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A Festering Wound
The Kunan Poshpora mass rape case must be independently investigated.

wenty-two years is a long time to prove any crime. Yet the Despite this, the story refused to die. In 1992, Asia Watch, an
very fact that the women of the twin villages of Kunan and arm of the international body Human Rights Watch, and Physi-
Poshpora in Kashmirs northern Kupwara district are still cians for Human Rights produced a report, Rape in Kashmir:
demanding justice for the alleged mass rape that occurred there Crime of War in which they documented the Kunan Poshpora
should tell us that it is never too late to revisit some crimes. After incident and several other incidents of rape by army personnel.
being virtually ignored for more than two decades, these women Over these two decades, there have been several reminders
are now publicly talking about the night of 23/24 February 1991 that this was an issue that demanded closure. Finally, in 2011,
when, they allege, soldiers from the 4 Rajputana Rifles of the the J&K State Human Rights Commission recommended that
68th Brigade, raped at least 32 women during a late night cor- the case be reopened and an independent special investigation
don and search operation. It took the women almost 10 days to team be constituted to investigate what happened in the twin
summon up the courage to file a complaint. Although many villages. What no one expected, however, was that on 18 June
were afraid, 32 women finally registered FIR s at the local police this year, a judicial magistrate, J A Geelani, presiding over a
station and underwent medical examination. district court in Kupwara would refuse to accept the closure
In a normal situation, that should have led to further investi- report by the police and instead order a fresh inquiry within
gation and a case against the perpetrators of this crime. But in three months. As a result of Geelanis order, Kunan Poshpora is in
Kashmir little is normal. In 1991, at the height of the insurgency, the news again, the women of those villages are once again talk-
things were nowhere near normal. The primary concern of the ing about the night of 23/24 February 1991 and the demand for
local authorities and the army was to ensure that nothing came an independent inquiry into the incident has surfaced yet again.
in the way of the fight against militancy. The cries of these women, After such a long lapse of time, it will not be easy to investi-
as indeed of many others in Kashmir, were simply ignored. gate the case so that a prosecutable case can be made. Yet, the
Thus, even though the district magistrate asked for further in- very fact that the womens demand for a fresh investigation has
vestigation, as did the divisional commissioner at that time, Wa- been heard is significant in itself. If indeed it is proved that what
jahat Habibullah (although this suggestion was deleted from his the women say is true, this will surely go down as one of the
final report), the case was virtually closed by the end of 1991. worst atrocities committed by the Indian army in a conflict
Perhaps the most damaging in terms of reports on this and situation in India. It is imperative that the Kunan Poshpora
other violations by the army during that period was what is mass rape case be investigated by an independent investiga-
known as the Verghese Committee report. In June 1991, at tion team and not by the local police. One must also remember
the behest of the Press Council of India, senior journalists that many of the cases of human rights violations by security
B G Verghese and K Vikram Rao went to report on several accu- personnel, raised by civil society groups, have routinely been
sations against the army that had appeared in the local and dismissed. Yet, as in the case of the unmarked graves, the
international press. Deliberately overlooking the direct conflict horror was even greater than what these groups recorded.
of interest when they accepted army hospitality and facilitation for Without justice the wounds these atrocities have inflicted on
the visit, the two-person committee dismissed the allegations of Kashmirs people will continue to fester and in the long term
the women of Kunan Poshpora as bogus and concluded that it negate all efforts to resolve the many complex issues that com-
was a lie being spread at the behest of the militants. prise the Kashmir conundrum.

Economic & Political Weekly EPW july 20, 2013 vol xlviII no 29 9

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