Ipad Pro

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Usability Evaluation of a


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Details of IPAD PRO.................................................................................................... 3
SPECIFICATIONS:..................................................................................................... 3
Introduction:............................................................................................................ 3
Design and Screen:.................................................................................................... 4
Battery:................................................................................................................... 4
Pencil and Keyboard:.................................................................................................. 4
Camera:.................................................................................................................. 5
Justification for an Evaluation:.................................................................................... 6
Evaluation Methods:................................................................................................... 7
Chosen evaluation method for IPAD Pro 12.9 inches:..............................................9
Usability and Task Goals:............................................................................................ 9
Identification and selection of users:........................................................................12
Heuristic Evaluation:................................................................................................ 13
The Heuristics for the Apple IPAD Pro 12.9 inch tablet:.........................................14
Template Apple IPAD PRO Questionnaire...............................................................17
Apple IPad Pro 12.9 inch Questionnaire Results:...................................................22
Analysis:................................................................................................................... 27
References................................................................................................................ 29
Details of IPAD PRO

Product Type: Tablet

Resolution: 2048 x 2732 pixels

Display: Retina Display

Storage Size: 4GB Ram

Height: 12.9 inch

Width: 8.68 inches

Weight: 1.57 pounds

Camera: 8 MP

Wireless + Cellular
Source: Apple, 2017
IPAD Pro 12.9 in launched on 11th November 2015. Released and Designed by the Apple Inc, it

is one of the forms of Tablet computers. Apple had released a similar IPAD with the size

estimated to 9.7 inches. Due to its enormous size which is larger than what regular tablets offer,

the question was it a replacement for a laptop? The answer lies in how a customer perceives a

tablet as. Like for some people, a tablet is a device that is rarely used for work other than

checking their email or social media apps on the sofa. For others, it is a complete portable laptop

that can achieve great tasks, especially while travelling. It is for someone who doesnt need a
laptop all day long. Regarding cost, it is comparatively less as compared to Apples other

products (Beavis, 2017). Some of its principal features and functions include:

Design and Screen:

Because of its size being 12.9, which is bigger than the average size of a tablet, it is a bit heavy

to carry. It weighs around 713 grams which are not ideal for using it to read the news paper or

other documents with one hand. The LCD screen on this tablet is its main feature and give it the

competitive edge over the other tablets, as the 12.9 wide screen gives the viewers a great

experience of watching movies, reading or playing video games. Also with the previous versions,

the customers didnt understand the need for Split Screen visuals, but now with the resolution of

2732 x 2048, it is great to run two apps simultaneously on split screen without having to decrease

the resolution for both the screens. With its same apples color of ceramic metal on the back as a

color with curved edges and as the case with all Apple products a touch screen home button on

top of the lightening point. Other add-ons are the additional four speakers on the edge of the

device which are much stronger than what the other tablets have to offer.

As stated by the Apple Inc, IPAD Pro should give you 10 hours to operate at full brightness and

streaming of videos or browsing, given the robust process it has as to compete with its size.

However, it disappointed in term of the battery as compared to mini 4 and Air 2 the battery life

was consumed even quicker. Like 12% more poor performance than the other Apple Devices,

especially while connected to the Smart Keyboard.

Pencil and Keyboard:

Apple so far has not been able to come up with new innovative ideas that attract the target

market into buying, However, with the IPAD Pro 12.9 inch, we get two new features that include

the Apple Pencil and the Smart Keyboard. The Apple pencil is a smooth white stylus that has a
sensitive rubber tip at the end to allow you to do tasks with much force such as drawing and

writing. However compared to the traditional style of writing and reading it still doesnt come to

replacing a pencil or a paint brush. It doesnt have any handwritten recognition software that

could have made things much easier to write prose, and even artists found it useful but still no

replacement for watercolors and a drawing sheet.

To have a more competitive advantage and to give the feeling of a laptop, the Apple Inc has

introduced a Smart Keyboard with the tablet especially for people who wish to have the feel of

writing or working on a keyboard just like that of a laptop. The fabric covered keys are easily

cleanable and portable that allows you to easily balance the tablet on your lap as compared to

other tablets that need extra carefulness to balance them on your lap. Even though with a large

accuracy of the keys it still doesnt replace the keyboard of a laptop. There is no Home button

even though some short cuts have been provided and uses the Smart Connector which easily

attaches to the IPAD and transfers data as well as charge.

The camera on the IPAD Pro 12.9 inch is a bit of a disappointed being only 8 MP in the back and

1.2 MP in the front. However, that is not ideal for taking selfies or doing face time, and even for

taking regular pictures because of its weight. The IPAD would have to balance with both hands

in taking a picture and even after you have successfully found your way to press the button to

take a snap shot it still would not be the true angel. Hence the IPAD Pro isnt really for taking

pictures unless you have no other choice to do so. The image quality is alright but the sharpness

and the high resolution it carries it should be delivering more in the picture enhancement.
The justification for an Evaluation:
Evaluation means gauging or reviewing an interactive device about its features and the

experience it gives to its users, which includes its processor, the purpose of its key features and

components using various evaluation techniques (Ying, 2017). These assessment techniques use

various usability tools such to gather data and present the information and analysis accordingly

(Danino, 2001). Hence to objectify the assessment, it is necessary to identify measurable goals

called the usability goals. Usability goals according to the ISO 9241 means that the limitations

a product has that can be used by targeted customers to achieve effectively distinct and SMART

goals as well as with efficiency and a certain level of satisfaction of clients it can derive in the

usage of the specified interactive device.

The designers concern is not only how its features such as apps and components are used but

also whether the application that has been designed for a specified purpose is delivering that

objective, whether it is the entertainment system or the system of performing simple tasks such

as typing and editing. Hence the designers get a feedback of how the market has perceived their

product and how if any problem has arisen they can cater to it. This feedback also enables the

designers to gain an early evaluation of its design concepts, to decide between the various

configurations options, involving users in the design process and assess its use while it is still in


The basic steps that are involved in any evaluation process in a project are as follows:

1. Designing the objectives and aims of the evaluation that is to be undertaken, defining the

target market and how the applications of the device are to be used.
2. Selecting Method of Evaluation
3. Carry out the Method
4. Choosing tools for testing such as questionnaires, focus groups or interviews
5. Gather data and enter suing software that inputs all the data
6. Analyze the result

Evaluation Methods:
There are various assessment methods used for evaluating an interactive device such as that of

IPAD Pro 12.9 inch. However we will be only using two of them for our analysis. Below is some

of the various evaluation methods used for assessing a device:

1. Heuristic Evaluation: this method is a quick and easy, cost effective method of evaluating

an interactive system. It requires a team of evaluators who set objectives against the

specified tasks. The number of tasks identified may vary according to how much of an in

depth evaluation is needed to be carried out. This helps in the identification of the issues

associated with the device that can be catered for and made part of the interactive design

process. Being cost effective and time efficient, many developers opt for this type of

usability method of testing (Site Point, 2017).

2. Cognitive Walkthrough: it is the method of evaluation that uses one or more evaluators

who perform tasks keeping in mind concerning the user. Its like a walkthrough of a

series of steps that will be carried out by the user in using that device to see if the system

is user friendly and can be learned by the impaired such as the old and the disabled

(Solano et al., 2016)

3. Formal Experiments: these are experiments that are conducted under controlled

environment with measurable tasks that test the users. Users perform the required tasks

under observation by the evaluators. Hence the user's actions are recorded and analyzed

keeping in mind the time taken to complete the task and the rate of error among the other

users (Solano et al., 2016).

4. Constructive Interaction: this method of evaluation involves the interaction between two

users and how they communicate while discovering the device. However the device does
not have any pre important tasks to be performed, and the functions carried out by them

are voluntarily (Solano et al., 2016).

5. Coaching Method: this method of evaluation involves the evaluator guiding the user in

how to use the device, and while doing so the evaluator must answer all the queries the

user asks (Solano et al., 2016).

6. Interviews: Interviews are a basic method to find out the usability of any device whose

data can be collected for quantitative and qualitative analysis. Interviews are conducted

between various people by an interviewer or who asks a set of questions to do the

analysis. The data collected can be in the narrative form to get a unique and in depth

perspective of the user or the viewer (Betterevaluation.org, 2017). This evaluation

technique eradicates the interviewers personal biasness and allows you to have an

effective conversation with the user and the information gained from the interviews can

be used to improve the devices interface (Ctb.ku.edu, 2017).

7. Questionnaires: Questionnaire is a set of questions that are used to gauge the performance

of a device among a various group of age, gender and other users. The questionnaire can

be both used for qualitative and quantitative analysis about the user's experience while

using the device (Solano et al., 2016). Just like the heuristic method of evaluation they

are cost effective as the only cost that is included in the questionnaire is that of getting

them to print. However, if you use the internet or a mobile data to conduct the survey

than there will be no cost associated with conducting the evaluation. They are practical

and give speedy results that needed for collecting data quickly for an early device change

or see if there is an early problem. It can be easily scaled i.e. it can be easily plotted as

each question has a set of the scale of 1 to 5 to analyze how the customer experience is.

However, there can be many disadvantages of a questionnaire too that is like the user can

give dishonest information and hence creates a false analysis. Also, it is not neccsary the
user who is answering the question has put out their heart into it or have a continues

response to the questions hence evaluators have a difficult time in evaluating if the user

who had answered all of these issues has given true information or not. As this is a

scalable questionnaire and quantitative regarding evaluation method, feelings or emotions

of the user can not be displayed or communicated to the evaluators. Sometimes those

using answering the questionnaire may have a hidden agenda that could jeopardize the

entire survey. Also sometimes the users skip questions and evaluators cannot get

complete information about the user who had answered the question or how to interpret a

data with incomplete answers (Survey Anyplace, 2017).

Chosen evaluation method for IPAD Pro 12.9 inches:

The preferred evaluation method for the device would be Heuristic Evaluation and the

questionnaires. These two will allow us to gather insight into the problems users might be facing

and how we can improve the customer experience.

Usability and Task Goals:

In setting usability goals, we have to keep in mind the different tasks performed by the users

while using the device that would like to be evaluated or out into testing. The goals have to

specific and measurable and hence put into words individually. The task should also describe

what the task is needed to be done but not how to do it (UX Passion, 2017). The key ingredients

that define a usability goals are learnability, efficiency of the device, the memorability i.e. how

much the users can remember form what they have learned. Furthermore, if the tasks were not

complicated, the errors that occur while performing the task and how much customer satisfaction

does the customer get from using it (Passion, 2017).

Usability and task goals for an IPAD Pro 12.9 inch tablet can be:
1. Usability goal: Users can add a contact to the device. In this task, users should be able to add

a contact and the time taken to complete the task should be recorded. The measuring methods

used for this task is by observing the users and record the time required to add a contact. The

criteria level for the task is 30 seconds maximum to do the job, and best case scenario is 15

seconds. However, the worst case would be if the user performs the task at 40 or 50 seconds.

The user group for this task are individuals between the age of 14 years both male and

female. Preconditions are that users must be familiar with using the device before performing

the task.

2. Usability goal: Users find the colours and resolution used within the interface aesthetically

pleasing. It measured by the percentage of users who like the colours. The measuring method

for performing such a task is to record the number of users who find the colours pleasing.

The criteria percentage at best case scenario would be 100% or 90%, but the worst case

scenario would be the percentage at 80%. Again the age of the users would be 14 years and

of both genders male and female. The prerequisite for this task is that users are familiar with

different types of tablets.

3. Usability goal: Users can download and listen to a song from the iTunes App Store. This can

be seen the number of errors that are made by the users in downloading it. The method used

for measuring the task is by observing the users while they are performing the task and

noting down the number of errors they make. The maximum numbers of errors the users can

make are obviously ideally zero; however, the worst case would be if they make more than

three errors. This task has users above the age limit of 18 of both genders. The prerequisite of

this task is that users are familiar with using the iTunes App from the App store
4. Usability goal: Users can successfully take a photo. The task is to see the percentage of

people who can successfully take a picture and if they device is not heavy enough to perform

such a task. The measuring method of this would be to observe the users and record the

number of errors or difficulty users face in taking a photo. The criteria level of this task

would be 100% in the best case scenario however in the worst case scenario would be if the

70% of the users are not able to perform the task. The age limit for performing this task

would be all users above the age of 15 for both genders. And the prerequisite would be that

users should be familiar with how to take a picture on an Apple device.

5. Usability goal: Users find it easy to use the Apple pencil. This attribute measures how much

easy it is for the users to use the pencil and how many times they ask for help from the

evaluators. The best case scenario would be 0 times the number of time asked for help

however the worst case scenario would be 2. All users above the age of 16 fall under the user

group criteria, and the prerequisite for it would be that users are familiar of holding a digital

pencil and dragging objects with it across the screen.

6. Usability goal: users can type on the potable keyboard. This attribute means that users find it

easy to use the Apple Keyboard as compared to a standard keyboard. It is measured by the

number of words they type per minute. The average words should sum up to 8 to 10 words

per minute, but the worst case scenario would be 5 to 6 words per minute. The age criteria for

this task would be 15 years of both genders, and the prerequisite would be that users know

how to type on a keyboard.

Identification and selection of users:

User Apple IPAD PRO 12.9 inch user identification and selection
Characteri Children Teens Young Adults Middle aged Senio
stics adults
Age 5 to 11 12 18 19 35 36 54 55 +
Sex Both male and Both male and Both male and Both male and Both male
female female female female female
Physical The users in The users in The users in The users in this The users
limitations this group may this group are this group are group are sharp group are
have some sharp however sharp however however they however t
physical they too could they too could too could have too could
limitations such have emotional have emotional an emotional emotional
as the ability to and physical and physical and physical physical
learn or grasp disability such disability such disability such as disability
an idea or to as that of as that of that of hearing that of he
properly hold hearing or hearing or or moving of or moving
such a heavy intellectually intellectually hands across the hands acr
device. device and even device an
Impairments intellectual intellectua
such as impairment. impairme
physical or
mental abilities
can also be
taken into
Education The users if this The users of The users of The users of this The user o
al group have a this group may this group may group may have group ma
backgroun very little have a certain have a certain a high level of a limited a
d background of level of level of knowledge and of educati
education knowledge and knowledge and education. knowledg
None to level education. education. Medium to a the device
Low to medium Low to medium high level. Low to me
level. level. level.
Medium to a
high level.
Computer/ This user group The user of this The user of this The user of this This user
IT use may have little group may group may group may have may have
or no previous have some previous a high or no prev
experience of previous experience of experience of experienc
computer, experience of computer or IT computer or IT computer
however; they computer or IT use. use. use.
may know how use. Medium to a High to medium None to a
to use similar Low to medium high level. level. level.
devices. level.
None to a low
Heuristic Evaluation:
Steps are involved in conducting heuristic analyses are:

1. Planning your Evaluation Strategy

2. Developing a set of tasks and a team of people to carry them out
3. Provide the Evaluators with the aims and objectives of the system and let them design

their tasks
4. Ask reviewers to assess the tasks against the given objectives and carry out the analysis

(Site Point, 2017).

The important step is to identify the evaluators and making a team of them. Hence the number of

evaluators depends on how much the designers want the device to be interactive and therefore

revealing more problems associated with the device. Two types of evaluators can be used for the

evaluation. Firstly, those with experience who are experts in the said device, field or systems can

be sued as evaluators, and a carefully conducted by them will get a chance of eradicating 80-90%

of the problems. Secondly, users without any experience can also be used to conduct the

evaluation will still find an issue with the interface with around 20-30% of being the ratio.

Usually, the heuristic evaluation involves three to five experienced people for evaluation. Once

the valuators have been recognized, a set of heuristics have to be given to them to assess them

against the said interface (Site Point, 2017)

The Heuristics for the Apple IPAD Pro 12.9 inch tablet:
1. Visibility of device
Does the user recognise where they are while using the device?
Does the device provide the user with options of where they can go next?
Does the device provide a view of its previous actions?
2. Match Between the device and the laptop
Is the user familiar with the language that is used in the device?
Is the information displayed on the screen readable and understandable by the

Does the user find the same comfort level in using the tablet as that of a laptop?
3. Consistency and Standards
Does the devise provide constancy in its function?
Does the devise provide a high quality of standard while using the interface?
Is the use of graphics, image quality, icons and error messages consistent

throughout the device?

4. Flexibility and ease of use for Typing:
Does the device provide an easy user interface to type on the Apple keyboard?
Does the device allow the user to undo certain actions or perform shortcuts while

using the keyboard?

Is the feel of the keyboard aesthetically pleasing and hands move freely without

any obstacle?

5. Flexibility and Ease of Use for Apple Pencil:

Does the device provide appropriate and enough guidance for users that are

beginners for the use of the Apple Pencil?

Does the device provide ease to use it with devices interface?
Does the device allow flexibility than that of the cursor or ball on a laptops

mouse or keyboard?
6. Downloading songs and videos.
Are there error messages or navigational instructions provided that outlines the

steps to download music from the Apple ITunes store or the YouTube app?
Are there any problems in the quality of the image or the sound given while

playing such videos?

Ten heuristics for the Apple iPad 4th generation device
Results and Analysis

Heuristics and set of questions Results and analysis from conducting the
1. Visibility of Does the user recognise where they are The device provides recognition while using it
device status while using the device? while displaying appropriate indicators like the
progress bar to keep the user informed of the tasks
Does the device provide the user with
being performed. The device shows the user of
options of where they can go next?
where they are while using the system such for
Does the device provide a view of its example in the Settings menu or the Photos app it
previous actions? shows the user the view of its previous actions.

2. Match Is the user familiar with the language The device provides the user with various functions
Between the that is used in the device? Is the as that of the laptop such as typing, reading or
Device and the information displayed on the screen watching a movie however it cannot replace the
laptop? readable and understandable by the laptop because of the limitation of his duties. The
user? Does the user find the same information on the screen is readable and
comfort level in using the tablet as that understandable because of its huge size.
of a laptop?

3. Consistency Does the devise provide constancy in its The device has shown great consistency and
and Standards function? Does the devise provide a maintained its standard throughout with the use of
high quality of standard while using the the interface.The graphics, user controls, icons and
interface? Is the use of graphics, image error messages are clear and of high quality.
quality, icons and error messages
consistent throughout the device?
4. Flexibility and Does the device provide an easy user The device tries to provide an easy user interface
ease of use for interface to type on the Apple for the flexibility and ease of typing however it
typing keyboard? Does the device allow the slows down the normal speed of typing because of
user to undo certain actions or perform its variance from the normal laptops keyboard.
shortcuts while using the keyboard? Is However, It also allows the user to perform actions
the feel of the keyboard aesthetically such as using the shortcuts on the keyboard with
pleasing and hands move freely without ease. The feel of the keyboard is not that
any obstacle? aesthetically pleasing as users are used to typing on
hard keyboards of the laptop to perform any tasks
or documentation.
5. Flexibility and Does the device provide appropriate and The device does guide the beginner users into how
ease of use for enough guidance for users that are to use the Apple Pencil. However, it does not
the Apple beginners for the use of the Apple provide the ease to use it for the Apples IPad Pro
Pencil Pencil? Does the device provide ease to tablet. The flexibility of the cursor and the ball on
use it with devices interface? Does the the mouse is there but functions such as drawing a
device allow flexibility than that of the picture are not that comfortable and the Apple does
cursor on a laptops mouse or keyboard? not provide the app for handwritten recognition

6. Downloading Are there navigational instructions There is a lot of joy in downloading the songs and
songs and provided that outlines the steps to watching videos on YouTube because of its screen
videos download music from the Apple ITunes size. And navigational instructions have been
store or the YouTube app? Are there any provided to understand the steps of downloading.
problems in the quality of the image or There are no problems faced in the downloading of
the sound given while playing such the videos due to its powerful processor or while
videos? playing such videos.

Template Apple IPAD PRO Questionnaire

The purpose of this questionnaire is for you to undertake an evaluation on the Apple IPAD

PRO 12.9 inch tablet. The device enables easy access to digital media, surf the internet,

making colorful drawings, watching videos and taking pictures as well as, used for typing a

document or use various social media devices.

Please answer the questions below while exploring and using the device

1. Please state your age (Years): ___________

2. Gender: (Please circle the appropriate)

Male Female
3. Did you find the layout and design of the devices interface attractive and aesthetically


Yes No

If you answered No then please give a reason why




4. Did you think the device was easy to remember when using it?

Yes No

If you answered No then please give a reason why




5. Did you think the device is comfortable to hold while using it?

Yes No

If you answered No then please give a reason why




6. Did you think it was easy to type on the Apple keyboard?

Yes No

If you answered No then please give a reason why




7. Did you think the device has a good quality of sound?

Yes No

If you answered No then please give a reason why




8. Overall, do you think the text is easy and clear to read?

Yes No

If you answered No then please give a reason why




9. Were you able to navigate through the Apple pencil easily?

Yes No
If you answered No then please give a reason why



10. On a scale of 1 3 how would you rate the device regarding taking a picture?
(3 = Good, 2 = Satisfactory, 1 = Poor)

1 2 3

11. On a scale of 1 3 how would you rate the device regarding image quality?
(3 = Good, 2 = Satisfactory, 1 = Poor)

1 2 3

12. On a scale of 1-3, how would you rate the device battery life?

1 2 3

Thank you for taking part in this

Apple IPad Pro 12.9 inch Questionnaire Results:


Male; 40%

Female; 60%

Did you find the layout and design of the devices interface attractive and aesthetically pleasing?

Yes; 100%
4. Did you think the device was easy to remember when using it?

No; 40%

Yes; 60%

Did you think the device is easy to hold while using it?

Yes; 40%

No; 60%
Did you think it was easy to type on the Apple keyboard?

Yes; 40%

No; 60%

Did you think the device has good quality of sound?

Yes; 100%
Overall, do you think text is easy and clear to read?

Yes; 100%

Were you able to navigate through the Apple pencil easily?

Yes; 40%

No; 60%
how would you rate the device in terms of taking a picture

how would you rate the

1.5 device in terms of taking a


User 1 User 2 User 3 User 4 User 5

how would you rate the device in terms of image quality


how would you rate the
2 device in terms of image


User 1 User 2 User 3 User 4 User 5
how would you rate the device battery life

1.5 how would you rate the

device battery life


User 1 User 2 User 3 User 4 User 5


The iPad Pro 12.9 is a humongous tablet. It's just a bigger iPad than any other IPAD that is being

offered in the market. However, its use is entirely dependent on which type of user is using it for

which purpose. If the laptop is your way of typing and documenting all the data than this is not

the device for those users as it 's hard to carry out such tasks in day to day life. However, if you

are using it for mainly entertainment purpose and taking it out only once in a while, than this is

the device for you. But other than that if your used to the average size of the screen of the tablet

than this might be some getting used to although maybe this magnitude is what the future

generation tablets will have then.

There were some features that the users loved, and we can see that from the analysis conducted

by getting a 100% response rate in the answers. Some of those features are watching videos and

movies, listening to songs and enjoying reading on it. The four external speakers on the side are

like a full surround system which makes you want to use less of the headphones. The tasks

performed by its processor are fast and quick, and tasks such as editing an image can be done in

a heartbeat. So its not just a bigger screen but also a bigger processor to carry out all those heavy

duty tasks in a blink of an eye. Users may not be able to grasp the concept of having such a fast

processor on a tablet however they will understand when the function of the tablet replaces the

laptop into carrying similar tasks and has greater portability.

The Apple Pencil and Smart Keyboard are devices specifically that cater to the IPAD Pro. Their

function too defines their high prices like the stylus additional sensitive sensors and the powerful

keyboard. However, navigation through these devices can still be a hurdle for some people and

would slow down their overall use of the interface. And lastly, the huge array of apps that can be

easily downloaded from the app store and are easily accessible.

However, there were some things the users didnt like the main question that arises after using

the IPAD Pro; can it replace a laptop and its functions? Only the function of the device involves

simple browsing and for entertainement purposes, than the answer is yes. However, any other

function beyond that would be a hassle and time consuming. Despite Apple giving you the role

of a Split Screen mode, so that the user can perform multiple functions and tasks, people find it

hard to do so as they can truly concentrate only on one task at hand. The weight is also a major

issue for tablet users as because of its size it is not easy to carry it around with one hand or to
take a picture or selfies with it. Also, the battery life is also less comparing it to the size it has its

battery life should also have been extended.


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