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Social Issue Proposal/Reflection

Peter Sagasti

UNIV 459- Senior Capstone

University of Charleston

Dr. Indre Cuckler


Why did you select your global Issue?

I selected my global issue because I wanted to get a better understating of the issues

related to the Syrian refugees and the asylum seekers from the African continent and the Muslim

Arab states. And see if could get an understanding of how it must feel to have been left without a

country and a place to call home. I have been to a lot of these countries and had my own idea of

the issues, or at least how they started. Terrorism, civil war, and strife have a tendency to make

hostages of their own people and turn the impoverish into refugees. Everything that they, and

their families had earned and created was destroyed, their culture was eradicated, the family

history was robbed and the future for their families is in the hands of a different culture.

Additionally, I wanted a better understanding of the issues surrounding the assimilation and

vetting of the refugees in need. I wanted to understand why a culture so prominent and with a

history so rich would end up with half of the its people and culture in impoverish neighborhoods

or living the luxury of kings, and with no want to assist their poor brethren.

What is the thesis of your presentation

I made the Power Point Presentation to enlighten students of the issues relating to innocent

refuges and asylums seekers that are impacted negatively by the lack of proper vetting by

western nations (Thesis). As discussed in my presentation, Terrorist have already infiltrated the

Syrian refugees and entered Europe and made their way Trojan Horse in to European

countries. The Paris terrorist attack is one that stand out for this Terrorist implementation. The

issue then arises when countries label all refugees and asylum seekers as Terrorist and Jihadist.

The presentation seeks to educate on the issues relating to how, and why, we view the refugees

and asylum seekers negatively and how a few malcontents can negatively impact an entire group

of people. This aids in the quintessential Stereo type that we have about Muslims. My

conclusion in the presentation is that proper vetting would hamper Terrorist and malcontents

from entering countries and taking advantage of social welfare programs, innocent people, the

laws, and finally Terrorist Jihadist acts.

How does your global social issues present an ethical conundrum?

The ethical conundrum is twofold, one Is the difference in culture that has already caused

ethical dilemmas in Europe and the United States. Christianity and Muslim religion though they

have some similarities, their differences are in stark contrast with one another 1: we see women

as the opposite sex, Muslims see women dressed in western attire as whores. 2: Muslim father

would rather kill their women vice have them assimilate into western society. 3. Our Christin

religion does not allow us to see how a marriage between more than one wife could be ethical.

The second part of the conundrum is the way that Europe is dealing with the refugee issue, due

to the enormous masses that have come into the European states, Europeans want to break up

cultures and families and send them to different countries without input from the families.

Do you consider your presentation to be successful in meeting your thesis and why?

I find that the presentation adds a different light on the issue, it not only speaks of criminal

issues but also discussed the Social welfare fraud that is ongoing and how possibly proper

vetting would assist with these issues. I could have made the presentation shorter (first three

slides) but I wanted to tell of how and why the civil war started and how their own culture

shunned them away to foreign lands. Instead of just showing here is the issue and here is the

propose fix. I find the issue a lot more complex. I believe that the issues are explained in a

fashion that meets the intent of my thesis.

If you had to do it all over again what would you do differently?

If I have to do it all again I would probably make a video, drive down to San Diego (second

largest Somali refugee population) interview some refugees, ask them their issues, concerns, see

if I could get an actual history of how a family got here and a personalized view and direction

from their point of view on how to make it better (place a face behind the cause). Additionally, I

believe that this would have made it a lot shorter. Plus, a video assist in getting the maximum


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