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Note:- Write correct answer from the given option:
(i) While considering the rule of significant figures, the simplified result of 31.3 + 4.367 is
* 35.667 * 36 * 35.6 *35.7
(ii) There are four significant figures in
* 4300 * 0.0043 * 040031 *4003
(iii) The numbers of bonds in C2H4 are:
* 4 Sigma bonds one bond * 2 Sigma bonds Two bond
* Five Sigma bonds and one bond * Three Sigma bond and one bond
(iv)The atmospheric pressure recorded in different cities at the same time are given below:
Karachi Muree Gilgit Hunza
760 Torr 600 Torr 710 Torr 500 Torr
The boiling point of water is lowest at
*Karachi *Muree *Gilgit *Hunza
(v) In the diagram given below, name the reverse process of C:

* Sublimation * Condensation * Evaporation *Melting

(vi)The m ratio is minimum for the positive rays for the gas.

* Hydrogen * Helium * Oxygen *Nitrogen

(vii) The quantum numbers values for 3d orbital are:
* n=1 l=3 * n=2 l=2 *n=3 l=2 *n=3 l=3
(viii) This pair does not represent buffer solution:
* Na2 CO3 + NaHCO3 * CH3COOH + HCl
(ix) This ion is more strongly hydrated in water:
* Br * O-2 * Ca +2 * Al +3
(x) A molecule of A2B type undergoes Sp3 hybridization with two lone pairs of electrons its
geometrical shape is:
* Linear * Bent or angular * Pyramidal * Tetrahedral
(xi) The energy diagram for an exothermic reaction is shown below, the activation energy is:

*A *B *C *D
(xii) In the diagram shown the experiment of Grahams Law of diffusion, The white fumes of NH4Cl are
formed at

*A *B *C *D
(xiii) Total Numbers of Ions in 1 mole of CaCl2 are
* 6.02x1023 * 12.04 x1023 * 1.204 x1024 *1.806 x1024
(xiv) The electronic configurations of Ca (Z=20) is:
* 1 S2,2 S2,2 P6,3 S2,3 P6 * 1 S2,2 S2,2 P6,3 S2,3 P6,4 S2
2 2 6 2 6 2 2
* 1 S ,2 S ,2 P ,3 S ,3 P , 4 S ,3 D * 1 S2,2 S2,2 P6,3 S2,3 P6,4 S1
(xv) The substance which contract on melting have a rise in melting point when pressure is:
* Increased *Decreased *unchanged *Atmospheric pressure
(xvi) If abc and 90 Then the crystal system is:
* Cubic * Triclinic *Monoclinic *Rhombohedral
(xvii) The order of Decreasing Bond energies in Hydrogen Halide molecules is

Section B (Short Answer Question)
Note: Attempt any ten part questions
Q. 2. i. Potassium Chlorate is often used to generate oxygen gas in laboratory. If 200g KClO 3 is completely
burnt catalytically what volume of oxygen will be obtained at 28C 0 and 1200 Torr pressure?
2KClO3 --- 2KCl + 3O2
ii. State the relevant laws which are applicable on the following observations of gases:
* A balloon Shrinks when kept in a cold place at constant pressure
* Pressure of moist gas is higher than that of dry gas.
iii. Caffein is a psychoactive drug. In an industrial centre, a sample of 30g caffeine was analyzed and
found to contain 14.844g carbon, 1.557g Hydrogen 8.665g Nitrogen and the rest is Oxygen. What is
its empirical formula?
20g H2 is heated with 100g sulphur to produce H2S gas a given by equation
H2+S --- H2S. Find the limiting reactant and the actual quantity of H2S gas produced.
iv. The reaction between marble chips and Hydrochloric acid is given below:
CaCO3 (S) + 2HCl(l)--- CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O What will be effect on the rate of reaction if:
* Marble chips are replaced by ground (powder) Marble.
* Temperature is increased from 250c to 350c.
v. A Chemist was working on an unknown gas using diffusion apparatus. He noted that the rate of
diffusion of the unknown gas was 70.3cm3/s where as CO2 diffuses at the rate
60 cm3/s under similar condition. What is the molecular Mass of that unknown gas?
Hydrogen gas in 500cm container at a pressure of 700 Torr is transferred to a container of volume
700cm3. What will be the new pressure?
If no change in Temperature occurs.
If its temperature changes from 25C0 to 35C0.
vi. 400cm3 of 0.05M solution of MgCl2 was mixed with 300cm3 of 0.025M solution of NaOH. Should
precipitate of Mg(OH)2 form? (Ksp of Mg (OH)2 = 1.8 x 10-11M3)
vii. Calculate the heat of formation of Ethane (C2H6) from the given data:
(2C+3H2 --- C2H6)
i. C+O2 - CO2 H=-94.1K cal/mole
ii. H2+ O2 -H2O H = -68.3K cal/mole
iii. C2H6+ 2 O2 2CO2+3H2O H =349K cal/mole

viii. Differentiate between any two:

Valence bond theory and Molecular Orbital Theory
Azimuthal Quantum Number and Principal Quantum Number
Isomorphism and Polymorphism
ix. State the rules of electronic configurations and write the electronic configuration of Sulphur (z=16)
following Hunds rule.
x. During acid base titration KOH solutions is filled in the burette upto the mark of zero and 25 ml of
0.05M HCl solution was taken in the conical flask, using indicator, then titration was performed
using indicator, at end point 20 ml KOH was utilized. Write the name of Indicator used, and the
molarity of KOH solution and the equation of the reaction between KOH and HCl.
xi. State and briefly explain Hesss Law of Heat summation.
xii. State Le-chateliers principle. Define equilibrium state. At equilibrium state the reaction comes to
halt or remain continue(Comment). Considering the following reaction:
N2+3H2 ===2NH3+Heat
Write the equilibrium constant expression.
Explain the effect of increasing the temperature and pressure on this reaction
xiii. Name any three physical methods along-with the observed physical properties for determining the
rate of reaction. Describe the chemical method for determining the rate of chemical reaction with the
help of an example. OR
Define Ionic bond. Explain the formation of Ionic bond in NaCl with energy involvements upto the
formation stable solid crystals of NaCl.
xiv. Define the following (any four)
* Limiting Reactant *Systematic error *Threshold Energy
*Enthalpy *Specific Rate Constant *Internal Energy
*Molecular Formula
xv. Give the reasons of the following (any four)
i. Sigma bond is stronger than pi-bond
ii. Combustion of Gasoline occurs more rapidly in an internal combustion engine than in one open container.
iii. Samples of the element produce line spectra.
iv. Boiling point of a water does not change although heat is continuously supplied
v. Ice floats on water
vi. Viscosity of a liquid decreases at high temperature.
vii. I.P of Nitrogen is greater than that of Oxygen.
Define hybridization. Explain Sp3 hybridization with the example of Methane.
Section- C
(Detailed Answer questions)
Note:- Attempt any two questions from this section.
Q3.a. Write the postulates of Neil Bohrs atomic Model. Derive expression for the energy, frequency and
wave numbers of electron in an atom when
n 2 h2 ze
ze Ze
r = f Electron= E=
4 2 mze Ze2 ,KE of electron 2 r , PE rr

b. Define polar and nonpolar bonds. Explain the Ionic character of a covalent bond
c. KC for the reaction H2 +I2 =2HI at 7000c is 55. Calculate the equilibrium concentration of reactants and
product when the initial concentrations of H2 and I2 are 2.55 mole/dm3 each.
Q4.a. Describe the working of discharge tube at different pressures. Give the properties of cathode rays
and prove that these consist of electrons.
b. What are the main postulates of Electron pair Repulsion Model? Explain the shape of
NH3 molecule on the basis of this model.
c. Balance the any one of the following equation by Ion-electron method
I2+MnO-4+H+- IO-3+Mn+2+H2O
Cr(OH)3+SO4-2CrO4-2+SO3-2 (Basic Medium)
Q5.a. Define standard electrode potential. Explain the method of determining electrode potential of
copper electrode making voltaic cell with reference Hydrogen Electrode. Also draw the diagram of
voltaic cell.
b. Define electrolysis. Explain the process of electrolysis making electrolytic cell in the
moderately concentrated solution of CuCl2.
c. Write short note on any one of the following.
* Viscosity * Common Ions effect * Buffer solution *Theory of Ionization
Write the names of factors affecting the rate of reaction . Explain any two factors.
Time: 20 minutes CHEMISTRY PAPER II Max Marks: 17
(Multiple Choice Questions) (M.C.Qs)
Note: i. This section consists of 17 part questions and all are to be answered. Each question carries one mark.
ii. Do not copy the part questions in your answer book . Write only the answer in full against the proper number
of the question and its part.
Q1. Choose the correct answer for each from the given options:
i. A mixture of one volume of conc.
HN O3 and three volumes of conc. HCl is known as

*oxidizing solution *cleaning solution *aqua regia *none of these

ii. The formula of metaboric acid is
H 2 B O3 *
H 3 B O3 *
HB O2 *
H 2 B4 O 7

iii. Which element is alloyed with copper to form brass?

*Pb *Bi *Zn *Al
iv. The crystalline form of sulphur stable at room temperature
*rhombic *monoclinic *octahedral *plastic
v. In the process of corrosion of a metal
*sulphides are formed *oxides are formed *halides are formed
*chlorides are formed
vi. Which of the following statement is not correct?
*hydrogen is a very good reducing agent *in metallic hydrides, hydrogen
exhibits-1 oxidation state
*hydrogen exists as diatomic molecule same as alkali metals *hydrogen is active in
atomic form
vii. Which gas is produce by treating ethylene with sulphur monochloride?
*tear gas *marsh gas *mustard gas *laughing gas
viii. The total numbers of bonds is Acetone molecule are:
*10 sigma bonds * 9 sigma bonds 2 bonds
*09 sigma bonds and 01 bonds * 08 sigma bonds and 02 bonds
ix. Which test is positive for aldehyde?
*unsaturation test *saturation test *tollens reagent test
*combustion test
x. Which of the following is NOT an aromatic compound?
* Benzene * Toluene * Pyridine * Cyclohexane
xi. Dimethyl ether and ethyl alcohol are:
*metamers *functional group isomers *position isomers *Cis-trans
xii. The point of similarity between hydrogen & carbon is that:
*both are gases *both have their outer most orbital half
*both are univalent *both exist in diatomic form
xiii. Which of the following is a naturally occurring polymer?
* Polythene * PVC * Protein * Bakelite
xiv. It is used as a dry lubricant for machinery and also as a moderator in nuclear reactors.
*Diamond *Graphite *Epsom *Gypsum
xv. Which is not a member of vitamin B- complex group?
* Retinol * Riboflavin * Thiamine *Pyridoxine
xvi. Tincal is a mineral of:
*Al *Si *B *C
xvii. Ammonal is a mixture of:
* NH4NO3 and KNO3 *Al(NO3)3 and KNO3 *Al(Powder) and Al(NO3)3 *Non of these
Time: 2 hours 40 minutes CHEMISTRY PAPER II Max Marks: 40
Note: Attempt any ten part questions. Five from Organic and five from Inorganic Chemistry. All questions carry equal marks.
Q2.(i) Refer to the list given compounds
Compound A B C D
Specific Name Gypsum Blue Vitriol Red lead Borax
Write: a) The formulae of A and D b) Only one common use of A
c) The equation for the preparation of C
d) The equation for the reaction when B is heated to 230
(ii) Identify block, period and group of the elements having following atomic numbers by writing electronic
configuration: (i) 10 (ii) 29 (iii) 58 (iv) 20
(iii) Discuss the four methods for the industrial preparation of H 2 gas.
OR How is Atomic Hydrogen prepared? State its use in welding torch.
(iv) How are the following compound produced?
i. Hydrogen sulphide gas from stibnite
ii. Borax from colemanite
iii. Water glass from Soda Ash
iv. Bleaching powder from slaked lime
OR Give balanced equations for the following reactions (Any four)
* Zinc is heated with 90% concentrated Sulphuric Acid
* Excess of Ammonia is passed through the solution of Blue vitrid
* Nitric Acid is treated with Hydrogen Sulphide
(v) Discuss any two of the following properties of transition elements.
* Variable oxidation state * Catalytic Property * Interstitial formation * Magnetic property
(vi) Give I.U.P.A.C names of the following complexes:
2 2+
N a3 [ Ag ( S2 O 3 )2 ]
* [ Zn ( OH )4 ] * * [ Cu ( N H 3 ) 4 ] *

[ Co ( en )3 ] C l3
(vii) Describe the extraction of Sodium metal from molten Sodium chloride.
(viii) Give scientific reasons of the following (any four):
* Heat of hydration of Be+2 is greater than Li+1.
* Alkali and Alkaline earth metals cannot be used in voltaic cell. OR
Alkaline Earth Metals are Harder than Alkali metals
* Ligands are generally called Lewis base.
* Sulphuric acid has high boiling point and viscosity. OR
Alkali Metals are powerfull reducing agent
(ix) Define the following with examples.
* Functional group * Catenation * Homologous series * Zwitterion
* Glycosidic linkage * Saponiication
(x) The structures of two significant organic molecules (Y and Z) are shown below:
H 2 C=C H 2 H 3 CC H 3
(Y ) ( Z)
* Draw and explain the hybrid orbital structure of Y
* Write the equation for the preparation of Y and Z if 1,2-Dichloroethane is taken as raw material.
(xi) What are aldehyde and ketone? Taking methanal as starting material, write the equations for the formation of
following compounds.
* Oxime * Acetal * Methanol OR
Define fermentation. Explains the method of preparation of Ethyl alcohol from starch.
(xii) Discuss the natural sources of organic compounds.
(xiii) What are ortho-para and meta directors. Write chemical equations for the conversion of benzene to m-
nitrobenzoic acid
(xiv) What are organo metallic compounds? Write equations for the preparation of following compounds from
Grignard reagent:
*Carboxylic acid * 3alcohol * Alkane
(xv) Write the equation for the following reactions and name the final products
* Reaction of sec-butyl bromide with sodium metal in the presence of anhydrous ether
* Pyrolysis of vinegar at 500C in the presence of MnO 2
* Ethene is added in dilute and alkaline solution of KMnO4
* Acetylene is heated with silver nitrate in ammonia OR
How does Ethyl Iodide reacts with:
i. Na metal ii. Alcoholic KoH iii. Sodium Ethoxide iv. Sodium amide
(xvi) Name the following compounds by I.U.P.A.C method.
C H2 C H 2 C H2
a) b) ( C H 3 )3 COC H 3

c) ( C H 3 )3 C O OC H 3

C H 3C H 2 O C H 2COOH e)

SECTION C Marks: 28
Note: Attempt only two questions, ONE from Inorganic Chemistry and the other from Organic Chemistry. All
questions carry equal marks.
HN O3 by Ostwald process.
Q3(a) The flow chart represents stages in the manufacture of

* Describe the chemical process with balance chemical equation in stage A along with the conditions for
maximum conversion.
* Write down the name of process in stage B along with temperature condition and balance chemical
* Discuss the chemical reaction in stage C and suggest how concentration of can be increase
from 65% to 98%.
(b) Complete and balance the following equations:
PbCr O4 + NaOH AgN O3 + NaOH
* * *
CuS O 4 + N H 3 excess

H 2 O
K 2 Cr O4 + H 2 S O4
* * H 3 B O3 240 C

(c) Describe the classification of elements in the long form of periodic table on the basis of electronic
Q4(a) What is metallurgy? Explain the extraction of 99% pure aluminium for bauxite ore containing silica as
(b) Define the term Binary compounds of Hydrogen. Name their various classes. Also give the preparation and
properties of covalent Hydrides or complex Hydrides.
(c) Explain any one of the following:
* Photography * Corrosion and its prevention * Silvering of mirrors
Q5(a) Give the equation for the following reactions:
* 1-bromopropane with potassium hydrogen sulphide
* Ter-butylchloride with sodium cyanide * Acetylchloride with ammonia
* Ethyl chloride with sodium amide * Carbolic acid with bromine water
(b) Outline the reaction mechanism of the following:
* Formation of cumene from Benzene * Bimolecular nucleophilic reaction in Alkyl halide
(c) What are vitamins? How are they classified? Write the sources of Vitamins A and C. Also name the diseases
caused by their deficiency.
OR What are carbohydrates? Write the biological importance of carbohydrates or Amino Acids.
Q6(a) Explain the molecular orbital treatment for the structure of Benzene.
(b) Draw the structural formulae of the following organic molecules:
*Iso-butyraldehyde * Naphthol *m-cresol *Glycine *Triphenylamine
OR What are enzymes? Write factors that influence the rate of enzyme action.
(c) What is Synthetic fiber? Explain Nylon and Polyester.
OR What is Fertilizer? Give its types. Explain phosphatic fertilizers.

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