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Agricultural Education

2017-2018 Class Policies, Management Plan, and Syllabus

Teacher: Ms. Garrett Room: 100 & 101 (shop)
Class: Ag. I, Ag. II, Animal/Plant Science, Ag. Mech. Email:

1. Course Information: Completion of this one-year course earns 1 elective credit. The class
will focus on the Colorado Career and Technical Education agricultural pathway state
standards. The following units will be covered in each class (additional units may be added
if time allows), but not necessarily in order:

Agriculture I Agriculture II
- Intro. to agricultural education and FFA - Agribusiness
- Intro. to record keeping and SAE - Agricultural issues
- Agricultural careers - Public speaking
- Shop safety - Animal science
- Welding and metal working - Shop safety
- Wood working - Drafting
- Intro. to plant and soil science - Plumbing
- Intro. to animal science - Electricity
- Tool ID and use - Shop projects
- Shop projects - Tractor safety

Agricultural Business & Marketing Animal Science

- Business record keeping and forms - Livestock anatomy and physiology
- Business analysis - Livestock reproduction
- Loans and interest - Feeds, nutrition, and digestion
- Business planning - Animal health and vet science

Agricultural Mechanics Plant & Soil Science

- Advances shop safety - Plant structure and function
- Advanced drafting - Water cycle
- Plumbing - Plant identification
- Project planning, pricing, estimates - Floriculture
- Advanced woodworking - Soil structure and texture
- Advanced welding - Soil testing
- Individual shop projects
2. Success in class:
You will need to have all materials everyday (pen/pencil, Ag Notebook, paper)
Participate by responding to questions and adding in ideas
Get assignments done promptly
Be respectful of classmates, teacher, guests, and materials
Follow school policy (respectful language, no distracting cell phone use, etc.)

3. Success in Shop:
Safety is key!
Must have safety glasses on before entering the shop
Wear proper protection gear at all times (safety glasses, coveralls, welding hoods,
Absolutely NO horseplay in the shop
Be respectful of other students, teacher, and equipment
Report any faulty equipment or unsafe behavior

Not following the success criteria above will result in removal from the shop. These are put into
action to keep all students safe. If you put another students safety in jeopardy, the office will
take immediate action.

4. Attendance and Tardies:

Attendance is important for a full understanding of all agricultural pathways
If you will miss or be late to class notify me as soon as you know about it
I will have a binder of all missed assignments and notes that you can refer to if days
are missed

5. Make-up policy: All missed assignments, projects, quizzes, exams, notes, and labs will
need to be completed upon return. All make-ups must be completed within 1 week of return
to class.
Every assignment can be re-done. I understand that we all have off-days and that this
content can be exceptionally difficult. Re-dos are given so that both student and teacher
can see growth. The re-do assignment will not look the same as the original, it will be a bit

6. Evaluation/Grading: Grades will be calculated on total points earned from all graded work
from class.
Re-do assignments will replace the grades from the original assignment if the grade
is better.
Incomplete work will be given a zero.
A= 90%-100% B= 80%-89% C=70%-79% D=60%-69% F=59% and bellow
7. Discipline: Each student has the right to respect, learning, and safety. Action will be taken
if another students behavior interferes with these rights. All policies will be followed as
outlined in the student/parent handbook. Disciplinary action will be handled as follows:
1st offense- verbal warning
2nd offense- conversation with teacher after class
3rd offense- conversation with teacher and call home
4th offense- student will be sent to the office
If at any time the offense is determined to be more severe the student will be removed
from class and sent to the office. If behavior happens consistently or endangers another student
a meeting will be held with the student, parent, teacher, and principal. Behavioral threats to self,
teacher, or other students will result in expulsion from the agricultural program and student will
not be allowed to participate in the classroom or shop for the rest of their time at the high

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