Classroom Norms

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~In this classroom:
1.) Mistakes are valuable! So
we are not afraid to share our ideas out loud (in large
or small groups)
2.) Questions are important! So
we are not afraid to ask questions when we dont
we ask our peers specific questions about their
3.) Math is about sense making! So
we thoroughly explain our thinking this includes
justifying every claim we make
we do not ask is this right? instead, we focus
more on the process and the reasoning through a
problem than we do on a final answer to a problem
4.) Math is also about working together,
making connections, and
communicating! So
we frequently collaborate in small groups
we collaborate productively by sharing any and all
of our own ideas that we might have, and by asking
our group members to explain their ideas too
5.) At times, we WILL struggle... &
persevere! So
when we come across to a part we are unsure of, we
use the tools/resources we have, and we push
through it to the end
if we never struggle, we never learn
6.) Everyone can learn math! So
we work hard. Period. We cannot learn by watching
We learn by doing. (***Remember our class moto>>> Smart is
not something you are, it is something you become by working hard!)
we help each other to understand; we help each
other succeed
7.) Showing your work is important! So
we interpret what our answers mean this means
that we label and we use units whenever our
situation calls for it (i.e. whenever we are given a
specific context/scenario)!!!
we show where our numbers and equations came
from this means that if we do calculations in our
calculator to come up with a number/answer, we
write those calculations down
(***this helps me by showing me exactly what you know/have learned, vs.
what you are still confused about; it helps you by providing yourself with a
nice, fully-explained example to look back on when studying for a test)

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