Research Report

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Report on The Risks that people face in everyday life

Submitted To

Dr. Abu Jafar Md. Shafiul Alam

Professor, University of Dhaka

Submitted by

Nazia Afroze


3rd batch,

Institute of disaster Management & Vulnerability Studies


For this assignment, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Abu Jafar Md.

Shafiul Alam, course teacher of DMC-303, for letting us conduct a survey on this topic. I

would also like to expand my deepest gratitude to all those who have directly and

indirectly guided us in writing this assignment. I have met many people and was able to

see their perspective of risks in their daily life. I helped me a lot to see risk from their

point of view. Definitely, it will help to work as a successful disaster manager in future

I have enjoyed much during this assignment and learnt a lot watching the problems with

my own eyes. I cordially thank my institute for giving me the opportunity to experience

and learn through this assignment.

We, the students of Disaster Management & Vulnerability Studies, are studying so that

we can use this knowledge for the general mass, living in disastrous situations. We

cannot ensure their safety if we dont know what risk they possess. This research helped

us with that.

The goal of this study was to define what risks people face in everyday life, what actions

they take for it and what their preferred media for acquiring news of these risks are. I

faced some problems while interviewing the people. Many of them are very confused

about the risks in their daily life. They dont know what to do, and what not to do in these

disastrous situations. So, we interviewed some people from different class, and sort out

their risks.
As a developing country, our economy is unstable than many other countries. People of

different class condition face different types of problems. We face many natural

disasters. The poor suffer a relentless cycle of periodic destruction of homes,

livelihoods, schools and disruption of life given the countrys geographical vulnerability

to frequent natural disasters. Poor people, in particular, are most vulnerable to disasters

which pose a serious threat to their life, protection and well-being.

The economy of Bangladesh is posed under threat for various kinds of risks. The

ordinary working people are facing these risks and being incapable of

contributing to the economy. As a result, the development rate is declining. This

survey is crucial for identifying the risks that regular people face in their daily life.

A qualitative approach was undertaken for conducting this research. The political

condition posing risks to many people was also a limitation for this study.

Here, I have talked with some people, both male and female, to know how they

think about risks in their daily life. How they get information about these and how

their knowledge help them to minimize these.

The results are summed up here.

In this research, qualitative data and facts were used to dig out the standpoints of

people about commonplace risks. The main source of information was individual

interview. For this, a set of questions were used to write down the responses of

the interviewee. The survey was conducted with absolute transparency.

Research type, study area, focus and data collection technique

o Objective: To know the peoples perception on disaster risks

o Objectives of research: To find out and document the risk of the people living

around us Bangladesh.

o Research type: Qualitative research approaches were applied for the


o Study Area: Around the area of Dhaka University campus and Gazipur

o Focus of the assignment: Assignment focused on peoples perception on risk,

effect on human life, way to overcome overall solve this problem.

o Data collection technique: Data were collected based on secondary sources.

Research report
When I interviewed these 10 people, I came to know that, they think about their daily

risk differently. they all have their own perspective.

During this assignment, I have talked with 5 Male and 5 Female persons. Some of them

are illiterate, some work at home and some are literate. Literacy is a very important

factor for the people living in risk. They can be aware if they have literacy or they dont

bother thinking about any future disasters.


The illiterate people usually are usually not aware of the risk situations. They dont know

where to go or what to do, when any disaster occurs.

I have found from these interviews that, mostly people living in Dhaka fear about road

accident. They think the roads are unsafe. The traffic rules are not being followed, so

they have chance of getting hurt on the road.

Some of them have fear of getting mugged. So, they think they possess social risk in

their daily lives. The women face lack of security for being woman.

Some people said that they face risk of fire, thunderstorm etc.

Fire presents significant risk to businesses. It can kill or seriously injure employees or

visitors and can damage or destroy buildings, equipment and stock.

Organisations operating from single premises are particularly vulnerable as loss of

premises may completely disrupt their operations. Many businesses fail to continue

trading following a severe fire.

On the other hand, thunder also causes fire and harm people. This is also a risk of


Comparatively poor people fear that if their living source will get hampered because of

any natural disaster. Like: storm, long rain etc. A tea seller said,

I fear if the storm will blow away my shop, because I dont have
any alternative if they are gone

Some of the students said, they face high risk of building collapse. Some structures like

flyovers, which are still half-done, possess great risk to the people living in that area.

Source of information:

People generally get information from social media, news from TV, newspaper, posters

etc. Some get information from previous experiences, some from others victims of these


The social media is very popular among the young people. But it has been seen that

they dont completely rely on this media. They have found some fake news and for that

they usually trust TV media or books and newspaper.

Minimizing risks:

The interviewees said they usually be aware of the situations they know. Their

experience and knowledge make them aware of these.

Some people who arent aware of the risks, they also dont know how to minimize them.

So, these people are mostly vulnerable.


Disaster comes with the path of risks people face in daily life. When people are
vulnerable and are exposed to different risks, it turns into disasters. We can see from
the people of different classes that they possess different levels of risks. With this
learning, we can understand how our works should be.

Every year, we see different news of disastrous situations people face. If these are
assessed properly, then the effects could be lesser. The people should know how to
prepare themselves for future disasters. As disaster experts, we can arrange some
drills, and training sessions about these.

Thus we can help people who are living in risky situations. I this matter we must honour
their perspective of risks in their daily life.

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