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1/Persist /psst/ (v): to continue to do something despite difficulties or opposition, in a

way that can seem unreasonable.

Ex: She persisted in her search for the truth.

+ persistence (n):

+ persistent (adj):

2/Archaeologist/kildst/(n, person): a person who studies archaeology

+ Archaeology(n): the study of cultures of the past, and of periods of history by

examining the remains of buildings and objects found in the ground

+ Archaeological (adj):

3/Ziggurat/zrt/ (n): in ancient Mesopotamia, a tower with steps going up the sides,
sometimes with a temple at the top

4/Terrace/ters/(n): a flat, hard area, especially outside a house or restaurant, where you
can sit, eat and enjoy the sun.

5/Irrigate/ret/(v): irrigate (something) is to supply water to an area of land through

pipes or channels so that crops will grow

6/Pump/pmp/(n): a machine that is used to force liquid, gas or air into or out of

7/Reign/ren/(n): the period during which somebody is in charge of an organization, a

team, etc.

8/Console/knsl/(v): to give comfort or sympathy to somebody who is unhappy or


+ Console(n): a flat surface which contains all the controls and switches for a machine, a
piece of electronic equipment, etc.

+ Consolatory(adj): intended to make somebody who is unhappy or disappointed feel better

9/Greenery/rinri/(n): attractive green leaves and plants

Ex: The room was decorated with flowers and greenery.

(other meanings : If two

10/Concur/knk(r)/(v): to agree or have the same opinion
or more events concur, they happen at the same time.)
Ex: The new report concurs with previous findings.

+ Concurrence(n):

+ Concurrent(adj):

11/Vaulted/vltd/ (adj): made in the shape of an arch or a series of arches; having a

ceiling or roof of this shape a vaulted ceiling/cellar

+ Vault(n): a roof/ceiling in form of an arch or series of arches

+ Vault(v):

12/Layer/le(r)/(n): a quantity or thickness of something that lies over a surface or

between surfaces

13/Seep/sip/(v): + adv./prep. (especially of liquids) to flow slowly and in small quantities

through something or into something
Synonym: trickle

14/Chamber/temb(r)/ (n): a room used for the particular purpose that is mentioned

15/Thrive/rav/(v): to become, and continue to be, successful, strong, healthy, etc.

Synonym: flourish

+ Thriving(adj):

16/Postulate/pstlet/(v),(n): postulate something | postulate that (formal) to

suggest or accept that something is true so that it can be used as the basis for a theory,

Synonym: posit


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