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English Learning Focus :Reading

Content Standards : 2.1

Learning Standards:
Year 2 Elit
2.1.1 (b), 2.1.2
Lesson Objectives Mainstream :By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
Date a. identify the phonemes // (ow) /I/ (oi)
3rd of May b. pronounce and blend correctly at least 7 out of 10 words with the phoneme (ow) (oi)
2017 Lesson Objectives Linus :By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a. identify the phonemes // (ow) /I/ (oi)
b. pronounce and blend correctly at least 4 out of 8 words with the phoneme (ow) (oi) with
Teaching aids : word cards, Teaching and Learning Added Value : Safe
9.00-10.00 sound cards strategies :Multiple
Theme: A. Listen and repeat!
World of teacher introduces the phonemes (ow) (oi)
Knowledge teacher say the phonemes, pupils listen and repeat
teacher demonstrates the actions for the phonemes
eg: (ow)Bring hand over mouth as if you have done something wrong and say oh!
(oi)- Hop like a kangaroo and say oi
teacher explains how to play the game
pupils sits in a circle
when teacher plays the music, pupils pass around the box with phonemes card
once the music stop, the pupil holding the box opens the box and pick 1 phonemes c
the pupil need to say the phonemes and do the actions
B. Blend:
teacher puts up manila card with words
teacher reads the words, pupils listen and follow
Mainstream :
o Pupils work in pairs. Pupils a blend phonemes to form the word. Pupil B
word on the paper. (vice versa)
o Teacher says a word. Pupils repeat. Pupils identify the phonemes. Then
blends the phonemes together and get the pupils to repeat after me.
Pupils complete the exercise in AB.
Teacher guides the Linus pupils to complete this activity.

Reflection :

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