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21 2012


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. Prigogine

. , La Fin des Certitudes,


, Unified View of Nature and Human Life, :
; ;[2].
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Laws of Nature, Probability and Time Symmetry Breaking:


, ,
[6.. ,
, :
, [7].

. 20
: , , [8].

, Time and Human Knowledge,

[11]. ,

. ,
[13] .
: ;
, , , :

. 1950
Irrversibilit, volution et finalit
, ,

1980 : ,

[19]. ,
Temps, Evolution, Destin ,

, , Unity of physical laws and levels of description,

, [24].

, ,
, ,
, , ,
[25]. ,
, ,
, ,

: ) , )
) [26]. ,

, ,
, [28]. Prigogine
, ,

[29]. , ,
, [30].


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, . , .
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[35]. ,
. , [36].

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[37] ,
[38], ,

. , . ,
, , [39].
; ,
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[40]. ,


. . -
-, , ,
( ) .
, .[41]
, . ,
, , , ,
, , .

, Heidegger.
, , .
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, . ;
. . :
; : ;

. -
- [42].

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: , .

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, , ,

, , :

[1]. I. Prigogine, . , : . , 1.

[2]. I. Prigogine (1999), Unified View of Nature and Human Life. In: Yong Pil Rhee (ed.), Toward New
Paradigm of Systems Science, (1999), 1-16. Seoul: Seoul National University Press, 2.

[3]. I. Prigogine (1999), Unified View of Nature and Human Life. In: Yong Pil Rhee (ed.), Toward New
Paradigm of Systems Science, 11.

[4]. I. Prigogine (1997), Nonlinear Science and the Laws of Nature. In: International Journal of Bifurcation
and Chaos, Vol.7, No. 9 (1997). 1917-1926, 1918.

[5]. I. Prigogine (1999), Laws of Nature, Probability and Time Symmetry Breaking. In: Physica A 263 (1999),
528-539, 4.

[6]. I. Prigogine, (1994), Science, Reason and Passion. In: World Futures, Vol. 40, (1994), 35-43. Malaysia:
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[8]., I. Prigogine, (1991), Science et Crativit. In: Mlanges Philie Roberts-Jones, Irralisme et Art Moderne,
(1991), 59-64, 62-63.

[9]. I. Prigogine (1992), End of Science? In: The philosophy of Science Lecture Series, University of Arkansas
for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas, 11.

[10]. I. Prigogine (1984), Time and Human Knowledge. In: Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design,
Volume 12,(1985), 5-20, Universite Libre de Bruxelles & University of Texas, Austin, 7.

[11]. I. Prigogine (1984), Time and Human Knowledge. 15.

[12]. I. Prigogine (1984), Time and Human Knowledge. 18.

[13]. I. Prigogine (1990), Time and the Problem of the two Cultures. In: First International Dialogue on the
transition to Global society, September 3-9, 1990, 1-19, 1.

[14]. I. Prigogine (1990), Time and the Problem of the two Cultures. In: First International Dialogue on the
transition to Global society, September 3-9, 1990, 1-19, 1.

[15]. I. Prigogine (1993), A (very) Brief History of Certainty. In: New York Times, (1993), 1-4, 2.

[16]. I. Prigogine (1993), A (very) Brief History of Certainty, 19.

[17]. I. Prigogine (1950), Irrversibilit, volution et finalit. In: Revue de lUlb,1950, 5, 1.

[18]. I. Prigogine (1980), Temps, Evolution, Destin. : Actes du premier colloque international sur les
relations actuelles entre les sciences, les arts et la philosophie, 25.
[19]. I. Prigogine (1980), Temps, Evolution, Destin 25.

[20]. I. Prigogine (1980), Temps, Evolution, Destin. : Actes du premier colloque international sur les
relations actuelles entre les sciences, les arts et la philosophie, 3.

[21]. I. Prigogine (1980), Temps, Evolution, Destin, 7.

[22] . I. Prigogine (1971), Unity of physical laws and levels of description. In: Greene, M., Interpretation of
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[23] . I. Prigogine (1989), The philosophy of Instability. In: Futures, Essays, (1989), 396-400, 396.

[24]. I. Prigogine (1989), The philosophy of Instability 398.

[25]. I. Prigogine (1988), The Origins of Complexity. In: Lecture at the Opening MERIT, Maastricht, 28 June,
1988, 1-7, 3.

[26]. I. Prigogine (1988), The Rediscovery of time. In: Richard F. Kitchener, The world view of contemporary
physics, (1989), 125-143, 131.

[27]. I. Prigogine (1988), The Rediscovery of time, 141.

[28]. I. Prigogine (1983), Wizard of Time. In: The OMNI Interviews, ed. By P. Weintraub, (1984). New York:
OMNI Press, 1-2.

[29]. I. Prigogine (1983), Wizard of Time, 5.

[30]. I. Prigogine (1983), Wizard of Time, 13.

[31]. I. Prigogine (1984), Time and Human Knowledge. In: Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design,
Volume 12,(1985), 5-20, Universite Libre de Bruxelles & University of Texas, Austin, 5.

[32]. I. Prigogine (1984), Time and Human Knowledge, 8.

[33]. I. Prigogine (1994), Science, Reason and Passion. In: World Futures, Vol. 40, (1994), 35-43. Malaysia:
Gordon & Breach Science Publishers S.A, 37.

[34]. I. Prigogine, , , 211.

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[41]. . , - -, 152-153.

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[44]., ., , , (2009), 307-308.

[45].I. Prigogine (1995), Einstein and Magritte. A study of creativity. In: Meeting Einstein meets Magritte,
(1995), 1-12, 12.

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