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While writing is often taught by individual genres, (narrative, argument,

informational/expository) most real world writing is in fact multi-genre. Newspapers, for

instance, include articles from each of the afore mentioned genres. This mini-unit is meant to tie

it all together into one class-wide multi-genre project. To refresh students memories about each

of the genres, there will be one class period dedicated to having the students rotate through

stations on narrative, informational/expository, and argument writing before starting the project.

At each station, there will be templates for students to fill out that pertain to that genre. Here

students should also identify 1-3 newspaper articles that fit into that genre. For instance, at the

narrative writing station, they could cut out a newspaper article in which a Vietnam War veteran

has been interviewed and his story is told.

For this mini-unit, students will be expected to compose their own newspaper article,

which must include an interview with at least one person. Studies show that both choice and

publication improve students writing, so, at the finale of the unit, the class will compile their

individual articles to form a class newspaper that will be published throughout the school.

Furthermore, students will be given the choice to submit their articles to the local newspaper to

be published. They will be able to choose a genre of writing as well as their topic within that


The various genres of writing will be taught through discussion, modeling, and practice.

In my experience as a student, I have found that these methods of instruction are most effective.

The discussion will review the various genres of writing and produce examples of newspaper

articles that fall under each genre. Furthermore, this mini-unit will be geared toward exploring

the different functions and purposes of a newspaper. I will bring in several different newspapers
as models for the studentsexamples of school newspapers, the local county newspaper, The

New York Times, Asheville Citizen Times, and more. This way, students will be able to examine

first hand the different topics covered in newspaper publications and begin to get ideas for what

they would like to write about on their own. These newspapers will be shown on a projector in

front of the entire class for viewing, as well as featured at each of the different genre writing


The practice activity will be for students to create an outline of their article using the

Inverted Pyramid Format as well as mock interviews with each other using the Reporting

Tips they are given in class. Here, they can practice asking the questions they will ask for their

article interview.

The end result for this unit is for students to recognize the many multi-genre publications

that surround them daily (newspapers being one of them) and how to identify the different

individual genres, to build community learning and involvement, and to allow students to focus

on audience since their work will eventually be published at least in front of the school.

This mini-unit satisfies a variety of 9th grade state writing standards, including standards 1-3 and

their sub-standads, depending on what genre each student chooses.

1. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using

valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence

2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts,

and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and

analysis of content.
3. Write narratives to develop real or imagine experiences or events using effective

technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.

This mini unit also satisfies 9th grade state writing standards 4 and 6:
4- Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are

appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

6- Use technology, including the internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared

writing products, taking advantage of technologys capacity to link to other information and to

display information flexibility and dynamically.

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