Team Contract

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Olivia, Brock, Marcos, Kianna

Team Contract

Team Name: Tracys Favorites

Mission Statement:

We the people of Tracys favorites in order to establish to a more

perfect union, to ordain, to empower each other, find meaning in every
task, and settle for nothing less than quality work. Our goal is to
communicate effectively in order to think critically and create projects
and material that go above & beyond. Strive to act and work as we
would in a professional workplace. We will constantly aim to live up to
our group name of Tracys Favorites.

You will be submitting your team contract for the semester. The contract should
include information about the following issues:

How you will try to foster cohesion?

o Open communication. GroupMe has already been created. Avoid
gossip and be upfront. Everyone is available Tuesdays at 7pm as
well as after class on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Attendance policy/Other rules?
o Show up to class; let us know if you cant attend. Make an effort to
attend out of class meetings. Let everyone know in advance prior to
missing class or a group meeting, if you do not alert members on
multiple (3) occasions a point should be deducted from overall

Expectations of members

Roles (static? rotating? how will you determine roles?)

o Rotating roles, taking on leadership depending on situation. Olivia
can scribe/ record details consistently across assignments.
However, other roles will be assigned based on the coursework and
can change. At the end of every class each members role for the
next week will be clearly defined and we will write up everyones
responsibilities and set assignments to be worked on. Assign roles
at the end of each class and divide up things that need to be
worked on.
Management of communication
o Everyone will check Groupme regularly, respond or acknowledge
posts through a like.
Management of conflict
Olivia, Brock, Marcos, Kianna
Team Contract
o We will address directly each other directly & in person, avoid being
passive aggressive.
Plans for evaluation (I will be evaluating the team performance several
times; however, as a team you should manage evaluations within your
group that do not rely on my intervention).
o We will keep a log of what everyone does by having a google doc
with tasks to complete and responsibilities.
o Evaluate each other after projects are completed on a 1-5 scale.
5- participated, completed work, attended meetings,
contributed to discussions and did all assigned tasks
3- Partial completion of responsibilities, did not communicate
1-Not present within the group, completes minimal work,
very difficult to get into contact with.
Recommendations for "manager" (i.e., Dr. Zinn)

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