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Lesson Plan

What is Plus and Equal?

Teacher: Leandra Pasion Date and Time: February 9, 2017

10:30 11:00 a.m.
Class (Content Area): Math Grade Level: Kindergarten

Purpose: To teach students the plus or addition (+) symbol and (=) means equal

1. Students will be able to write addition number sentence.
2. Students will be able to recite ___ + ___ =___
3. Students will be able to identify + symbol means to add, put together, and equals to.

Common Core Standards:

K.O.A.1 Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings
(drawings need not show details, but should, show the mathematics in the problem), sounds
(e.g. claps), acting out situations, verbal explanation, expressions, or equations.
K.O.A.5 Fluently add and subtract within 5.

GLOs: GLO #1 Self-directed Learner (The ability to be responsible for one's own learning)
GLO #2 Complex Thinker (The ability to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving
GLO # 5 Effective Communicator (The ability to communicate effectively)

Hawaii State Teacher Standards:

Standard #1: Learner Development 1(a), 1(b), 1(k)
Standard #2: Learning Differences 2(a), 2(c)
Learning #3: Learning Environments 3(b), 3(d), 3(f)
Standard #4: Content Knowledge 4(a), 4(d), 4(c)
Standard #5: Application of Content 5(b)
Standard #6: Assessment 6 (a), 6(b), 6(e), 6(t)
Standard #7: Planning for Instruction 7(a), 7(b), 7(c)
Standard #8: Instructional Strategies 8(a), 8(e)
Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice 9(a), 9(b)
Standard #10: Leadership and Collaboration

1. Students will be able to answer and recite addition problems containing numbers 1-5.
2. Students will complete Addition Symbol worksheet in class.

Chaminade University of Honolulu * 3140 Waialae Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-1578 * (808) 735-4711 *
Materials/Set-Up: Reading Book: Mice, Mice Everywhere
Introducing Addition Worksheet
Dry Erase board and marker
Connecting Cubes

This lesson will be done on the carpet area in front of the classroom. I will ask the children to
sit in a circle. Students will then return to their seats to complete their worksheet. This lesson
will take 1 day to complete with class work to follow-up.


a. Introduction: First, I will start with a class discussion and then I will pose the question,
Do you know what this symbol (+) means? I will write the plus symbol on the dry erase
board. I will write a list of responses on the board. I will then proceed to verbally say and
write the meaning of the plus symbol (plus means to add, put together, sum, and total).

b. Developmental: Next, I will read a story, Mice, Mice Everywhere. I will read first, and
then I will have the students recite the addition problem being posed with me. I will repeat
each problem and point out the addition or plus symbol. When the story is done, I will pass
out connecting cubes. I will give directions of what is to be done and will show an
example. I will hold up 2 cubes of one color that are connected and 3 cubes of another
color that are connected. I will then say, 2 and/plus 3 equals 5. I will have students work
in pairs. I will write and say, _____ +_____ =______. I will give each student pair a few
minutes to show me the addition problem. We will continue to do a couple problems.

c. Concluding: Finally, I will ask students to come back together in a circle. I will then read
and give instruction about the classwork, which is the assessment for the lesson. They will
be working on an addition symbol worksheet containing four problems. Students will go
back to their seats and work independently.

Adaptations and Extensions:



1. Students will create their own addition sentence using fingers and object (unifix cubes,
counters, etc.)
2. Make a class addition book.
3. Practice addition problems on the dry erase board.
4. Addition Card Match Game. (Picture card with number and card with number problem)
5. Continue on with addition sentences or problems with numbers 6-10. Increase number
as they understand math concept.

Chaminade University of Honolulu * 3140 Waialae Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-1578 * (808) 735-4711 *
Management Considerations:

1. Whole class activity.

2. Partners (2 to 3 students)
3. Independent

I will be having certain students sit next to certain students due to special needs, behavioral
needs, and special learning abilities. Special needs student will sit with S & Ra. Behavioral
needs and special learning ability student #1 will sit with K and student #2 will sit with Re &


The students were able to follow along with the lesson I had planned for. The lesson was
appropriate and flowed through smoothly from one teaching step to another. The students were
engaged with the hands-on activity I had planned for. They worked in pairs and helped each
other with the addition problems. Lots of conversations going on during the lesson. I feel the
students learned the math topic I had planned for.

The lesson could be improved by instructing the students during small group to share their
answers with one another instead of yelling out their answers (pair share or raise their hands).
A learning strategy I could use is pair share.

Chaminade University of Honolulu * 3140 Waialae Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-1578 * (808) 735-4711 *
Rubric for Addition Symbol
Stepping Stones Module 8 Lesson 1 page 57

Proficient Developing Well Below

4 problems 2 to 3 Problems 0 to 1 Problem

Color all 4 picture problems Color up to 3 picture Color 0-1 picture problem
with corresponding number problems with corresponding with corresponding number
sentence. number sentence. sentence.

Chaminade University of Honolulu * 3140 Waialae Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-1578 * (808) 735-4711 *

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