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AFOR After Fire Operation Report ICP Incident Command Post

AFP Armed Forces of the Philippines ICS Incident Command System
AIR After Inspection Report IED Improvised Explosive Device
ALS Advanced Life Support IFSTA International Fire Service Training Association
ALS Arson Laboratory Section IID Intelligence and Investigation Division
AO Abatement Order IMT Incident Management Team
API American Petroleum Institute INSARAG International Search and Rescue Advisory
ATC Anti-Terrorism Council Group
BACO Breathing Apparatus Control Offices IO Inspection Order
BFP Bureau of Fire Protection IRR Implementing Rules and Regulations
BLEVE Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion LDRRMO Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
BOSS Business One-Stop Shop Office
C/MFM City/Municipal Fire Marshal MARINA Maritime Industry Authority
CAAP Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines MCI Mass Casualty Incidents
CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear MFM Municipal Fire Marshal
CBRNE Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear MGB Mines and Geosciences Bureau
Explosives MIIU Municipal Investigation and Intelligence Unit
CET Composite Evaluation Team MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
CFM City Fire Marshal NAMRIA National Mapping Resource Information
CIIS City Intelligence and Investigation Section Authority
CISD Critical Incident Stress Debriefing NBI National Bureau of Investigation
CISM Critical Incident Stress Management NDRRMP National Disaster Risk Reduction and
COMMEL Communications and Electronics Center Management Plan
CRO Customer Relations Officer NFPA National Fire Protection Association
CSSR Collapse Structure Search and Rescue NOD Notice of Disapproval
DANA Damage Assessment and Need Analysis NHQ National Headquarters
DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources NTC Notice to Comply
DRT Disaster Response Team NTCV Notice to Correct Violations
DOH Department of Health OBO Office of the Building Official
ECC Evidence Chain of Custody OP Occupancy Permit
ECRR Evidence Collection and Recovery Record OPS Order of Payment Slip
EMS Emergency Medical Services OR Official Receipts
EOC Emergency Operation Center OSOCC On Site Operational Coordination Center
EOD Explosive Ordinance Demolition P/DFM Provincial/District Fire Marshal
EOD Explosive Ordinance Disposal PCR Patient Care Report
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival PEC Philippine Electrical Code
ERG Emergency Response Guide PEZA Philippine Economic Zone Authority
FAI Fire Arson Investigator PFP Personal Floatation Device
FALAR Fire and Life Safety Assessment Report PIC Post Incident Critique
FCC Fire Clearance Certificate PIIB Provincial Intelligence and Investigation Branch
FEMA Fire Emergency Management Agency PNP Philippine National Police
FI Fire Investigation PNP-SOCO Philippine National Police Scene of the
FIR Final Investigation Report Crime Operatives
FIRF Fire Investigation Response Form PNRI Philippines Nuclear Research Institute
FSC Fire Safety Checklist PPE Personal Protective Equipment
FSEC Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance PPV Positive Pressure Ventilation
FSES Fire Safety Enforcement Section PRCP Property Recovery and Clearing Permit
FSI Fire Safety Inspector PSME Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers
FSIC Fire Safety Inspection Certificate RD Regional Director
FSIR Fire Safety Inspection Report RDC Reception Departure Center
FSTC Fire Safety Technical Committee RIIB Regional Intelligence and Investigation Branch
GOA General Office Attire RFS Release of Fire Scene
HAZMAT Hazardous Material RRD Radiological Dispersal Device
HHQ Higher Headquarters SAR Search and Rescue
HRP Highest Ranking Personnel SCBA Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
IAP Incident Action Plan SIR Spot Investigation Report
SITREP Situational Report Protection Plan/s such as but not limited to
SRR Search, Rescue and Retrieval Automatic Fire Suppression System (AFSS), Fire
SRU Special Rescue Unit Detection, Alarm, and Communication System (FDAS),
UNDAC United Nations Disaster Assessment and Kitchenhood Suppression System (KHSS), and
Coordination Centralized LPG Plan
USAR Urban Search and Rescue c. 1 Set of Bill of Materials and Labor
2. The Customer Relations Officer (CRO) checks the
FIRE SAFETY ENFORCEMENT completeness of the abovementioned documentary
1.1 BUILDING PLAN REVIEW requirements and forwards the same to the assessor for
the assessment of the fire code construction tax. Refer to
POLICY: Rule 9 of the IRR of RA 9514 mandates the
Rule 12 of the IRR of RA 9514 for the computation of fire
conduct of building plan evaluation and the issuance of Fire
code taxes.
Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC) as a pre-requisite for
3. The assessor computes the fees and issues the Order of
the grant of Building Permit by the Office of the Building
Payment Slip (OPS) to the applicant.
Official (OBO) having jurisdiction.
4. The applicant pays the required Fire Code Fee/s to the
PURPOSE: Ensure that designs, plans, and specification of
BFP Collecting Officer.
all buildings to be constructed are Fire Code compliant and
5. The Collecting Officer issues the corresponding Official
that the FSEC is issued in accordance with the Fire Code
Receipt (OR) to the applicant.
and BFP Citizens Charter.
6. The applicant presents the OR to the CRO for issuance
of claim stub.
Before a building is constructed, its design must be
7. The CRO endorses to the Chief, FSES the application
compliant with the fire safety requirements of RA 9514.
form together with all the submitted documents.
Construction of new buildings, structures or facilities or
8. The Chief, FSES immediately assigns a Building Plan
modification/renovation/alteration thereof requires FSEC.
Evaluator to conduct evaluation and review.
SCOPE: This covers the procedure in the issuance of Fire
Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC) as a pre-requisite for
9. The plan evaluator evaluates the submitted plans and
the grant of Building Permit by the Office of the Building
specifications, accomplishes the standard Fire Safety
Official (OBO) having jurisdiction.
Checklist (FSC) on Building Plans, and prepares either the
FSEC or Notice of Disapproval (NOD).
The Customer Relations Officer (CRO) receives
10. The Chief, FSES reviews the findings of the plan
evaluator and recommends to the City/Municipal Fire
Assessor assesses the required fire code fees.
Marshal the proper disposition of the application.
Collecting Officer receives payment and issues Official
11. The City/Municipal Fire Marshal (C/MFM) either
approves or disapproves the evaluated plans with the FSC
Building Plan Evaluator evaluates the submitted building
and issues either FSEC, in case of approval or NOD in case
of disapproval; and returns back to the CRO for its release.
Chief, Fire Safety Enforcement Section (FSES) assigns
building plan evaluator; reviews findings and recommends to
12. The CRO records the FSEC Control Number and its
the City Fire Marshal.
date of issuance.
City / Municipal Fire Marshal (C/MFM) issues Fire Safety
13. The CRO releases to the applicant the evaluated plan
Evaluation Clearance (FSEC) / Notice of Disapproval (NOD).
together with the FSC, and the FSEC or NOD upon
presentation of the claim stub.
Building Plan Evaluation is an activity by the Bureau of Fire
Protection wherein a building plan is reviewed by its Building
Evaluated building plans are or become Fire Code compliant,
Plan Evaluators to determine whether the same complies
and the corresponding FSEC are duly issued.
with the requirements of RA 9514 and its IRR. This likewise
covers the issuance of FSEC as a pre-requisite for the
Standard, Law or Regulation
issuance of Building Permit by the Building Official.
Rule 9 (Enforcement and Administration of Fire Safety
Measures), Division 1-3 of the Implementing Rules and
Regulations (IRR) of RA 9514 (Fire Code of the Philippines
of 2008)
1. The applicant secures and accomplishes the application
Other Procedures, Documents, etc.
form and submits the same to the Customer Relations
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Officer(CRO) together with the following documentary
PD 1096 (National Building Code)
PSME (Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers) Code
a. Endorsement from the Building Official
PEC (Philippine Electrical Code)
b. 6 complete sets of Building Plans including Fire
RA 9292 (Philippine Electronics Code) and other related 1. The Plan Evaluator, upon receipt of plans and
International Codes on Fire Safety specifications, determines whether an on-site inspection is
required and if required, prepares the Inspection Order
FORMS/RECORDS: Record/Form/ User/Receiver (IO).
Activity Name 2. The Plan Evaluator then presents the prepared IO
Required by Application Form (CRO) Customers together with the plans to the Chief, Fire Safety
the process/ Relations Officer Enforcement Section (FSES) for evaluation and signature
procedure Order of Payment Assessor of the IO.
Slip (OPS) 3. The Chief, FSES forwards the IO, together with the
Official Receipt (OR) Collecting Officer plans, to the City / Municipal Fire Marshal (C/MFM) for
Fire Safety Checklist (BPE) Building his/her approval.
(FSC) on Building Plans Plan Evaluator ACTUAL / DURING
Fire Safety Evaluation BPE 4. The Plan evaluator proceeds to the site and requests
Clearance (FSEC) acknowledgment of the IO from any responsible person in
Other Forms Evaluated Building Plans BPE or CRO the building, structure or facility.
or Records Database / Logbook 5. The Plan Evaluator conducts an ocular inspection of the
FSEC Database / Logbook
6. The Plan Evaluator prepares an After Inspection Report
POLICY: Rule 9 of the IRR of RA 9514 provides the
within twenty-four (24) hours after receipt of the IO as
procedure in the conduct of an on-site inspection during
basis for
pre-construction phase prior to the issuance of Fire Safety
his/her evaluation of the submitted plans and
Evaluation Clearance (FSEC).
PURPOSE: Ensure that fire safety features indicated in
EFFECTIVENESS CRITERIA: Evaluated building plans are
the plans submitted can be implemented in the building to
or become Fire Code compliant, and
be constructed.
the corresponding FSECs are duly issued.
This covers the procedure in the conduct of an on-site
Standard, Law or Regulation: Rule 9 (Enforcement and
inspection during pre-construction phase prior to the
Administration of Fire Safety Measures) of the IRR of RA
issuance of Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC) by the
local fire stations nationwide.
Other Procedures, Documents, etc.
SCOPE: The following are instances where an on-site
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
inspection is required prior to the issuance of FSEC:
PD 1096 (National Building Code)
1. In existing buildings, where there is a need to verify
PSME (Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers) Code
whether the existing means of egress or other fire safety
PEC (Philippine Electrical Code)
components of a building will be affected by the application
RA 9292 (Philippine Electronics Code)
for renovation, alteration, modification, or repair.
Other related International Codes on Fire Safety
2. For new buildings, where there is a need to determine
the orientation of the building, facilities or structure and
FORMS/RECORDS: Record/Form/ User/Receiver
their premises to be erected whether the proposed means
Activity Name
of egress terminates directly to a public way, location of
Required by Inspection Order (IO) BPE
the nearest hydrants, positioning and maneuvering of fire
the process/ After Inspection Report (AIR) BPE
trucks within the six-meter radius, conspicuous location of
fire department connection, wet & dry standpipes, and
Other Forms Inspection Order (IO) Chief, FSES
other fire protection equipment.
or Records Database /Logbook
The Fire Safety Inspection during Pre - Construction Phase
must be conducted during the 3 - day period for issuance of
RESPONSIBILITIES: Building Plan Evaluator conducts an
POLICY: Rule 9 of the IRR of RA 9514 mandates the
on-site inspection.
conduct of fire
safety inspection during construction, renovation,
Pre-construction Phase refers to the stage where a
modification, or
proposed building to be constructed is applying for a
alteration of buildings, structures or facilities.
building permit and construction is yet to start.
PURPOSE: Ensure implementation of Fire Code compliant
building plans
and specifications during construction, modification, any duly authorized representative.
renovation, POST / AFTER
alteration of the building, facility and structure. 6. Within three (3) days upon receipt of the IO, a copy of
Ensure that fire safety measures are in place during the AIR
construction is submitted to the Chief, FSES.
/ modification / renovation / alteration of the building, 7. The Chief, FSES evaluates the submitted AIR and, in
facility and case
structure. of violations / deficiencies, prepares the written notice
BASIC CONCEPTS, PRINCIPLES AND GUIDEPOSTS: addressed to the owner/project manager/contractor or any
Construction, renovation, modification, or alteration of duly authorized representative of the noted deficiencies or
buildings, violations in the construction.
structures or facilities shall conform to the approved plans 8. The C/MFM signs the notice and forwards the same to
and the
specifications and the required fire safety construction are Plan Evaluator for service of notice.
in 9. The Plan Evaluator serves the original copy of the notice
place. to owner/project manager/contractor or any duly
SCOPE: This covers the procedure in the conduct of on- authorized
site inspection representative and another copy to the Office of the
during construction phase of buildings, structures or Building
facilities to Official.
be observed by local fire stations. EFFECTIVENESS CRITERIA:
RESPONSIBILITIES: Inspected buildings, structures or facilities under
City / Municipal Fire Marshal (C/MFM) approves and construction are
issues Fire Code compliant.
Inspection Order (IO). Fire safety measures are in place during construction.
Chief, Fire Safety Enforcement Section (FSES) REFERENCES:
recommends Standard, Law or Regulation
the issuance of IO. Section, Rule 9 of
Building Plan Evaluator / Fire Safety Inspector (FSI) the Implementing Rules and
conducts Regulations (IRR) of RA 9514
an ocular inspection during the construction phase. (Fire Code of the Philippines
Construction Phase refers to the stage where a building is Other Procedures,
being Documents, etc.
erected or constructed. National Fire Protection
PRE / BEFORE PD 1096 (National Building
1. On the basis of the issued Fire Safety Checklist (FSC) Code)
on SME (Philippine Society of
the building plan, the Plan Evaluator prepares an Inspection Mechanical Engineers) Code
Order (IO) and forwards to the Chief, FSES for his PEC (Philippine Electrical
signature. Code)
2. The Chief, FSES countersigns the IO and forwards the RA 9292 (Philippine
same Electronics Code)
to the City/Municipal Fire Marshal (C/MFM) for approval. And other related International
3. The City/Municipal Fire Marshal (C/MFM) signs the IO. Codes on Fire Safety
4. The Plan evaluator proceeds to the site and requests FORMS/RECORDS: Record/Form/ User/Receiver
acknowledgment of the IO from any responsible person in Activity Name
the building, structure or facility. Required by Inspection Order (IO) BPE
5. The Plan Evaluator conducts inspection during the process/ After Inspection Report (AIR) BPE
construction, procedure Fire Safety Checklist on BPE
renovation, modification or alteration and prepares the AIR Bldg. Plan
in Other Forms Inspection Order (IO) Chief, FSES
duplicate copies immediately after the inspection or Records Database /Logbook
leaving a copy for the owner/project manager/contractor or
POLICY: Sections 5 and 7 of RA 9514 mandate that no PRE / BEFORE
occupancy permit, 1. The applicant secures, accomplishes the application form
business or permit to operate shall be issued without and
securing a submits the same to the Customer Relations Officer (CRO)
Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC). Likewise, Rule 9 together with the following documentary requirements:
of the a. Endorsement from the Building Official for the
IRR of RA 9514 mandates the conduct of fire safety application
inspection of FSIC for Occupancy accompanied by a Certificate of
after the completion of construction. Completion
PURPOSE: Ensure that newly b. Photocopy of Building Permit
constructed/modified/renovated/altered c. Assessment of Occupancy Permit Fee
building, structures or facilities are fully compliant with the d. Copy of the approved Building Plan
Fire e. Copy of the Fire Safety Checklist
Code before issuance of FSIC for Occupancy within the f. Copy of the Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance
prescribed 2. The CRO checks the completeness of the
period in the BFP Citizens Charter. abovementioned
BASIC CONCEPTS, PRINCIPLES AND GUIDEPOSTS: documentary requirements and forwards the same to the
Newly constructed building, structures or facilities shall be assessor for the assessment of the balance amount in the
fully fire code construction tax, if any, fire safety inspection
compliant to the fire safety requirements of RA 9514. fee,
SCOPE: This covers the procedure in the issuance of Fire and other applicable fire code fees.
Safety Inspection 3. The assessor then issues the Order of Payment Slip
Certificate (FSIC) for Occupancy as a pre-requisite for the (OPS)
grant to the applicant.
of Occupancy Permit by the Office of the Building Official 4. The applicant pays the required Fire Code Fee to the
having jurisdiction.Construction of new buildings, structures Collecting Officer.
or 5. The Collecting Officer issues the corresponding Official
facilities or modification/renovation/alteration thereof Receipt (OR) to the applicant.
requires 6. The applicant presents the OR to the CRO for issuance
FSIC before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the of
Building claim stub.
Official. 7. The CRO endorses to the Chief, FSES the application
The Customer Relations Officer (CRO) receives together with all the submitted documents.
application. 8. The Chief, FSES assigns a designated Fire Safety
Assessor assesses the required fire code fees. Inspector
Collecting Officer receives payment and issues Official and immediately prepares an Inspection Order (IO) and
Receipts countersigns the same.
(OR). 9. The prepared IO together with all the supporting
Chief, Fire Safety Enforcement Section (FSES) assigns documents
Fire shall be forwarded to the Office of the City / Municipal
Safety Inspector (FSI), reviews and evaluates After Fire
Inspection Marshal for its approval and signature.
Report (AIR), and recommends findings to the City Fire ACTUAL / DURING
Marshal. 10. The FSI proceeds to the establishment and requests
Fire Safety Inspector (FSI) conducts ocular inspection. acknowledgment of the IO from any responsible person in
City / Municipal Fire Marshal (C/MFM) issues Fire Safety the building, structure or facility.
Inspection Certificate (FSIC) for Occupancy / Notice of 11. The FSI proceeds with the fire safety inspection and
Disapproval immediately prepares an After Inspection Report (AIR), a
(NOD). copy of which is given to the establishment / building owner,
DEFINITIONS: occupant, or any duly authorized representative before
Post-Construction Phase refers to the stage where a leaving the premises.
building 12. The FSI submits a copy of the AIR to the Chief, FSES
under construction has been completed and is ready for within
three (3) days upon receipt of the IO. BASIC CONCEPTS, PRINCIPLES AND
13. The Chief, FSES evaluates the submitted AIR and GUIDEPOSTS:FSIC for Business Permit should be issued
prepares within five (5) working
either the FSIC or NOD. days from filing/acceptance of FSIC application.
14. The Chief, FSES signs the AIR and the FSIC or NOD SCOPE: This covers the procedure in the conduct of fire
and safety inspection
forwards the same to the C/MFM for proper disposition and necessary in the issuance of Fire Safety Inspection
final action on the application. Certificate
15. The C/MFM signs the AIR and FSIC or NOD and (FSIC) as a pre-requisite for the issuance of Business or
forwards Mayors Permit, Permit to Operate, PHILHEALTH
the same to the CRO or releasing clerk. Accreditation
POST / AFTER for Hospitals, DOH License to Operate, and other Permits
16. The CRO records the FSIC Control Number and its and
date licenses being issued by other government agencies valid for
of issuance and releases the same to the applicant upon one
presentation of the claim stub. In case of disapproval, a (1) year from the date of issuance unless revoked /
copy cancelled.
of the NOD is furnished to the Office of the Building RESPONSIBILITIES:
Official. The Customer Relations Officer (CRO) receives
EFFECTIVENESS CRITERIA: Newly constructed/ application.
modified/ renovated/ altered building, Assessor assesses the required fire code fees.
structures or facilities are fully compliant with the Fire Collecting Officer receives payment and issues Official
Code. Receipts
FSIC for Occupancy is duly issued to fully compliant (OR).
buildings. Chief, Fire Safety Enforcement Section (FSES) assigns
Standard, Law or Regulation: Section (Inspection Safety Inspector (FSI), reviews and evaluates After
After Completion of Inspection
Construction), Rule 9 of the Report (AIR), and recommends findings to the City /
Implementing Rules and Municipal
Regulations (IRR) of RA 9514 Fire Marshal.
Other Procedures, Documents, etc.: same Fire Safety Inspector (FSI) conducts ocular fire safety
FORMS/RECORDS: Record/Form/ User/Receiver City / Municipal Fire Marshal (C/MFM) - issues Fire Safety
Activity Name Inspection Certificate (FSIC) for Occupancy/ Notice to
Required by Application form Applicant Comply
the process/ OPS Assessor (NTC).
procedure OR Collecting Officer
IO Fire Safety Inspector GENERAL PROCEDURES:
FSIC for Occupancy FSI C/MFM 1. The applicant secures and accomplishes the application
Other Forms IO Database/Logbook Chief, FSES form
or Records FSIc Database/Logbook CRO and submits the same to the Customer Relations Officer
(CRO) together with the following documentary
POLICY: Sections 5 and 7 of RA 9514 mandate that no a. Photocopy of Application for Business Permit
occupancy permit, b. Tax Bill/Assessment
business or permit to operate shall be issued without c. FSIC for Occupancy (if required)
securing a d. Fire insurance policy, if any.
Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) from the Chief, 2. The Customer Relations Officer (CRO) checks the
BFP or completeness of the abovementioned documentary
his duly authorized representative. requirements and forwards the same to the assessor for
PURPOSE: Ensure that business establishments are fully the
compliant with the assessment of the applicable fire code fees.
Fire Code before issuance of FSIC for Business Permit 3. The assessor then issues the Order of Payment Slip
(New) (OPS)
within the prescribed period in the BFP Citizens Charter. to the applicant.
4. The applicant pays the required Fire Code Fee to the EFFECTIVENESS CRITERIA: All business establishments
BFP are fully compliant with the Fire Code.
Collecting Officer. FSIC for Business Permit is duly issued to fully compliant
5. The Collecting Officer issues the corresponding Official business
Receipt (OR) to the applicant. establishments.
6. The applicant presents the OR to the CRO for issuance
of FORMS/RECORDS: Record/Form/ User/Receiver
claim stub. Activity Name
7. The CRO endorses to the Chief, FSES the application Required by Application form Applicant
form the process/ OPS Assessor
together with all the submitted documents. procedure OR Collecting Officer
8. The Chief, FSES assigns a Fire Safety Inspector and IO Fire Safety Inspector
immediately prepares an Inspection Order (IO) and AIR Chief, FSES
countersigns the same. FSIC for Occupancy C/MFM
9. The prepared IO together with all the supporting Other Forms IO Database/Logbook Chief, FSES
documents or Records FSIc Database/Logbook CRO
is forwarded to the Office of the City / Municipal Fire
for its approval and signature. RENEWAL OF
10. The FSI proceeds to the establishment and requests POLICY: Sections 5 and 7 of RA 9514 mandate that no
acknowledgment of the IO from any responsible person in occupancy permit,
the building, structure or facility. business or permit to operate shall be issued without
11. The FSI conducts the fire safety inspection and securing a
Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) from the Chief,
BFP or
prepares an After Inspection Report (AIR), a copy of which his duly authorized representative.
is PURPOSE: Ensure that all business establishments are
given to the establishment / building owner, occupant, or fully compliant with the
any Fire Code before issuance of FSIC for Business Permit
duly authorized representative before leaving the premises.
within the prescribed period in the BFP Citizens
POST / AFTER Charter.
12. The FSI submits a copy of the AIR to the Chief, FSES BASIC CONCEPTS, PRINCIPLES AND GUIDEPOSTS:
within FSIC for Business Permit should be issued within five (5)
three (3) days upon receipt of the IO. working
13. The Chief, FSES evaluates the submitted AIR and days from filing/acceptance of FSIC application.
SCOPE: This covers the procedure in the conduct of
prepares fire safety inspection
either the FSIC or Notice to Comply (NTC) or necessary in the renewal of Business Permits for the
recommendation issuance
for declaration as public nuisance, as the case maybe. of Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) as a pre-
14. The Chief, FSES signs the AIR and the FSIC or NTC or requisite for
the issuance of Business or Mayors Permit, Permit to
recommendation for declaration as public nuisance, as the Operate,
case maybe, and forwards the same to the C/MFM for PHILHEALTH Accreditation for Hospitals, DOH License to
proper Operate, and other Permits and licenses being issued
disposition. by other
15. The C/MFM signs the AIR and FSIC or NTC or government agencies valid for one (1) year from the
date of
issuance unless revoked / cancelled.
for declaration as public nuisance, as the case maybe and RESPONSIBILITIES:
forwards the same to the CRO or releasing clerk, for The Customer Relations Officer (CRO) receives
release application.
or submission to higher offices thru channel. Assessor assesses the required fire code fees.
Collecting Officer receives payment and issues Official
16. The CRO or releasing clerk records the FSIC Control
Number and its date of issuance and releases the same to (OR).
the applicant upon presentation of the claim stub. In case Chief, FSES (Fire Safety Enforcement Section) assigns
of Fire
notice to comply, a copy of the notice is furnished to the Safety Inspector (FSI), reviews and evaluates After
Report (AIR), and recommends findings to the City Fire
of the Business Permits and License Office. Marshal.
Fire Safety Inspector (FSI) conducts ocular fire safety 11. The FSI conducts the fire safety inspection and
inspection. immediately
City / Municipal Fire Marshal (C/MFM) issues Fire prepares an After Inspection Report (AIR), a copy of
Safety which is
Inspection Certificate (FSIC) for Occupancy / Notice to given to the establishment / building owner, occupant,
Comply or any
(NTC) / Notice to Correct Violations (NTCV). duly authorized representative before leaving the
PRE / BEFORE 12. The FSI submits a copy of the AIR to the Chief, FSES
1. The applicant secures, accomplishes the application within
form, three (3) days upon receipt of the IO.
and submits the same to the Customer Relations Officer POST / AFTER
(CRO) together with the following documentary 13. The Chief, FSES evaluates the submitted AIR and
requirements: prepares
a. Photocopy of Business Permit (previous year) either the FSIC or Notice to Comply or recommendation
b. Tax Bill/Assessment for
c. Latest FSIC, if any. declaration as public nuisance, as the case maybe.
d. Fire insurance policy, if any. 14. The Chief, FSES signs the AIR and the FSIC or NTC
2. The Customer Relations Officer (CRO) checks the or
completeness of the abovementioned documentary recommendation for declaration as public nuisance, as
requirements and forwards the same to the assessor for the
the assessment of the fire safety inspection fee and case maybe, and forwards the same to the C/MFM for
other proper
applicable fire code fees. disposition.
3. The assessor then issues the Order of Payment Slip 15. The C/MFM signs the AIR and FSIC or NTC or
(OPS) recommendation
to the applicant. for declaration as public nuisance, as the case maybe
4. The applicant pays the required Fire Code Fee to the and
BFP forwards the same to the CRO or releasing clerk, for
Collecting Officer (Applicant is no longer required to pay release
the or submission to higher offices thru channel.
Fire Code Fees if already paid during the Busines One 16. The CRO or releasing clerk records the FSIC Control
Stop Number and its date of issuance and releases the same
Shop (BOSS)). to
5. The Collecting Officer then issues the corresponding the applicant upon presentation of the claim stub. In
Official case of notice to comply, a copy of the notice shall be
Receipt (OR) to the applicant. furnished to the
6. The applicant presents the OR to the CRO for Office of the Business Permits and License Office.
issuance of EFFECTIVENESS CRITERIA: All business
claim stub. establishments are fully compliant with the Fire Code.
7. The CRO endorses to the Chief, FSES the application FSIC for Business Permit is duly issued to fully
form compliant business
together with all the submitted documents. establishments.
8. The Chief, FSES assigns a Fire Safety Inspector, FORMS/RECORDS: Record/Form/ User/Receiver
immediately Activity Name
prepares an Inspection Order (IO), and countersigns the
Required by Application form Applicant
9. The prepared IO together with all the supporting the process/ OPS Assessor
documents procedure OR Collecting Officer
is forwarded to the City / Municipal Fire Marshal for his / IO Fire Safety Inspector
her AIR Chief, FSES
approval and signature.
FSIC for Occupancy C/MFM
10. The FSI proceeds to the establishment and NTC/NTCV
requests Other Forms IO Database/Logbook Chief, FSES
acknowledgment of the IO from any responsible person or Records FSIc Database/Logbook CRO
the building, structure or facility.

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