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Minimal to Magic

Grade level 4th Grade

Lesson Title Minimal to Magic

Big Idea Individuality

National VA:Cr2.1.4
Standard VA:Re8.1.4

Lesson Through discussion and additional supportive activities students will

Objective demonstrate their understanding of proportion, abstraction, and form by utilizing
their observational drawing skills to create a self portrait in Chuck Closes
signature style.
Pre/Summative assessment: Plickers quiz.
I have set up a short, six question quiz pertaining to the key information students
should know by the end of our Chuck Close material. Each student gets a QR
code that has been assigned individually. I project a question onto the board, and
each student holds up the letter corresponding with the answer they think is
correct. Using the plickers app, I use my Ipad to scan the room to collect student
Formative assessment: Think-ink-pair-share exit slip

Reading They will also be evaluated based on the criteria of the attached K-5 rubric.
Student will be given a worksheet with a short passage about the artist. Students
will read this passage, and then answer the questions on the back.

Use of I will also have a volunteer read a passage from the book Chuck Close: Up Close
Plickers quiz
Ipad photograph & edit
Medium Seesaw reflection

Materials Drawing

12 x 17 Graphite Rulers
drawing pencils Crayons
fields We will be utilizing our mathematical skills to create the grid on the portraits.

Day 1
1. Pre-assessment (15 min)
2. PowerPoint & discussion (20 min)
3. Watch 4 min portion of Chuck Close: A Portrait in Progress (5 min)
4. Volunteers read section of Chuck Close Up Close book. (5 min)
Day 2:
1. Review Chuck Close with worksheet (reading strategy) (10 min)
2. Drawing with your feet activity & drawing with dominant vs. nondominant
hand (10 min)
3. Briefly go over proportion (5 min)
4. Watch short video about gridding (5 min)
5. Discuss gridding process/demo, and why Close uses it (10 min)
6. Practice pixelating process with an abstract drawing (15 min)
Day 3:
1. Quick review of proportion (2-3 min)
2. Draw from observation using mirror (30 min)
3. Quick demo on measuring out grid (2-3 min)
4. Draw grid on drawing (5 min)
5. Have friend photograph you in pose from drawing, edit into high contrast
photo, and airdrop image to MacBook (5-7 min)
6. Begin coloring if ready
7. Formative assessment (5 min)

How many eye What do you think

lengths across was the most
should a face difficult adaptation
be? to daily life Chuck
Close had to

Day 4:
1. Color drawing (50 min)
2. Clean up (5 min)

Day 5:
1. Summative assessment. Redo plickers quiz to measure growth in student
learning (10 min)
2. Finish coloring if necessary
3. Do reflection & upload to Seesaw

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