should see all the students
displayed on your iPad. (5 minutes)

Select a student group to lead a created circuit from the previous class. The leading
group will model each exercise as well as have it displayed on the Sworkit application for
students to follow. Students will participate in this student led circuit for the next twenty
minutes. Each exercise will go for one minute and then switch. Incorporate a 30 second
rest after every four exercises. Students will be wearing the HR bands throughout the
circuit. (20 minutes)

Have students power down their HR bands when the circuit completes and proceed with
the check in process for the HR bands. See lesson #2. (5 minutes)

Closure: (5 minutes)
End class by asking students the essential questions throughout the unit and ask for
volunteer responses. Ask students what progress they have made towards their SMART
goals and have student volunteers share out.
Pass out student survey and have them answer all for questions as an exit ticket.

Extending the Lesson/Homework: N/A

Reflection/Next Steps: Throughout the remainder of the school year you can have each
of the groups run their circuits for the rest of the class. This is a great way to provide
students with agency in their learning and keep them actively engaged.

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