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Waves (set 1)

Wave: any disturbance that transmits energy through matter or empty


Vibration: to vibrate, or move particles up and down or side to side


Amplitude: the maximum distance wave particles vibrate from their resting
position (the height of the wave)

Trough: the lowest point on a transverse wave

Crest: the highest point on a transverse wave

Wavelength: the distance between any two crests or compressions next to

each other in a wave

Longitudinal: when particles vibrate back and forth along the path that the
waves move

Transverse: waves in which the particles vibrate in an up and down motion

Rarefaction: when the particles of a longitudinal wave are spread out

Compression: when the particles of a longitudinal wave are crowded


Medium: a substance through which a wave can travel (solid, liquid or gas)

Frequency: the number of waves produced in a given amount of time

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