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Divorced Parents

The Effect Divorced Parents Have on Children

Sarrah Williams

State University of New York at Canton

Divorced Parents


The aim of the study is to show teachers and parents the effects of divorce. The

study involved (1) a review of literature of how divorce can effect a child emotionally,

and may affect their performance at school, (2) involved finding books children can read

or parents can read to them about divorce, (3) watching videos on other children, whose

parents went through a divorce when they were younger. I looked for books, videos

because just doing research on this topic would only help parents and teachers

because they would understand what they are reading a child reading this wouldnt

understand it. Therefore, I wanted to help the young children by finding books and

videos on the subject would assist them in having a better understanding of what they

might be going through and feeling. What I found was seven children books and four

videos to help children.

Divorced Parents


As the numbers of divorces filed each decade increases, it has been stated that it

has effected how children perform in the classroom, how they seem emotionally and

mentally. As educators, we may not know how to handle a child whose parents are

going through something like that. Researchers have shown that children of divorce with

a single mother are at an increased risk of developing both antisocial behavior and

substance use compared with children in non-divorced two-biological-parent families

(Breivik, Olweus, & Endresen, 2009). Children who experience their parents going

through a divorce are susceptible to becoming depressed, being withdrawn, acting out,

and acting differently (Odenweller, 2014). Children and adolescents whose parents

separate are at increased risk of developing serious adjustment problem (Cartwright,

2006). Because some children have to go through this, it is important for us as

educators to be there as support.

Research Questions

This study was designed to address teachers, in showing them ways in which

they can help young children whose parents are going through a divorced. The

researcher wanted to learn more about how to deal with children who are going through

this kind of process. First, the researcher wanted to know how it is going to effect the

child emotionally, and their performance in school? Second, how can educators help a
Divorced Parents

child that is going through this perform better in school? Lastly, are there any books, or

videos for young children to help teacher better communicate with the children.


The research involved three types of way we as educators can help children

whose parents are going through a divorce who may be hurt by it emotionally: (1) A

review of literature about how divorced can effect a child emotionally, and may effect

their performance at school was completed; (2) books children can read or parents can

read to them about divorce was researched; and (3) videos on other children, whose

parents went through a divorced when they were younger was researched and viewed.

The purpose of this is to give teachers methods in helping children whose parents are

going through this situation.


Review of the Literature

The following article were reviewed on how divorce can affect a childs

performance in school. Divorce may cause fighting and family dissolution which may

prevent the child from completing assignments, or be able to concentrate in the

classroom (Schaffer, S., & Schaffer, M. 2017). Children who are exposed to divorce are

twice as likely to repeat a grade and five times likelier to be expelled or suspended from

school (Clair, J. S. 2017). Schoolwork may suffer or school avoidance may develop.

(Lesley Foulkes-Jamison 2017).

Divorced Parents

Childrens Books about Divorce

The following books below that I have researched can help children be able to

understand why parents get a divorce, and that it is not their fault that it happens.

Name Author Age Key Points

Dinosaurs By Laurene Krasny Ages 3 to 7 The picture book
Divorce Brown and Marc helps children
Brown (1988) understand why
parent gets a
divorced and what
happens after it
It's Not Your Fault, By Vicki Lansky Ages 3 to 7 This book gives
Koko Bear (1997) advice to parent on
how to help their
child express their
feelings about the
Two Homes By Claire Masurel Ages 3 to 7 The book helps
(2003) children understand
that even though
they live in two
homes that both
their parent still
love them.
My Family's By Pat Thomas Ages 4 and up This picture book
Changing (1999) explore the issues
of divorce.
What Can I Do? A By Danielle Lowry Ages 8 and up About a girl to trys
Book for Children (2002) everything to keep
of Divorce her family together
but it doesnt work,
and end up joining
and group of
children whose
going through the
Divorced Parents

same thing.
Divorce Is Not the By Zoe and Evan Ages 8 and up Two girls wrote this
End of the World Stern (2008) book to help
children manage
their emotions like
guilt, anger, and
fear; adjusting to
different rules in
different houses

Videos About Divorced

The following videos I researched and viewed are videos, and parents can watch

with their child, on other children whose parents went through a divorced when they

were younger.

Name Brief URL


Sesame This video
Street: shows Abby
Little talking
Children, about her
Big family
Challenge divorce, and
s - Divorce real children
- Sizzle sharing
Reel their own
You Have This video
to Hear explains
This 6- from the v=DITdTSmdB98
Divorced Parents

Year-Old's month of a
Advice for 6 year old
Her that she
Divorcing knows what
Parents going on
even when
may think
she does
Sesame This video
Street: shows
Little Gordon
Children, from
Big sesame
Challenge street
s - Divorce explaining
- "It's Not to Abby that
Your it not her
Fault" fault why
her parents
are getting
a divorced.
GETTING This video
THROUGH show 5 kids-talk-about-divorce
IT: Kids children
Talk about explaining
Divorce how they
Divorced Parents


The study of this research was to discover different ways we can help teachers,

and parents can help young children whose parents may be going through a divorced.

We gather a lot of information from reviewing literature, which I found out that child of

divorce parents, perform worse than children of no divorced parents. After I researched

children books about divorced, which I found plenty that teacher can have in their class,

so if a child in their classroom is going through this they can give them to read. On the

other hand, if a parent comes in and ask for help in assisting their child to better

understand as to why they might be getting a divorce, and that it is going to be okay.

Afterwards, I viewed videos on how other kids may have dealt with going through a

divorce when they were younger. From doing this research, I have learned a lot more

than from when I first started. I wish when I was younger and my parents were going

through a divorce that I got to read books or watch videos because I was young when

my parent got a divorce, and I didnt know what was going on until I got a little older.

Having to go from house to house was difficult, but as I got older, I got used to it. If I

could have watch videos or had books on divorce that I could have read, I would have

understood it better at an early age.

Divorced Parents


Breivik, K., Olweus, D., & Endresen, I. (2009). Does the Quality of Parent-

Child Relationships Mediate the Increased Risk for Antisocial Behavior and

Substance Use Among Adolescents in Single-Mother and Single-Father

Families?. Journal Of Divorce & Remarriage, 50(6), 400-426.


Cartwright, C. (2006). You Want to Know How It Affected Me? Young Adults'

Perceptions of the Impact of Parental Divorce. Journal Of Divorce &

Remarriage, 44(3/4), 125-143. doi:10.1300/J087v44n03-08

Clair, J. S. (n.d.). Divorce Wizards. Retrieved April 29, 2017, from


D. (2015, October 23). You Have to Hear This 6-Year-Old's Advice for Her

Divorcing Parents. Retrieved April 29, 2017, from

Getting Through It: Kids Talk about Divorce. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2017,



Lesley Foulkes-Jamison, %. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2017, from
Divorced Parents

Moninger, J. (2015, June 11). Books That Help Explain Divorce to Kids.

Retrieved April 29, 2017, from

Odenweller, B. (n.d.). Does Parental Divorce Have an Affect on a Child's

Education? Retrieved from


Schaffer, S., & Schaffer, M. (n.d.). The Impact of Divorce on the Child in the

Classroom. Retrieved April 29, 2017, from


S. (2012, December 11). Sesame Street: Little Children, Big Challenges -

Divorce - "It's Not Your Fault". Retrieved April 29, 2017, from

S. (2012, December 11). Sesame Street: Little Children, Big Challenges -

Divorce - Sizzle Reel. Retrieved April 29, 2017, from

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