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Issn 0012-9976
Ever since the first issue in 1966,
EPW has been Indias premier journal for Maoist Violence I of fighting for the poor. These facilities are
comment on current affairs
used by the oppressed. The Maoists are
and research in the social sciences.
It succeeded Economic Weekly (1949-1965),
which was launched and shepherded
by Sachin Chaudhuri,
who was also the founder-editor of EPW.
I would like to congratulate you for
writing the editorial Violence of the
Oppressed (EPW, 8 June 2013). What
nothing but underworld gangs and they
indulge in extortion and forcible recruit-
ment. Their violent means have seriously
As editor for thirty-five years (1969-2004)
you have written is correct. But you have impeded development and it is in their
Krishna Raj
gave EPW the reputation it now enjoys. not written three important things. vested interests that no development takes
First, the violence of the oppressors place in the regions they control. It is high
C Rammanohar Reddy have partly also dehumanised the op- time that the government uses air power,
pressed, even their revolutionary lead- like armed drones and foliage penetration
aniket Alam ers. At the moment, revolution is a far radars, to tackle these ruthless terrorists.
Deputy Editor cry and for the oppressed adivasis what Deendayal M Lulla
Bernard DMello matters today is bare survival. It is an- Mumbai
web Editor ger and thirst for revenge that drive the
subhash rai Maoist fighters when they kill their op- J S Verma
Senior Assistant Editors pressors. It is naive to demand of them
Lina Mathias
Srinivasan ramani
copy editors
Prabha Pillai
that they should respect the Geneva
Conventions; they probably have not
even heard of such things.
S riram Panchus article A Tribute to
J S Verma (EPW, 11 May 2013) was
informative and illuminated the imprint
jyoti shetty Second, it is true that central India is wit- of the late Jagadish Sharan Verma on the
Assistant editor nessing the biggest grab of tribal land after Indian judicial system and public life. I
P S Leela
Columbus. But can Indias middle class would like to add that one of his key con-
editorial Assistant
lubna duggal and the common people, other than the tributions was to our educational system
adivasis, prosper without this process? Can through his report on teacher education.
u raghunathan India become an economic superpower Justice Verma was the chairman of the
s lesline corera without this process? The answer is, No. high-powered commission appointed in
suneethi nair
The alternative is to give up this whole May 2012 by the Supreme Court on teacher
Gauraang Pradhan Manager pursuit of prosperity. There are, after all, education. The commission submitted its
B S Sharma limits to growth. Gandhiji knew this, but report Vision of Teacher Education in
Advertisement Manager our present-day leaders appear ignorant. India: Quality and Regulatory Perspec-
Kamal G Fanibanda Finally, even if the pursuit of prosper- tive in August 2012. The report recognised
General Manager & Publisher ity is given up, unbridled population the absence of an institutional mecha-
K Vijayakumar
growth will continue to cause conflict nism in the National Council for Teacher
editorial and violence. Paul Ehrlich said long ago, Education (NCTE) to review norms and
Circulation addressing political activists of the left, standards of teacher education institutions
Whatever your cause, it is a lost cause in a continuous and systematic way. The
Advertising unless we control population. commission recommended that the NCTE
Economic and Political Weekly Saral Sarkar should develop comprehensive guidelines
320-321, A to Z Industrial Estate Kln, Germany for innovative teacher education program-
Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel
Mumbai 400 013 mes as well as a teacher education, assess-
Phone: (022) 4063 8282 II ment and accreditation centre. J S Verma
FAX: (022) 2493 4515
has left us a worthwhile legacy.
EPW Research Foundation
EPW Research Foundation, established in 1993, conducts
research on financial and macro-economic issues in India.
I do not subscribe to the views ex-
pressed in the editorial, Violence of
the Oppressed (EPW, 8 June 2013). Your
Vargheese K A
Azim Premji University
k kanagasabapathy editorial supports Maoist violence, which
C 212, Akurli Industrial Estate is wrong. Every day police atrocities take Attacking INSAF
Kandivali (East), Mumbai 400 101
Phones: (022) 2887 3038/41 place but hapless citizens do not resort
to violence. Similar is the case with vic-
W e the undersigned are shocked
Fax: (022) 2887 3038
tims of judicial excesses or corruption, and dismayed at the Government
Printed by K Vijayakumar at Modern Arts and Industries,
151, A-Z Industrial Estate, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg,
who may have no voice, and yet do not of Indias action against Indian Social
Lower Parel, Mumbai-400 013 and resort to violence. Action Forum (INSAF), a national coali-
published by him on behalf of Sameeksha Trust
from 320-321, A-Z Industrial Estate,
The Maoists attack bridges, railway tion of 700 peoples movements, social
Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai-400 013. stations, hospitals and other public action groups and progressive intellec-
Editor: C Rammanohar Reddy.
institutions. This goes against their claim tuals with an active presence in 15 states
4 june 15, 2013 vol xlviII no 24 EPW Economic & Political Weekly
of India. According to a communication democratic process and dismantle consti- his dingy office in central Calcutta to
from the home ministry dated 30 April tutional guarantees of rights and freedoms find books they needed.
2013, the INSAF bank account has been under the pretence of national security Subarnarekha published some quality
frozen because its activities are prejudi- and national interest. We stand with books, both in Bengali and English.
cial to the public interest. INSAF in asserting the constitutional right These include facsimile editions of
Over the last few years, INSAF has es- of every citizen of India to participate in Upendrakishore and Sukumar Roys classic
tablished its identity as a platform where governance, which includes the right to books, Somnath Hores Tebhager Diary,
independent and autonomous secular question, challenge and oppose the poli- Radharaman Mitras Kalikata Darpan,
and democratic groups can come togeth- cies of the state through peaceful, non- the autobiography of the great theatre
er in pursuit of their common aims of violent and democratic means. personality Binodini, Amar Katha, and
protecting democracy, resisting iniqui- Harsh Mander, L Ramdas, John Dayal, Arun Nags edited 19th century text, Sa-
tous forms of globalisation and combat- Vasanth Kannabiran, S P Udaykumar, teek Hutom Pyanchar Naksha. Sumanta
ing communalism. INSAF members have Dayamani Barla, Bezwada Wilson, Farah Banerjees book, In the Wake of Naxal-
Naqvi, Ashish Kothari, and 340 others.
been in the forefront of democratic pro- bari, and essays in honour of Samar Sen
tests against religious fundamentalism bearing the title, The Truth Unites, were
and communal violence. Indranath Majumder also published by Subarnarekha.
INSAF has made important interven- Indranath Majumder led a bohemian
tions in public debates on issues of
national concern including land grabs by
Indian companies in Africa, violations of
I n the early 1980s, I found an early
Routledge edition of Maurice Dobbs
Russian Economic Development since the
life. In his younger days, he used to visit
Khalasitola, a famous pub in Calcutta,
for consuming indigenous liquor. He
technical and statutory norms in respect Revolution in a rare book stall at the Cal- came to know literary giants in Bengal
of mining, deforestation and nuclear cutta Book Fair. The owner knew my in the addas at Khalasitola. His list of
energy generation projects, in the deploy- face. He wanted Rs 20 for the book. Un- friends included Kamalkumar Majum-
ment of black laws such as Armed Forces employed, I was not in a position to pay der, Sunil Gangopadhyay and Shakti
(Special Powers) Act against human rights that amount. After knowing that, the Chattopadhyay. Majumders bohemian-
defenders and with respect to state vio- owner told me to pay whatever I could; I ism was not a mismatch with his passion
lence against dalits, adivasis and minority bought the book for Rs 10. After a few for books and his trade. He often gifted
religious groups. days, I visited the same stall. The owner rare books to his book-lover friends.
Recently, INSAF has petitioned the requested me to exchange the book for Later in his life, Majumder opened a
Supreme Court to knock down the new an Indian reprint so that he could sell branch of Subarnarekha at Rabindranath
Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act the foreign edition to a wealthy customer Tagores Santiniketan. The bookshop is
(FCRA) rules that give the government for the higher price. I disagreed and he adjacent to the Visva Bharati University
unchecked powers to throttle the activi- laughed. He was Indranath Majumder. campus. Indranath Majumder died this
ties of organisations working for public Majumder was born in the Khulna dis- year on the birth anniversary of Tagore.
causes by branding them political and trict of Bangladesh in 1933. He came to Immediately after his death, Visva Bharati
blocking their access to foreign funds. West Bengal in the early 1950s. University has served legal notice on
The INSAF petition highlights the dra- Majumder had the experience of par- Subarnarekha to vacate this place. This
conian nature of Rule 3(vi) which debars ticipating in the library movement in symbolises death of a rare tradition.
non-governmental organisations from West Bengal as an ordinary member and Arup Kumar Sen
political actions. Under these rules, the he visited villages in the 1950s. On the Kolkata
government arrogates to itself the power advice of some well-wishers, he started a
to take action against any group that ha- small book-selling and publishing con- Corrigendum
bitually indulges in bandhs, hartals, rasta cern, Subarnarekha, in the 1960s. Ini- The article Indias Dream Run, 2003-08:
roko, rail roko, or jail bharo. All of these tially, he specialised in old and rare Understanding the Boom and Its Aftermath
are non-violent and democratic forms of books on Indology. He had a gut knowl- by R Nagaraj, published on 18 May 2013,
contained some errors. These have been cor-
protest and assertion that emerged from edge of both books and buyers. He often
rected and the correct version has been placed
our freedom struggle and are now recog- collected specific books for specific buy- on the EPW website. A misalignment of the
nised around the world as legitimate ers; Indian and foreign scholars visited columns in Table 1 has also been corrected.
forms of protest.
Ironically, action has been taken us- Web Exclusives
ing powers under Section 13 of the new The following articles have been uploaded in the past week in the Web Exclusives section of
FCRA rules against the only organi- the EPW website. They have not been published in the print edition.
sation challenging the home ministry Read them at
about it! (1) The Voice of Jharkhand Moushumi Basu
(2) The Geopolitical War: Syrias Descent into Turmoil Stanly Johny
The action against INSAF is yet another
Articles posted before 8 June 2013 remain available in the Web Exclusives section.
attempt by the state to undermine the
Economic & Political Weekly EPW june 15, 2013 vol xlviII no 24 5
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6 june 15, 2013 vol xlviII no 24 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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