Lesson Plan - Fall Season

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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Amal Yousef Karam

Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?

- Plan.
- Be prepared and organize.
- Be on time.
- Bring enough materials.

Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome (School code and

KG1 Science words):
- Students will identify the seasons of
the year and recognize the fall
season more.

Resources (what materials/equipment Preparation (what do you need to make or

will you and the students use? Be check before class?)
specific) - Check the materials are enough.
- Seasons song - The smart board is working and
- Glues connected with the internet.
- Colored papers (yellow, red, -
brown, orange) Key vocabulary
- Trees worksheets - Leaves fell down
- Paint colors - Colour changed
- Cotton - Seasons
- Smart board - windy
- Fall pictures
- White papers
- palettes
Introduction (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small
Small 15 min Whole

group activities)
I will start my lesson by sing the season song with them. After that I will draw the four
seasons on the board and describe each one. For example: I will draw a clouds and
rain then in what season we wear jackets and gloves and feel cold? After that students
have to answer is winter.
Active Engagement (group working with the teacher)

I will choose student from each table to describe one season and draw it on the board.
Independent Experience (small group activity 1)
The first group will have the tree picture with some pieces of different colours of
leaves in a palette. So they have to take the leaves of (red, yellow, orange and brown)
and stick it on the tree.
Independent Experience(small group activity 2)
15 min
The second group will have the tree pictures with (red, brown, orange and yellow)
colours and cotton. They have to use the cotton to take the colours and put it on the
tree as leaves.

Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

The last group will have a paper included the fall pictures and they have to cut it with
scissors after that stick it on a white paper.

Explain how you are going to differentiate

I will prepare the activities based on their abilities. For low level I prepared a small
15 Whole

In the end, I will ask students to stop and clean up. Then make a small reflect about
the lesson. I will ask what season did we talk about? What are the leaves colours in
fall season?

I will show them some picture of how the leaves changed in fall seasons.

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