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NAME: Cindy Wu



After you have re-read and annotated your column, fill in the document below thoroughly in
complete sentences. New directive: DO NOT DELETE THE QUESTIONS. ANSWER

1. How many words (total) is your column?

My column is 703 Words.
2. What is the topic of your column?
The topic of my column is the positive and negative impacts of modernization.
3. In third person, (that means you are not the author but a reader) delineate the thesis
of the of column by typing a precise first sentence of the precis (review the format
In the column Is Modernization a step forward or a step towards destruction (21 April,
2017), Cindy Wu addresses both the positive and negative impacts of modernization on
society and human race as a whole.

4. Who is your audience, and what in your column gives credence to your answer?

My audiences are average Americans and environmentalists. My assertions on

environment pollution, family relationship, and increase in food project give credence to
my answer.

5. What research did you do prior to and during the creation of your column?

I did research on suicide rate, environment pollution, endangered species, life expectancy,
and genetically modified crops.
6. Number and list AT LEAST five (5) rhetorical strategies you mimicked from your
1)Metaphor, 2)simile, 3)rhetorical question, 4) parallelism, 5) historical reference.

7. Number and list at least three (3) additional strategies you utilized in your column:
1) Idiom, 2)literary reference, 3) personification.

8. In a thorough paragraph, reflect on this entire columnist project process. What did
you learn? What were your challenges? What were your accomplishments? Did
any of your prior opinions change, etc., etc.

My analysis skills have definitely improved through the process of columnist project. I
learned to manipulate the authors voice to highlight my analysis and create websites. My
only challenge was writing the actual column, which involved critical thinking and research
skills. The columnist project overall is very beneficial in improving skills of detecting
rhetorical strategies and analyzing articles. I feel more confident in writing rhetorical
essays now. The project also served as a great tool in promoting my interests on social
issues around the world. I hope the project will continue next year.

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