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SCIENCEGRADE X Anyschool Middle Madeupville, TX Mr. Lewis Stardate 2017

Beginning of the class period

During the passing period Mr. Lewis will be outside of the
classroom to greet students on their way in to class.
Students need to arrive prepared for class every day making sure
to bring a writing implement, science notebook, and textbook as
Students will come into class in an orderly fashion, turn off cell
phones, and quietly begin bell wor k (as applicable) in
assigned seats.
Backpacks and book bags will be placed on the floor or back of
the seat, not on the lab tables.
Regardless of the daily activity (lab, group project, etc.) students
P 2 classwork
must remain in their assigned seats until attendance is taken and
groups assigned.
Any homework will be passed forward and placed in the tray
labeled XX period classwork.
Any student knocking to be admitted after the door is closed
will be counted tardy in accordance with school policy, see
student handbook.
Please do not touch any equipment that is set out on lab tables
until the safety and procedures portion of the lab is complete. The Golden rules
Maintain the ideal learning environment we decided on and according to
defined during the first day of school. Mr. Lewis
Come to class prepared to learn about the most fascinating Treat others the way
subject known to humankind. you want to be treat-

Keep hands, feet,

and objects to your-

Turn in your work on

I know this will be a great year!
During class

Mr. Lewis will let the class know when attendance is taken,
and assign work groups, then students are allowed to move to
lab stations or assigned groups.
If a restroom break is needed ask Mr. Lewis, sign out on the
clipboard if approved. Cell phones will be left on Mr. Lew-
is desk while on a restroom break.
Raise your hand before asking or answering a question, use
Hands of well mannered students good manners.
Transitioning from one topic to another will begin with Mr.
Lewis announcing a two minute then one minute warning to
Eyes and
ears class finish up and start on a new topic.
When Mr. Lewis needs the undivided attention of the class,
he will say eyes and ears class
Use class time efficiently, work can normally be completed
during class. After your work is turned in (classwork tray)
you may talk quietly (level .5) or take out your phone.
Mr. Lewis will give a two minute bell warning to put away
work and be ready to depart. Remember that the bell is a
reminder to Mr. Lewis and he will dismiss the class.

Administrative Information

Absenteeism- Please make your best effort to be in

class each day. Upon your return from an absence, pick
up your work from the daily work tray. You will have
two days to complete make up work for each day of
excused absence. See student handbook for mor e
Tardiness- Please be in your seat when the bell rings,
the classroom door is closed and locked when the bell
rings and if you are not inside the classroom you are
tardy, disciplinary guidelines for this school are
followed, see student handbook for more details. TRY TO BE IN CLASS EVERY DAY

Please bring communications from parents/caregivers

directly to me, do not pass them forward with
homework or place in the classwork tray.
At a minimum we will adhere to all school rules
outlined in the student handbook, although we may
have some more specific rules for this class.
Should the need arise, we will follow the disciplinary
rules in the student handbook regarding personal
What to expect from Mr. Lewis

Provide a safe and positive learning environment where all stu-

dents are able to achieve.
Treat students with the respect they deserve, listen to their thoughts
and ideas.
Return graded work promptly and listen to students feedback con-
cerning their grades.
Be available before and after class to help with difficult assign- Dont worry Ill get them graded!
ments one-on-one.
Provide feedback (good and bad) to parents/caregivers via notes, Yes Maam I
am calling in
emails, and phone calls. regards to the
telegram I sent
Help you see that science is the coolest subject.
Use technology to the fullest extent during instruction and allow
for maximum use of technology in completing assignments.
Students joining the class after the first week of school will be
shown a 15 minute power point covering class rules and proce-
dures followed by a quick tour of the room pointing out the various
items covered in the slide show. Topics covered in the student
handbook will also be gone over.

What Mr. Lewis expects of you

Treat Mr. Lewis and other students with respect, follow the
golden rule. Keep your hands and feet to yourself, hands off of
items that are not yours.
Compassion and good manners are essential in maintaining an
ideal learning environment.
Do not blurt out the answer, if Mr. Lewis calls on someone
please give them some think-time to answer.
Follow all lab safety procedures, for the safety of all
To look and listen to Mr. Lewis when he says eyes
and ears class
Group work is essential to scientific discovery so make
sure and do your fair share, your group is counting on
you and your grade is a direct result of your effort.

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