Phonological and Phonemic Awareness

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W11 List of strategies

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1. Phonological and phonemic awareness

Sample of phonological awareness tasks: Rhyme, This is the progression of some of the Florida Center for Reading
Alliteration and Sentence segmentation, syllables, tasks usually introduced in early Research
onset and rime. literacy settings (pre-K, kindergarten).
Sample of phonemic awareness tasks: Phoneme Similar tasks can be implemented with
isolating and segmenting and Phoneme segmenting rhyming books and nursery rhymes, in
and blending, phoneme manipulating context.

2 Decoding & Word Recognition Strategies (Phonics)

Picture Clues Support use of meaning cues Decoding strategies

Mouth ready (Beginning sound) Help student pay attention to visual
cues Powerpoint Week 4

Look for parts you know / word within a word Multi-syllabic or compound words; you Taberski, S. (2000). On solid
can see a word within a word ground. Portsmouth, NH:
Skip word and re-read Help student self-monitor and use

Think about what makes sense Help student use (M) semantic system

Stretch through the word Help student sound word out (may not
work with sight words!)

Try vowel both ways Student still learning about short and
long vowels

Guess the Covered Word Helping students integrate all cueing Cunningham, P. (2013).
systems Phonics they Use (6th Ed.).
Boston: Pearson
W11 List of strategies
EDUC 4320 2

3. Fluency instruction

Paired reading (you lead, student follows, in pairs) Supporting: Accuracy / rate Rasinski (2010), p. 81

Reading like youve always known it Supporting: Accuracy, automaticity Serravallo, J. (2015). The
reading strategies book.
Portsmouth NH: Heinemann.

Choral reading (chants, repetitive texts) Supporting: Rate, intonation Rasinski (2010), p. 69

Say Good-bye to robot reading Supporting: Phrasing Serravallo (2015)

Say it like the character Supporting: Expression/prosody Rasinski (2010), p. 101


Use a this is interesting voice Supporting: Expression/prosody Serravallo (2015)


Repeated reading / radio reading You decide on the focus of your Rasinski (2010), pp. 100-101
repeated reading. The repetition is
aimed to improve particular areas of
fluency, getting ready for performance
(e.g., audio-recording).

4. Vocabulary Instruction

Guess the Covered Word - Vocabulary instruction Teach Tier II words in context Adapted from SERP Word
Generation and Bridget
Daltons (2012) Vocabulary Video

Inferring the meaning of unfamiliar words Using context clues to make sense of Harvey & Goudvis (2006),
new vocabulary. Chapter 9, p. 139.

5. Comprehension instruction: Within the text

W11 List of strategies
EDUC 4320 3

Retelling to summarize information Providing a basic framework to help H&G p. 181

students begin to summarize and
synthesize information through a brief
retelling of a story.

Finding important information rather than just one Understanding that there are often H&G p. 166
main idea several important ideas in a piece of
text rather than a single main idea.

Important to whom? Understanding that there are often H&G p. 167

(in Serravallo: Important vs Interesting) several important main ideas in a Serravallo p. 262
piece of text rather than a single main

Some questions are answered, some questions are Beginning questioning: listing and H&G p. 112
not. categorizing questions to promote

Reading with a question in mind Taking notes on information to expand H&G p. 117
thinking and to answer questions.

5. Comprehension instruction: Beyond the text

Text-to-self connections: Relating the characters to Linking the text to our life H&G p. 94

Identifying distracting connections Teaching readers to identify distracting H&G p. 95

connections and fix up meaning

Visualizing with a vivid piece of text Merging prior experience and the text H&G P. 134
to create visual images

Inferring feelings of characters Helping kids to better understand their H&G P. 138
own and others feelings; introducing
inferential thinking
W11 List of strategies
EDUC 4320 4

Inferring from the cover and illustrations, as well as Using all aspects of a book to infer H&G P. 140
the text meaning

Inferring and questioning to understand historical Inferring and questioning go hand in H&G p. 146
concepts hand to build understanding

5. Comprehension instruction: About the Text

Re-read and sketch with more detail Visualizing, monitoring for meaning, Serravallo (2015) p. 276
text features

Labels teach Synthesizing, text features Serravallo (2015) p. 279

Bold words signal importance Synthesizing, monitoring for meaning, Serravallo (2015) p. 280
text features

Dont skip it! Making a reading plan, text features Serravallo (2015) p. 285

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