Assignment Legal Writing

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This assignment is consists of three (3) parts. Write clearly and legibly. Write
your name on every page. Use yellow pad. Follow instructions.

Deadline: September 23, 2013 at the dean's office

PART 1: Paragraph Unity: (6 points)


a. Identify the sentence that destroys the unity of the paragraph;

b. Rewrite the paragraph.

Later in the dusky streets I walked among the Navajo camps, past the
doorways of the town, from which came the good smells of cooking, the
festive sounds of music, laughter, and talk. The campfires rippled in the crisp
wind that arose with evening and set a soft yellow glow on the ground, low
on the adobe walls. A natural building material used for several thousand
years, adobe is composed of sand and straw, which is shaped into bricks on
wooden frames and dried in the sun. Mutton sizzled and smoked above the
fires; fat dripped into the flames; there were great black pots of strong coffee
and buckets full of fried bread; dogs crouched on the rim of the light, the
many circles of light; and old men sat hunched in their blankets on the
ground, in the cold shadows, smoking. . . . Long into the night the fires cast a
glare over the town, and I could hear the singing, until it seemed that one by
one the voices fell away, and one remained, and then there was none. On
the very edge of sleep I heard coyotes in the hills.

Practice Exercise: Answer

The third sentence in the paragraph ("A natural building material used
for several thousand years, adobe . . .) is the odd one out: the information
about adobe bricks is not directly relevant to the night scene described in the
rest of the passage. To restore the unity of Momaday's paragraph, delete this

PART 2: Sentence Coherence (3 points each


a. Combine the sentences in each set into two (2) clear and concise
sentences, eliminating any needless repetition;
b. Add a transitional word or phrase (in italics at the head of each
set) to the beginning of the second sentence to show how it relates
to the first. Refer on the example below.


Retirement should be the reward for a lifetime of work.
It is widely viewed as a sort of punishment.
It is a punishment for growing old.
Sample Answer/Combination:
Retirement should be the reward for a lifetime of work. Instead, it is widely
viewed as a sort of punishment for growing old.

1. Therefore
In recent years viruses have been shown to cause cancer in chickens.
Viruses have also been shown to cause cancer in mice, cats, and even in
some primates.
Viruses might cause cancer in humans.
This is a reasonable hypothesis.

2. In fact
We do not seek solitude.
If we find ourselves alone for once, we flick a switch.
We invite the whole world in.
The world comes in through the television screen.

3. On the contrary
We were not irresponsible.
Each of us should do something.
This thing would be of genuine usefulness to the world.
We were trained to think that.

4. However
Little girls, of course, don't take toy guns out of their hip pockets.
They do not say "Pow, pow" to all their neighbors and friends.
The average well-adjusted little boy does this.
If we gave little girls the six-shooters, we would soon have double the
pretend body count.

5. Next
We drove the wagon close to a corner post.
We twisted the end of the wire around it.
We twisted the wire one foot above the ground.
We stapled it fast.
We drove along the line of posts.
We drove for about 200 yards.
We unreeled the wire on the ground behind us.

6. Indeed
We know very little about pain.
What we don't know makes it hurt all the more.
There is ignorance about pain.
No form of illiteracy in the United States is so widespread.
No form of illiteracy in the United States is so costly.

7. Moreover
Many of our street girls can be as vicious as any corporation president.
Many of our street girls can be as money mad as any corporation president.
They can be less emotional than men.
They can be less emotional in conducting acts of personal violence.

8. For this reason

The historical sciences have made us very conscious of our past.
They have made us conscious of the world as a machine.
The machine generates successive events out of foregoing ones.
Some scholars tend to look totally backward.
They look backward in their interpretation of the human future.

9. However
Rewriting is something that most writers find they have to do.
They rewrite to discover what they have to say.
They rewrite to discover how to say it.
There are a few writers who do little formal rewriting.
They have capacity and experience.
They create and review a large number of invisible drafts.
They create and review in their minds.
They do this before they approach the page.

A. Building and Connecting Sentences with
Transitional Words and Phrases (5 points each)

Below are list of Transitional Words and Phrases

1. Addition Transitions
first, second, third
in addition
in the first place, in the second place, in the third place
to begin with, next, finally

2. Cause-Effect Transitions
and so
as a result
for this reason

3. Comparison Transitions
by the same token
in like manner
in the same way
in similar fashion

4. Contrast Transitions
in contrast
on the contrary
on the other hand

5. Conclusion and Summary Transitions

and so
after all
at last
in brief
in closing
in conclusion
on the whole
to conclude
to summarize

6. Example Transitions
as an example
for example
for instance
to illustrate

7. Insistence Transitions
in fact

8. Place Transitions
farther along
in back
in front
on top of
to the left
to the right

9. Restatement Transitions
in other words
in short
in simpler terms
that is
to put it differently
to repeat

10. Time Transitions

at the same time
in the future
in the meantime
in the past
until now

a. Choose among the listed Transitional words and phrases to
connect the sentences for each number; and
b. Underline the Transitional words and Phrases for each number

1. To be self-centered does not mean to disregard the worth of other people.

We are all self-centered.
Most psychologists would probably accept this position.

2. There are differences in math performance between boys and girls.

These differences cannot be attributed simply to differences in innate ability.
If one were to ask the children themselves, they would probably disagree.

3. We do not seek solitude.

If we find ourselves alone for once, we flick a switch.
We invite the whole world in.
The world comes in through the TV or Internet.

4. Little girls, of course, don't take toy guns out of their hip pockets.
They do not say "Pow, pow" to all their neighbors and friends.
The average well-adjusted little boy does this.
If we gave little girls the six-shooters, we would soon have double the body

5. We know very little about pain.

What we don't know makes it hurt all the more.
There is ignorance about pain.
No form of illiteracy in the United States is so widespread.
No form of illiteracy in the United States is so costly.
6. We drove the wagon close to a corner post.
We twisted the end of the wire around it.
We twisted the wire one foot above the ground.
We stapled it fast.
We drove along the line of posts.
We drove for about 200 yards.
We unreeled the wire on the ground behind us.

7.The historical sciences have made us very conscious of our past.

They have made us conscious of the world as a machine.
The machine generates successive events out of foregoing ones.
Some scholars tend to look totally backward.
They look backward in their interpretation of the human future.

8. Rewriting is something that most writers find they have to do.

They rewrite to discover what they have to say.
They rewrite to discover how to say it.
There are a few writers who do little formal rewriting.
They have capacity and experience.
They create and review a large number of invisible drafts.
They create and review in their minds.
They do this before they approach the page.

B: Revising paragraphs with Transitional words and

Part 1: Learning Under Pressure (12 points)


a. Organize these five sentences into a cohesive paragraph by

adding appropriate transitional words and phrases to sentences
number 2 to 5.
b. Use number 1 as the first sentence.

1. Dr. Edward C. Tolman, after experimenting with rats over a long period of
years, found that rats that learned to run a maze under the pressure of
hunger took much longer to learn the maze than rats that learned under non-
crisis conditions.
2. The learning that did take place was of a narrow type.
3. After learning the "right" route, these rats panicked if one avenue were
blocked off.
4. They were not able to survey the field to notice alternative routes.
5. When the rats were permitted to learn under non-crisis conditions, they
later performed well in a crisis.

Part 2: Energy Efficiency (15 points)

a. Organize these seven sentences into two (2) cohesive paragraphs
by adding appropriate transitional words and phrases to sentences
number 2 to 7.
b. Use number 1 as the first sentence in the first paragraph.

1. There is a source of energy that produces no radioactive waste, nothing in

the way of petrodollars, and very little pollution.
2. The source can provide the energy that conventional sources may not be
able to furnish.
3. Unhappily, it does not receive the emphasis and attention it deserves.
4. The source might be called energy efficiency, for Americans like to think of
themselves as efficient people.
5. The energy source is generally known by the more prosaic
term conservation.
6. To be semantically accurate, the source should be called conservation
energy, to remind us of the reality--that conservation is no less an energy
alternative than oil, gas, coal, or nuclear.
7. In the near term, conservation could do no more than any of the
conventional sources to help the country deal with the energy problem it


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