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School Rubric

4 3 2 1
-Most of the None of the
All aspects of -Some of the
aspects of the aspects of the
the artwork aspects of the
artwork were artwork were
were artwork were
considered. considered.
Craftsmanship + considered. considered.
Final product is Final product
Neatness Final product is Final product ____
mostly clean lacking
pristine with shows minor
with few evidence of
outstanding defects in
craftsmanship effort in
craftsmanship craftsmanship
flaws craftsmanship
Project was Project was
Project Project was
successfully successfully
somewhat begun, but
Execution, executed from executed from
successful in never finished.
Originality, start to finish start to finish,
execution with Displayed little
Uniqueness with a unique with some ____
very few to no unique
and original evidence of
unique aspects properties
approach copied material
Class time was
Class time was Class time was
Class time was not fully
used wisely, not used wisely,
used wisely, but
Time student was self student was
needed some student was
Management motivated, and highly off task
refocusing to often off task, ____
asked for help and not focused
stay on task and needed
when needed on artwork
Excellent Good Unsatisfactory
participation in
participation in participation in participation in
the discussion.
discussions. the discussion. the discussion.
Participation Somewhat
Engaged during Mostly engaged Completely ____
PowerPoint during the disengaged in
during the
PowerPoint the PowerPoint
All One
All More that one
requirements requirement
Requirements requirements requirement
are met and was not met ____
are met. was not met.
exceeded. completely
Total x 5 ____

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