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String theory

The string theory was proposed by many scientists, but the super string theory was proposed by Michael
Green, which is related to supersymmetry and is the one that is being researched by physicists.
The four forces meant to be unified are:
Electromagnetic force: force that holds together atoms, has ability to attract and repel charges.
Gravitational force: force that attracts two bodies together and causes objects to have weight.
Strong nuclear force: the force that binds the fundamental particles of matter to form larger particles.
Weak nuclear force: effective in short distances, essential in the subatomic level, when synthesizing elements
and the power in stars.
Why are the forces important?
The string theory is an everything theory, meaning that its purpose is to explain several mathematical
constants, unify the 4 forces we know and explain the origin of the universe.
When the universe was created the 4 forces were unified because there was a dense concentration of energy.
When the universe started to cool the forces started to separate and now the forces are all divided.
The strong and weak nuclear forces and electromagnetic force can be unified by a combination quantum
mechanics and special relativity, but what happens with gravity? Well in the process to try to unify gravity,
scientists saw that the mathematical structure of quantum mechanics and general relativity is incompatible
and that hasnt been discovered. The principles used to achieve the great unification are not enough to
incorporate gravity and achieve the super unification.
What does the string theory propose?
The string theory proposes that the building blocks of matter are strings instead of point particles. Then what
does a string mean in this context? A string is a really small physical system; its energy has similar vibrations
to the oscillation type of a string. The type of oscillation in the hypothetically proposed string would give
particles its properties. It also proposes that there are 7 more space dimensions. Strings vibrate in 11 space-
time dimensions
What type of strings are used in the research of this theory?
The string theory uses closed strings, the reason is because closed strings can explain generalizing more
phenomena and are more manageable, than open strings, which have more limits.
Scientists have been measuring 20 mathematical constants that define the rules of the universe, now these
are numbers that are just measured with the new technological devices, so the string theory if it is proved to
be true then scientists would know why these numbers have these values.

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